settings.php 30 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. *
  4. * This PHP script is invoked by Moodle every time it enters at Admin section (./admin/search.php).
  5. * It provides a link to the iAssign general configurations area ('pluginname').
  6. *
  7. * Release Notes:
  8. * - v 2.0.1 2022/09/15
  9. * + Considering table 'iassign_ilm': messages to fields 'evaluate', 'reevaluate', 'editingbehavior'; fixes to allow the edition of 'reevaluate', 'editingbehavior'
  10. * - v 2.0.0 2022/02/22
  11. * + New option to see all activities of a given iLM (./mod/iassign/settings_activities.php?action=activities&ilm_id=38)
  12. * - v 1.9.3 2020/08/03
  13. * + Debug security added into "else if ($action == 'config')": if (!isset($ilm) || !$ilm) return;* - v 1.9.2 2020/02/15
  14. * + Fixed 2 problems inside 'if ($ilm_parent)': 1. Error: '+' -> '.'; 2. Changed 'if (is_object($ilm_parent)) if (is_object($ilm_parent->description))'
  15. * to '$current_language = current_language(); $description_obj = iassign_language::get_description_lang(...);... $str_description = $description_obj;'
  16. * - v 1.9.1 2017/12/02
  17. * + Indentation and comments improvements
  18. * - v 1.9 2013/12/12
  19. * + Allow use the language in iLM description.
  20. * - v 1.8 2013/10/31
  21. * + Insert support of export iLM in zip packages.
  22. * - v 1.7 2013/10/24
  23. * + Insert support of iLM upgrade.
  24. * - v 1.6 2013/09/11
  25. * + Insert support of iLM params.
  26. * - v 1.5 2013/08/01
  27. * + Fix bug for block change visibility in iLM wiht statement.
  28. * - v 1.4 2013/07/12
  29. * + Insert action config for accept versions of iLM.
  30. * + Insert new informations in iLMs table: created date, modified date, author, version, modified date of JAR.
  31. * + Now view separate only iLMs for filter versions.
  32. *
  33. * @author Patricia Alves Rodrigues
  34. * @author Leo^nidas de Oliveira Branda~o
  35. * @version v 1.9.1 2017/12/02
  36. * @package mod_iassign_settings
  37. * @since 2010/09/27
  38. * @copyright iMatica (<a href="http://www.matematica.br">iMath</a>) - Computer Science Dep. of IME-USP (Brazil)
  39. *
  40. * @calledby ./admin/search.php: every time enter 'search' Moodle class all plugin installed through its 'settings.php'
  41. * @calledby ./admin/search.php: when choose iAssign setting enter here again
  42. *
  43. * <b>License</b>
  44. * - http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
  45. */
  46. // Moodle core defines constant MOODLE_INTERNAL which shall be used to make sure that the script is included and not called directly.
  47. defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
  48. global $OUTPUT, $CFG, $DB;
  49. require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/iassign/lib.php');
  50. require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/iassign/locallib.php');
  51. if (!is_siteadmin()) { // ./lib/accesslib.php
  52. print "Access denied!<br/>";
  53. exit();
  54. }
  55. //$context = context_module::instance($USER->cm); // usado no: ilm_handlers/html5.php
  56. //USER.{context}.id=" . $context->id
  57. $action = optional_param('action', 'view', PARAM_TEXT);
  58. $ilm_id = optional_param('ilm_id', 0, PARAM_INT);
  59. $ilm_param_id = optional_param('ilm_param_id', 0, PARAM_INT);
  60. $ilm_id_parent = optional_param('ilm_id_parent', 0, PARAM_INT);
  61. $status = optional_param('status', 0, PARAM_INT);
  62. if (!$action && !$ilm_id) {
  63. return; // nothing to be done (it is the Admin entering at the initial administrative section)
  64. }
  65. if ($action == 'visible') {
  66. ilm_settings::visible_ilm($ilm_id, $status);
  67. $action = 'config';
  68. $ilm_id = $ilm_id_parent;
  69. }
  70. else
  71. if ($action == 'visible_param') {
  72. ilm_settings::visible_param($ilm_param_id, $status);
  73. $action = 'config';
  74. }
  75. else
  76. if ($action == 'export') {
  77. ilm_settings::export_ilm($ilm_id);
  78. $action = 'config';
  79. }
  80. $str = '';
  81. if (!file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/filter/iassign_filter/version.php')) {
  82. $str .= $OUTPUT->box_start();
  83. $str .= '<center>' . $OUTPUT->error_text(get_string('error_check_iassign_filter', 'iassign')) . '</center>';
  84. $str .= $OUTPUT->box_end();
  85. }
  86. if (!file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/iassign_block/version.php')) {
  87. $str .= $OUTPUT->box_start();
  88. $str .= '<center>' . $OUTPUT->error_text(get_string('error_check_iassign_block', 'iassign')) . '</center>';
  89. $str .= $OUTPUT->box_end();
  90. }
  91. if (!file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/editor/tinymce/plugins/iassign/version.php')) {
  92. $str .= $OUTPUT->box_start();
  93. $str .= '<center>' . $OUTPUT->error_text(get_string('error_check_iassign_tinymce', 'iassign')) . '</center>';
  94. $str .= $OUTPUT->box_end();
  95. }
  96. if ($action == 'view') { // in Admin interface after "click" over "Activities modules" of iAssign, reaches this point
  97. $url_add = new moodle_url('/mod/iassign/settings_ilm.php', array('action' => 'add'));
  98. $action_add = new popup_action('click', $url_add, 'popup', array('width' => 900, 'height' => 650));
  99. $link_add = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_add, get_string('add_ilm_iassign', 'iassign'), $action_add) . $OUTPUT->help_icon('add_ilm_iassign', 'iassign');
  100. //2022/02
  101. $url_activities = new moodle_url('/mod/iassign/settings_activities.php', array('action' => 'activities')); // examine the data base of all iLM activities
  102. $action_activities = new popup_action('click', $url_activities, 'popup', array('width' => 900, 'height' => 650));
  103. $link_see_activities = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_activities, get_string('settings_see_activities', 'iassign'), $action_activities) . $OUTPUT->help_icon('settings_see_activities', 'iassign');
  104. //$link_see_activities = "";
  105. $url_import = new moodle_url('/mod/iassign/settings_ilm.php', array('action' => 'import'));
  106. $action_import = new popup_action('click', $url_import, 'popup', array('width' => 900, 'height' => 650));
  107. $link_import = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_import, get_string('import_ilm', 'iassign'), $action_import) . $OUTPUT->help_icon('import_ilm', 'iassign');
  108. // First list all iLM from type HTML, then the "applets"
  109. // $iassign_ilms = $DB->get_records('iassign_ilm', array('parent' => 0)); // id, version, parent, name
  110. // {iassign_ilm} : id name version type description url extension parent file_jar file_class width height enable timemodified author timecreated evaluate reevaluate editingbehavior submissionbehavior action_buttons
  111. $iassign_ilms = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT id,type,description,name,parent,url,version,extension,evaluate,reevaluate,editingbehavior,submissionbehavior FROM {iassign_ilm} WHERE parent=0 ORDER BY type");
  112. $str .= '<table id="outlinetable" class="generaltable boxaligncenter" cellpadding="5" width="100%">' . chr(13);
  113. $str .= '<tr><td colspan=2 align=left>' . $link_add . "</td>\n";
  114. $str .= "<td align=right></td>\n"; //2022/02
  115. $str .= '<td colspan=2 align=right>' . $link_import . "</td>\n";
  116. $str .= "</tr>\n";
  117. if ($iassign_ilms) {
  118. foreach ($iassign_ilms as $ilm) {
  119. //D echo " - iLM: id=" . $ilm->id . "; name=" . $ilm->name . "; extension=" . $ilm->extension . "<br/>\n";
  120. // ./mod/iassign/icon/icon_see_activities.gif
  121. $url_activities = new moodle_url('/mod/iassign/settings_activities.php', array('action' => 'activities', 'ilm_id' => $ilm->id)); // examine the data base of all iLM activities
  122. $link_activities = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_activities, iassign_icons::insertIT('icon_see_activities','see_ilm_activities','see_ilm_activities')); // locallib.php: class 'iassign_icons'
  123. $url_config = new moodle_url('/admin/settings.php', array('section' => 'modsettingiassign', 'action' => 'config', 'ilm_id' => $ilm->id));
  124. $link_config = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_config, iassign_icons::insertIT('gear_bw_small','config_ilm','config_ilm')); // put the "gear" icon (at right): config_ilm = "Manager the configuration of iLM"
  125. $ilm_count = 1;
  126. $ilm_version = 0; //R $iassign_ilm_list = $DB->get_records('iassign_ilm', array('parent' => $ilm->id)); //_ other sintax to get iLM
  127. $iassign_ilm_list = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT id, version FROM {iassign_ilm} WHERE parent = " . $ilm->id );
  128. if ($iassign_ilm_list) {
  129. foreach ($iassign_ilm_list as $ilm_parent) {
  130. $ilm_count++;
  131. if (floatval(preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '', $ilm_parent->version)) > $ilm_version) $ilm_version = floatval(preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '', $ilm_parent->version));
  132. }
  133. }
  134. $str_sql = "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM {iassign_statement} WHERE iassign_ilmid =" . $ilm->id;
  135. $iassign_count = $DB->count_records_sql($str_sql, null); // get the total of activities with this iLM
  136. // Count the number of iLM derived from '$ilm'
  137. //R $iassign_ilm_parent = $DB->get_records('iassign_ilm', array('parent' => $ilm->id)); //_ other sintax to get iLM
  138. $iassign_ilm_parent = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT id FROM {iassign_ilm} WHERE parent = " . $ilm->id);
  139. foreach ($iassign_ilm_parent as $ilm_parent) {
  140. //R $iassign_statement = $DB->get_records('iassign_statement', array('iassign_ilmid' => $ilm_parent->id)); //_ other sintax to get iLM
  141. //R if ($iassign_statement) { $iassign_count += count($iassign_statement); }
  142. $str_sql_parents = "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM {iassign_statement} WHERE iassign_ilmid =" . $ilm_parent->id;
  143. $iassign_count += $DB->count_records_sql($str_sql_parents, null);
  144. }
  145. //D echo " &nbsp; &nbsp; #atividade derivadas do iLM id=" . $ilm->id . " : " . $iassign_count . "<br/>\n";
  146. $link_upgrade = "";
  147. $upgrade_file = $ilm->url . 'ilm-upgrade_' . strtolower($ilm->name) . '.xml';
  148. if ($upgrade_xml = @simplexml_load_file($upgrade_file, null, LIBXML_NOCDATA)) {
  149. $upgrade_version = floatval(preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '', $upgrade_xml->version));
  150. if ($ilm_version < $upgrade_version) {
  151. $url_upgrade = new moodle_url('/admin/settings.php', array('section' => 'modsettingiassign', 'action' => 'confirm_upgrade', 'ilm_id' => $ilm->id));
  152. $link_upgrade = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_upgrade, iassign_icons::insert('upgrade_ilm', $upgrade_xml->version));
  153. }
  154. }
  155. // Get field '*_iassign_ilm.description' that has the JSON text format: "{"pt_br":"...","en":"..." ...}"
  156. // locallib.php: class iassign_language : get text from JSON {"en":"...","pt":"..."}
  157. $current_language = current_language();
  158. $description_obj = iassign_language::get_description_lang($current_language, $ilm->description); // gets a pure text description
  159. //D echo "----------<br/>";print_r($description_obj); echo "<br/>";
  160. //D Warning: 'get_description_lang(...)' avoid the error "Debug info: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string"
  161. if (is_object($description_obj)) // just in case (if some changes in Moodle/PHP 'json_decode(...)' function...
  162. $str_description = $description_obj->text;
  163. else
  164. $str_description = $description_obj;
  165. $str_info = 'type=' . $ilm->type . ', evaluate=' . $ilm->evaluate . ', reevaluate=' . $ilm->reevaluate . ', editingbehavior=' . $ilm->editingbehavior . ', submissionbehavior=' . $ilm->submissionbehavior;
  166. $str .= '<tr>';
  167. $str .= '<td class="header c1" width=70% title="fields: name, description"><strong title="' . $str_info . '">' . $ilm->name . ' (' . $ilm->version . ')<br/>' .
  168. $str_description . '</strong></td>' . chr(13);
  169. $str .= '<td class="header c1" width=10% ><strong>' . get_string('versions_ilm', 'iassign') . ':</strong>&nbsp;' . $ilm_count . '</td>' . chr(13);
  170. $str .= '<td class="header c1" width=10% ><strong>' . get_string('activities', 'iassign') . ':</strong>&nbsp;' . $iassign_count . '</td>' . chr(13);
  171. //$str .= '<td class="header c1" width=5% ><strong>' . get_string('see_activities', 'iassign') . ':</strong>&nbsp;' . $link_see_activities . '</td>' . chr(13);
  172. $str .= '<td class="header c1" width=5% align="center">' . $link_activities . '</td>' . chr(13);
  173. //$str .= "<td></td>\n"; //$link_see_activities = ""; //2022/02
  174. $str .= '<td class="header c1" width=5% align="center">' . $link_upgrade . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $link_config . '</td>' . chr(13); // valign=bottom
  175. $str .= '</tr>' . chr(13);
  176. } // foreach ($iassign_ilms as $ilm)
  177. } // if ($iassign_ilms)
  178. $str .= '</table>' . chr(13);
  179. // Print the iLM table
  180. $settings->add(new admin_setting_heading('iassign', get_string('config_ilm', 'iassign') . $OUTPUT->help_icon('modulename', 'iassign'), $str));
  181. } // if ($action == 'view')
  182. else if ($action == 'confirm_upgrade') {
  183. $ilm = $DB->get_record('iassign_ilm', array('id' => $ilm_id));
  184. $upgrade_file = $ilm->url . 'ilm-upgrade_' . strtolower($ilm->name) . '.xml';
  185. $upgrade_xml = @simplexml_load_file($upgrade_file, null, LIBXML_NOCDATA);
  186. $lang = current_language();
  187. if (array_key_exists($lang, $upgrade_xml->description))
  188. $description = $upgrade_xml->description->$lang;
  189. else
  190. $description = $upgrade_xml->description->en;
  191. $str .= '<table id="outlinetable" class="generaltable boxaligncenter" width="100%">' . chr(13);
  192. $str .= '<tr><td>' . $description;
  193. $str .= '</td></tr></table>';
  194. $optionsno = new moodle_url('/admin/settings.php', array('section' => 'modsettingiassign', 'action' => 'view'));
  195. $optionsyes = new moodle_url('/mod/iassign/settings_ilm.php', array('action' => 'upgrade', 'ilm_id' => $ilm_id));
  196. $str .= "<center>" . $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('confirm_upgrade_ilm', 'iassign'), 3, 'helptitle', 'uniqueid');
  197. $url_yes = new moodle_url('/mod/iassign/settings_ilm.php', array('action' => 'upgrade', 'ilm_id' => $ilm_id));
  198. $link_yes = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_yes, "<font color='green'><b>" . get_string('yes', 'iassign') . "</b></font>");
  199. $url_no = new moodle_url('/admin/settings.php', array('section' => 'modsettingiassign', 'action' => 'view'));
  200. $link_no = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_no, "<b>" . get_string('no', 'iassign') . "</b>");
  201. $str .= $link_no . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $link_yes . "</center>";
  202. $settings->add(new admin_setting_heading('iassign', get_string('upgrade_ilm_title', 'iassign'), $str));
  203. } // else if ($action == 'confirm_upgrade')
  204. else if ($action == 'config') { // Administration > plugins > iAssign : after "click" over the "gear" icon (at right of the iLM line) reaches this point
  205. //D echo "<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>settings.php: action==config: ilm_id=" . $ilm_id . "<br/>";
  206. $url_return = new moodle_url('/admin/settings.php', array('section' => 'modsettingiassign'));
  207. $link_return = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_return, get_string('return', 'iassign'));
  208. $url_new_version = new moodle_url('/mod/iassign/settings_ilm.php', array('action' => 'new_version', 'ilm_id' => $ilm_id));
  209. $action_new_version = new popup_action('click', $url_new_version, 'popup', array('width' => 900, 'height' => 650));
  210. $link_new_version = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_new_version, get_string('new_version_ilm', 'iassign'), $action_new_version);
  211. $str .= '<table id="outlinetable" class="generaltable boxaligncenter" cellpadding="5" width="100%">' . chr(13);
  212. $str .= '<tr><td colspan=2 align=left>' . $link_return . '</td><td colspan=1 align=right>' . $link_new_version . '</td></tr>' . chr(13);
  213. $ilm = $DB->get_record('iassign_ilm', array('id' => $ilm_id));
  214. if (!isset($ilm) || !$ilm) return; // debug security...
  215. // $sql_query = 'SELECT s.* FROM {iassign_ilm} s WHERE s.parent = :parent ORDER BY s.version DESC'; // must find ":parent" is $ilm->id
  216. $sql_query = 'SELECT s.* FROM {iassign_ilm} s WHERE s.parent = '. $ilm->id . ' ORDER BY s.version DESC'; // more efficient, one string replacement less
  217. $iassign_ilm_parent = $DB->get_records_sql($sql_query, array('parent' => $ilm->id));
  218. array_unshift($iassign_ilm_parent, $ilm);
  219. if ($iassign_ilm_parent) {
  220. //D echo "<br/><br/>iassign_ilm_parent: " . $sql_query . "<br/>"; $conta = 0; //hoje
  221. foreach ($iassign_ilm_parent as $ilm_parent) {
  222. //D echo $conta . ": ilm_parent="; print_r($ilm_parent); echo "<br/>\n"; $conta++; //hoje
  223. $url_default = new moodle_url('/mod/iassign/settings_ilm.php', array('action' => 'confirm_default_ilm', 'ilm_id' => $ilm_parent->id, 'ilm_parent' => $ilm->id));
  224. if (count($iassign_ilm_parent) == 1)
  225. $link_default = "";
  226. else if ($ilm_parent->parent == 0) {
  227. $link_default = iassign_icons::insert('default_ilm');
  228. $ilm_parent->enable = -1;
  229. }
  230. else
  231. $link_default = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_default, iassign_icons::insert('default_ilm_disabled'));
  232. //if ($ilm_parent->file_jar != $ilm_parent->id) {
  233. $url_view = new moodle_url('/mod/iassign/settings_ilm.php', array('action' => 'view', 'ilm_id' => $ilm_parent->id, 'from' => 'admin'));
  234. $action_view = new popup_action('click', $url_view, 'iplookup', array('title' => get_string('view_ilm', 'iassign'), 'width' => 1200, 'height' => 650));
  235. $link_view = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_view, iassign_icons::insert('view_ilm'), $action_view);
  236. // } else {
  237. //$link_view = '';
  238. // }
  239. $url_edit = new moodle_url('/mod/iassign/settings_ilm.php', array('action' => 'edit', 'ilm_id' => $ilm_parent->id));
  240. $action_edit = new popup_action('click', $url_edit, 'iplookup', array('title' => get_string('edit_ilm', 'iassign'), 'width' => 900, 'height' => 650));
  241. $link_edit = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_edit, iassign_icons::insert('edit_ilm'), $action_edit);
  242. $url_visible = new moodle_url('/admin/settings.php', array('section' => 'modsettingiassign', 'action' => 'visible', 'ilm_id' => $ilm_parent->id, 'status' => $ilm_parent->enable, 'ilm_id_parent' => $ilm->id));
  243. $iassign_statement = $DB->get_records('iassign_statement', array('iassign_ilmid' => $ilm_parent->id));
  244. $total = 0;
  245. if ($iassign_statement)
  246. $total = count($iassign_statement);
  247. if ($ilm_parent->enable == 0 && $total == 0) {
  248. $link_visible = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_visible, iassign_icons::insert('show_ilm'));
  249. }
  250. elseif ($ilm_parent->enable == 1 && $total == 0) {
  251. $link_visible = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_visible, iassign_icons::insert('hide_ilm'));
  252. }
  253. else {
  254. $link_visible = '&nbsp;' . iassign_icons::insert('unlock');
  255. }
  256. $url_copy = new moodle_url('/mod/iassign/settings_ilm.php', array('action' => 'copy', 'ilm_id' => $ilm_parent->id));
  257. $action_copy = new popup_action('click', $url_copy, 'iplookup', array('title' => get_string('copy_ilm', 'iassign'), 'width' => 900, 'height' => 650));
  258. $link_copy = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_copy, iassign_icons::insert('copy_ilm'), $action_copy);
  259. if ($total == 0 && ($ilm_parent->parent != 0 || count($iassign_ilm_parent) == 1) && !ilm_settings::applet_default($ilm_parent->file_jar)) {
  260. $url_delete = new moodle_url('/mod/iassign/settings_ilm.php', array('action' => 'confirm_delete_ilm', 'ilm_id' => $ilm_parent->id, 'ilm_parent' => $ilm->id));
  261. $link_delete = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_delete, iassign_icons::insert('delete_ilm'));
  262. }
  263. else if (ilm_settings::applet_default($ilm_parent->file_jar)) {
  264. $url_delete = new moodle_url('/mod/iassign/settings_ilm.php', array('action' => 'confirm_delete_ilm', 'ilm_id' => $ilm_parent->id, 'ilm_parent' => $ilm->id));
  265. $link_delete = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_delete, iassign_icons::insert('delete_ilm'));
  266. }
  267. else
  268. $link_delete = iassign_icons::insert('delete_ilm_disable');
  269. if (strtolower($ilm_parent->type) == 'html5') {
  270. $url_delete = new moodle_url('/mod/iassign/settings_ilm.php', array('action' => 'confirm_delete_ilm', 'ilm_id' => $ilm_parent->id, 'ilm_parent' => $ilm->id));
  271. $link_delete = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_delete, iassign_icons::insert('delete_ilm'));
  272. }
  273. $url_export = new moodle_url('/admin/settings.php', array('section' => 'modsettingiassign', 'action' => 'export', 'ilm_id' => $ilm_parent->id, 'ilm_id_parent' => $ilm->id));
  274. $link_export = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_export, iassign_icons::insert('export_ilm'));
  275. $str .= '<tr><td colspan=3>';
  276. $str .= '<table width="100%">';
  277. if (!empty($ilm_parent->url))
  278. $url_ilm = display_url_ilm($ilm_parent->url);
  279. else
  280. $url_ilm = $ilm_parent->url;
  281. if ($ilm_parent->file_jar == $ilm_parent->id) {
  282. $ilm_parent->file_jar = "";
  283. }
  284. $str .= '<tr>' . chr(13);
  285. $str .= '<td width="50%"><strong>' . get_string('version_ilm', 'iassign') . ':</strong>&nbsp;' . $ilm_parent->version . '</td>' . chr(13);
  286. $str .= '<td width="50%" align="right" valign=bottom>';
  287. $str .= $link_default . '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
  288. $str .= $link_edit . '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
  289. $str .= $link_copy . '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
  290. $str .= $link_visible . '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
  291. $str .= $link_view . '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
  292. $str .= $link_export . '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
  293. $str .= $link_delete;
  294. $str .= '</td>' . chr(13) . '</tr>' . chr(13);
  295. // ./mod/iassign/locallib.php : function get_description_lang(...)
  296. //D print_r($ilm_parent->description); echo "<br/>"; exit(); // {"en":"Visual Interactive Programming on the Internet HTML5","pt_br":"Programação visual interativa na Internet"}
  297. //D ilm_parent->description = {"en":{"text":"iVProgH: interactive Visual ProgrammingA free educational tool of LInE - IME - USP.","format":"1"}, "pt_br":"Programa\u00e7\u00e3o visual interativa na Internet"}
  298. $str .= '<tr>' . chr(13);
  299. $current_language = current_language();
  300. // locallib.php: class iassign_language : get text from JSON {"en":"...","pt":"..."}
  301. $str_description = "";
  302. if ($ilm_parent) {
  303. $current_language = current_language();
  304. $description_obj = iassign_language::get_description_lang($current_language, $ilm_parent->description); // gets a pure text description
  305. if (is_object($description_obj)) // just in case (if some changes in Moodle/PHP 'json_decode(...)' function...
  306. $str_description = $description_obj->text;
  307. else
  308. $str_description = $description_obj;
  309. }
  310. $str .= '<td width="50%"><strong>' . get_string('description', 'iassign') . ':</strong>&nbsp;' .
  311. $str_description . '</td>' . chr(13); // iassign_language::get_description_lang($current_language, $ilm_parent->description)
  312. $str .= '<td width="50%"><strong>' . get_string('activities', 'iassign') . ':</strong>&nbsp;' . $total . '</td>' . chr(13);
  313. $str .= '</tr>' . chr(13);
  314. $langs_str = iassign_language::get_all_lang($ilm_parent->description);
  315. $str .= '<tr>';
  316. if ($langs_str != "")
  317. $str .= '<td><strong>' . get_string('language_label', 'iassign') . ':</strong>&nbsp;' . $langs_str . '</td>' . chr(13);
  318. $str .= '<td><strong>' . get_string('type_ilm', 'iassign') . ':</strong>&nbsp;' . $ilm_parent->type . '</td>' . chr(13);
  319. $str .= '</tr>' . chr(13);
  320. if (strtolower($ilm_parent->type) == 'java') {
  321. $ilm_parent->file_jar = basename($ilm_parent->file_jar);
  322. }
  323. $str .= '<tr><td><strong>' . get_string('url_ilm', 'iassign') . ':</strong>&nbsp;<a href="' . $url_ilm . '" target="_blank">' . $url_ilm . '</a></td>';
  324. if ($ilm_parent->enable == 1 || $ilm_parent->enable == -1)
  325. $enable = get_string('yes', 'iassign');
  326. else
  327. $enable = get_string('no', 'iassign');
  328. $str .= '<td width="50%"><strong>' . get_string('enable', 'iassign') . ':</strong>&nbsp;' . $enable . '</td></tr>' . chr(13);
  329. $str .= '<tr><td width="50%" title="field: file_jar"><strong>' . get_string('file_jar', 'iassign') . ':</strong>&nbsp;' . $ilm_parent->file_jar . '</td>' . chr(13);
  330. $str .= '<td width="50%" title="field: file_class"><strong>' . get_string('file_class', 'iassign') . ':</strong>&nbsp;' . $ilm_parent->file_class . '</td></tr>' . chr(13);
  331. $str .= '<tr><td width="50%" title="field: extension"><strong>' . get_string('extension', 'iassign') . ':</strong>&nbsp;' . $ilm_parent->extension . '</td>' . chr(13);
  332. $str .= '<td width="50%" title="field: width"><strong>' . get_string('width', 'iassign') . ':</strong>&nbsp;' . $ilm_parent->width;
  333. $str .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>' . get_string('height', 'iassign') . ':</strong>&nbsp;' . $ilm_parent->height . '</td></tr>' . chr(13);
  334. // Field 'iassign_ilm.evaluate'
  335. if ($ilm_parent->evaluate == 1)
  336. $opt_evaluate = get_string('yes', 'iassign');
  337. else
  338. $opt_evaluate = get_string('no', 'iassign');
  339. $str .= '<tr><td width="50%" title="field: evaluate"><strong>' . get_string('evaluate', 'iassign') . ':</strong>&nbsp;' . $opt_evaluate . '</td>' . chr(13);
  340. if ($ilm_parent->reevaluate == 1)
  341. $opt_reevaluate = get_string('yes', 'iassign');
  342. else
  343. $opt_reevaluate = get_string('no', 'iassign');
  344. // Field 'iassign_ilm.reevaluate.'
  345. $str .= '<td width="50%"><strong>' . get_string('auto_evaluate_name_config', 'iassign') . ':</strong>&nbsp;' . $opt_reevaluate . '</td></tr>' . chr(13);
  346. // Field 'iassign_ilm.editingbehavior'
  347. $str .= '<tr><td><strong>' . get_string('editing_behavior_view', 'iassign') . ':</strong> ';
  348. if ($ilm_parent->editingbehavior == 0) { // 'iassign_ilm.editingbehavior' = 1 => the iLM allows the editing of a previous submission
  349. $str .= get_string('editing_behavior_0', 'iassign');
  350. } elseif ($ilm_parent->editingbehavior == 1) {
  351. $str .= get_string('editing_behavior_1', 'iassign');
  352. }
  353. $str .= ' </td><td><strong>' . get_string('submissionbehavior_view', 'iassign') . ':</strong> ';
  354. if ($ilm_parent->submissionbehavior == 0) {
  355. $str .= get_string('submission_behavior_0', 'iassign');
  356. } elseif ($ilm_parent->submissionbehavior == 1) {
  357. $str .= get_string('submission_behavior_1', 'iassign');
  358. }
  359. $str .= '</td></tr>' . chr(13);
  360. $str .= '<tr>' . chr(13);
  361. $str .= '<td width="50%"><strong>' . get_string('file_created', 'iassign') . ':</strong>&nbsp;' . userdate($ilm_parent->timecreated) . '</td>' . chr(13);
  362. $str .= '<td width="50%"><strong>' . get_string('file_modified', 'iassign') . ':</strong>&nbsp;' . userdate($ilm_parent->timemodified) . '</td>' . chr(13);
  363. $str .= '</tr>' . chr(13);
  364. $user_ilm = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $ilm_parent->author));
  365. if ($user_ilm) {
  366. $str .= '<tr>' . chr(13);
  367. $str .= '<td colspan=2><strong>' . get_string('author', 'iassign') . ':</strong>&nbsp;' . $user_ilm->firstname . '&nbsp;' . $user_ilm->lastname . '</td>' . chr(13);
  368. $str .= '</tr>' . chr(13);
  369. }
  370. $str .= '<tr>' . chr(13);
  371. $str .= '<td colspan=2><center>';
  372. $url_add_param = new moodle_url('/mod/iassign/settings_params.php', array('action' => 'add', 'ilm_id' => $ilm_id));
  373. $action_add_param = new popup_action('click', $url_add_param, 'popup', array('width' => 900, 'height' => 650));
  374. $link_add_param = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_add_param, iassign_icons::insert('add_param'), $action_add_param);
  375. $str .= '<table width="100%">' . chr(13);
  376. $str .= '<tr>' . chr(13);
  377. $str .= '<th colspan=3><center><strong>' . get_string('config_param', 'iassign') . $OUTPUT->help_icon('config_param', 'iassign') . '</strong></center></th>';
  378. $str .= '<th>' . $link_add_param . '</th>';
  379. $str .= '</tr>' . chr(13);
  380. $str .= '<tr>' . chr(13);
  381. $str .= '<td><strong>' . get_string('config_param_name', 'iassign') . '</strong></td>';
  382. $str .= '<td><strong>' . get_string('config_param_value', 'iassign') . '</strong></td>';
  383. $str .= '<td><strong>' . get_string('config_param_description', 'iassign') . '</strong></td>';
  384. $str .= '<td width="10%"><center><strong>' . get_string('config_param_actions', 'iassign') . '</strong></center></td>';
  385. $str .= '</tr>' . chr(13);
  386. $iassign_ilm_config = $DB->get_records('iassign_ilm_config', array('iassign_ilmid' => $ilm_parent->id));
  387. foreach ($iassign_ilm_config as $ilm_config) {
  388. $url_edit_param = new moodle_url('/mod/iassign/settings_params.php', array('action' => 'edit', 'ilm_param_id' => $ilm_config->id));
  389. $action_edit_param = new popup_action('click', $url_edit_param, 'iplookup', array('title' => get_string('edit_param', 'iassign'), 'width' => 900, 'height' => 650));
  390. $link_edit_param = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_edit_param, iassign_icons::insert('edit_param'), $action_edit_param);
  391. $url_visible_param = new moodle_url('/admin/settings.php', array('section' => 'modsettingiassign', 'action' => 'visible_param', 'ilm_id' => $ilm_parent->id, 'status' => $ilm_config->visible, 'ilm_param_id' => $ilm_config->id));
  392. if ($ilm_config->visible == 0) {
  393. $link_visible_param = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_visible_param, iassign_icons::insert('show_param'));
  394. }
  395. elseif ($ilm_config->visible == 1) {
  396. $link_visible_param = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_visible_param, iassign_icons::insert('hide_param'));
  397. }
  398. $url_copy_param = new moodle_url('/mod/iassign/settings_params.php', array('action' => 'copy', 'ilm_param_id' => $ilm_config->id));
  399. $action_copy_param = new popup_action('click', $url_copy_param, 'iplookup', array('title' => get_string('copy_param', 'iassign'), 'width' => 900, 'height' => 650));
  400. $link_copy_param = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_copy_param, iassign_icons::insert('copy_param'), $action_copy_param);
  401. $url_delete_param = new moodle_url('/mod/iassign/settings_params.php', array('action' => 'delete', 'ilm_param_id' => $ilm_config->id, 'ilm_id' => $ilm_parent->id));
  402. $link_delete_param = $OUTPUT->action_link($url_delete_param, iassign_icons::insert('delete_param'));
  403. $str .= '<tr>' . chr(13);
  404. $str .= '<td>' . $ilm_config->param_name . '</td>' . chr(13);
  405. $str .= '<td>' . $ilm_config->param_value . '</td>' . chr(13);
  406. $str .= '<td width="50%">' . $ilm_config->description . '</td>' . chr(13);
  407. $str .= '<td width="10%"><center>';
  408. $str .= $link_edit_param . '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
  409. $str .= $link_copy_param . '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
  410. $str .= $link_visible_param . '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
  411. $str .= $link_delete_param;
  412. $str .= '</center></td>';
  413. $str .= '</tr>' . chr(13);
  414. }
  415. $str .= '</table>' . chr(13);
  416. $str .= '</center></td>';
  417. $str .= '</tr>' . chr(13);
  418. $str .= '</table>';
  419. $str .= '</td></tr>' . chr(13);
  420. $str .= '</tr><td colspan="3"></td></tr>' . chr(13);
  421. }
  422. } // if ($iassign_ilm_parent)
  423. $str .= '</table>';
  424. $settings->add(new admin_setting_heading('iassign', $ilm->name . '&nbsp;', $str));
  425. } // else if ($action == 'config')