var isMoving = false, diskOrigin, diskDestiny, movements; var nWrongMoves = 0; var moves = [], totalMoves = []; //vector to save movements var acertou = 0; var optimalSolution; var redo = false, undo = false; var textDict = { disk0: "stroked0", disk1: "stroked1", disk2: "stroked2", disk3: "stroked3", disk4: "stroked4", disk5: "stroked5", stroked0: "disk0", stroked1: "disk1", stroked2: "disk2", stroked3: "disk3", stroked4: "disk4", stroked5: "disk5" }; var wrongBuzz = new Audio('assets/sounds/wrongBuzz.mp3'); // //To know which tower was selected function getTower(id) { switch (id) { case 0: return towerA; case 1: return towerB; case 2: return towerC; } } function selectA() { if (!isMoving) { if (towerA.length > 0) { diskOrigin = 0; isMoving = true; towerA[towerA.length - 1].setTexture(textDict[towerA[towerA.length - 1].texture.key]); } } else { if (diskOrigin != 0) { moveFromTo(diskOrigin, 0); } else { towerA[towerA.length - 1].setTexture(textDict[towerA[towerA.length - 1].texture.key]); isMoving = false; nMoves.text++; } } } function selectB() { if (!isMoving) { if (towerB.length > 0) { diskOrigin = 1; isMoving = true; towerB[towerB.length - 1].setTexture(textDict[towerB[towerB.length - 1].texture.key]); } } else { if (diskOrigin != 1) { moveFromTo(diskOrigin, 1); } else { towerB[towerB.length - 1].setTexture(textDict[towerB[towerB.length - 1].texture.key]); isMoving = false; nMoves.text++; } } } function selectC() { if (!isMoving) { if (towerC.length > 0) { diskOrigin = 2; isMoving = true; towerC[towerC.length - 1].setTexture(textDict[towerC[towerC.length - 1].texture.key]); //levantar o disco } } else { if (diskOrigin != 2) { moveFromTo(diskOrigin, 2); } else { towerC[towerC.length - 1].setTexture(textDict[towerC[towerC.length - 1].texture.key]); isMoving = false; nMoves.text++; } } } function moveFromTo(origin, destiny) { var originTower = getTower(origin), destinyTower = getTower(destiny); var topDiskOrigin = originTower[originTower.length - 1], topDiskDestiny; if (!undo && !redo) { topDiskOrigin.setTexture(textDict[topDiskOrigin.texture.key]); } if (destinyTower.length > 0) { //movement to a tower with a disk in it topDiskDestiny = destinyTower[destinyTower.length - 1]; if (topDiskOrigin.displayWidth <= topDiskDestiny.displayWidth) { topDiskOrigin.x += 435 * (destiny - origin); topDiskOrigin.y += 28 * (originTower.length - destinyTower.length - 1); originTower.pop(); destinyTower.push(topDiskOrigin); //control variables nMoves.text++; totalMoves.push(origin + " " + destiny); if (!undo) { //if it is either a redo or a new move we must add new moves to the current sequence for possible 'undos' if (!redo) { //if it is a new move, we clean all possible "redos" moves.splice(nCurrentMoves, moves.length - nCurrentMoves); moves.push(origin + " " + destiny); } nCurrentMoves++; undoButton.setInteractive({ useHandCursor: true }); undoButton.setTexture('undo'); if (nCurrentMoves == moves.length) { redoButton.disableInteractive(); redoButton.setTexture('redoDisabled'); } redo = false; } else { nCurrentMoves--; undo = false; redoButton.setInteractive({ useHandCursor: true }); redoButton.setTexture('redo'); if (nCurrentMoves == 0) { undoButton.disableInteractive(); undoButton.setTexture('undoDisabled'); } } } else { invalidMovement(destiny); } } else { //move to a tower without a disk in it topDiskOrigin.x += 435 * (destiny - origin); topDiskOrigin.y += 28 * (originTower.length - destinyTower.length - 1); originTower.pop(); destinyTower.push(topDiskOrigin); //control variables nMoves.text++; totalMoves.push(origin + " " + destiny); if (!undo) { //if it is either a redo or a new move we must add new moves to the current sequence for possible 'undos' if (!redo) { //if it is a new move, we clean all possible "redos" and add the new move to the list moves.splice(nCurrentMoves, moves.length - nCurrentMoves); moves.push(origin + " " + destiny); } nCurrentMoves++; if (nCurrentMoves == moves.length) { redoButton.disableInteractive(); redoButton.setTexture('redoDisabled'); } undoButton.setInteractive({ useHandCursor: true }); undoButton.setTexture('undo'); redo = false; } else { nCurrentMoves--; undo = false; redoButton.setInteractive({ useHandCursor: true }); redoButton.setTexture('redo'); if (nCurrentMoves == 0) { undoButton.disableInteractive(); undoButton.setTexture('undoDisabled'); } } } movements += origin + " " + destiny + "\n" isMoving = false; if (towerC.length == diskQntity) { if (nMoves.text == minimumMoves) { gameWonMsg.text = "Você terminou de mover a torre com o menor \n número de movimentos possivel " + nMoves.text + "!!"; } else { gameWonMsg.text = "Você terminou de mover a torre em " + nMoves.text + " movimentos!!\n O minimo eram " + minimumMoves + " movimentos"; } } else { gameWonMsg.text = ''; } } function redoMove() { if (nCurrentMoves < moves.length) { var res = moves[nCurrentMoves].split(" "); redo = true; moveFromTo(parseInt(res[0]), parseInt(res[1])); if (nCurrentMoves == moves.length) redoButton.setInteractive({ useHandCursor: false }); } } function undoMove() { if (nCurrentMoves > 0) { var res = moves[nCurrentMoves - 1].split(" "); undo = true; moveFromTo(parseInt(res[1]), parseInt(res[0])); if (nCurrentMoves == 0) undoButton.setInteractive({ useHandCursor: false }); redoButton.setInteractive({ useHandCursor: true }); } } function destroyDisks(torre) { for (var i = 0; i < torre.length; i++) { torre[i].destroy(); } torre.splice(0, torre.length); } function restart(n = 0) { if (n > 0) diskQntity = n; restartVariables(); var diskX = 220, diskY = 430; for (var i = diskQntity - 1; i >= 0; i--) { towerA[diskQntity - 1 - i] = scene.add.sprite(diskX, diskY, 'disk' + i).setScale(0.13); //.setDisplaySize(diskWidth, diskHeight); diskY -= 28; } } function restartVariables() { destroyDisks(towerA); destroyDisks(towerB); destroyDisks(towerC); isMoving = false; moves.splice(0, moves.length); nCurrentMoves = 0; minimumMoves = Math.pow(2, diskQntity) - 1; } function selectDisks(qntity, game) { diskQntity = qntity; restartVariables(); game.scene.start('sceneGame'); } function invalidMovement(torre) { wrongMoveSprite.setX(220 + torre * 435);; wrongMoveSprite.setAlpha(1); scene.time.delayedCall(1000, hideX, [], scene); } function hideX() { wrongMoveSprite.setAlpha(0); }