nasatlx.php 1.8 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. * English strings for nasatlx
  4. *
  5. * You can have a rather longer description of the file as well,
  6. * if you like, and it can span multiple lines.
  7. *
  8. * @package mod_nasatlx
  9. * @version v 0.1 2019/03/04
  10. * @category grade
  11. * @copyright 2014 LInE -
  12. * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  13. */
  14. defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
  15. $string['modulename'] = 'NASA-TLX (LInE-IME-USP)';
  16. $string['modulenameplural'] = 'NASA-TLX by LInE/IME/USP';
  17. $string['modulename_help'] = 'Use the NASA-TLX (by LInE) to compare the users perception related to two different implementations of any course/software';
  18. //$string[''] = '';
  19. $string['config_nasatlx'] = 'Insert NASA-TLX/LInE block';
  20. $string['view_nasatlx'] = 'View all questionnaire NASA-TLX/LInE';
  21. $string['list_all_nasatlx'] = 'List all NASA-TLX/LInE questionnaires in all courses';
  22. $string['list_all_nasatlx_empty'] = 'There is none NASA-TLX questionnaire';
  23. $string['list_all_nasatlx_ans_empty'] = 'There is none answer to this NASA-TLX questionnaire';
  24. $string['export_all_nasatlx'] = 'Export all NASA-TLX/LInE questionnaires in all courses';
  25. $string['export_all_nasatlx_help'] = 'With this option you can export all NASA-TLX/LInE questionnaires in all courses, with all the students\' answer';
  26. $string['nasatlxfieldset'] = 'Personalized example about fieldset';
  27. $string['nasatlxname'] = 'NASA-TLX/LInE';
  28. $string['nasatlxname_help'] = 'The module NASA-TLX/LInE is an implementation of NASA-TLX protocol to verify the impact of ' .
  29. 'two different courses (or implementations) over the users\' perceptions.';
  30. $string['nasatlx'] = 'NASA-TLX (LInE)';
  31. $string['pluginadministration'] = 'NASA-TLX/LInE Administration';
  32. $string['pluginname'] = 'NASA-TLX (LInE-IME-USP): administrative area';