class Teacherview {
* @property gradeimporterid used to query DB at get_submissions()
* @property context used to get studentslist at get_studentlist()
* @property cellstyle style used by table cells. Black border and centered text
private $gradeimporterid;
private $context;
private $cmid;
private $cellstyle = "border:1px solid black; text-align:center";
* @param int cmid to get context
* @param int gradeimporterid to query database
* constructor
public function __construct (int $cmid, int $gradeimporterid) {
$this->gradeimporterid = $gradeimporterid;
$this->cmid = $cmid;
$this->context = context_module::instance($cmid);
private function get_gradeimporterid () {
return $this->gradeimporterid;
private function get_cmid () {
return $this->cmid;
private function get_context () {
return $this->context;
private function get_cellstyle ($extrastyle = "") {
return "$this->cellstyle $extrastyle";
* builds teacherview table using php html_table class
* Gets all submissions from get_submissions()
* Header is built with get_table_head() passing submissions as param
* Each row is a different student
* Gets each row with get_studentsubmissions()
* @return table as html string
public function make_table () {
global $DB, $CFG;
// Prepare variables
$studentlist = $this->get_studentlist();
$submissions = $this->get_submissions();
// Create table
$table = new html_table();
$table->align = array('center');
$table->attributes = array('class' => 'generaltable mod_index');
$submissions = $this->get_submissions();
if (!$submissions) {
$table->data[] = $this->get_table_head($submissions);
foreach ($studentlist as $student) {
$table->data[] = $this->get_studentsubmissions($student, $submissions);
return html_writer::table($table);
* Gets students list from moodle function get_enrolled_users
* Builds a list from $enrolledusers with:
* * Keys as student id;
* * Values as student fullname and student id.
* @return array $studentlist - students data (name and id)
private function get_studentlist () {
// Get students list with userid as key and fullname as value
$enrolledusers = get_enrolled_users($this->get_context(), 'mod/gradeimporter:view',
0, 'u.id, u.firstname, u.lastname',
'u.firstname, u.lastname'
$studentlist = array();
foreach ($enrolledusers as $user) {
$studentlist[$user->id] = array('name' => $user->firstname." ".$user->lastname,
'id' => $user->id);
return $studentlist;
* Builds a row with first column being "name" for students names
* Other rows are submissions names
* @return html_table_row $header
private function get_table_head ($submissions) {
// Creates teacher view table head
$header = new html_table_row();
// Add name header to header row
$title = get_string('nameColTitle', 'gradeimporter');
$text = get_string('nameCol', 'gradeimporter');
$celltext = " $text ";
$header->cells[] = $this->make_cell($celltext, 1);
foreach ($submissions as $submission) {
// Add a icon to redirect to submission form to edit the sub
$celltext = $this->subcelltext($submission);
$header->cells[] = $this->make_cell($celltext, 2);
return $header;
* Build a row for a student defined by paramcmide and link to " - "
* @return html_table_row $row with each column being grade and feedbackfile for the submission
private function get_studentsubmissions ($student, $submissions) {
global $DB;
// Create new row for the student
$row = new html_table_row();
// Set first cell of the row as the students fullname
$row->cells[] = $this->make_cell($student["name"], 1);
// Foreach submission checks if student has a feedback for it
// If they have, fill it with grade + filename (possibly grade+link to full feedback)
// If they don't have fill it with grade and filename as -
foreach ($submissions as $submission) {
$feedback = $DB->get_record('gradeimporter_feedback',
['submissionid' => $submission->id,
'studentid' => $student['id']]
if ($feedback) {
$fileurl = $this->feedback_url($feedback);
$grade = $feedback->grade;
} else {
$fileurl = '-';
$grade = '-';
$row->cells[] = $this->make_cell($grade, 1);
$row->cells[] = $this->make_cell($fileurl, 1);
return $row;
* Fetch all submissions for this gradeimporter instance on gradeimporter_submissions table
* Build query using $this->gradeimporterid property
* @return $submissions fetched from gradeimporter_submission table
private function get_submissions () {
global $CFG, $DB;
// Get table prefix
$tp = $CFG->prefix;
// Build Query
$sql = "SELECT id, name, type, description
FROM {$tp}gradeimporter_submission
WHERE gradeimporterid ={$this->get_gradeimporterid()}
ORDER BY type, id";
// Query DB
$submissions = $DB->get_records_sql($sql);
// Return submissions
return $submissions;
* Prints html when there are no submissions to show
* @underconstruction
* @return void
private function no_submissions () {
echo "No submissions";
* Builds fileplugin url to feedback file
* @param array $feedback fetched from gradeimporter_feedback table
* @return html hyperlink to download feedback file
private function feedback_url ($feedback) {
$url = moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url($feedback->contextid,
return "$feedback->name";
* Makes a cell object to be inserted into a row
* Cell style is predifined on class properties
* @param string $text - Text shown on the cell
* @param int $colspan - How many columns this cell ocuppies
* @return html_table_cell $cell - cell built on the function
private function make_cell ($text, $colspan) {
$cell = new html_table_cell($text);
$cell->style = $this->get_cellstyle();
$cell->colspan = $colspan;
return $cell;
private function subcelltext ($submission) {
$url = new moodle_url("/mod/gradeimporter/forms/submission/submission.php", array('id' => $this->get_gradeimporterid(),
'cmid' => $this->get_cmid(),
'subid' => $submission->id)
$editlinktitle = get_string('editSub', 'gradeimporter', $submission->name);
return "description\">