@@ -1,104 +1,22 @@
-function inicio (QntityDisks){
- nDisks=QntityDisks;
- optimalSolution= Math.pow(2,QntityDisks)-1;
- var x = 0;
- var y = 549.5;
- var w = 330;
- startOfMove=Date.now();
- for (var i = 0; i < QntityDisks; i++) {
- var disk = new Disk(x,y,w,40,colors[i]);
- towerA.push(disk);
- x+=20;
- y-=41;
- w-=40;
- }
- drawScene();
-class Disk{
- constructor(x,y,w,h,fill){
- this.x=x;
- this.y=y;
- this.w=w;
- this.h=h;
- this.fill=fill;
- }
- draw(){
- context.fillStyle = this.fill;
- context.strokeStyle = "black";
- roundRect(context, this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, 20, 20, true);
- }
- clear(){
- context.clearRect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h);
- }
-function reinicio (){
- towerA.splice(0,towerA.length);
- towerB.splice(0,towerB.length);
- towerC.splice(0,towerC.length);
- moves.splice(0,moves.length);
- nMovements=0;
- idF = " ";
- idT=" ";
- toMove=null;
- inicio(nDisks);
-function drawTowers (){
- context.beginPath();
- context.fillStyle = pat;
- roundRect(context, 160, 260, 20, 340, 5, pat, false);
- roundRect(context, 0, 590, 330, 20, 5, pat, false);
- roundRect(context, 505, 260, 20, 340, 5, pat, false);
- roundRect(context, 345, 590, 330, 20, 5, pat, false);
- roundRect(context, 850, 260, 20, 340, 5, pat, false);
- roundRect(context, 690, 590, 330, 20, 5, pat, false);
-function drawDisks (){
- for(i=0; i<towerA.length; i++){
- towerA[i].draw();
- }
- for(i=0; i<towerB.length; i++){
- towerB[i].draw();
- }
- for(i=0; i<towerC.length; i++){
- towerC[i].draw();
- }
-function drawScene (){
- context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
- drawTowers();
- drawDisks();
- drawFromTo();
-function buttonClick (id){
- if(toMove == null && getTower(id).length>0){
- toMove = id;
- idF= String.fromCharCode(65+id);
- idT= " ";
- drawScene();
- } else if(toMove != null && toMove != id){
- idT = String.fromCharCode(65+id);
- moveDisk(toMove, id);
- toMove=null;
- }
+var isMoving = false, diskOrigin, diskDestiny, movements;
+var nWrongMoves = 0;
+var moves = [], totalMoves = [];
+var acertou=0;
+var optimalSolution;
+var redo = false, undo = false;
+var textDict = {disk0: "stroked0",
+ disk1: "stroked1",
+ disk2: "stroked2",
+ disk3: "stroked3",
+ disk4: "stroked4",
+ disk5: "stroked5",
+ stroked0: "disk0",
+ stroked1: "disk1",
+ stroked2: "disk2",
+ stroked3: "disk3",
+ stroked4: "disk4",
+ stroked5: "disk5"}
function getTower (id){
case 0:
@@ -110,112 +28,163 @@ function getTower (id){
-function drawFromTo (){
- context.font = "50px Arial";
- context.fillStyle = "black";
- context.fillText("Move from "+idF+" to "+idT, 50, 50);
- context.fillText("Movements: "+nTotalMovements, 50, 100);
+function selectA (){
+ if (!isMoving){
+ if(towerA.length>0){
+ diskOrigin = 0;
+ isMoving = true;
+ towerA[towerA.length-1].setTexture(textDict[towerA[towerA.length-1].texture.key]);
+ }
+ } else{
+ if(diskOrigin!=0){
+ moveFromTo(diskOrigin, 0);
+ } else{
+ towerA[towerA.length-1].setTexture(textDict[towerA[towerA.length-1].texture.key]);
+ isMoving=false;
+ nMoves.text++;
+ }
+ }
-function moveDisk (origin, destiny){
- var originTower = getTower(origin), destinyTower = getTower(destiny), topDiskOrigin, topDiskDestiny;
- moveTime = Math.floor( (Date.now()- startOfMove) /1000);
- startOfMove = Date.now();
- if(nMovements< moves.length){
- moves.splice(nMovements, moves.length- nMovements);
- }
- moves.push(origin+" "+destiny);
- nMovements++;
- finishMove(origin, destiny);
- if(towerC.length == nDisks && nDisks!=0){
- acertou=1;
- totalTime= Date.now() - start;
- if(nTotalMovements==optimalSolution){
- alert("You Won in the least amount of movements!!!\nCongratulations!!!");
- }else{
- alert("You Won!!!\nCongratulations!!");
- }
- }
+function selectB (){
+ if (!isMoving){
+ if(towerB.length>0){
+ diskOrigin = 1;
+ isMoving = true;
+ towerB[towerB.length-1].setTexture(textDict[towerB[towerB.length-1].texture.key]);
+ }
+ } else{
+ if(diskOrigin!=1){
+ moveFromTo(diskOrigin, 1);
+ } else{
+ towerB[towerB.length-1].setTexture(textDict[towerB[towerB.length-1].texture.key]);
+ isMoving=false;
+ nMoves.text++;
+ }
+ }
-function roundRect(ctx, x, y, width, height, radius, fill, stroke) {
- if (typeof stroke == "undefined" ) {
- stroke = true;
- }
- if (typeof radius === "undefined") {
- radius = 5;
+function selectC (){
+ if (!isMoving){
+ if(towerC.length>0){
+ diskOrigin = 2;
+ isMoving = true;
+ towerC[towerC.length-1].setTexture(textDict[towerC[towerC.length-1].texture.key]);
+ }
+ } else{
+ if(diskOrigin!=2){
+ moveFromTo(diskOrigin, 2);
+ } else{
+ towerC[towerC.length-1].setTexture(textDict[towerC[towerC.length-1].texture.key]);
+ isMoving=false;
+ nMoves.text++;
+ }
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.moveTo(x + radius, y);
- ctx.lineTo(x + width - radius, y);
- ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y, x + width, y + radius);
- ctx.lineTo(x + width, y + height - radius);
- ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y + height, x + width - radius, y + height);
- ctx.lineTo(x + radius, y + height);
- ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + height, x, y + height - radius);
- ctx.lineTo(x, y + radius);
- ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x + radius, y);
- ctx.closePath();
- if (stroke) {
- ctx.stroke();
- }
- if (fill) {
- ctx.fill();
- }
-function undo(){
- if(nMovements>0){
- var res = moves[nMovements-1].split(" ");
- nMovements--;
- if (nMovements>1){
- var res2 = moves[nMovements-2].split(" ");
- idf = res2[0];
- idt = res2[1];
- } else{
- idf = "";
- idt = "";
+function moveFromTo (origin, destiny){
+ var originTower = getTower(origin), destinyTower = getTower(destiny);
+ var topDiskOrigin = originTower[originTower.length-1], topDiskDestiny;
+ if (!undo && !redo) {
+ topDiskOrigin.setTexture(textDict[topDiskOrigin.texture.key]);
+ }
+ if (destinyTower.length>0){
+ topDiskDestiny = destinyTower[destinyTower.length-1];
+ if(topDiskOrigin.displayWidth<=topDiskDestiny.displayWidth){
+ topDiskOrigin.x += 435*(destiny-origin);
+ topDiskOrigin.y += 28*(originTower.length-destinyTower.length-1);
+ originTower.pop();
+ destinyTower.push(topDiskOrigin);
+ nMoves.text++;
+ totalMoves.push(origin+" "+destiny);
+ if (!undo){
+ if(!redo){
+ moves.splice(nCurrentMoves, moves.length- nCurrentMoves);
+ moves.push(origin+" "+destiny);
+ }
+ nCurrentMoves++;
+ undoButton.setInteractive({useHandCursor: true});
+ undoButton.setTexture('undo');
+ if(nCurrentMoves==moves.length){
+ redoButton.disableInteractive();
+ redoButton.setTexture('redoDisabled');
+ }
+ redo=false;
+ }else{
+ nCurrentMoves--;
+ undo=false;
+ redoButton.setInteractive({useHandCursor: true});
+ redoButton.setTexture('redo');
+ if(nCurrentMoves==0){
+ undoButton.disableInteractive();
+ undoButton.setTexture('undoDisabled');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ topDiskOrigin.x += 435*(destiny-origin);
+ topDiskOrigin.y += 28*(originTower.length-destinyTower.length-1);
+ originTower.pop();
+ destinyTower.push(topDiskOrigin);
+ nMoves.text++;
+ totalMoves.push(origin+" "+destiny);
+ if (!undo){
+ if(!redo){
+ moves.splice(nCurrentMoves, moves.length- nCurrentMoves);
+ moves.push(origin+" "+destiny);
+ }
+ nCurrentMoves++;
+ if(nCurrentMoves==moves.length){
+ redoButton.disableInteractive();
+ redoButton.setTexture('redoDisabled');
+ }
+ undoButton.setInteractive({useHandCursor: true});
+ undoButton.setTexture('undo');
+ redo=false;
+ }else{
+ nCurrentMoves--;
+ undo=false;
+ redoButton.setInteractive({useHandCursor: true});
+ redoButton.setTexture('redo');
+ if(nCurrentMoves==0){
+ undoButton.disableInteractive();
+ undoButton.setTexture('undoDisabled');
+ }
- finishMove(parseInt(res[1]), parseInt(res[0]));
+ }
+ movements+=origin+" "+destiny+"\n"
+ isMoving=false;
+ if (towerC.length == diskQntity){
+ gameWonMsg.text = "Você terminou de mover a torre!!! Parabéns!!"
+ }else{
+ gameWonMsg.text ='';
-function redo(){
- if (nMovements < moves.length){
- var res = moves[nMovements].split(" ");
- nMovements++;
- finishMove(parseInt(res[0]), parseInt(res[1]));
+function redoMove(){
+ if (nCurrentMoves < moves.length){
+ var res = moves[nCurrentMoves].split(" ");
+ redo=true;
+ moveFromTo(parseInt(res[0]), parseInt(res[1]));
+ if(nCurrentMoves==moves.length) redoButton.setInteractive({useHandCursor: false});
-function finishMove(origin, destiny){
- nTotalMovements++;
- var originTower = getTower(origin), destinyTower = getTower(destiny), topDiskOrigin, topDiskDestiny;
- topDiskOrigin = originTower[originTower.length-1];
- totalMoves.push(origin+" "+destiny+" "+moveTime);
- if(destinyTower.length>0){
- topDiskDestiny = destinyTower[destinyTower.length-1];
- if(topDiskOrigin.w<topDiskDestiny.w){
- topDiskOrigin.x += 345*(destiny-origin);
- topDiskOrigin.y += 42*(originTower.length-destinyTower.length-1);
- originTower.pop();
- destinyTower.push(topDiskOrigin);
- drawScene();
- } else{
- nWrongMoves++;
- alert("Movimento Inválido");
- idF =" ";
- idT =" ";
- drawScene();
- }
- }else{
- topDiskOrigin.x += 345*(destiny-origin);
- topDiskOrigin.y += 42*(originTower.length-destinyTower.length-1);
- originTower.pop();
- destinyTower.push(topDiskOrigin);
- drawScene();
+function undoMove(){
+ if(nCurrentMoves>0){
+ var res = moves[nCurrentMoves-1].split(" ");
+ undo=true;
+ moveFromTo(parseInt(res[1]), parseInt(res[0]));
+ if(nCurrentMoves==0) undoButton.setInteractive({useHandCursor: false});
+ redoButton.setInteractive({useHandCursor: true});