ivprog-assessment.css 3.0 KB

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  29. table td { font-size: 14pt;}
  30. .stringdiff-delete, .stringdiff-insert {font-weight: bold;}
  31. .stringdiff-insert, .assessment-input-read {color: #22a222}
  32. .stringdiff-delete {
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  67. .assessment-string-expected, .assessment-string-generated, .assessment-string-diff {text-align: left;}
  68. p.assessment-failed-execution {padding-left: 1rem;}
  69. .assessment-failed-case {color:#FF1212}
  70. .assessment-input-unread {color: #d02929}
  71. .assessment-number-result-failed, .assessment-bool-result-failed {color: #d02929}
  72. .assessment-number-result, .assessment-bool-result, .assessment-string-result {color: #22a222}
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