@@ -0,0 +1,924 @@
+import $ from 'jquery';
+import { Types } from './types';
+import * as Models from './ivprog_elements';
+import { LocalizedStrings } from './../services/localizedStringsService';
+import * as GlobalsManagement from './globals';
+import * as VariablesManagement from './variables';
+import * as CommandsManagement from './commands';
+import * as CodeManagement from './code_generator';
+import * as VariableValueMenu from './commands/variable_value_menu';
+import { DOMConsole } from './../io/domConsole';
+import { IVProgParser } from './../ast/ivprogParser';
+import { IVProgProcessor } from './../processor/ivprogProcessor';
+import WatchJS from 'melanke-watchjs';
+import { SemanticAnalyser } from '../processor/semantic/semanticAnalyser';
+import { IVProgAssessment } from '../assessment/ivprogAssessment';
+import * as AlgorithmManagement from './algorithm';
+import '../Sortable.js';
+var counter_new_functions = 0;
+var counter_new_parameters = 0;
+let studentTemp = null;
+let domConsole = null;
+window.studentGrade = null;
+const program = new Models.Program();
+window.system_functions = [];
+// Adding math functions:
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$sin', Types.REAL, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$cos', Types.REAL, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$tan', Types.REAL, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$sqrt', Types.REAL, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$pow', Types.REAL, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true), new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$log', Types.REAL, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$abs', Types.REAL, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$negate', Types.REAL, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$invert', Types.REAL, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$max', Types.REAL, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$min', Types.REAL, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+// Adding text functions:
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$substring', Types.TEXT, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true),
+ new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true),new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$length', Types.INTEGER, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$uppercase', Types.TEXT, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$lowercase', Types.TEXT, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$charAt', Types.TEXT, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true), new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+// Adding arrangement functions:
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$numElements', Types.INTEGER, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+ null, Models.SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS_CATEGORIES.arrangement));
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$matrixLines', Types.INTEGER, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+ null, Models.SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS_CATEGORIES.arrangement));
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$matrixColumns', Types.INTEGER, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+ null, Models.SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS_CATEGORIES.arrangement));
+// Adding conversion functions:
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$isReal', Types.BOOLEAN, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+ null, Models.SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS_CATEGORIES.conversion));
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$isInt', Types.BOOLEAN, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+ null, Models.SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS_CATEGORIES.conversion));
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$isBool', Types.BOOLEAN, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+ null, Models.SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS_CATEGORIES.conversion));
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$castReal', Types.REAL, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+ null, Models.SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS_CATEGORIES.conversion));
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$castInt', Types.INTEGER, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+ null, Models.SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS_CATEGORIES.conversion));
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$castBool', Types.BOOLEAN, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+ null, Models.SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS_CATEGORIES.conversion));
+window.system_functions.push(new Models.SystemFunction('$castString', Types.TEXT, 0, [new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.all, null, null, null, true)],
+ null, Models.SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS_CATEGORIES.conversion));
+/*const variable1 = new Models.Variable(Types.INTEGER, "a", 1);
+const parameter1 = new Models.Variable(Types.INTEGER, "par_1", 1);
+const command1 = new Models.Comment(new Models.VariableValueMenu(VariableValueMenu.VAR_OR_VALUE_TYPES.only_value, "Testing rendering commands"));
+const sumFunction = new Models.Function("soma", Types.INTEGER, 0, [parameter1], false, false, [], null, [command1]);
+console.log(' ___ ___ ________ \n / / / / / ____/ \n / / / / / / \n / / / / ______ ___ / /__ \n / / / / / \\ / / / ___/ \n / /______ / / / /\\ \\/ / / / \n / / / / / / \\ / / /____ \n/__________/ /___/ /___/ \\___/ /________/ ');
+const mainFunction = new Models.Function(LocalizedStrings.getUI("start"), Types.VOID, 0, [], true, false);
+mainFunction.function_comment = new Models.Comment(LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_comment_main'));
+window.program_obj = program;
+window.generator = CodeManagement.generate;
+window.runCodeAssessment = runCodeAssessment;
+window.renderAlgorithm = AlgorithmManagement.renderAlgorithm;
+window.insertContext = false;
+window.watchW = WatchJS;
+WatchJS.watch(window.program_obj.globals, function(){
+ if (window.insertContext) {
+ setTimeout(function(){ AlgorithmManagement.renderAlgorithm(); }, 300);
+ window.insertContext = false;
+ } else {
+ AlgorithmManagement.renderAlgorithm();
+ }
+}, 1);
+WatchJS.watch(window.program_obj.functions, function(){
+ if (window.insertContext) {
+ setTimeout(function(){ AlgorithmManagement.renderAlgorithm(); }, 300);
+ window.insertContext = false;
+ } else {
+ AlgorithmManagement.renderAlgorithm();
+ }
+}, 1);
+function addFunctionHandler () {
+ var new_function = new Models.Function(LocalizedStrings.getUI("new_function") + "_" + counter_new_functions, Types.VOID, 0, [], false, false, [], new Models.Comment(LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_comment_start')));
+ program.addFunction(new_function);
+ counter_new_functions ++;
+ window.insertContext = true;
+ var newe = renderFunction(new_function);
+ newe.css('display', 'none');
+ newe.fadeIn();
+function addParameter (function_obj, function_container, is_from_click = false) {
+ if (function_obj.parameters_list == null) {
+ function_obj.parameters_list = [];
+ }
+ var new_parameter = new Models.Variable(Types.INTEGER, LocalizedStrings.getUI("new_parameter") + "_" + counter_new_parameters);
+ function_obj.parameters_list.push(new_parameter);
+ counter_new_parameters ++;
+ var newe = renderParameter(function_obj, new_parameter, function_container);
+ if (is_from_click) {
+ newe.css('display', 'none');
+ newe.fadeIn();
+ }
+function updateReturnType (function_obj, new_type, new_dimensions = 0) {
+ function_obj.return_type = new_type;
+ function_obj.return_dimensions = new_dimensions;
+function removeFunction (function_obj) {
+ var index = program.functions.indexOf(function_obj);
+ if (index > -1) {
+ program.functions.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+function minimizeFunction (function_obj) {
+ function_obj.is_hidden = !function_obj.is_hidden;
+function addHandlers (function_obj, function_container) {
+ function_container.find('.ui.dropdown.function_return').dropdown({
+ onChange: function(value, text, $selectedItem) {
+ if ($selectedItem.data('dimensions')) {
+ updateReturnType(function_obj, Types[$selectedItem.data('type')], $selectedItem.data('dimensions'));
+ } else {
+ updateReturnType(function_obj, Types[$selectedItem.data('type')]);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ function_container.find( ".name_function_updated" ).on('click', function(e){
+ enableNameFunctionUpdate(function_obj, function_container);
+ });
+ function_container.find( ".add_parameter_button" ).on('click', function(e){
+ window.insertContext = true;
+ addParameter(function_obj, function_container, true);
+ });
+ function_container.find('.menu_commands').dropdown({
+ on: 'hover'
+ });
+ function_container.find('.menu_commands a').on('click', function(evt){
+ if (function_obj.commands == null || function_obj.commands.length == 0) {
+ function_obj.commands = [];
+ var new_cmd = CommandsManagement.genericCreateCommand($(this).data('command'));
+ function_obj.commands.push(new_cmd);
+ CommandsManagement.renderCommand(new_cmd, function_container.find('.commands_list_div'), 3, function_obj);
+ } else {
+ CommandsManagement.createFloatingCommand(function_obj, function_container, $(this).data('command'), evt);
+ }
+ });
+ function_container.find('.add_var_button_function').on('click', function(e){
+ window.insertContext = true;
+ VariablesManagement.addVariable(function_obj, function_container, true);
+ });
+ function_container.find('.remove_function_button').on('click', function(e){
+ removeFunction(function_obj);
+ function_container.fadeOut();
+ });
+ function_container.find('.minimize_function_button').on('click', function(e){
+ minimizeFunction(function_obj);
+ if (function_obj.is_hidden) {
+ function_container.find(".add_var_button_function").toggle();
+ function_container.find(".inline_add_command").toggle();
+ function_container.find(".function_area").slideToggle();
+ } else {
+ function_container.find(".function_area").slideToggle(function(){
+ function_container.find(".add_var_button_function").toggle();
+ function_container.find(".inline_add_command").toggle();
+ });
+ }
+ });
+// Essa função imprime o tipo de retorno da função e cria o menu do tipo 'select' para alteração
+function renderFunctionReturn (function_obj, function_element) {
+ var ret = '<div class="ui dropdown function_return">';
+ if (function_obj.return_dimensions > 0) {
+ ret += '<div class="text">'+ LocalizedStrings.getUI("vector") +':'+ LocalizedStrings.getUI(function_obj.return_type);
+ if (function_obj.return_dimensions == 1) {
+ ret += ' [ ] ';
+ } else {
+ ret += ' [ ] [ ] ';
+ }
+ ret += '</div>';
+ } else {
+ ret += '<div class="text">'+LocalizedStrings.getUI(function_obj.return_type)+'</div>';
+ }
+ ret += '<div class="menu">';
+ for (var tm in Types) {
+ ret += '<div class="item ' + (function_obj.return_type == tm.toLowerCase() && function_obj.return_dimensions < 1 ? ' selected ' : '') + '" data-type="'+tm+'" >'+LocalizedStrings.getUI(tm.toLowerCase())+'</div>';
+ }
+ for (var tm in Types) {
+ if (tm == Types.VOID.toUpperCase()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ret += '<div class="item">'
+ + '<i class="dropdown icon"></i>'
+ + LocalizedStrings.getUI('vector')+':'+LocalizedStrings.getUI(tm.toLowerCase())
+ + '<div class="menu">'
+ + '<div class="item '+(function_obj.return_type == tm.toLowerCase() && function_obj.return_dimensions > 0 ? ' selected ' : '')+'" data-text="'+ LocalizedStrings.getUI('vector')+':'+LocalizedStrings.getUI(tm.toLowerCase())+' [ ] " data-type="'+tm+'" data-dimensions="1">[ ]</div>'
+ + '<div class="item '+(function_obj.return_type == tm.toLowerCase() && function_obj.return_dimensions > 0 ? ' selected ' : '')+'" data-text="'+ LocalizedStrings.getUI('vector')+':'+LocalizedStrings.getUI(tm.toLowerCase())+' [ ] [ ] " data-type="'+tm+'" data-dimensions="2">[ ] [ ] </div>'
+ + '</div>'
+ + '</div>';
+ }
+ ret += '</div></div>';
+ ret = $(ret);
+ function_element.find('.function_return').append(ret);
+export function renderFunction (function_obj) {
+ var appender = '<div class="ui secondary segment function_div list-group-item">';
+ if (function_obj.function_comment) {
+ //appender += renderComment(function_obj.function_comment, sequence, true, -1);
+ }
+ appender += '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-move move_function" aria-hidden="true"><i class="icon sort alternate vertical"></i></span>';
+ appender += (function_obj.is_main ? '<div class="div_start_minimize_v"> </div>' : '<button class="ui icon button large remove_function_button"><i class="red icon times"></i></button>')
+ + '<button class="ui icon button tiny minimize_function_button"><i class="icon window minimize"></i></button>';
+ appender += '<div class="function_signature_div">'+LocalizedStrings.getUI("function")+' ';
+ if (function_obj.is_main) {
+ appender += '<div class="function_name_div"> ' + LocalizedStrings.getUI('void') + ' <span class="span_name_function" >'+function_obj.name+'</span> </div> '
+ + ' <span class="parethesis_function">( </span> <div class="ui large labels parameters_list">';
+ } else {
+ appender += '<div class="ui function_return"></div>';
+ appender += '<div class="function_name_div function_name_div_updated"><span class="span_name_function name_function_updated">'+function_obj.name+'</span> </div> '
+ + ' <span class="parethesis_function"> ( </span> <i class="ui icon plus square outline add_parameter_button"></i> <div class="ui large labels parameters_list container_parameters_list">';
+ }
+ appender += '</div> <span class="parethesis_function"> ) </span> </div>'
+ + (function_obj.is_hidden ? ' <div class="function_area" style="display: none;"> ' : ' <div class="function_area"> ');
+ appender += '<div class="ui add_var_context add_var_button_function" style="float: left;"><i class="icon plus circle purple"></i><i class="icon circle white back"></i><div class="ui icon button purple"><i class="icon superscript"></i></div></div>';
+ appender += '<div class="ui top attached segment variables_list_div"></div>';
+ appender += '<div class="ui inline_add_command"><i class="icon plus circle purple"></i><i class="icon circle white back"></i><div class="ui icon button dropdown menu_commands orange" style="float: left;" ><i class="icon code"></i> <div class="menu"> ';
+ appender += '<a class="item" data-command="'+Models.COMMAND_TYPES.reader+'"><i class="download icon"></i> ' +LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_read_var')+ '</a>'
+ + '<a class="item" data-command="'+Models.COMMAND_TYPES.writer+'"><i class="upload icon"></i> '+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_write_var')+'</a>'
+ + '<a class="item" data-command="'+Models.COMMAND_TYPES.comment+'"><i class="quote left icon"></i> '+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_comment')+'</a>'
+ + '<a class="item" data-command="'+Models.COMMAND_TYPES.attribution+'"><i class="arrow left icon"></i> '+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_attribution')+'</a>'
+ + '<a class="item" data-command="'+Models.COMMAND_TYPES.functioncall+'"><i class="hand point right icon"></i> '+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_functioncall')+'</a>'
+ + '<a class="item" data-command="'+Models.COMMAND_TYPES.iftrue+'" ><i class="random icon"></i> '+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_iftrue')+'</a>'
+ + '<a class="item" data-command="'+Models.COMMAND_TYPES.repeatNtimes+'"><i class="sync icon"></i> '+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_repeatNtimes')+'</a>'
+ + '<a class="item" data-command="'+Models.COMMAND_TYPES.whiletrue+'"><i class="sync icon"></i> '+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_whiletrue')+'</a>'
+ + '<a class="item" data-command="'+Models.COMMAND_TYPES.dowhiletrue+'"><i class="sync icon"></i> '+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_dowhiletrue')+'</a>'
+ + '<a class="item" data-command="'+Models.COMMAND_TYPES.switch+'"><i class="list icon"></i> '+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_switch')+'</a>'
+ + '<a class="item" data-command="'+Models.COMMAND_TYPES.return+'"><i class="reply icon"></i> '+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_btn_return')+'</a>'
+ + '</div></div></div>';
+ appender += '<div class="ui bottom attached segment commands_list_div"></div>';
+ appender += '</div></div>';
+ appender = $(appender);
+ $('.all_functions').append(appender);
+ appender.data('fun', function_obj);
+ appender.find('.commands_list_div').data('fun', function_obj);
+ renderFunctionReturn(function_obj, appender);
+ addHandlers(function_obj, appender);
+ // Rendering parameters:
+ for (var j = 0; j < function_obj.parameters_list.length; j++) {
+ renderParameter(function_obj, function_obj.parameters_list[j], appender);
+ }
+ // Rendering variables:
+ for (var j = 0; j < function_obj.variables_list.length; j++) {
+ VariablesManagement.renderVariable(appender, function_obj.variables_list[j], function_obj);
+ }
+ // Rendering commands:
+ for (var j = 0; j < function_obj.commands.length; j++) {
+ CommandsManagement.renderCommand(function_obj.commands[j], $(appender.find('.commands_list_div')[0]), 3, function_obj);
+ }
+ $('.minimize_function_button').popup({
+ content : LocalizedStrings.getUI("tooltip_minimize"),
+ delay: {
+ show: 750,
+ hide: 0
+ }
+ });
+ Sortable.create(appender.find(".variables_list_div")[0], {
+ handle: '.ellipsis',
+ animation: 100,
+ ghostClass: 'ghost',
+ group: 'local_vars_drag_' + program.functions.indexOf(function_obj),
+ onEnd: function (evt) {
+ updateSequenceLocals(evt.oldIndex, evt.newIndex, function_obj);
+ }
+ });
+ Sortable.create(appender.find(".commands_list_div")[0], {
+ handle: '.command_drag',
+ animation: 100,
+ ghostClass: 'ghost',
+ group: 'commands_drag_' + program.functions.indexOf(function_obj),
+ onEnd: function (evt) {
+ //updateSequenceLocals(evt.oldIndex, evt.newIndex, function_obj);
+ }
+ });
+ if (!function_obj.is_main) {
+ Sortable.create(appender.find(".container_parameters_list")[0], {
+ handle: '.ellipsis',
+ animation: 100,
+ ghostClass: 'ghost',
+ group: 'parameters_drag_' + program.functions.indexOf(function_obj),
+ onEnd: function (evt) {
+ updateSequenceParameters(evt.oldIndex, evt.newIndex, function_obj);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return appender;
+export function initVisualUI () {
+ const mainDiv = $('#visual-main-div');
+ // fill mainDiv with functions and globals...
+ // renderAlgorithm()...
+ $('.add_function_button').on('click', () => {
+ addFunctionHandler();
+ });
+ $('.add_global_button').on('click', () => {
+ window.insertContext = true;
+ GlobalsManagement.addGlobal(program, true);
+ });
+ $('.run_button').on('click', () => {
+ runCode();
+ });
+ $('.visual_coding_button').on('click', () => {
+ toggleVisualCoding();
+ });
+ $('.textual_coding_button').on('click', () => {
+ toggleTextualCoding();
+ });
+ $('.assessment').on('click', () => {
+ runCodeAssessment();
+ is_iassign = true;
+ });
+ $('.div_toggle_console').on('click', () => {
+ toggleConsole();
+ });
+ $('.expand_button').on('click', () => {
+ full_screen();
+ });
+var is_iassign = false;
+$( document ).ready(function() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < program.functions.length; i++) {
+ renderFunction(program.functions[i]);
+ }
+ var time_show = 750;
+ $('.visual_coding_button').popup({
+ content : LocalizedStrings.getUI("tooltip_visual"),
+ delay: {
+ show: time_show,
+ hide: 0
+ }
+ });
+ $('.textual_coding_button').popup({
+ content : LocalizedStrings.getUI("tooltip_textual"),
+ delay: {
+ show: time_show,
+ hide: 0
+ }
+ });
+ $('.upload_file_button').popup({
+ content : LocalizedStrings.getUI("tooltip_upload"),
+ delay: {
+ show: time_show,
+ hide: 0
+ }
+ });
+ $('.download_file_button').popup({
+ content : LocalizedStrings.getUI("tooltip_download"),
+ delay: {
+ show: time_show,
+ hide: 0
+ }
+ });
+ $('.undo_button').popup({
+ content : LocalizedStrings.getUI("tooltip_undo"),
+ delay: {
+ show: time_show,
+ hide: 0
+ }
+ });
+ $('.redo_button').popup({
+ content : LocalizedStrings.getUI("tooltip_redo"),
+ delay: {
+ show: time_show,
+ hide: 0
+ }
+ });
+ $('.run_button').popup({
+ content : LocalizedStrings.getUI("tooltip_run"),
+ delay: {
+ show: time_show,
+ hide: 0
+ }
+ });
+ $('.assessment_button').popup({
+ content : LocalizedStrings.getUI("tooltip_evaluate"),
+ delay: {
+ show: time_show,
+ hide: 0
+ }
+ });
+ $('.help_button').popup({
+ content : LocalizedStrings.getUI("tooltip_help"),
+ delay: {
+ show: time_show,
+ hide: 0
+ }
+ });
+ $('.add_global_button').popup({
+ content : LocalizedStrings.getUI("tooltip_add_global"),
+ delay: {
+ show: time_show,
+ hide: 0
+ }
+ });
+ $('.div_toggle_console').popup({
+ content : LocalizedStrings.getUI("tooltip_console"),
+ delay: {
+ show: time_show,
+ hide: 0
+ }
+ });
+ Sortable.create(listWithHandle, {
+ handle: '.glyphicon-move',
+ animation: 100,
+ ghostClass: 'ghost',
+ group: 'functions_divs_drag',
+ onEnd: function (evt) {
+ updateSequenceFunction(evt.oldIndex, evt.newIndex);
+ }
+ });
+ var listGlobalsHandle = document.getElementById("listGlobalsHandle");
+ Sortable.create(listGlobalsHandle, {
+ handle: '.ellipsis',
+ animation: 100,
+ ghostClass: 'ghost',
+ group: 'globals_divs_drag',
+ onEnd: function (evt) {
+ updateSequenceGlobals(evt.oldIndex, evt.newIndex);
+ }
+ });
+function updateSequenceParameters (oldIndex, newIndex, function_obj) {
+ function_obj.parameters_list.splice(newIndex, 0, function_obj.parameters_list.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0]);
+function updateSequenceLocals (oldIndex, newIndex, function_obj) {
+ function_obj.variables_list.splice(newIndex, 0, function_obj.variables_list.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0]);
+function updateSequenceGlobals (oldIndex, newIndex) {
+ program_obj.globals.splice(newIndex, 0, program_obj.globals.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0]);
+function updateSequenceFunction (oldIndex, newIndex) {
+ program_obj.functions.splice(newIndex, 0, program_obj.functions.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0]);
+function runCodeAssessment () {
+ toggleConsole(true);
+ window.studentGrade = null;
+ studentTemp = null;
+ const strCode = CodeManagement.generate();
+ if (strCode == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(domConsole == null)
+ domConsole = new DOMConsole("#ivprog-term");
+ $("#ivprog-term").slideDown(500);
+ const runner = new IVProgAssessment(strCode, testCases, domConsole);
+ runner.runTest().then(grade => {
+ if (!is_iassign) {
+ parent.getEvaluationCallback(grade);
+ } else {
+ is_iassign = false;
+ }
+ }).catch( err => domConsole.err(err.message));
+function runCode () {
+ toggleConsole(true);
+ const strCode = CodeManagement.generate();
+ if (strCode == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(domConsole == null)
+ domConsole = new DOMConsole("#ivprog-term");
+ $("#ivprog-term").slideDown(500);
+ try {
+ const parser = IVProgParser.createParser(strCode);
+ const analyser = new SemanticAnalyser(parser.parseTree());
+ const data = analyser.analyseTree();
+ const proc = new IVProgProcessor(data);
+ proc.registerInput(domConsole);
+ proc.registerOutput(domConsole);
+ $("#ivprog-term").addClass('ivprog-term-active');
+ proc.interpretAST().then( _ => {
+ domConsole.info("Programa executado com sucesso!");
+ $("#ivprog-term").removeClass('ivprog-term-active');
+ }).catch(err => {
+ domConsole.err(err.message);
+ $("#ivprog-term").removeClass('ivprog-term-active');
+ })
+ } catch (error) {
+ domConsole.err(error.message);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+function toggleConsole (is_running) {
+ if (is_running) {
+ $('.ivprog-term-div').css('display', 'block');
+ $('#ivprog-term').css('min-height', '160px');
+ $('#ivprog-term').css('margin-top', '-170px');
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($('#ivprog-term').css('min-height') == '160px') {
+ // esconder
+ $('.ivprog-term-div').css('display', 'none');
+ $('#ivprog-term').css('min-height', '0');
+ $('#ivprog-term').css('margin-top', '-30px');
+ $('#ivprog-term').css('padding', '5px');
+ } else {
+ // mostrar
+ $('.ivprog-term-div').css('display', 'block');
+ $('#ivprog-term').css('min-height', '160px');
+ $('#ivprog-term').css('margin-top', '-170px');
+ }
+function waitToCloseConsole () {
+ domConsole.info("Aperte qualquer tecla para fechar...");
+ const p = new Promise((resolve, _) => {
+ domConsole.requestInput(resolve, true);
+ });
+ p.then( _ => {
+ domConsole.dispose();
+ domConsole = null;
+ $("#ivprog-term").hide();
+ })
+function toggleTextualCoding () {
+ var code = CodeManagement.generate();
+ $('.ivprog_visual_panel').css('display', 'none');
+ $('.ivprog_textual_panel').css('display', 'block');
+ $('.ivprog_textual_panel').removeClass('loading');
+ $('.ivprog_textual_code').text(code);
+ $('.visual_coding_button').removeClass('active');
+ $('.textual_coding_button').addClass('active');
+function toggleVisualCoding () {
+ $('.ivprog_textual_panel').addClass('loading');
+ $('.ivprog_textual_panel').css('display', 'none');
+ $('.ivprog_visual_panel').css('display', 'block');
+ $('.textual_coding_button').removeClass('active');
+ $('.visual_coding_button').addClass('active');
+function removeParameter (function_obj, parameter_obj, parameter_container) {
+ var index = function_obj.parameters_list.indexOf(parameter_obj);
+ if (index > -1) {
+ window.insertContext = true;
+ function_obj.parameters_list.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ $(parameter_container).fadeOut();
+function updateParameterType(parameter_obj, new_type, new_dimensions = 0) {
+ parameter_obj.type = new_type;
+ parameter_obj.dimensions = new_dimensions;
+ if (new_dimensions > 0) {
+ parameter_obj.rows = new_dimensions;
+ parameter_obj.columns = 2;
+ }
+function renderParameter (function_obj, parameter_obj, function_container) {
+ var ret = "";
+ ret += '<div class="ui label function_name_parameter pink"><i class="ui icon ellipsis vertical inverted"></i>';
+ ret += '<div class="ui dropdown parameter_type">';
+ if (parameter_obj.dimensions > 0) {
+ ret += '<div class="text">'+ LocalizedStrings.getUI('vector')+':'+LocalizedStrings.getUI(parameter_obj.type);
+ if (parameter_obj.dimensions == 1) {
+ ret += ' [ ] ';
+ } else {
+ ret += ' [ ] [ ] ';
+ }
+ ret += '</div>';
+ } else {
+ ret += '<div class="text">'+LocalizedStrings.getUI(parameter_obj.type)+'</div>';
+ }
+ ret += '<div class="menu">';
+ for (var tm in Types) {
+ if (tm == Types.VOID.toUpperCase()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ret += '<div class="item ' + (parameter_obj.type == tm.toLowerCase() ? ' selected ' : '') + '" data-type="'+tm+'" >'+LocalizedStrings.getUI(tm.toLowerCase())+'</div>';
+ }
+ for (var tm in Types) {
+ if (tm == Types.VOID.toUpperCase()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ret += '<div class="item">'
+ + '<i class="dropdown icon"></i>'
+ + LocalizedStrings.getUI('vector')+':'+LocalizedStrings.getUI(tm.toLowerCase())
+ + '<div class="menu">'
+ + '<div class="item" data-text="'+ LocalizedStrings.getUI('vector')+':'+LocalizedStrings.getUI(tm.toLowerCase())+' [ ] " data-type="'+tm+'" data-dimensions="1">[ ]</div>'
+ + '<div class="item" data-text="'+ LocalizedStrings.getUI('vector')+':'+LocalizedStrings.getUI(tm.toLowerCase())+' [ ] [ ] " data-type="'+tm+'" data-dimensions="2">[ ] [ ] </div>'
+ + '</div>'
+ + '</div>';
+ }
+ ret += '</div></div>';
+ ret += '<div class="parameter_div_edit"><span class="span_name_parameter label_enable_name_parameter">'+parameter_obj.name+'</span></div> ';
+ ret += ' <i class="yellow inverted icon times remove_parameter"></i></div>';
+ ret = $(ret);
+ function_container.find('.container_parameters_list').append(ret);
+ ret.find('.remove_parameter').on('click', function(e){
+ removeParameter(function_obj, parameter_obj, ret);
+ });
+ ret.find('.ui.dropdown.parameter_type').dropdown({
+ onChange: function(value, text, $selectedItem) {
+ if ($selectedItem.data('dimensions')) {
+ updateParameterType(parameter_obj, Types[$selectedItem.data('type')], $selectedItem.data('dimensions'));
+ } else {
+ updateParameterType(parameter_obj, Types[$selectedItem.data('type')]);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ret.find('.label_enable_name_parameter').on('click', function(e){
+ enableNameParameterUpdate(parameter_obj, ret);
+ });
+ return ret;
+var opened_name_parameter = false;
+var opened_input_parameter = null;
+function enableNameParameterUpdate (parameter_obj, parent_node) {
+ if (opened_name_parameter) {
+ opened_input_parameter.focus();
+ return;
+ }
+ opened_name_parameter = true;
+ parent_node = $(parent_node);
+ var input_field;
+ parent_node.find('.span_name_parameter').text('');
+ input_field = $( "<input type='text' class='width-dynamic input_name_function' autocomplete='off' autocorrect='off' autocapitalize='off' spellcheck='false' value='"+parameter_obj.name+"' />" );
+ input_field.insertBefore(parent_node.find('.span_name_parameter'));
+ input_field.on('input', function() {
+ var inputWidth = input_field.textWidth()+10;
+ opened_input_parameter = input_field;
+ input_field.focus();
+ var tmpStr = input_field.val();
+ input_field.val('');
+ input_field.val(tmpStr);
+ input_field.css({
+ width: inputWidth
+ })
+ }).trigger('input');
+ input_field.focusout(function() {
+ /// update array:
+ if (input_field.val().trim()) {
+ parameter_obj.name = input_field.val().trim();
+ parent_node.find('.span_name_parameter').text(parameter_obj.name);
+ }
+ input_field.off();
+ input_field.remove();
+ /// update elements:
+ opened_name_parameter = false;
+ opened_input_parameter = false;
+ });
+ input_field.on('keydown', function(e) {
+ var code = e.keyCode || e.which;
+ if(code == 13) {
+ if (input_field.val().trim()) {
+ parameter_obj.name = input_field.val().trim();
+ parent_node.find('.span_name_parameter').text(parameter_obj.name);
+ }
+ input_field.off();
+ input_field.remove();
+ /// update elements:
+ opened_name_parameter = false;
+ opened_input_parameter = false;
+ }
+ if(code == 27) {
+ parent_node.find('.span_name_parameter').text(parameter_obj.name);
+ input_field.off();
+ input_field.remove();
+ /// update elements:
+ opened_name_parameter = false;
+ opened_input_parameter = false;
+ }
+ });
+ input_field.select();
+var opened_name_function = false;
+var opened_input = null;
+var previousPadding = null;
+function enableNameFunctionUpdate (function_obj, parent_node) {
+ if (opened_name_function) {
+ opened_input.focus();
+ return;
+ }
+ parent_node = $(parent_node);
+ parent_node.find('.span_name_function').text('');
+ var input_field;
+ if (!previousPadding) {
+ previousPadding = parent_node.find('.span_name_function').css('padding-left');
+ }
+ parent_node.find('.span_name_function').css('padding-left', '0');
+ parent_node.find('.span_name_function').css('padding-right', '0');
+ input_field = $( "<input type='text' class='width-dynamic input_name_function' autocomplete='off' autocorrect='off' autocapitalize='off' spellcheck='false' value='"+function_obj.name+"' />" );
+ input_field.insertBefore(parent_node.find('.span_name_function'));
+ input_field.on('input', function() {
+ var inputWidth = input_field.textWidth()+10;
+ opened_input = input_field;
+ input_field.focus();
+ var tmpStr = input_field.val();
+ input_field.val('');
+ input_field.val(tmpStr);
+ input_field.css({
+ width: inputWidth
+ })
+ }).trigger('input');
+ input_field.focusout(function() {
+ /// update array:
+ if (input_field.val().trim()) {
+ function_obj.name = input_field.val().trim();
+ }
+ input_field.off();
+ input_field.remove();
+ parent_node.find('.span_name_function').css('padding-left', previousPadding);
+ parent_node.find('.span_name_function').css('padding-right', previousPadding);
+ parent_node.find('.span_name_function').text(function_obj.name);
+ /// update elements:
+ opened_name_function = false;
+ opened_input = false;
+ });
+ input_field.on('keydown', function(e) {
+ var code = e.keyCode || e.which;
+ if(code == 13) {
+ if (input_field.val().trim()) {
+ function_obj.name = input_field.val().trim();
+ }
+ input_field.off();
+ input_field.remove();
+ parent_node.find('.span_name_function').css('padding-left', previousPadding);
+ parent_node.find('.span_name_function').css('padding-right', previousPadding);
+ parent_node.find('.span_name_function').text(function_obj.name);
+ /// update elements:
+ opened_name_function = false;
+ opened_input = false;
+ }
+ if(code == 27) {
+ input_field.off();
+ input_field.remove();
+ parent_node.find('.span_name_function').css('padding-left', previousPadding);
+ parent_node.find('.span_name_function').css('padding-right', previousPadding);
+ parent_node.find('.span_name_function').text(function_obj.name);
+ /// update elements:
+ opened_name_function = false;
+ opened_input = false;
+ }
+ });
+ input_field.select();