# Describes forms and their fields

## [mod_form](../mod_form.php)

- Creates and modifies instances of gradeimporter module

### General Information

#### Header

- Adds General Information section header
- Element Header - General

#### Name

- Mod instance Name
- Element - Text
- Type - Text
- Rule - Must be String
- Parameter - name

<!-- ### Visibility

- Selects if submission will appear to students
- Element - selectyesno
  - selectyesno already has type and rules defined
- Parameter - visibility
### Standard elements

- Receives a features array to define what will show on the form
  - Disponibility, access restrictions, tags, competencies, etc...

### Hidden Fields

- Used to pass predefined parameters to the database
  - user id, who and when instance was created or modified

## [submission_form](submission_form.php)

- Creates and modifies submissions that will appear (or not) to the students

### General Information - sub

#### Header - sub

- Adds General Information section header
- Element Header - General

#### Submission Name

- Mod instance Name
- Element - Text
- Type - Text
- Rule - Must be String
- Parameter - name

#### Submission Description

#### Submission type