import { CommonTokenStream, InputStream } from 'antlr4/index'; import { SyntaxError } from './SyntaxError'; export class AnalisadorSintatico { constructor (input, lexerClass) { this.lexerClass = lexerClass; this.lexer = new lexerClass(new InputStream(input)); this.tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(this.lexer); this.tokenStream.fill(); this.pos = 1; this.variableTypes = [this.lexerClass.PR_INTEIRO, this.lexerClass.PR_REAL, this.lexerClass.PR_LOGICO, this.lexerClass.PR_CADEIA ]; this.functionTypes = this.variableTypes.push(this.lexerClass.PR_VAZIO); } parseTree () { return this.parseProgram(); } getToken (index = this.pos) { // if(index === null) // index = this.pos; return this.tokenStream.LT(index); } isEOF () { this.getToken(this.pos); return this.tokenStream.fetchedEOF; } parseProgram () { const token = this.getToken(); let globalVars = []; let functions = []; if(this.lexerClass.PR_PROGRAMA === token.type) { this.pos++; this.consumeNewLines(); this.checkOpenCurly(); this.pos++; while(true) { this.consumeNewLines(); const token = this.getToken(); if (token.type === this.lexerClass.PR_CONST || token.type === this.lexerClass.ID) { globalVars = globalVars.concat(this.parseGlobalVariables()); } else if (token.type === this.lexerClass.PR_FUNCAO) { functions = functions.concat([]); } else { break; } } this.consumeNewLines(); this.checkCloseCurly(); this.pos++; this.consumeNewLines(); if(!this.isEOF()) { throw new Error("No extra characters are allowed after 'program {...}'"); } return {global: globalVars, functions: functions}; } else { throw SyntaxError.createError(this.lexer.literalNames[this.lexerClass.PR_PROGRAMA], token); } } checkOpenCurly () { const token = this.getToken(); if(this.lexerClass.ABRE_CHA !== token.type){ throw SyntaxError.createError('{', token); } } checkCloseCurly () { const token = this.getToken(); if(this.lexerClass.FECHA_CHA !== token.type){ throw SyntaxError.createError('}', token); } } /* It checks if the current token at position pos is a ']'. * As a check function it doesn't increment pos. * * @params bool:attempt, indicates that the token is optional. Defaults: false * * @returns true if the attempt is true and current token is '[', * false is attempt is true and current token is not '[' **/ checkOpenBrace (attempt = false) { const token = this.getToken(); if(this.lexerClass.ABRE_COL !== token.type){ if (!attempt) { throw SyntaxError.createError('[', token); } else { return false; } } return true; } checkCloseBrace (attempt = false) { const token = this.getToken(); if(this.lexerClass.FECHA_COL !== token.type){ if (!attempt) { throw SyntaxError.createError(']', token); } else { return false; } } return true; } checkOpenParenthesis (attempt = false) { const token = this.getToken(); if(this.lexerClass.ABRE_PAR !== token.type){ if (!attempt) { throw SyntaxError.createError('(', token); } else { return false; } } return true; } checkCloseParenthesis (attempt = false) { const token = this.getToken(); if(this.lexerClass.FECHA_PAR !== token.type){ if (!attempt) { throw SyntaxError.createError(')', token); } else { return false; } } return true; } parseGlobalVariables () { let vars = []; while(true) { const decl = this.parseHasConst(); const eosToken = this.getToken(); if (decl !== null && eosToken.type !== this.lexerClass.EOS) { throw SyntaxError.createError('new line or \';\'', eosToken); } if (decl === null) { break; } else { vars = vars.concat(decl); this.pos++; } } return vars; } /* * Checks if the next token is PR_CONST. It's only available * at global variables declaration level * @returns Declararion(const, type, id, initVal?) **/ parseHasConst () { const constToken = this.getToken(); if(constToken.type === this.lexerClass.PR_CONST) { this.pos++; const typeString = this.parseType(); return this.parseDeclararion(typeString, true); } else if(this.isVariableType(constToken)) { this.pos++; return this.parseDeclararion(constToken); } else { return null; } } /* * Parses a declarion of the form: type --- id --- (= --- EAnd)? * @returns a list of Declararion(const, type, id, initVal?) **/ parseDeclararion (typeString, isConst = false) { let initial = null; let dim1 = null; let dim2 = null; const idString = this.parseID(); // Check for array or vector // ID[int/IDi][int/IDj] if (this.checkOpenBrace(true)) { this.pos++; dim1 = this.getArrayDimension(); this.checkCloseBrace(); this.pos++; if(this.checkOpenBrace(true)) { this.pos++; dim2 = this.getArrayDimension(); this.checkCloseBrace(); this.pos++; } } const equalsToken = this.getToken(); if(equalsToken.type === this.lexerClass.ATRIBUICAO) { //process Expression(EAnd) => initial != null console.log("= found"); } const commaToken = this.getToken(); if(commaToken.type === this.lexerClass.VIRGULA) { console.log("comma found"); this.pos++; return [{ isConst: isConst, tipo: typeString, id: idString, lines: dim1, columns: dim2, initial: initial }] .concat(this.parseDeclararion(typeString, isConst)); } else { return [{ isConst: isConst, tipo: typeString, id: idString, lines: dim1, columns: dim2, initial: initial }] } } consumeNewLines () { let token = this.getToken(); while(token.type === this.lexerClass.EOS && token.text.match('[\r\n]+')) { this.pos++; token = this.getToken(); } } isVariableType (token) { return this.variableTypes.find(v => v === token.type); } /* * Reads the next token of the stream to check if it is a Integer or an ID. * @returns Integer | ID **/ getArrayDimension () { const dimToken = this.getToken(); if(dimToken.type === this.lexerClass.INTEIRO) { //parse as int literal this.pos++; return this.parseIntLiteral(dimToken); } else if(dimToken.type === this.lexerClass.ID) { //parse as variable this.pos++; return this.parseVariable(dimToken); } else { throw SyntaxError.createError('int or ID', dimToken); } } /* * Returns an object {type: 'int', value: value}. * It checks for binary and hexadecimal integers. * @returns object with fields type and value **/ parseIntLiteral (token) { const text = token.text; let val = null; if(text.match('^0b|^0B')) { val = parseInt(text.substring(2), 2); } else if (text.match('^0x|^0X')) { val = parseInt(text.substring(2), 16); } else { val = parseInt(text); } return {type: 'int', value: val}; } parseRealLiteral (token) { return {type: 'real', value: parseFloat(token.text)}; } /* * Returns an object {type: 'variable', value: value}. * @returns object with fields type and value **/ parseVariable (token) { return {type: 'variable', value: token.text}; } parseFunctions () { let list = []; while(true) { const func = this.parseFunction(); if(func === null) break; else list.push(func); } return list; } /* * Returns an object representing a function. It has * four attributes: returnType, id, formalParams and block. * The block object has two attributes: declarations and commands **/ parseFunction () { let formalParams = []; const token = this.getToken(); if(token.type !== this.lexerClass.PR_FUNCAO) { //throw SyntaxError.createError(this.lexer.literalNames[this.lexerClass.PR_FUNCAO], token); return null; } this.pos++; this.consumeNewLines(); const returnType = this.parseType(true); this.consumeNewLines(); const functionID = this.parseID(); this.consumeNewLines(); this.checkOpenParenthesis(); this.pos++; this.consumeNewLines(); if (!this.checkCloseParenthesis(true)) { formalParams = this.parseFormalParameters(); // formal parameters this.consumeNewLines(); this.checkCloseParenthesis(); this.pos++; } else { this.pos++; } this.consumeNewLines(); const commandsBlock = this.parseFunctionBody(); return {returnType: returnType, id: functionID, formalParams: formalParams, block: commandsBlock}; } /* * Parse the formal parameters of a function. * @returns a list of objects with the following attributes: type, id and dimensions. **/ parseFormalParameters () { const list = []; while(true) { let dimensions = 0; this.consumeNewLines(); const typeString = this.parseType(); this.pos++; this.consumeNewLines(); const idString = this.parseID(); this.pos++; this.consumeNewLines(); if (this.checkOpenBrace(true)) { this.pos++; dimensions++; this.checkCloseBrace(); this.pos++; if(this.checkOpenBrace(true)) { this.pos++; dimensions++; this.checkCloseBrace(); this.pos++; } } list.push({type: typeString, id: idString, dimensions: dimensions}); this.consumeNewLines(); const commaToken = this.getToken(); if (commaToken.type !== this.lexerClass.VIRGULA) break; this.pos++; } return list; } parseID () { const token = this.getToken(); if(token.type !== this.lexerClass.ID) { throw SyntaxError.createError('ID', token); } this.pos++; return token.text; } parseType (isFunction = false) { const token = this.getToken(); if(token.type === this.lexerClass.ID && isFunction) { return 'void'; } else if (token.type === this.lexerClass.PR_VAZIO && isFunction) { this.pos++; return 'void'; } else if (this.isVariableType(token)) { this.pos++; switch(token.type) { case this.lexerClass.PR_INTEIRO: return 'int'; case this.lexerClass.PR_LOGICO: return 'logic'; case this.lexerClass.PR_REAL: return 'real'; case this.lexerClass.PR_CADEIA: return 'string'; default: break; } } throw SyntaxError.createError(this.getTypesAsString(isFunction), token); } parseFunctionBody () { let variablesDecl = []; this.checkOpenCurly(); this.pos++; while(true) { this.consumeNewLines(); const token = this.getToken(); if (isVariableType(token)) { this.pos++; variablesDecl = variablesDecl.concat(this.parseDeclararion(token)); } else if (token.type === this.lexerClass.ID) { this.pos++; const equalOrParenthesis = this.getToken(); if (equalOrParenthesis.type === this.lexerClass.ATRIBUICAO) { } else if (equalOrParenthesis.type === this.lexerClass.ABRE_PAR) { } else { throw SyntaxError.createError("= or (", equalOrParenthesis); } } } } getTypesAsString (isFunction = false) { const types = isFunction ? this.functionTypes : this.variableTypes; return x => this.lexer.literalNames[x]) .reduce((o, n) => { if (o.length <= 0) return n; else return o + ", " + n; }, ''); } }