iAssign (Interactive Assignment) package aims to enhance learning activities in Moodle, allowing the incorporation of "Interactive Learning Modules" (iLM) to Moodle. http://www.matematica.br/ia

Igor 58b092e346 Included iHanoi prepared to iAssign 4 éve
backup 3d84a13595 install.xml with new table iassign_allsubmissions 4 éve
classes 3d84a13595 install.xml with new table iassign_allsubmissions 4 éve
db 4f6c9a0ee6 Included allsubmissions table creation in upgrade.php 4 éve
icon 3d84a13595 install.xml with new table iassign_allsubmissions 4 éve
ilm 58b092e346 Included iHanoi prepared to iAssign 4 éve
ilm_debug 3d84a13595 install.xml with new table iassign_allsubmissions 4 éve
ilm_handlers 561113289b Merge branch 'allsubmissions' of ssh:// into allsubmissions 4 éve
lang 010aa77d4c Finished previous/next navigation 4 éve
pix 3d84a13595 install.xml with new table iassign_allsubmissions 4 éve
README.txt 5b3681d9ad Update com a criaçao da tabela iassign_allsubmissions 4 éve
TODO.txt d9064d312c TODO list 4 éve
grade.php 3d84a13595 install.xml with new table iassign_allsubmissions 4 éve
iassign_form.php a2eb329514 Improve activity create 4 éve
ilm_handle.php 3d84a13595 install.xml with new table iassign_allsubmissions 4 éve
ilm_manager.php 3d84a13595 install.xml with new table iassign_allsubmissions 4 éve
ilm_manager_form.php 3d84a13595 install.xml with new table iassign_allsubmissions 4 éve
ilm_security.php 3d84a13595 install.xml with new table iassign_allsubmissions 4 éve
index.php 3d84a13595 install.xml with new table iassign_allsubmissions 4 éve
lib.php 3d84a13595 install.xml with new table iassign_allsubmissions 4 éve
locallib.php 4f6c9a0ee6 Included allsubmissions table creation in upgrade.php 4 éve
mod_form.php 3d84a13595 install.xml with new table iassign_allsubmissions 4 éve
params_form.php 3d84a13595 install.xml with new table iassign_allsubmissions 4 éve
renderer.php 3d84a13595 install.xml with new table iassign_allsubmissions 4 éve
settings.php ee9db7667e Editing new config for iLM 4 éve
settings_form.php ee9db7667e Editing new config for iLM 4 éve
settings_ilm.php 3d84a13595 install.xml with new table iassign_allsubmissions 4 éve
settings_params.php 3d84a13595 install.xml with new table iassign_allsubmissions 4 éve
upgrade_files.php 3d84a13595 install.xml with new table iassign_allsubmissions 4 éve
version.php 4f6c9a0ee6 Included allsubmissions table creation in upgrade.php 4 éve
view.html 3d84a13595 install.xml with new table iassign_allsubmissions 4 éve
view.php 3d84a13595 install.xml with new table iassign_allsubmissions 4 éve
view.php0 3d84a13595 install.xml with new table iassign_allsubmissions 4 éve


iAssign version 2.1.70

By iMatica/iMath - free interactive tools for teaching-learning Math
Patricia Rodrigues , Leônidas O. Brandão , Igor Félix

.: About iAssign :.

This is the iAssign (Interactive Assignment) package, an iMath free system to enrich activities in Moodle.
It is created by Patricia Rodrigues and Leônidas de Oliveira Brandão.

iAssign's goal is to increase interactivity in activities related to specific subjects (such as Geometry, Functions, Programming,...)
in a flexible way.

In order to improve interactivity, iAssign makes use of iLM (interactive Learning Module),
that is any interactive tool that runs under a Web browser.
Typically an iLM is a Java applet or an HTML5 package with a few (mandatory) communication methods, all based on HTTP protocol.
This implies that any applet can easily became an iLM and can be integrated to Moodle under iAssign package.

If the iLM offers automatic assessment functionality, iAssign is able
to deal with it. Under such iLM, iAssign provides immediate feedback to
the student, and the teachers can get instant information about their
activities (including reports about the student performance).

It can be added new iLM into iAssign, at any time, but (for security
reason), only the administrator has the privilege of integrating new iLM into iAssign.
Once integrated, an iLM can be used by anyone registered in its Moodle.
For instance, an user with privileges of "teacher" is allowed to use
the iAssign authoring tools to create activities with any iLM
(like iGeom, iGraf, or iVprog, respectively to related to the subjects, Geometry, Functions and Programming).

The main features of iAssign package are:
- The authoring tool to allow any teacher to easily prepare activities to students. Activities can be:
+ an exercise (the student must send an answer, and if the iLM has automatic assessment, its results (right/wrong) is also registered);
+ a test (the student does the activity, if iLM has automatic assessment, the student gets immediate feedback, but no data is recorded in Moodle's database);
+ an example (the student can interact with the example, but nothing is recorded).
- Reports about students activities:
+ teachers can see, e.g., a survey or statistics about student's answers and can have quick access to any submited answer;
+ the students have a survey of their activities (including their grades)
- Integration with general Moodle grades
- A filter that allows the insertion of iLM content into any (asynchronous) Moodle text.

Besides, as the majority of Moodle modules, iAssign can export (as backup) one activity or a complete lesson (a set of activities).

Note: This plugin is part of iAssign SET see more in https://moodle.org/plugins/browse.php?list=set&id=54

.: Quick install instructions (to be used by the system administrator) :.

0) Be sure you have (at least) Moodle 2.4 until Moodle 2.6 installed
1) Be sure to have the latest language package, such as English (en), Portuguese (pt_br).
2) Be sure to have the latest version of the module iAssign (see in https://github.com/leonidasbrandao/iAssign master)
3) Unpack 'iAssign.2.1.x.zip' (or 'iAssign.2.1.x.tgz')
4) Copy the 'iassign' module directory into the "mod" subdirectory of Moodle installation
5) Under role "administrator", go to the 'Site administration' and click on 'Notifications'
6) Have fun.

.: What is news :.

Considering the iAssign for Moodle 1.9, the new featuress in this version are:

- the teacher can produce a new interactive activity directly "on-line", using the new iLM editor (but is still possible to upload files);
- in a course with more than one teacher, it is now possible to use a local repository.
- See more in http://docs.moodle.org/en/iAssign.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome at http://www.matematica.br/iassign or https://github.com/leonidasbrandao/iAssign.
(if the comment area is missing, please send us an email).

Best regards,

Leônidas and Patricia

Institute of Mathematics and Statistics - University of São Paulo
iMath/LInE : http://www.matematica.br : http://line.ime.usp.br