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  10. <!--
  11. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. JavaScript code: starting point
  13. This JavaScript code could be inserted in any LMS to get the iLM content and send it to the server.
  14. In this example it use a single "applet" instance, here from iHanoi.
  15. -->
  16. <script Language="JavaScript">
  17. //<![CDATA[
  18. var strAnswer = '';
  19. var evaluationResult = '';
  20. var comment = '';
  21. function submit_iMA_Answer () {
  22. // alert('./ex_pt/index.html: window.frames=' + window.frames);
  23. // alert('./ex_pt/index.html: window.frames.iLM=' + window.frames.iLM);
  24. /* DEBUG
  25. var strFrames = "";
  26. var arrFrames = parent.document.getElementsByTagName("IFRAME");
  27. for (var i=0; i<arrFrames.length; i++) {
  28. strFrames += ', ' + arrFrames[i].name; // if (arrFrames[i].contentWindow === window) alert("yay!");
  29. } // acho 'window.frames' de nome 'iLM'!!!
  30. alert('./ex_pt/index.html: window.frames=' + strFrames);
  31. */
  32. window.frames.iLM.getEvaluation(); // ../ivprogh/js/iassign-integration-functions.js
  33. // window.frames.iLM.runCodeAssessment();
  34. var strAnswer = window.frames.iLM.getAnswer();
  35. alert('./ex_pt/index.html: getAnswer()=' + strAnswer);
  36. /*
  37. var docForm = document.formEnvio;
  38. // Prepared to be used with more than 1 "applet'
  39. var exercise_answer = new Array(3); // answer: to get the learner answer
  40. var exercise_value = new Array(3); // value from the iLM automatic evaluator
  41. // var doc = document.formEnvio; // ----------------------------------------------------------
  42. // var doc = javascript:window.jsAnalyseAnswer();
  43. try {
  44. alert('submit_iMA_Answer(): evaluationResult=' + evaluationResult);
  45. exercise_answer[0] = doc.getAnswer(); // answer: it must be first (usually the iLM first get the answer to compute the evaluation grade)
  46. exercise_value[0] = doc.getEvaluation(); // value from the iLM automatic evaluator
  47. } catch (Exception) { alert("Error!"); }
  48. docForm.iLM_POST_Archive_0.value = exercise_answer[0]; // Content coming from the iLM
  49. docForm.iLM_POST_Value_0.value = exercise_value[0]; // The activity evaluation coming from the iLM
  50. // This is used to help the developer to debug his iLM
  51. // It presents the file content that will be registered.
  52. alert('The file activity value is: ' + exercise_value[0] + '\nThe activity content is:\n' + exercise_answer[0]);
  53. //uncomment_this docForm.submit(); // envia de fato o formulario
  54. //uncomment_this return true;
  55. */
  56. }
  57. function getEvaluationCallback (evaluation) {
  58. evaluationResult = evaluation;
  59. strAnswer = window.frames.iLM.getAnswer();
  60. alert('getEvaluationCallback(...)' + evaluation + ', strAnswer=' + strAnswer);
  61. comment = document.formEnvio.submission_comment.value;
  62. //leo
  63. if ((strAnswer==null || strAnswer=='' || strAnswer==-1) && (comment==null || comment=='')) { // undefined
  64. alert('Activity sent without content.'); // 'Activity sent without content.'
  65. return false; // error...
  66. }
  67. else {
  68. //leo alert('getEvaluationCallback: enviando evaluationResult=' + evaluation + ', strAnswer=' + strAnswer);
  69. document.formEnvio.iLM_PARAM_ArchiveContent.value = strAnswer;
  70. document.formEnvio.iLM_PARAM_ActivityEvaluation.value = evaluationResult;
  71. document.formEnvio.submit();
  72. return true; // success
  73. }
  74. }
  75. //]]>
  76. </script>
  77. <!--
  78. JavaScript code: final -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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  134. <h1>Exemplos</h1>
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  137. <!-- Para cada exemplo, copiar toda a DIV abaixo e não alterar as classes dos elementos :) -->
  138. <div class="container example-large-div">
  139. <div class="text-count-example"><span class="octicon octicon-rocket"></span> Exemplo 1</div>
  140. <p class="text-reduced">
  141. Exemplo de exercício com <i>avaliação automática</i> no <i>iVProg</i>.
  142. </p>
  143. <p class="text-reduced">
  144. <b>Faça um programa que solicite do usuário um valor inteiro, depois imprima o valor por ele digitado.</b>
  145. </p>
  146. <div class="container text-center">
  147. <form name='formEnvio' id='formEnvio' method='post' \
  148. action='#'\
  149. enctype='multipart/form-data'>
  150. <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"> <!-- 4by3 -->
  151. <iframe name="iLM" id="iLM" class="embed-responsive-item"
  152. src="../ivprogh/index.html?iLM_PARAM_AssignmentURL=true&iLM_PARAM_Assignment=../ex_pt/exerc/exerc_1_1_ler_imprimir_novo.ivph&iLM_PARAM_SendAnswer=false&lang=en"
  153. allowfullscreen></iframe><br/>
  154. </div>
  155. <input type='button' name='Submit' value='Enviar resposta' class="btn btn-warning"
  156. title='clique aqui para vesualizar seu codigo'
  157. onclick='javascript:window.submit_iMA_Answer();' /><!-- chama funcao iMA-->
  158. </form>
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