import { Location } from "../../memory/location"; import { Type } from '../../typeSystem/type'; import { IStoreValue } from "./istore_value"; export class StoreObject { private _type: Type; private _loc_address: number; private _readOnly: boolean; private _id?: String; /** * * @param {Type} type * @param {Number} loc_address * @param {Boolean} readOnly */ constructor (type: Type, loc_address: number, readOnly = false) { this._loc_address = loc_address; this._type = type; this._readOnly = readOnly; this._id = undefined; } setID (id: String) { this._id = id; Location.updateAddress(this._loc_address, this.value); } get id () { return this._id; } get inStore () { return !== null; } get type () { return this._type; } /** * Returns the actual value stored at the loccation address present in this object. * The returned value is compatible with @prop{StoreObject.type} */ get value () { const address = Location.find(this._loc_address); if (address != null) { return address.value } else { throw new Error("!!!Critical Error: variable "" does not have a valid address. Loc-Address "+ this.locAddress); } } get number () { throw new Error("DOT NOT USE THIS PROPERTY!"); } get readOnly () { return this._readOnly; } set readOnly (value) { this._readOnly = value; } isCompatible (another: IStoreValue) { return this.type.isCompatible(another.type); } destroy () { return Location.deallocate(this._loc_address); } get locAddress () { return this._loc_address; } }