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Update 'src/app/components/intersection-component/drawers/intersection-drawer.js'

Only special character removed in comment in:
"const intersectionOg1Og2 = og1.getIntersection(og2); // get [PA, PB], ..."
It was an acute symbol over the first "P"
leo hai 2 meses

+ 1 - 1

@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ export class IntersectionDrawer extends Drawer {
     // Really create the intersection: line-segment-model.js!getIntersectionByLine(.); getIntersectionWithCircumference(.)
     // app/components/: line-component/models/line-model.js; line-segment-component/models/line-segment-model.js; circumference-component/models/circumference-model.js
-    const intersectionOg1Og2 = og1.getIntersection(og2); // get [A, PB], but perhaps PA or PB is Point, NOT IntersectionPoint!
+    const intersectionOg1Og2 = og1.getIntersection(og2); // get [PA, PB], but perhaps PA or PB is Point, NOT IntersectionPoint!
     // app/components/intersection-component/services/intersection-service.js
     const intersectionPoints = intersectionService.addIntersections(intersectionOg1Og2, og1, og2);