ui.json 5.0 KB

  1. {
  2. "function": "function",
  3. "btn_clear": "Clear",
  4. "btn_function": "Function",
  5. "btn_arithmetic_plus": "Sum",
  6. "btn_arithmetic_minus": "Minus",
  7. "btn_arithmetic_multiplication": "Multiplication",
  8. "btn_arithmetic_division": "Division",
  9. "btn_arithmetic_module": "Module",
  10. "btn_break":"Break",
  11. "btn_case":"Case",
  12. "start": "start",
  13. "void": "void",
  14. "integer": "integer",
  15. "real": "real",
  16. "program": "program",
  17. "text": "string",
  18. "text_start": "text",
  19. "boolean": "boolean",
  20. "true": "true",
  21. "false": "false",
  22. "variable": "Variable",
  23. "command": "Command",
  24. "new_parameter": "parameter",
  25. "new_variable": "variable",
  26. "new_global": "global",
  27. "new_function": "new_function",
  28. "matrix": "matrix",
  29. "vector": "vector",
  30. "text_comment_start": "Initial comment of function...",
  31. "text_comment_main": "This is the main function...",
  32. "text_read_var": "Reading data",
  33. "text_write_var": "Writing data",
  34. "text_command_read":"read",
  35. "text_command_write":"write",
  36. "text_comment": "Comment",
  37. "text_attribution": "Attribution",
  38. "text_if":"if",
  39. "text_else":"else",
  40. "text_break":"break",
  41. "text_for":"for",
  42. "text_code_while":"while",
  43. "text_code_do":"do",
  44. "text_command_do":"do",
  45. "text_code_switch": "switch",
  46. "text_code_case": "case",
  47. "text_config_programming":"Programming",
  48. "text_config_programming_both":"Visual and textual",
  49. "text_config_programming_textual":"Textual",
  50. "text_config_programming_visual":"Visual",
  51. "text_logic_expression": "Logic Expression",
  52. "text_arithmetic_expression": "Relational Expression",
  53. "text_iftrue": "If true then",
  54. "text_message_error_activity_file": "There was an error processing the activity. <br>Please reload the page and try again.",
  55. "text_message_error_activity_reload": "Reload",
  56. "text_receives": "receives",
  57. "text_repeatNtimes": "Repeat N times",
  58. "text_return":"return",
  59. "text_btn_return":"Return",
  60. "text_whiletrue": "While true",
  61. "text_dowhiletrue": "Do while true",
  62. "text_switch": "Switch",
  63. "text_functioncall": "Function call",
  64. "text_value": "Value",
  65. "text_operator": "Operator",
  66. "text_parentheses": "Parentheses",
  67. "text_change": "Change",
  68. "text_teacher_algorithm": "Algorithm",
  69. "text_teacher_algorithm_include": "Include the following algorithm in exercise",
  70. "text_teacher_test_case": "Test cases",
  71. "text_teacher_config": "Settings",
  72. "text_teacher_data_types": "Data types",
  73. "text_teacher_commands": "Commands",
  74. "text_teacher_functions": "Functions",
  75. "text_teacher_create_functions": "Create new functions",
  76. "text_teacher_create_movement_functions": "Move functions",
  77. "text_teacher_test_case_input": "Input",
  78. "text_teacher_test_case_output": "Output",
  79. "text_teacher_test_case_actions": "Actions",
  80. "text_teacher_test_case_add": "Add test cases",
  81. "text_header_ivprog_functions": "iVProg Functions",
  82. "text_menu_functions_math":"Mathematic",
  83. "text_menu_functions_text":"Text",
  84. "text_menu_functions_arrangement":"Arrangement",
  85. "text_menu_functions_conversion":"Conversion",
  86. "text_none_variable":"There is no declared variable",
  87. "text_none_variable_instruction":"Create a new variable to use it",
  88. "text_ivprog_description":"Interactive Visual Programming on the Internet",
  89. "tooltip_visual": "Visual programming",
  90. "tooltip_textual": "Textual programming",
  91. "tooltip_upload": "Upload code file",
  92. "tooltip_download": "Download code file",
  93. "tooltip_undo": "Undo",
  94. "tooltip_redo": "Redo",
  95. "tooltip_run": "Run program",
  96. "tooltip_evaluate": "Evaluate program",
  97. "tooltip_help": "Help",
  98. "tooltip_add_global": "Add global variable",
  99. "tooltip_minimize": "Hidde function elements",
  100. "tooltip_console": "Open/Close console",
  101. "var_menu_select_var": "Select a var",
  102. "var_menu_select_all": "Select",
  103. "var_menu_select_function": "Select a function",
  104. "expression_menu_select": "Construct any logical condition",
  105. "math": "Mathematic",
  106. "text_t": "Text",
  107. "inform_valid_name": "Inform a valid name!",
  108. "inform_valid_content": "Enter some content!",
  109. "inform_valid_expression": "Construct the logical condition!",
  110. "inform_valid_name_duplicated": "This name is already in use by other function.",
  111. "inform_valid_global_duplicated": "A global variable with this name already exists.",
  112. "inform_valid_variable_duplicated" : "A local variable with this name already exists.",
  113. "arrangement": "Arrangement",
  114. "conversion": "Conversion",
  115. "$sin": "sin",
  116. "$cos": "cos",
  117. "$tan": "tan",
  118. "$sqrt": "sqrt",
  119. "$pow": "pow",
  120. "$log": "log",
  121. "$abs": "abs",
  122. "$negate": "negate",
  123. "$invert": "invert",
  124. "$max": "maximum",
  125. "$min": "minimum",
  126. "$rand":"random",
  127. "$substring": "substring",
  128. "$length": "length",
  129. "$uppercase": "uppercase",
  130. "$lowercase": "lowercase",
  131. "$charAt": "char_at",
  132. "$numElements": "total_of_elements",
  133. "$matrixLines": "total_of_lines",
  134. "$matrixColumns": "total_of_columns",
  135. "$isReal": "is_real",
  136. "$isInt": "is_integer",
  137. "$isBool": "is_logic",
  138. "$castReal": "to_real",
  139. "$castInt": "to_integer",
  140. "$castBool": "to_logic",
  141. "$castString": "to_string",
  142. "text_ivprog_version":"Version"
  143. }