var deferred = Deferred(); // To avoid several load, 'isContentEmpty' and 'countEmpty' are declared in 'js/app.js' // var isContentEmpty = 0; // var countEmpty = 0; function StartCtrl(){ //D alert('1: StartCtrl! ' + countEmpty); } function CommCtrl($scope, $rootScope){ $scope.valor = -12345; // mark of emptiness $scope.getSource = function(){ return JSON.stringify($rootScope.getSource()); } $scope.getEvaluation = function(){ return $rootScope.getEvaluation(); } //D alert('2: CommCtrl! ' + countEmpty); } // @calledby: ./js/app.js : ivProgApp.config(...)? // This provides the actions 'getEvaluation', 'run=true' // This function is called several times (to each element) function IvProgCreateCtrl($scope, $rootScope, IvProgSource, $filter) { //alert('3: IvProgCreateCtrl! ' + $scope + ', ' + $rootScope + ', ' + $filter); $rootScope.trackAction = function(action){ //D alert('<ivprogh5>js/controllers.js: action=' + action); if(iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_ServerToGetAnswerURL!=null && iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_ServerToGetAnswerURL!=''){ $.post(iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_ServerToGetAnswerURL+"&track=1", { trackingData: "html=1;"+action }, function(d){}); } } // iLM : getAnswer() $rootScope.getSource = function(){ //D alert('<ivprogh5>js/controllers.js: rootScope.getSource'); $rootScope.trackAction("getSource"); return { mapping: $rootScope.mapping, src: $scope.program, testCases: $scope.testCases }; } // iLM : getEvaluation() $rootScope.getEvaluation = function(){ //D alert('<ivprogh5>js/controllers.js: rootScope.getEvaluation()'); $rootScope.trackAction("getEvaluation"); $; } $rootScope.itemCount = 0; $scope.vars = []; $scope.params = []; $scope.testCases = []; $scope.addTestCase = function(){ $rootScope.trackAction("addTestCase"); $scope.testCases.push({ input: "", output: "", currentIndex: 0 }); } $scope.removeTestCase = function(i){ $rootScope.trackAction("removeTestCase"); $scope.testCases.splice(i, 1); } $rootScope.mapping = {}; $scope.getTeste = function(){ return 1; } // undo - redo control $scope.historyStack = -1; $scope.actionsHistory = []; $scope.addSnap = true; $scope.takeSnap = function(friendlyName, applying, sp){ if(sp){ $scope.actionsHistory.splice($scope.historyStack, $scope.actionsHistory.length-$scope.historyStack); } $scope.actionsHistory.push({name: friendlyName, src: JSON.stringify($scope.program)}); $scope.historyStack = $scope.actionsHistory.length; } $rootScope.snapshot = function(friendlyName, applying){ if(!applying){ $scope.$apply(function(){ $scope.takeSnap(friendlyName, applying, true); }); }else{ $scope.takeSnap(friendlyName, applying, true); } $scope.addSnap = true; } $scope.undo = function(){ if($scope.historyStack>0){ if($scope.addSnap){ // salvando o estado atual $scope.takeSnap('', 1); $scope.historyStack--; $scope.addSnap = false; } $scope.historyStack--; var obj = JSON.parse($scope.actionsHistory[$scope.historyStack].src); $scope.program = obj; } } $scope.redo = function(){ if($scope.historyStack < $scope.actionsHistory.length-1){ $scope.historyStack++; var obj = JSON.parse($scope.actionsHistory[$scope.historyStack].src); $scope.program = obj; } } $scope.currentFunction = 0; $scope.program = { programName: "firstProgram", functions: [ { isMain: true, name: "Principal", vars: {}, params: {}, type: "main", // int, void, float nodes:[] }/*, { isMain: false, name: "fatorial", vars: {}, varss: { "var_1": { name: 'newVar1', type: 'int', initialValue: 0, id: "var_1" } }, params: {}, type: "int", // int, void, float nodes:[], nodess: [ { id: "attr_1", type: "attr", name: "attr", parent: null, variable: "", exp: [] } ] }*/ ] }; // $scope.program $scope.setCurrentFunction = function(ind){ $scope.currentFunction = ind; } $scope.addElVar = function(v){ v.push({ t: "var", v: "", o: "", p: ''//v }); } $scope.addElVal = function(v){ v.push({ t: "val", v: 0, o: "", p: ''//v }); } $scope.addElExpB = function(v){ v.push({ t: "expB", v: { op1: { t: "v", v: "" }, op2: { t: "v", v: "" }, op: ">" }, o: "&&", p: ''//v }); } $scope.isolar = function(item){ item.t = "exp"; item.v = ""; item.exp = []; } $scope.addExp = function(parent){ parent.push({ t: "val", v: "a", o: "+"}); } $scope.getTemplate = function(x){ return 'partials/elements/'+x.type+'.html'+"?t="+cacheTime; } $scope.addParam = function(){ //var ind = $scope.params.length; var ind = $scope.programs[$scope.currentProgram].functions[0].params.length; //$scope.params.push({ name: 'newParam'+ind, type: 'int', initialValue: 0 } ); $scope.programs[$scope.currentProgram].functions[0].params.push({ name: 'newParam'+ind, type: 'int', initialValue: 0 } ); } $scope.removeParam = function(v){ $scope.params.splice($scope.params.indexOf(v), 1); } $scope.varSetType = function(v, type){ $rootScope.trackAction("changeVarType"); var previousType = v.type; v.type = type; if(type=="string"){ v.initialValue = "Olá mundo!"; }else if(type=="float"){ v.initialValue = 1.0; }else if(type=="int"){ v.initialValue = 1; }else if(type=="boolean"){ v.initialValue = true; } $scope.checkChangeTypeConsequences(v, $scope.program.functions[$scope.currentFunction].nodes, previousType); } // When the variable type is change this could be have consequences, verify them! $scope.checkChangeTypeConsequences = function(variable, where, previous){ angular.forEach(where, function(item, key){ if(item.type=="attr"){ if({ if(variable.type!=previous){ var compatibility = ["int", "float"]; if((compatibility.indexOf(variable.type)==-1)||(compatibility.indexOf(previous)==-1)){ if(where[key].exp.length>0){ where[key].exp = []; } } } } } if(item.nodes && item.nodes.length>0){ $scope.checkChangeTypeConsequences(variable, item.nodes); } }); } // $scope.checkChangeTypeConsequences = function(variable, where, previous) $scope.addVar = function(){ $rootScope.trackAction("addVar"); // TODO: checar se alterou o valor $rootScope.snapshot('Variável adicionada', true); var ind = $scope.itemCount; var id = "var"+$scope.itemCount++; $scope.program.functions[$scope.currentFunction].vars[id] = ({ name: 'newVar'+ind, type: 'int', initialValue: 1, id: id }); } $scope.removeVarRec = function(nodes, id){ $rootScope.trackAction("removeVar"); angular.forEach(nodes, function(node, key){ if(node.type=="write"){ if(node.variable==id){ node.variable = ''; } } if(node.type!="attr"){ if(node.nodes.length>0){ $scope.removeVarRec(node.nodes, id); } } }); } $scope.removeVar = function(v){ $rootScope.trackAction("removeVar"); $rootScope.snapshot('Variável removida', true); $scope.removeVarRec($scope.program.functions[$scope.currentFunction].nodes,; delete $scope.program.functions[$scope.currentFunction].vars[]; } $scope.removeItem = function(parent, item){ $rootScope.trackAction("removeItem"); parentId = parent; // TODO: tratar para os outros functions if(parent=="root_0"){ parent = $scope.program.functions[0].nodes; }else{ parent = $rootScope.mapping[parent].nodes; } if($.isArray(parent)) { parent.splice(parent.indexOf(item),1); } if($rootScope.mapping[parentId]){ var p1 = $rootScope.mapping[parentId].nodes1; if($.isArray(p1)) { p1.splice(p1.indexOf(item),1); } var p2 = $rootScope.mapping[parentId].nodes2; if($.isArray(p2)) { p2.splice(p2.indexOf(item),1); } } delete $rootScope.mapping[]; } $scope.isValidAttr = function(attr){ var isValid = true; angular.forEach(attr, function(a, k){ if(a.type=="var"){ } }); return false; } $scope.sortableOptions = { handle: '.handle', placeholder: "apps", connectWith: ".apps-container" }; $scope.delete = function(data) { $rootScope.trackAction("delete"); data.nodes = []; }; $ = function(useTestCases){ cleanOutput(); $rootScope.trackAction("run="+useTestCases); if(!$scope.validateEverything($scope.program)){ writer("<i class='fa fa-exclamation-triangle'></i> Existem campos vazios. Preencha os campos com borda vermelha para executar o algoritmo corretamente.", false); }else{ if(useTestCases){ totalCasesEvaluated = 0; totalCasesPassed = 0; totalTestCases = $scope.testCases.length; angular.forEach($scope.testCases, function(item, key){ $scope.testCases[key].currentIndex = 0; }) testCases = $scope.testCases; var code = ""; angular.forEach($scope.testCases, function(item, key){ code += $scope.genCode($scope.program, true, key); }); console.log(code); window.eval(code); }else{ $rootScope.trackAction("run"); var code = $scope.genCode($scope.program, false, 0); window.eval(code); } $("#valor").unbind('keydown'); $("#valor").keydown(function( event ) { if ( event.which == 13 ) { $('#readData').modal('hide'); var valor = $("#valor").val(); $("#valor").val("");; event.preventDefault(); } }); $("#btnOk").unbind('click'); $("#btnOk").click(function(){ $('#readData').modal('hide'); var valor = $("#valor").val(); $("#valor").val("");; }); } } // $ = function(useTestCases) $scope.clearOutput = function(){ $rootScope.trackAction("cleanOutput"); $(".output").html(""); } $scope.validateEverything = function(funcs){ $(".node-with-error").removeClass("node-with-error"); var ret = true; angular.forEach(funcs.functions, function(func, key){ ret = ret && $scope.validateNode(func.nodes, func.vars); }); return ret; } $scope.validateNode = function(nodes, vars){ var ret = true; angular.forEach(nodes, function(node, key){ if (node.type=="write"){ if(node.variable==""){ $("#node"".select").addClass("node-with-error"); ret = false; } } if(node.type=="read"){ if(node.variable==""){ $("#node"".select").addClass("node-with-error"); ret = false; } } if(node.type=="for"){ if(node.forType==1){ if((node.limitType=="var")&&(node.limit=="")){ $("#node"".for1").find(".select").addClass("node-with-error"); ret = false; } } if(node.forType==2){ if((node.limitType=="var")&&(node.limit=="")){ $("#node"".for1").find(".select").addClass("node-with-error"); ret = false; } if(node.using==""){ $("#node"".for2").addClass("node-with-error"); ret = false; } } if(node.forType==3){ if((node.limitType=="var")&&(node.limit=="")){ $("#node"".for1").find(".select").addClass("node-with-error"); ret = false; } if(node.using==""){ $("#node"".for2").addClass("node-with-error"); ret = false; } if((node.initialType=="var")&&(node.initial=="")){ ret = false; } if((node.initialType=="val")&&(node.limitType=="val")&&(node.initial>node.limit)){ ret = false; } if((node.stepType=="var")&&(node.step=="")){ $("#node"".for3").find(".select").addClass("node-with-error"); ret = false; } } } }); return ret; } // $scope.validateNode = function(nodes, vars) $scope.genCode = function(funcs, useTestCases, testCaseIndex){ var strCode = "var t"+testCaseIndex+" = function(){"; var i = 0; angular.forEach(funcs.functions, function(func, key){ if(i++==0){ strCode+= "function ""(){"; angular.forEach(func.vars, function(variable, key){ if(variable.type=="string"){ strCode+="var var_"" = \""+variable.initialValue+"\";"; }else{ strCode+="var var_"" = "+variable.initialValue+";"; } }); strCode+= 'next(function(){'; if(useTestCases){ strCode+='resetTestCase('+testCaseIndex+');'; } //strCode+='/*return deferred;*/'; strCode+='})'; // correcao automatica - false strCode+=$scope.genNode(useTestCases, func.nodes, func.vars, testCaseIndex); if(useTestCases){ // correcao automatica strCode+= '.next(function(){'; //strCode+=' console.log("OUT "+getOutput());' strCode+=' endTest('+testCaseIndex+');' if(($scope.testCases.length>testCaseIndex)){ strCode += 't'+(testCaseIndex+1)+'();'; } strCode+='});'; } strCode+= "}"; if(func.type=="main"){"()"; } } }); strCode+="}; "; if(testCaseIndex==0){ strCode+=" t"+testCaseIndex+"();"; } return strCode; } // $scope.genCode = function(funcs, useTestCases, testCaseIndex) $scope.genNode = function(isEvaluating, nodes, vars, testCaseIndex){ var strCode = ""; angular.forEach(nodes, function(node, key){ if(node.type=="write"){ if(node.variable!=''){ var v = $scope.program.functions[$scope.currentFunction].vars[node.variable]; strCode += ".next(function(){"; if(v.type=="boolean"){ strCode+="if(var_"+node.variable+"){ writer('Verdadeiro', "+isEvaluating+"); }else{ writer('Falso', "+isEvaluating+"); }"; }else{ if(v.type=="float"){ strCode += "if(isPutDecimalNeeded(parseFloat(var_"+node.variable+"))){"; strCode += "writer("; strCode += "var_"+node.variable; strCode += "+'.0',"+isEvaluating+");"; strCode += "}else{"; strCode += "writer("; strCode += "var_"+node.variable; strCode += ","+isEvaluating+");"; strCode += "}"; }else{ strCode += "writer("; strCode += "var_"+node.variable; strCode += ","+isEvaluating+");"; } } strCode += "})"; } } if(node.type=="while"){ // while strCode+= '.next(function(){'; //strCode+= 'var i' ' = 0;'; strCode+= 'function loop''(){'; strCode+= ' return next(function(){})'; // apenas para poder encadear if(node.nodes.length>0){ strCode+= $scope.genNode(isEvaluating, node.nodes, vars, testCaseIndex); } strCode+=' .next(function(){'; //strCode+=' ++i'';'; strCode+=' if('+$scope.genExp(node.exp, 'boolean')+'){'; strCode+=' return loop''();'; strCode+=' }' strCode+=' });'; strCode+='}'; strCode+=' if('+$scope.genExp(node.exp, 'boolean')+'){'; strCode+='return loop''();'; strCode+='}'; strCode+='})'; } if(node.type=="for"){ if(node.forType==1){ // for simples strCode+= '.next(function(){'; strCode+= 'var i' ' = 0;'; strCode+= 'function loop''(){'; strCode+= ' return next(function(){})'; // apenas para poder encadear if(node.nodes.length>0){ strCode+= $scope.genNode(isEvaluating, node.nodes, vars, testCaseIndex); } strCode+=' .next(function(){'; strCode+=' ++i'';'; if(node.limitType=="val"){ strCode+=' if(i''<'+node.limit+'){'; }else{ strCode+=' if(i''<'+' var_'+node.limit+'){'; } strCode+=' return loop''();'; strCode+=' }' strCode+=' });'; strCode+='}'; if(node.limitType=="val"){ strCode+=' if(i''<'+node.limit+'){'; }else{ strCode+=' if(i''<'+' var_'+node.limit+'){'; } strCode+='return loop''();'; strCode+='}'; strCode+='})'; }else if(node.forType==2){ // for mediano strCode+= '.next(function(){'; strCode+= ' var_'+node.using+ ' = 0;'; strCode+= 'function loop''(){'; strCode+= ' return next(function(){})'; // apenas para poder encadear if(node.nodes.length>0){ strCode+= $scope.genNode(isEvaluating, node.nodes, vars, testCaseIndex); } strCode+=' .next(function(){'; strCode+=' ++var_'+node.using+';'; if(node.limitType=="val"){ strCode+=' if(var_'+node.using+'<'+node.limit+'){'; }else{ strCode+=' if(var_'+node.using+'<'+' var_'+node.limit+'){'; } strCode+=' return loop''();'; strCode+=' }' strCode+=' });'; strCode+='}'; if(node.limitType=="val"){ strCode+=' if(var_'+node.using+'<'+node.limit+'){'; }else{ strCode+=' if(var_'+node.using+'<'+' var_'+node.limit+'){'; } strCode+='return loop''();'; strCode+='}'; strCode+='})'; }else if(node.forType==3){ // for hard rs strCode+= '.next(function(){'; if(node.initialType=="val"){ strCode+= ' var_'+node.using+ ' = '+node.initial+';'; }else{ strCode+= ' var_'+node.using+ ' = var_'+node.initial+';'; } strCode+= 'function loop''(){'; strCode+= ' return next(function(){})'; // apenas para poder encadear if(node.nodes.length>0){ strCode+= $scope.genNode(isEvaluating, node.nodes, vars, testCaseIndex); } strCode+=' .next(function(){'; if(node.stepType=="val"){ strCode+=' var_'+node.using+'+= '+node.step+';'; }else{ strCode+=' var_'+node.using+'+= var_'+node.step+';'; } if(node.limitType=="val"){ strCode+=' if(var_'+node.using+'<'+node.limit+'){'; }else{ strCode+=' if(var_'+node.using+'<'+' var_'+node.limit+'){'; } strCode+=' return loop''();'; strCode+=' }' strCode+=' });'; strCode+='}'; if(node.limitType=="val"){ strCode+=' if(var_'+node.using+'<'+node.limit+'){'; }else{ strCode+=' if(var_'+node.using+'<'+' var_'+node.limit+'){'; } strCode+='return loop''();'; strCode+='}'; strCode+='})'; } } if(node.type=="attr"){ if(node.variable!=""){ strCode+= '.next(function () {'; strCode+=" var_"+node.variable+"="; if(vars[node.variable].type=="int"){ strCode+="parseInt("+$scope.genExp(node.exp, vars[node.variable].type)+")"; }else if(vars[node.variable].type=="float"){ strCode+="parseFloat("+$scope.genExp(node.exp, vars[node.variable].type)+")"; }else{ strCode+=" ("+$scope.genExp(node.exp, vars[node.variable].type)+")"; } strCode+=" ;"; strCode+= '})'; } } if(node.type=="read"){ var v = $scope.program.functions[$scope.currentFunction].vars[node.variable]; if(!isEvaluating){ strCode+= '.next(function () {'; strCode+= ' $("#msgRead").html("'+node.message+'");'; strCode+= ' $("#readData").modal();'; strCode+= ' $("#valor").focus();'; strCode+= ' return deferred;'; strCode+= '}).'; strCode+= 'next(function(a){'; strCode+= ' console.log("Valor lido: "+a);'; strCode+= '/* '+v.type+' */'; }else{ strCode+= '.next(function () {'; strCode+= ' var a = readerInput('+testCaseIndex+');'; } if(v.type=="int"){ strCode+= " var_"+node.variable +" = parseInt(a);"; }else if(v.type=="float"){ strCode+= " var_"+node.variable +" = parseFloat(a); /* pq cai aqui */"; }else if(v.type=="boolean"){ // tratar boolean depois strCode+= " var_"+node.variable +" = a;"; }else if(v.type=="string"){ // tratar boolean depois strCode+= " var_"+node.variable +" = a;"; }else{ strCode+= " var_"+node.variable +" = a; "; } strCode+= '})'; } if(node.type=="if"){ strCode+= '.next(function () {'; strCode+= 'if('+$scope.genExp(node.exp, 'boolean')+'){'; strCode+= 'return next(function () {})'+$scope.genNode(isEvaluating, node.nodes1, vars, testCaseIndex); strCode+= '}else{'; strCode+= 'return next(function () {})'+$scope.genNode(isEvaluating, node.nodes2, vars, testCaseIndex); strCode+= '}'; strCode+= '})'; } }); return strCode; } $scope.genExp = function(exp, type){ var strCode = ""; //console.log(exp); angular.forEach(exp, function(ex, key){ if(ex.t == "var"){ strCode+=" var_"+ex.v+" "; }else if(ex.t == "val"){ if(type=="string"){ strCode+=" \" "+ex.v+"\" "; }else{ strCode+=" "+ex.v+" "; } }else if(ex.t=="exp"){ strCode+=" ( "+$scope.genExp(ex.v, type)+" ) "; }else if(ex.t=="expB"){ strCode+=" ( "+$scope.genExp(ex.v, type)+" ) "; }else if(ex.t=="op"){ strCode+= ex.v; }else if(ex.t=="opB"){ strCode+= ex.v; } }); return strCode; } $scope.changeForType = function(node, v){ node.forType +=v; } $scope.changeForValue = function(node){ node.isValue = !node.isValue; if(!node.isValue){ node.simpleVariable = ""; } writer(node.isValue, false); } $scope.childrenVisible = function(node){ node.isChildrenVisible = !node.isChildrenVisible; } $scope.add = function(parent, parentId, type, name) { $rootScope.trackAction("add;type="+type); var newNode = { id: $scope.itemCount++, type: type, name: name, nodes: [], parent: parentId }; // especifico de cada estrutura if(type=="if"){ = "if_"; newNode.exp = [/* { t: 'expB', v: [{"t":"val","v":""},{"t":"opB","v":""},{"t":"val","v":""}] }*/ ]; newNode.isChildrenVisible = true; newNode.nodes1 = []; newNode.nodes2 = []; } if(type=="read"){ = "read_"; newNode.message = "Por favor digite um valor:"; newNode.variable = ""; } if(type=="write"){ = "write_"; newNode.variable = ""; } if(type=="while"){ = "while_"; newNode.exp = []; newNode.isChildrenVisible = true; newNode.nodes = []; } if(type=="for"){ = "for_"; newNode.forType = 1; // 1 SIMPLE, 2 +-, 3 COMPLETE newNode.initial = 1; newNode.initialType = "val"; newNode.limit = 5; newNode.limitType = "val"; newNode.using = ""; newNode.step = 1; newNode.stepType = "val"; newNode.isChildrenVisible = true; newNode.times = 5; newNode.timesType = 5; newNode.simple = true; newNode.isValue = true; newNode.simpleVariable = ""; newNode.initialValue = 0; newNode.endValue = 5; newNode.increment = 1; newNode.variable = ""; } if(type=="attr"){ = "attr_"; newNode.variable = ""; //newNode.exp = []; /*newNode.exp = { op1: '', op1T : '', op: '', op2: '', op2T: '' };*/ delete newNode.nodes; newNode.exp = []; newNode.isLocked = false; } parent.push(newNode); $rootScope.mapping[] = newNode; }; // $scope.add = function(parent, parentId, type, name) $ = function(){ $.post('save.php', { src: JSON.stringify($scope.program) }, function(id) { $("body").append("<iframe src='get.php?id=" + id + "' style='display: none;' ></iframe>"); }); } if(iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_Assignment!=null){ //DEBUG: see if exists file under the HTML tag 'iLM_PARAM_Assignment' (that is used here in 'iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_Assignment') //D writer('Entrou: ' + iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_Assignment + ''); //TODO NAO esta entrando no GET abaixo $.get(iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_Assignment, function(d){ // load each element 'd' //DEBUG: writer('OK: 1 ' + iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_Assignment + ': '); if(d!=null){ $scope.mapping = d.mapping; $scope.program = d.src; $scope.testCases = d.testCases; $scope.$apply() //DEBUG:writer('OK: 2 ' + iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_Assignment + ': ');// alert(d.src); } else writer('Erro: nao consegui ler o conteudo de ' + iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_Assignment); }, "json"); } // if(iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_Assignment!=null) else writer('Erro: parametro \'iLM_PARAM_Assignment\' esta vazio: ' + iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_Assignment); // Help developers if (iLMparameters==null) { // iVProgH5 not been used as an iLM? writer('There is no address defined to send the answer!'); writer('There is not source code to load!'); } else { if (iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_Assignment==null || iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_Assignment.indexOf("http")==-1) { strAux = ''; if (iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_Assignment!=null && iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_Assignment!='') strAux = 'Try to load the file under ' + iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_Assignment + ''; else strAux = 'There is not source code to load! (' + iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_Assignment + ')'; writer(strAux); } if (iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_ServerToGetAnswerURL==null || iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_ServerToGetAnswerURL=='') { strAux = ''; if (iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_ServerToGetAnswerURL!=null && iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_ServerToGetAnswerURL!='') strAux = ' (' + iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_ServerToGetAnswerURL + ')'; writer('There is no address defined to send the answer!' + strAux); } } //DEBUG x var code = getSource(); // $scope.genCode($scope.program, false, 0); //x alert(' src=' + code); } // function IvProgCreateCtrl($scope, $rootScope, IvProgSource, $filter) function IvProgAbertoCtrl($scope){ //D alert('controllers.js: IvProgAbertoCtrl: isContentEmpty=' + isContentEmpty + ', countEmpty=' + countEmpty + ': ' + $scope); $scope.delete = function(data) { data.nodes = []; }; $scope.add = function(data) { var post = data.nodes.length + 1; var newName = + '-' + post; data.nodes.push({name: newName,nodes: []}); }; $scope.tree = [{name: "Node", nodes: []}]; }