For security reasons, students grade has been updated to 0 (zero).
Refresh the page and try again.';
$string['auto_evaluate_msg_empty_cases'] = 'The test cases used by iLM to evaluation are empty.
Refresh the page and try again.';
$string['auto_evaluate_msg_fail'] = 'When trying run automatic evaluation, iLM reported a failure.
Click on the icon to details.';
$string['auto_evaluate_msg_grade_update'] = 'Students grade has been updated to automatic evaluation result.';
$string['auto_evaluate_msg_t_diff_cases'] = 'Differences found in test cases. Click on the icon to details.';
$string['auto_evaluate_msg_t_empty_cases']= 'Empty test cases. Click on the icon to details.';
$string['auto_evaluate_msg_t_fail'] = 'Execution failure. Click on the icon to details.';
$string['auto_evaluate_msg_time'] = 'iLM was asked to evaluate students exercise, but did not return any information to iAssign. This can happen when iLM has no re-evaluator.
Refresh the page and try again.';
$string['auto_evaluate_name_config'] = 'Auto reevaluation';
$string['auto_evaluate_ok'] = 'Grade and submission are reliable';
$string['auto_evaluate_reprocess'] = 'Reevaluate automatically';
$string['auto_evaluate_select'] = 'Select the exercises to run automatic evaluate:';
$string['auto_evaluate_select_msg'] = 'Select at least one exercise to run evaluation!';
$string['auto_evaluate_start'] = 'Start';
$string['auto_evaluate_stop'] = 'Stop';
$string['auto_evaluate_stopped'] = 'Automatic evaluation has stopped.';
$string['auto_evaluate_title'] = 'Automatic Evaluation';
$string['auto_evaluate_title_time'] = 'iLM did not return any information. Click on the icon to details.';
$string['auto_editingbehavior'] = 'Does it allow to edit a solution?';
$string['auto_editingbehavior_help'] = 'The iLM allows to edit one submitted solution means that the automatic evaluator remains working after the student edit his solution';
$string['auto_reevaluate'] = 'Does it allow batch re-evaluate?';
$string['auto_reevaluate_help'] = 'The iLM allows to the teacher to re-evaluate the solutions sent by all the students is useful to avoid JavaScript expert fraud';
$string['auto_result'] = 'Result of automatic evaluation:';
$string['automatic_evaluate'] = 'It must be used automatic evaluation in this activity?';
$string['availabledate'] = 'Available from';
$string['avg_experiment'] = 'Average attempts';
$string['box_comment_message'] = 'Enter your comments here';
$string['cancel'] = 'Cancel.';
$string['cancel_delete'] = 'The file was not deleted. Action canceled.';
$string['cancel_delete_file_jar'] = 'No';
$string['category'] = 'Category';
$string['changeto'] = 'Change to ';
$string['choose_file'] = 'Choose the file with the iLM activity';
$string['choose_iLM'] = 'Choose the interactive Learning Module (iLM)';
$string['choose_iLM_help'] = '
Select one of the iLM to be used in this activity (the content file must be correspondent to this iLM).
'; $string['choose_type_activity'] = 'Choose the type of activity'; $string['close'] = 'Close'; $string['close_alt'] = 'Close this window (any change will be lost)'; $string['coefficient_variation'] = 'Coefficient of variation'; $string['comment'] = 'Comments'; $string['comment_read'] = 'Read comments'; $string['comment_unread'] = 'New comments'; $string['comment_unread_one'] = 'New comment'; $string['config'] = 'Settings'; $string['config_ilm'] = 'Manager the configuration of iLM'; $string['config_ilm_old'] = 'Settings for Interactive Learning Modules (iLM) - old versions'; $string['config_param'] = 'Parameters'; $string['config_param_actions'] = 'Actions'; $string['config_param_description'] = 'Description'; $string['config_param_help'] = 'What are parameters of a iLM'; $string['config_param_name'] = 'Name'; $string['config_param_value'] = 'Value'; $string['confirm'] = 'Confirm'; $string['confirm_add_comment'] = 'Comment sent successfully.'; $string['confirm_change_situation'] = 'Confirms change of status?'; $string['confirm_default'] = 'Make Default'; $string['confirm_default_ilm'] = 'Do you want to make the iLM as standard?'; $string['confirm_default_ilm_help'] = 'By making this iLM as template, it will inherit all the iAssign activities for this iLM'; $string['confirm_delete_assign'] = 'Activity successfully removed.'; $string['confirm_delete_file_jar'] = 'Attention!If this option is on the activities will be grouped by type, otherwise they will be displayed in a single block in the order of registration.
'; $string['helpchoose_file'] = 'iLM file'; $string['helpchoose_file_help'] = 'Attach assignment file.'; $string['helpchoose_ilm'] = 'Choose the iLM'; $string['helpchoose_ilm_help'] = 'Select iLM which will be used in this assignment.'; $string['helpdependency'] = 'Dependency'; $string['helpdependency_help'] = 'Select the exercises of which this assignment depends on.
'; $string['helpexperiment'] = 'Number of attempts'; $string['helpexperiment_help'] = 'Sets the maximum number of attempts the student can accomplish this assignment.
'; $string['helppreventlate'] = 'Allow late submission?'; $string['helppreventlate_help'] = 'If this option is active the student can submit the assignment solution even after the deadline has closed.
'; $string['helpspecial_param'] = 'Assignment with algorithm'; $string['helpspecial_param_help'] = 'Enable this option only if the activity being inserted possess parameter for algorithm execution.
'; $string['helptest'] = 'Allow test after deadline?'; $string['helptest_help'] = 'If this option is enabled, the assignment will be released for test after the deadline. In this case the student can perform the assignment as many times as he wants, but nothing after the closing date of the assignment will be logged in the system.
'; $string['helptypeiassign'] = 'Kinds of Interactive Activities'; $string['helptypeiassign_help'] = 'Exercise
It is an assignment with assessment and grade, i.e. the solution sent by the student will be evaluated and a grade will be given to his attempt.'; $string['hide'] = 'Hide'; $string['hide_iassign'] = 'Hide activity'; $string['hide_ilm'] = 'hide'; $string['hide_param'] = 'Hide parameter'; $string['history_comments'] = 'History of Comments'; $string['home'] = 'Home'; $string['home_course'] = 'Home course'; $string['iassign'] = 'iAssign'; $string['iassign:addinstance'] = 'Add a new block of iAssign activities'; $string['iassign:deleteiassignnotnull'] = 'Delete Activity not empty'; $string['iassign:deleteiassignnull'] = 'Delete empty activities'; $string['iassign:editiassign'] = 'Edit activities'; $string['iassign:evaluateiassign'] = 'Rate activities'; $string['iassign:submitiassign'] = 'Send activities'; $string['iassign:view'] = 'View Activity'; $string['iassign:viewiassignall'] = 'Show all the details of the activities'; $string['iassign:viewreport'] = 'View Reports'; $string['iassign_add'] = 'Activity successfully added.'; $string['iassign_cancel'] = 'Change canceled.'; $string['iassign_exercise'] = 'Activity has been exercise'; $string['iassign_manager_title'] = 'Manager to Interactive Activities'; $string['iassign_update'] = 'Activity successfully updated.'; $string['iassigntitle'] = 'Title'; $string['icon'] = 'iAssign'; $string['ilimit'] = 'Unlimited'; $string['ilm_info'] = 'Manager of iLM'; $string['ilm_info_help'] = 'Tools to manage iLM (edit, remove, add)'; $string['ilm_manager_title'] = 'Interactive Activities Manager'; $string['ilm_type'] = 'Select iLM type (Java or HTML5)'; $string['ilm_type_help'] = 'Please, select the iLM type:Correct: Activity assessed as correct.
Incorrect: Activity evaluated as incorrect.
Post: Activity recorded in the system. Wait for the teacher to correct.
No post: Activity unposted.
New comments: Indicates that activity has new comments
Results: Presents the results of activity evaluation
'; $string['list_ilm'] = 'Interactive Learning Modules (iLM) available'; $string['list_ilm_help'] = 'Information about all Interactive Learning Modules (iLM) currently available'; $string['maxsize'] = 'Maximum size:'; $string['mean_score'] = 'Mean scores'; $string['message_dependency'] = 'To accomplish this activity is mandatory for all activities on which it depends has been performed and evaluated as correct.'; $string['message_no_update_iassign'] = 'Click here to keep activity'; $string['message_submit_iassign'] = 'Click here to send your response'; $string['message_update_iassign'] = 'Click here to replace activitye'; $string['messageprovider:message'] = 'Alert about new received messages in interactive activities'; $string['mod_iassign'] = 'iAssign'; $string['modulename'] = 'iAssign'; $string['modulename_help'] = "This is the iAssign (Interactive Assignments) package, by LInE-USP ( It\'s main goal is to increase interactivity in activities related to specific subjects (such as Geometry, Functions and Programming), in a flexible way. In order to improve interactivity, iAssign makes use of iLM (interactive Learning Module), that is, any interactive system that runs under a Web browser. Typically an iLM is any HTML5 package or a Java \"applet\" with a few communication methods, based on HTTP protocol. This implies that any Web based system could became an iLM and be integrated to Moodle, under iAssign package. If the iLM offers automatic assessment functionality, iAssign is able to deal with it. The main features of iAssign package are: - the authoring tool to allow any teacher to prepare activities to his learners; - integrated solution to interactive activities, registering on database the learners\' answers; - reports about learners\' activities."; $string['modulenameplural'] = 'iAssigns'; $string['move_activity'] = 'Move activity'; $string['move_activity_access'] = 'Access block '; $string['move_destination'] = 'Select destination'; $string['move_down_iassign'] = 'Moves activity down'; $string['move_files'] = 'Move files and directory'; $string['move_up_iassign'] = 'Moves activity up'; $string['moved_activity'] = 'Interactive assignment was successfully moved.'; $string['N'] = 'N'; $string['N_legend'] = '(does not agree with what the teacher expected)'; $string['name_ilm'] = 'Name'; $string['new_category'] = 'New category'; $string['new_comment'] = 'New messages'; $string['new_comment_mail_answer'] = 'Answer'; $string['new_comment_mail_at'] = 'in the'; $string['new_comment_mail_course'] = 'Course'; $string['new_comment_mail_open_exercise'] = 'Open exercise '; $string['new_comment_mail_sent_by'] = 'Sent by'; $string['new_comment_mail_subject'] = 'New received message'; $string['new_dir'] = 'New directory'; $string['new_file_jar'] = 'New file JAR'; $string['new_ilm'] = 'Create a new interactive activity'; $string['new_version_ilm'] = 'Add new iLM version'; $string['newsituation'] = 'New situation...'; $string['next_activity'] = 'Activity next'; $string['next_student'] = 'Student next'; $string['next_student_activity'] = 'Next Activity'; $string['no'] = 'No'; $string['no_activity'] = 'No assign was found in this interactive discussion'; $string['no_confirm_lms'] = 'Not confirm iLM'; $string['no_edit_iassign'] = 'Blocked. Only the author can edit.'; $string['no_iLM_PARAM_ArchiveContent'] = 'No solution was posted.'; $string['no_MA_POST_Archive'] = 'No solution was posted.'; $string['no_new_comment'] = 'Messages already read '; $string['new_messages'] = 'New received messages'; $string['empty_new_messages'] = 'No new messages'; $string['new_messages_other_blocks'] = 'New received messages in other blocks'; $string['empty_new_messages_block'] = 'No received messages in the actual block'; $string['no_permission_iassign'] = 'Visitors can only view activities!'; $string['not_post'] = 'Not submitted'; $string['not_submissions_activity'] = 'There are no submissions relating to this activity.'; $string['notifications'] = 'Notifications'; $string['null_file'] = 'No file was uploaded'; $string['number_submissions'] = 'Number of submissions related to this activity:'; $string['ok_import_ilm_version'] = 'The iLM was successfully imported!'; $string['online_new_iassign'] = 'Create / Edit Task Interactive Online'; $string['only_automatic_evaluate'] = 'Applies only when the iLM has automatic evaluate'; $string['op_val'] = 'Evaluation options'; $string['open_dir'] = 'Full path of directory'; $string['open_editor_ilm'] = 'Open Editor {$a} Online'; $string['out_object'] = 'Output objects'; $string['percentage_correct'] = 'Percentage of correct'; $string['permission_test'] = 'Allow test after delivery?'; $string['pluginadministration'] = 'iAssign administration'; $string['pluginname'] = 'iAssign: interactive Learning Activities'; $string['post'] = 'Submitted'; $string['preventlate'] = 'Allow delayed sending?'; $string['preview_iassign'] = 'Preview'; $string['previous_activity'] = 'Activity previous'; $string['previous_student'] = 'Student previous'; $string['previous_student_activity'] = 'Previous Activity'; $string['previous_timeavailable'] = 'Activity unavailable: wait for the deadline of opening.'; $string['print'] = 'Print'; $string['print_report'] = 'Report - printable version'; $string['proportion_correct'] = 'Proportion of correct'; $string['proposition'] = 'Proposition'; $string['ps_comment'] = 'The total number of messages is next to the icon of messages'; $string['ps_experiment'] = 'The number of attempts is next to the icon status of the activity'; $string['question_delete_dir'] = 'Really exclude the directory and all its contents?'; $string['question_move_dir'] = 'Are you sure to move files, directories and all its contents?'; $string['question_new_dir'] = 'Enter the name for the new directory:'; $string['question_recover_files'] = 'Are you sure you want to recover files from activities?'; $string['question_rename_dir'] = 'Enter a new name for the directory'; $string['read_more'] = 'Learn More'; $string['rename_dir'] = 'Rename directory'; $string['rename_file'] = 'Enter a new name for the file:'; $string['rename_iassign'] = 'Rename activity'; $string['repeat'] = 'Redo activity'; $string['repeat_alt'] = 'Use this button to redo the activity'; $string['repeat_msg'] = 'If you want to do this activity from the beginning again, use the redo button.'; $string['report'] = 'Reports'; $string['required'] = 'Field is required'; $string['required_file'] = 'You must fill in File Activity '; $string['required_iassign_file'] = 'You must select an interactive activity'; $string['results'] = 'Results'; $string['return'] = 'Return'; $string['return_config_ilm'] = 'Back to main page iLM'; $string['return_home'] = 'Return to the course home page'; $string['return_home_course'] = 'Return to the course home page'; $string['return_iassign'] = 'Back to exercise'; $string['right'] = 'Right'; $string['right_disable'] = 'Disable'; $string['script'] = 'Activity script (algorithm)?Enable this option only if you want to store all submissions sent by each student.
'; $string['store_all_submissions_help_help'] = 'Enable this option only if you want to store all submissions sent by each student.
'; $string['student'] = 'Student:'; $string['students'] = 'Students'; $string['submissionbehavior_view'] = 'Submission'; $string['submissions'] = 'Submissions'; $string['submission_behavior_0'] = 'After submission, this iLM remains on the same page.'; $string['submission_behavior_1'] = 'After submission, this iLM changes the current page.'; $string['submit'] = 'Submit the selected file'; $string['submit_assign'] = 'Send activity'; $string['submit_comment'] = 'Send message'; $string['submit_comment_message'] = 'Sending message'; $string['submit_empty'] = 'The content of this activity has not changed! Please try develop another solution.'; $string['submit_iassign'] = 'Submit assign'; $string['sucess_delete'] = 'Interactive Assignment deleted successfully.'; $string['sucess_update'] = 'Interactive Assignment updated successfully.'; $string['sucess_write'] = 'Interactive Assignment successfully registered under the name:'; $string['sum_activity'] = 'Total activity'; $string['sum_correct'] = 'Total correct'; $string['sum_correct_activity'] = 'Total correct / activity'; $string['sum_correct_student'] = 'Total correct / students'; $string['sum_experiment'] = 'Total Attempts'; $string['sum_student'] = 'Total students'; $string['tag_filter'] = 'Tag Filter'; $string['test'] = 'Test'; $string['test_iassign'] = 'Type of activity: test'; $string['test_lms'] = 'Click here to test iLM.'; $string['test_preventlate'] = 'Activity only for testing.'; $string['test_preventlate_no'] = 'Activity not released for testing.'; $string['timemodified'] = 'Last date of submission:'; $string['title_editor_iassign'] = 'Online Editor'; $string['total'] = 'Total'; $string['turneditingoff'] = 'Disable editing'; $string['turneditingon'] = 'Enable editing'; $string['type_iassign'] = 'Type of activity'; $string['type_ilm'] = 'iLM Type'; $string['unlock'] = 'Unlock'; $string['up_disable'] = 'Disabled'; $string['update'] = 'Update'; $string['update_iassign'] = 'Replace activity?'; $string['update_ilm'] = ' was successfully updated.'; $string['updatinga'] = 'Update $a'; $string['updatingain'] = 'Updanting $a->what - $a->in'; $string['upgrade_alert_exists'] = 'There already exists this iLM (with same type and version), then the current version on iAssign was not installed:'; $string['upgrade_alert_iMA_msg'] = 'The iLM update was completed successfully. However, it was detected that some of your iLM previously installed are not (any more) available on the current distribution of iAssign:'; $string['upgrade_alert_iMA_solution_pt1'] = 'These iLM were disabled to avoid problems.