import { Decimal } from 'decimal.js'; import line_i18n from 'line-i18n' import { SemanticAnalyser } from "./../processor/semantic/semanticAnalyser"; import { IVProgProcessor } from "./../processor/ivprogProcessor"; import { InputTest } from "./../util/inputTest"; import { OutputTest } from "./../util/outputTest"; import { DOMConsole} from "./../io/domConsole"; import * as LocalizedStringsService from "../services/localizedStringsService"; import { Config } from "../util/config"; const LocalizedStrings = LocalizedStringsService.getInstance(); const StringTypes = line_i18n.StringTypes; export class IVProgAssessment { constructor (textCode, testCases, domConsole) { this.textCode = textCode; this.testCases = testCases; this.domConsole = domConsole; } runTest () { try { const validTree = SemanticAnalyser.analyseFromSource(this.textCode); // loop test cases and show messages through domconsole const partialTests = (t, name) => { return this.partialEvaluateTestCase(new IVProgProcessor(validTree), t.input, t.output, name); }); const testResult = partialTests.reduce((acc, curr) => acc.then(curr), Promise.resolve(0)); return testResult.then(function (){ const grade = total / this.testCases.length; const channel = grade == 1 ? DOMConsole.INFO : DOMConsole.ERR; this.writeToConsole(channel, StringTypes.MESSAGE, "test_suite_grade", grade * 100); return Promise.resolve(grade) }).catch(err => { this.domConsole.err("Erro inesperado durante o cálculo da nota.");// try and show error messages through domconsole this.domConsole.err(err.message); return Promise.resolve(0); }); } catch (error) { this.domConsole.err("Erro inesperado durante a execução do programa");// try and show error messages through domconsole this.domConsole.err(error.message); return Promise.resolve(0); } } evaluateTestCase (prog, inputList, expectedOutputs, name, accumulator) { const outerThis = this; const input = new InputTest(inputList); const output = new OutputTest(); prog.registerInput(input); prog.registerOutput(output); const startTime = return prog.interpretAST().then( _ => { const millis = - startTime; if (input.inputList.length !== input.index) { outerThis.showErrorMessage('test_case_few_reads', name+1); outerThis.showInfoMessage('test_case_duration', millis); return Promise.resolve(accumulator + (input.index/inputList.length)); } else if (output.list.length != expectedOutputs.length) { outerThis.showErrorMessage('test_case_failed', name + 1, inputList.join(','), expectedOutputs.join(','), output.list.join(',')); outerThis.showInfoMessage('test_case_duration', millis); // must check for a partial match of the generated output const numMatchedOutputs = output.list.reduce((acc, actualOutput, index) => { if(outerThis.checkOutputValues(actualOutput, expectedOutputs[index])) { return acc + 1; } else { return acc; } }, 0); const maxLength = Math.max(expectedOutputs.length, output.list.length); return Promise.resolve(accumulator + (numMatchedOutputs/maxLength)); } else { const isOk = outerThis.checkOutputLists(output.list, expectedOutputs); if(!isOk) { console.log("not ok."); outerThis.showErrorMessage('test_case_failed', name + 1, inputList.join(','), expectedOutputs.join(','), output.list.join(',')); outerThis.showInfoMessage('test_case_duration', millis); return Promise.resolve(accumulator); } else { outerThis.showInfoMessage('test_case_success', name + 1); outerThis.showInfoMessage('test_case_duration', millis); return Promise.resolve(accumulator + 1); } } }).catch( error => { outerThis.showErrorMessage('test_case_failed_exception', name + 1, error.message); return Promise.resolve(accumulator); }); } partialEvaluateTestCase (prog, inputList, expectedOutputs, name) { return this.evaluateTestCase.bind(this, prog, inputList, expectedOutputs, name); } checkOutputLists (actualOutputs, expectedOutputs) { for (let i = 0; i < actualOutputs.length; i++) { const outValue = actualOutputs[i]; const expectedValue = expectedOutputs[i]; if(!this.checkOutputValues(outValue, expectedValue)) { return false; } } return true; } checkOutputValues (actualValue, expectedValue) { let castNumberA = parseFloat(actualValue); if(!Number.isNaN(castNumberA)) { let castNumberB = parseFloat(expectedValue); if(Number.isNaN(castNumberB)) { return false; } castNumberA = new Decimal(castNumberA); castNumberB = new Decimal(castNumberB); const decimalPlaces = Math.min(castNumberB.dp(), Config.decimalPlaces); castNumberA = new Decimal(castNumberA.toFixed(decimalPlaces, Decimal.ROUND_FLOOR)); castNumberB = new Decimal(castNumberB.toFixed(decimalPlaces, Decimal.ROUND_FLOOR)); const aEqualsB = castNumberA.eq(castNumberB); if (!aEqualsB) { return false; } } else if(actualValue != expectedValue) { return false; } return true; } showErrorMessage (errorID, ...args) { this.domConsole.err(LocalizedStrings.getError(errorID, args)); } showInfoMessage (msgID, ...args) {, args)); } writeToConsole (channel, msgType, msgID, ...args) { let msg = LocalizedStrings.getString(msgID, msgType); msg = LocalizedStrings.processString(msg, args); switch(channel) { case DOMConsole.ERR: { this.domConsole.err(msg); break; } case DOMConsole.INFO: {; break; } case DOMConsole.USER: { this.domConsole.write(msg); break; } } } }