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Remove unecessary code from ivprogAssessment

Lucas Mendonça 5 jaren geleden
1 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 0 en 88 verwijderingen
  1. 0 88

+ 0 - 88

@@ -1,16 +1,11 @@
-import { Decimal } from 'decimal.js';
 import line_i18n from 'line-i18n'
 import { IVProgProcessor } from "./../processor/ivprogProcessor";
-import { InputTest } from "./../util/inputTest";
-import { OutputTest } from "./../util/outputTest";
 import { DOMConsole} from "./../io/domConsole";
 import * as LocalizedStringsService from "../services/localizedStringsService";
-import { Config } from "../util/config";
 import { OutputMatching } from './output_matching/output_matching';
 const LocalizedStrings = LocalizedStringsService.getInstance();
-const list_joiner = LocalizedStrings.getUI("text_join_assessment_outputs");
 const StringTypes = line_i18n.StringTypes;
@@ -77,89 +72,6 @@ export class IVProgAssessment {
-  evaluateTestCase (prog, inputList, expectedOutputs, name, accumulator) {
-    const outerThis = this;
-    const input = new InputTest(inputList);
-    const output = new OutputTest();
-    prog.registerInput(input);
-    prog.registerOutput(output);
-    const startTime =
-    return prog.interpretAST().then( () => {
-      const millis = - startTime;
-      if (input.inputList.length !== input.index) {
-        outerThis.showErrorMessage('test_case_few_reads', name+1);
-        outerThis.showInfoMessage('test_case_duration', millis);
-        return Promise.resolve(accumulator);
-      } else if (output.list.length != expectedOutputs.length) {
-        outerThis.showErrorMessage('test_case_failed', name + 1, inputList.join(list_joiner),
-          expectedOutputs.join(list_joiner), output.list.join(list_joiner));
-        outerThis.showInfoMessage('test_case_duration', millis);
-        // must check for a partial match of the generated output
-        const numMatchedOutputs = output.list.reduce((acc, actualOutput, index) => {
-          if(outerThis.checkOutputValues(actualOutput, expectedOutputs[index])) {
-            return acc + 1;
-          } else {
-            return acc;
-          }
-        }, 0);
-        const maxLength = Math.max(expectedOutputs.length, output.list.length);
-        return Promise.resolve(accumulator + (numMatchedOutputs/maxLength));
-      } else {
-        const isOk = outerThis.checkOutputLists(output.list, expectedOutputs);
-        if(!isOk) {
-          outerThis.showErrorMessage('test_case_failed', name + 1, inputList.join(list_joiner),
-            expectedOutputs.join(list_joiner), output.list.join(list_joiner));
-          outerThis.showInfoMessage('test_case_duration', millis);
-          return Promise.resolve(accumulator);
-        } else {
-          outerThis.showInfoMessage('test_case_success', name + 1);
-          outerThis.showInfoMessage('test_case_duration', millis);
-          return Promise.resolve(accumulator + 1);
-        }
-      }
-    }).catch( error => {
-      outerThis.showErrorMessage('test_case_failed_exception', name + 1, error.message);
-      return Promise.resolve(accumulator);
-    });
-  }
-  partialEvaluateTestCase (prog, inputList, expectedOutputs, name) {
-    return this.evaluateTestCase.bind(this, prog, inputList, expectedOutputs, name);
-  }
-  checkOutputLists (actualOutputs, expectedOutputs) {
-    for (let i = 0; i < actualOutputs.length; i++) {
-      const outValue = actualOutputs[i];
-      const expectedValue = expectedOutputs[i];
-      if(!this.checkOutputValues(outValue, expectedValue)) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  checkOutputValues (actualValue, expectedValue) {
-    let castNumberA = parseFloat(actualValue);
-    if(!Number.isNaN(castNumberA)) {
-      let castNumberB = parseFloat(expectedValue);
-      if(Number.isNaN(castNumberB)) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      castNumberA = new Decimal(castNumberA);
-      castNumberB = new Decimal(castNumberB);
-      const decimalPlaces = Math.min(castNumberB.dp(), Config.decimalPlaces);
-      castNumberA = new Decimal(castNumberA.toFixed(decimalPlaces, Decimal.ROUND_FLOOR));
-      castNumberB = new Decimal(castNumberB.toFixed(decimalPlaces, Decimal.ROUND_FLOOR));
-      const aEqualsB = castNumberA.eq(castNumberB);
-      if (!aEqualsB) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    } else if(actualValue != expectedValue) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
   showErrorMessage (errorID, ...args) {
     this.domConsole.err(LocalizedStrings.getError(errorID, args));