}.id but in iAssing need associate with each block activity
* then {files}.itemid = {iassign_statement}.id (not with {iassign}.id)
* Relations between Moodle tables to recover iAssign files:
* {course_modules}.id = {context}.instanceid
* {context} : id ; contextlevel ; instanceid ; path ; depth ; locked
* {course_modules} : id ; course ; module ; instance ...
* + {course_modules}.course = {course}.id
* + {course_modules}.module = {module}.id
* + {course_modules}.instance = {iassign}.id - associate with activities block
// Moodle core defines constant MOODLE_INTERNAL which shall be used to make sure that the script is included and not called directly.
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
$SEP = ";"; // separador para impressao CSV ou tela
//TODO: locallib.php:
//TODO: Remover o codigo de leitura de arquivos do 'locallib.php ! view_iassign_current(): iassign_statement_activity_item = $this->activity->get_activity();' para este PHP
//TODO: function get_files_in_context (&$filesfrommine, &$filesfromothers, $contextid, $extension, $userid): quem pega conteudo para "view.php" - 8222/9167
//TODO: static function save_ilm_by_xml ($application_xml, $files_extract): rever, pois tem comando "'itemid' => rand(1, 999999999)" - 6791/9167
//TODO: function write_file_iassign ($stringArchiveContent, $filename): pois "itemid' => 0, // usually = ID of row in table" - 7533/9167
//TODO: function update_file_iassign ($stringArchiveContent, $filename, $fileid): pois "itemid' => 0, // usually = ID of row in table" - 7575/9167
//TODO: function recover_files_ilm (): 'itemid' => 0, - 8171/9167
//TODO: function get_files_in_context (&$filesfrommine, &$filesfromothers, $contextid, $extension, $userid): quem pega conteudo para "view.php" - 8222/9167
//TODO: function view_files_ilm ($iassign_ilm_class, $extension) - 8469/9167
//TODO: This code are designed to recover partially files lost in wrong updates:
//TODO: if ($oldversion < 2020120500): error considering {iassign_statement}.id != {iassign_statement}.file, {iassign_statement}.filesid:={files}.itemid and erasing correct {files}! //TODO: not good...
// Get iAssign ID in {modules}
// @calledby settings_verify.php
function get_iassign_id ($DB) {
// Get the list of all modules that are properly installed.
// $iassign_module = $DB->get_records_menu('modules', array(''), '', 'name, id');
$str_query = "SELECT id, name, visible FROM {modules} WHERE upper(name) = 'IASSIGN'";
//D echo "query=" . $str_query . " ";
$iassign_module = $DB->get_records_sql($str_query); // get array of stdClass (must be only one element)
// $iassign_module = $DB->execute($str_query); // get array of stdClass (must be only one element)
if (!$iassign_module) return -1;
foreach ($iassign_module as $ia) {
//D echo "iassign_module->id = " . $ia->id . ", name=" . $ia->name . " iassign_module="; print_r($iassign_module); echo " ";
return $ia->id;
return -1; // error... empty array
// Temporary: to create new {iassign_statement}.userid
function get_user ($DB, $name1, $name2) {
$str_query = "SELECT id, firstname, lastname FROM {user} WHERE firstname='" . $name1 . "' AND lastname='" . $name2 . "'"; // "; // AND filearea='exercise' AND contextid=108
$tmp_list_all_files = $DB->get_records_sql($str_query); // get array of stdClass (must be only one element)
$num = count($tmp_list_all_files);
//D echo "get_user: " . $name1 . " " . $name2 . "; num=" . $num . " ";
if ($num==0) return -1;
$ii = 0;
foreach ($tmp_list_all_files as $elem) {
echo " - id=" . $elem->id . "; firstname=" . $elem->firstname . "; lastname=" . $elem->lastname . " ";
echo "Total: " . $ii . " ";
// Temporary: to create new {iassign_statement}.userid
function print_vector ($vec) {
$SEP = ";";
if (!is_array($vec)) print $vec . " ";
$sizeOfVector = count($vec);
if ($sizeOfVector==0) print "[] ";
else {
for ($ii=0; $ii<$sizeOfVector; $ii++) print $vec[$ii] . $SEP . " ";
//print " ";
// Temporary: to create new {iassign_statement}.userid
function get_name ($name) {
$items = explode(" ", $name);
$name1 = $items[0].trim();
$name2 = $items[1].trim(); //D echo $name . " :: " . $name1 . " - " . $name2 . " ";
return [$name1, $name2];
// Temporary: to create new {iassign_statement}.userid
function binary_search ($vec_elements, $x_element) {
$sizeOfVector = count($vec_elements);
$leftI = 0; $rightI = $sizeOfVector-1;
while ($leftI <= $rightI) {
$middle = floor(($leftI + $rightI)/2);
$elem_file = $vec_elements[$middle]; //D echo "leftI=" . $leftI . " - rightI=" . $rightI . " => med=" . $middle . " ";
// if ($leftI == $rightI && $vec_elements[$leftI]!=$x_element) { return [-1, $leftI ]; }
if ($elem_file < $x_element) { $leftI = $middle + 1; }
if ($elem_file > $x_element) { $rightI = $middle - 1; }
else { return $middle; } // found! return index position
return [-1, $leftI, $rightI];
} // function binary_search($vec_elements, $x_element)
// Temporary: to create new {iassign_statement}.userid
function insert_ordered_name (&$vec_elements, $name, $i) {
$sizeOfVector = count($vec_elements);
//D echo "insert_ordered_name: " . $name . " em " . $i . " (sizeOfVector=" . $sizeOfVector . ") ";
$j = $sizeOfVector;
while ($j > $i) { // move all after $i one position
$vec_elements[$j] = $vec_elements[$j-1];
$vec_elements[$i] = $name; // insert new element on $i position
// Temporary: to create new {iassign_statement}.userid
function get_all_iassign_statement ($DB) {
$str_query = "SELECT * FROM {iassign_statement}"; //
$tmp_list_all_iassign_statement = $DB->get_records_sql($str_query); // get array of stdClass (must be only one element)
$num_is = count($tmp_list_all_iassign_statement);
print "#tmp_list_all_iassign_statement = " . $num_is . " \n";
// saw2021_1: #tmp_list_all_iassign_statement = 3519
$vec_all_names_ord = array();
$count1 = 0;
foreach ($tmp_list_all_iassign_statement as $ias) {
[$name1, $name2] = get_name($ias->author_name);
//D echo $ias->author_name . " :: " . $name1 . " - " . $name2 . " ";
if ($count1>=5) break;
$name = $name1 . " " . $name2;
$answer = binary_search($vec_all_names_ord, $name);
if (count($answer)>1) { // echo $x . " -> ["; print_vector($answer); echo "] \n";
$ind = $answer[0];
else { // echo $x . " -> " . $answer . " \n";
$ind = $answer;
if ($ind == -1) {
$userid = get_user($DB, $name1, $name2); //echo "Total: " . $ii . " ";
insert_ordered_name($vec_all_names_ord, $name, $answer[1]);
//D else echo " - " . $name . " ja existe em " . $ind . " ";
$total = count($vec_all_names_ord);
print "Total: " . $total . " Vector: "; print_vector($vec_all_names_ord); print " ";
} // function get_all_iassign_statement($DB)
// Patricia Alves (admin) => user.id = 24 ; patriciaadm ; profa.dra.patricia@gmail.com
// Patricia Alves (professora) => user.id = 1332 ; patricia ; profa.pati@gmail.com
// Get all iAssign {files}
// Build "$list_all_files" with fields: id contenthash contextid component filearea itemid filepath filename userid author timecreated ias_id
// Initially "$list_iassign[$ii]".ias_id = -1 (in "search_files(.)" we hope "ias_id" := {iassign_statement}.id)
// @calledby get_associated_ias_file
function get_all_files ($DB, $list_iassign) {
global $USER, $SEP; //DEBUG: apenas durante depuracao!
$sizeAC = count($list_iassign);
//L echo "---- get_all_files: #list_iassign=" . $sizeAC . " \n";
//'component' => 'mod_iassign', 'filearea' => 'exercise', 'contextid' => 108:
//get_all_files: #list_iassign=772
//get_all_files: #list_iassign=772
//$tmp_list_all_files = $DB->get_records('files', array('component' => 'mod_iassign', 'filearea' => 'exercise')); // #tmp_list_all_files=8324
//$tmp_list_all_files = $DB->get_records('files', array('component' => 'mod_iassign')); // #tmp_list_all_files=7382 could be 'filearea' => 'activity'
//$tmp_list_all_files = $DB->get_records('files', array('component' => 'mod_iassign', 'filearea' => 'activity')); // #tmp_list_all_files=4991
//$tmp_list_all_files = $DB->get_records('files', array('component' => 'mod_iassign')); // #tmp_list_all_files=8324 // , 'filearea' => 'exercise', 'contextid' => 108
$str_query = "SELECT * FROM {files} WHERE component='mod_iassign'"; // "; // AND filearea='exercise' AND contextid=108
$tmp_list_all_files = $DB->get_records_sql($str_query); // get array of stdClass (must be only one element)
//print_r($tmp_list_all_files); echo " "; // Array ( [37] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 3...
$numf = count($tmp_list_all_files);
//L echo "#tmp_list_all_files=" . $numf . " "; // #tmp_list_all_files=13383
$list_all_files = array(); // use continous array ($tmp_list_all_files is indexed by 'id')
$ii = 0;
foreach ($tmp_list_all_files as $elem) {
//D echo $ii . $SEP . $elem->id . $SEP . $elem->contextid . $SEP . $elem->timecreated . $SEP . $elem->filearea . $SEP . $elem->itemid . $SEP .
//D "'" . $elem->author . "'" . $SEP . "'" . $elem->filename . "'" . $SEP . " ";
$elem->ias_id = -1; // to receive the associated {iassign_statement}.id (defined in "search_lost_files_in_context(.)")
$elem->courseid = -1; // to receive the associated {iassign_statement}.id (defined in "search_lost_files_in_context(.)")
$elem->missing_ias = TRUE; // by default this {files} is associated to one {iassign_statement} - function "search_files(.)" can change it to FALSE
$list_all_files[$ii] = $elem; // transcript array indexed by 'id' to "continous array"
//D for ($ii=0; $ii<$numf; $ii++) {
//D $elem = $list_all_files[$ii];
//D echo $ii . $SEP . $elem->id . $SEP . $elem->contextid . $SEP . $elem->timecreated . $SEP . $elem->filearea . $SEP . $elem->itemid . $SEP .
//D "'" . $elem->author . "'" . $SEP . "'" . $elem->filename . "'" . $SEP . " ";
//D }
$sizeof_list_all_files = $ii;
return $list_all_files;
} // function get_associated_ias_file($DB, $iassign_statement, $all_context, &$all_context_final, $ii)
// Search $element_ias.contextid == $list_all_files[.].contextid and ($element_ias.file == $list_all_files[.].itemid or $element_ias.filesid == $list_all_files[.].id)
// Build "$list_all_files" with fields: id contenthash contextid component filearea itemid filepath filename userid author timecreated ias_id
// Initially "$list_iassign[$ii]".ias_id = -1 (in "search_files(.)" we hope "ias_id" := {iassign_statement}.id)
// @param &$list_all_files: passed by reference, "$list_all_files[$jj].ias_id" could receive {iassign_statement}.id
function search_files (&$list_all_files, $element_ias) {
$sizeOfFiles = count($list_all_files);
$sizeC = count($element_ias->contextid);
//D if ($element_ias->id==5793 || $element_ias->id==5794) { echo "search_files: " . $element_ias->courseid . ", " . $element_ias->id . ", " . $element_ias->filesid . " with context: ["; for ($jj=0; $jj<$sizeC; $jj++) echo $element_ias->contextid[$jj] . ","; echo "] "; }
for ($ii=0; $ii<$sizeOfFiles; $ii++) {
//D Decho $ii . " ";
$element_file = $list_all_files[$ii];
for ($jj=0; $jj<$sizeC; $jj++) {
$contextid = $element_ias->contextid[$jj]; // try with $jj-th {context}.id
if ($contextid == $element_file->contextid) {
if ($element_ias->file == $element_file->itemid) {
//echo " ";
//D echo " - Encontrou " . $element_ias->id . " via 'file' (file==itemid): contextid[" . $jj . "]=" . $contextid . ": " . $element_ias->file . "==" . $element_file->itemid . " no files[" . $ii . "] ";
$element_file->ias_id = $element_ias->id;
$element_file->missing_ias = FALSE; // by default this {files} is NOT associated to one {iassign_statement} - here was detected that this {files} is not associated to any {iassign_statement}
return [$ii, $jj]; // found the file of {iassign_statement} at {files} index $ii with the context {iassign_statement}.contextid[$jj]
if ($element_ias->filesid == $element_file->itemid) {
//echo " ";
//D echo " - Encontrou " . $element_ias->id . " via 'file' (filesid==itemid): contextid[" . $jj . "]=" . $contextid . ": " . $element_ias->filesid . "==" . $element_file->itemid . " no files[" . $ii . "] ";
$element_file->ias_id = $element_ias->id;
$element_file->missing_ias = FALSE; // by default this {files} is NOT associated to one {iassign_statement} - here was detected that this {files} is not associated to any {iassign_statement}
return [$ii, $jj]; // found the file of {iassign_statement} at {files} index $ii with the context {iassign_statement}.contextid[$jj]
if ($element_ias->id == $element_file->itemid) { // Com esse
// Total of {iassign_statement} without any {files}: 771 -> 739 = 32
// Total of {files} without any {iassign_statement}: 10638 -> 10606 = 32
// Total of {files} associated with iAssign: 880 -> 880
//D if ($element_ias->id==5658) echo " - Encontrou " . $element_ias->id . " via 'id' (id==itemid): contextid[" . $jj . "]=" . $contextid . ": " . $element_ias->id . "==" . $element_file->itemid . " no files[" . $ii . "] - {files}.id=" . $element_file->id . " \n";
// - Encontrou 5658 via 'id' (id==itemid): contextid[1]=52001: 5658==5658 no files[12521] - {files}.id=301156
// course.id = 472 : "EF-8.1" aqui funciona! http://localhost/saw2021_2/mod/iassign/view.php?id=20309&userid_iassign=3&action=view&iassign_current=5658
// ilm_handlers/html5.php: {course_module}.id=20309, {iassign_statement}.id=5658, {iassign_statement}.file=, {iassign_statement}.filesid=, {context}.id=52001, {files}.id=301156, {files}.filename=
$element_file->ias_id = $element_ias->id;
$element_file->missing_ias = FALSE; // by default this {files} is NOT associated to one {iassign_statement} - here was detected that this {files} is not associated to any {iassign_statement}
return [$ii, $jj]; // found the file of {iassign_statement} at {files} index $ii with the context {iassign_statement}.contextid[$jj]
} // for ($jj=0; $jj<$sizeC; $jj++)
//D if ($element_ias->id==5793 || $element_ias->id==5794) echo " - " . $element_ias->id . ", " . $element_ias->name . ": jj=" . $jj . ", ERRO! ";
return -1;
} // function search_files($list_all_files, $element_ias)
// Get {iassign_statement} or {files}
// @calledby settings_process_files_form.php
function get_iassignstatement_or_files ($DB, $table, $element_id) {
//D echo "files_functions.php|get_iassignstatement_or_files: " . $element_id . " \n";
if ($table != 'iassign_statement' && $table != 'files') return NULL; // security
$ia_obj = $DB->get_record($table, array('id' => $element_id));
//D if ($table=='iassign_statement) echo $ia_obj->iassignid . ", " . $ia_obj->id . ", " . $ia_obj->file . ", " . $ia_obj->filesid . ", " . $ia_obj->name . " \n";
return $ia_obj;
//$files = $DB->get_records('files', array('contextid' => $contextid, 'component' => 'mod_iassign', 'filearea' => 'exercise', 'itemid' => $iassign_statement->id)); //
// Update {iassign_statement}.filesid and {files}.itemid
// @calledby settings_process_files_form.php
function update_iassignstatement_files ($DB, $ia_id, $filesid, $is_obj, $f1_obj, $f2_obj) {
//D echo "files_functions.php|update_iassignstatement_files: ia_id=" . $ia_id . ", files.id=" . $filesid . " \n";
//$ia_obj = $DB->get_record($table, array('id' => $element_id));
$ma = "{iassign_statement}.filesid=" . $is_obj->filesid;
$mf1 = "{files}: id=" . $f1_obj->id . ": itemid=" . $f1_obj->itemid;
$mf2 = "{files}: id=" . $f2_obj->id . ": itemid=" . $f2_obj->itemid;
$is_obj->filesid = $filesid; // {iassign_statement}.filesid := $f1_obj->ud = {files}.id
$f1_obj->itemid = $ia_id;
$f2_obj->itemid = $ia_id;
$ma .= " -> " . $is_obj->filesid;
$mf1 .= " -> " . $f1_obj->itemid;
$mf2 .= " -> " . $f2_obj->itemid;
$error = FALSE;
if (!$DB->update_record('iassign_statement', $is_obj)) $error = TRUE; // print_error('error_update', 'iassign');
if (!$DB->update_record('files', $f1_obj)) $error = TRUE;
if (!$DB->update_record('files', $f2_obj)) $error = TRUE;
if (!$error) {
echo " * " . $ma . " / " . $mf1 . " / " . $mf2 . " \n";
return TRUE;
echo " x " . $ma . " / " . $mf1 . " / " . $mf2 . " --- ERROR! \n";
return FALSE;
//$files = $DB->get_records('files', array('contextid' => $contextid, 'component' => 'mod_iassign', 'filearea' => 'exercise', 'itemid' => $iassign_statement->id)); //
} // function update_iassignstatement_files($DB, $ia_id, $filesid, $is_obj, $f1_obj, $f2_obj)
// List all "$list_all_files[$jj]" with field "ias_id" == -1 (candidate to be the missing file)
// Prepare HTML do "settings_process_files_form.php" then send to this->update_iassign_statement_files(.) function to update {iassign_statement} and {files}
// @param $type = 1 => do not edit "$list_all_files[$jj].ias_id" (leave with -1); 2 => edit "$list_all_files[$jj].ias_id" with its first fit {iassign_statement}.ias_id
// @param &$list_all_files: passed by reference, "$list_all_files[$jj].ias_id" could receive {iassign_statement}.id if {files}.contextid = some {context}.id of {iassign_statement}; files[$jj].courseid" := $courseid,
// @param $contextid : is array of context in this {iassign_statement}; $ias_id = {iassign_statement}.id
function search_lost_files_in_context ($type, $ii, $courseid, $ias_id, &$list_all_files, $array_contextid, $countErr) {
$sizeOfFiles = count($list_all_files);
$sizeC = count($array_contextid);
$files_index_candidates = array();
$files_filename_candidates = array();
$contextid_candidates = array(); // {context}.id associated to the {files}
$list_candidate_files = array(); // array with {files} indexed by its ID ({files}.id): $list_candidate_files[ID]==$jj <=> $list_all_files[$jj] is the {files}
$msg = "ERRO: \n select one file \n";
$msgHidden = "";
for ($jj=0; $jj<$sizeOfFiles; $jj++) { // list all lost {files}
$sizeC = count($array_contextid); // all {context}.id of this {iassign_statement}
$hascandidate = 0; // has {files} candidate with one of {iassign_statement}.contextid[]?
for ($kk=0; $kk<$sizeC; $kk++) { // list all {context}.id associated to this {iassign_statement}
$contextid = $array_contextid[$kk];
if ($list_all_files[$jj]->contextid==$contextid && $list_all_files[$jj]->ias_id==-1) { // found one {files} candidate (its {files}.contextid = {iassign_statement}.contextid[$kk])
$hascandidate = 1; // has {files} candidate with one of {iassign_statement}.contextid[$kk]
if ($type == 2) // can change field "ias_id" ($type==1 nedd it continous as -1 ao list {files} with all possible {iassign_statement}
$list_all_files[$jj]->ias_id = $ias_id; // this {files} could be of {iassign_statement}.id = $ias_id
$list_all_files[$jj]->courseid = $courseid; // this {files} could be on the same course as {iassign_statement}.id = $ias_id
break; // stop search to the other {iassign_statement}.contextid[]
if ($hascandidate == 1) { // there is one {files}.contextid = {iassign_statement}.contextid[$kk]
$files_index_candidates[] = $jj;
$files_filename_candidates[] = $list_all_files[$jj]->filename;
$contextid_candidates[] = $contextid;
$fileid = $list_all_files[$jj]->id;
$list_candidate_files[$fileid] = $jj;
if ($list_all_files[$jj]->filename != ".") { // consider only file (not path)
$msg .= " " . $fileid . " - " . $list_all_files[$jj]->filename . " ii=" . $list_candidate_files[$fileid] . " \n";
$msgHidden .= " \n";
$msgHidden .= " \n";
$msgHidden .= " \n";
$msgHidden .= " \n"; // {iassign_statement}.id
} // for ($jj=0; $jj<$sizeOfFiles; $jj++)
$msg .= "
$sizeCandidates = sizeof($files_index_candidates);
for ($jj=0; $jj<$sizeCandidates; $jj++) {
if ($files_filename_candidates[$jj] == ".") continue; // ignore filename==".", next $jj
$kk = $files_index_candidates[$jj];
$contextid = $contextid_candidates[$jj]; // $array_contextid[$kk];
$fileid = $list_all_files[$kk]->id;
$msg .= " " . $list_all_files[$kk]->courseid . " "; // defined in "search_lost_files_in_context(.)"
$msg .= " " . $contextid . " ";
$msg .= " " . $list_all_files[$kk]->id . " ";
$msg .= " " .
$list_all_files[$kk]->filename . " " .
$list_all_files[$kk]->timecreated . " " . $list_all_files[$kk]->author . " \n";
} // for ($jj=0; $jj<$sizeOfFiles; $jj++)
$msg .= "
return [$msg, $msgHidden, $files_index_candidates, $contextid_candidates, $list_candidate_files];
} // function search_lost_files_in_context($ii, $courseid, $ias_id, &$list_all_files, $array_contextid, $countErr)
// Find in array $list_iassign[] $list_iassign[$ii]->ia_id = $iassignid
// Return [ {countext}.id array , {course}.id ]
// @calledby see_all_iass_files($DB, $course_modules_iassign)
function find_course_context ($list_iassign, $iassignid) {
$sizeI = count($list_iassign);
for ($ii=0; $ii<$sizeI; $ii++)
if ($list_iassign[$ii]->ia_id == $iassignid)
return [$list_iassign[$ii]->id, $list_iassign[$ii]->course]; // array of contextid
print "*** ERRROR: coudn't find {iassign}.id = " . $iassignid . " \n";
return [-1, -1]; // error!
/// Search for {files} associated to each "iassign_statement" ("settings_verify.php?action=list")
/// Must be used to produce a continous list of all {iassign_statement} with no {files} and then a list with all {files} with no {iassign_statement}
// @calledby settings_verify.php?action=list : $list_iassign = see_all_iass_files($DB, 9);
// @param $modules_iassignid is iAssign ID in {modules}
function list_all_iass_files ($DB, $modules_iassignid) {
global $SEP;
// Problema: como encontrar {files} com itemid errado?
// 1. Vetor com todos os {iassign} com todos seus {context}.id : $list_iassign : id ; cmid ({course_modules}.id) ; course ({course}.id); name ; ia_id ({iassign}.id)
// 2. Vetor com todos os {iassign_statement} : $list_ias : id ; name ; iassignid ; author_name ; iassign_ilmid ; file ; fileid ; timecreated
// 3. Vetor com todos os {files} com {iassign}.contextid : $list_files : id ; contenthash ; contextid component filearea itemid filepath filename userid author timecreated ias.id
// 4. Vetor com todos os {iassign_statement} sem {files} correspondentes:
/// Get {iassign} :: $list_iassign[] = { id (context.id) ; cmid ; ia_id (iassign.id) ; course (course.id) ; name ({iassign}.name) }
//D print "--- Get {iassign} :: list_iassign[] = { id (context.id) ; cmid ; ia_id (iassign.id) ; course (course.id) ; name ({iassign}.name) }
//ATTENTION: 'get_records_sql(.)' return only the first element (first field)
//$str_query = "SELECT {context}.id AS contextid, {course_modules}.id AS cmid, {iassign}.id, {iassign}.course, {iassign}.name FROM {iassign}, {context}, {course_modules} WHERE " .
$str_query = "SELECT {context}.id, {course_modules}.id AS cmid, {iassign}.id AS ia_id, {iassign}.course, {iassign}.name FROM {iassign}, {context}, {course_modules} WHERE " .
"{course_modules}.module=" . $modules_iassignid . " AND {iassign}.course={course_modules}.course AND {course_modules}.id={context}.instanceid AND {course_modules}.instance={iassign}.id";
$tmp_list_iassign = $DB->get_records_sql($str_query); // get array of stdClass (must be only one element)
//D print " - #tmp_list_iassign=" . count($tmp_list_iassign). " ";
// Process $tmp_list_iassign to produce the array $list_iassign continous (starting from $list_iassign[0]),
// with only one entry to each {iassign}.id and keeping all of its associated {context}.id under the array $list_iassign[$ii]->id
// The {iassign}.id is $list_iassign[$ii]->ia_id
$list_iassign = array(); // use continous array ($tmp_list_ias is indexed by 'id')
$ii = 0;
foreach ($tmp_list_iassign as $element) { // one {iassign} could have several contextid
if ($ii==0 || $list_iassign[$ii-1]->ia_id != $element->ia_id) { // new element
$item = array(); // change to array
$item[] = $element->id; // contextid
$element->id = $item; // change to array - contextid = $item
$list_iassign[$ii] = $element; // transcript array indexed by 'id' to "continous array"
else { // just add new contextid (extends array $list_iassign[$ii-1]->id[])
$list_iassign[$ii-1]->id[] = $element->id; // new entry to contextid array -- context
$sizeOf_list_iassign = $ii;
//D print " - #list_iassign=" . $sizeOf_list_iassign . " ";
/// Get {iassign_statement} :: $list_ias[] = { courseid (iassign.course) ; id (iassign_statement.id) ; name ; iassignid ; author_name ; iassign_ilmid ; file ; filesid ; timecreated ; array of context.id }
//D print "--- Get {iassign_statement} :: list_ias[] = { courseid (iassign.course) ; id (iassign_statement.id) ; name ; iassignid ; author_name ; iassign_ilmid ; file ; filesid ; timecreated ; array of context.id } \n";
$str_query = "SELECT {iassign_statement}.id, {iassign_statement}.name, {iassign_statement}.iassignid, {iassign_statement}.author_name, {iassign_statement}.iassign_ilmid, " .
" {iassign_statement}.file, {iassign_statement}.filesid, {iassign_statement}.timecreated, {iassign}.course AS courseid, {iassign}.name AS ias_name " .
" FROM {iassign}, {iassign_statement} WHERE {iassign_statement}.iassignid = {iassign}.id ORDER BY {iassign}.course, {iassign_statement}.iassignid, {iassign_statement}.id";
$list_ias = array(); // use continous array ($tmp_list_ias is indexed by 'id')
$tmp_list_ias = $DB->get_records_sql($str_query); // get array of stdClass (must be only one element)
$jj = 0;
foreach ($tmp_list_ias as $element) {
$answer = find_course_context($list_iassign, $element->iassignid); // to receive the array with all {context}.id associated with its {iassign}
$element->contextid = $answer[0]; // -1 => error; otherwise is an array with all associated {context}.id
if ($element->courseid != $answer[1]) echo " x Error: (" . $jj . ", id=" . $element->id . ") courseid=" . $element->courseid . "!=" . $answer[1] . " \n";
$list_ias[$jj] = $element; // transcript array indexed by 'id' to "continous array"
$sizeOf_list_ias = $jj;
//D print " - #list_ias=" . $sizeOf_list_ias . " ";
/// Get {files} :: $list_all_files[] = { id ; contenthash ; contextid component filearea itemid filepath filename userid author timecreated ias.id }
// 3. Vetor com todos os {files} com {iassign}.contextid : $list_files : id ; contenthash ; contextid component filearea itemid filepath filename userid author timecreated ias.id
//D print "--- Get {files} :: list_all_files[] = { id ; contenthash ; contextid ; component ; filearea ; itemid ; filepath ; filename ; userid ; author ; timecreated ; ias.id } \n";
// Get all {files} associated with {iassign} (here the additional fields "$list_all_files[]->ias_id" is "-1" and "$list_all_files[]->missing_ias" is "FALSE")
// Fields: id contenthash contextid component filearea itemid filepath filename userid author timecreated ias_id files_id
// - "$list_all_files[$ii]->ias_id" will receive the {iassign_statement}.id with the same {context}.id
// - "$list_all_files[$ii]->missing_ias" will receive FALSE only if its {iassign_statement} are correctly associated (in function "search_files(.)"
// If $list_iassign[$ii] wasn't associated to any {iassign_statement} then "ias_id" := -1 (otherwise "ias_id" := {iassign_statement}.id
$list_all_files = get_all_files($DB, $list_iassign);
//D echo " - #list_files=" . count($list_all_files) . " \n"; // *
// List al {iassign_statement} with no {files} (from "$list_ias[.]") and then list all {files} with no {iassign_statement} (from "$list_all_files[.]")
$countErr = 0;
$countIA = 0;
for ($jj=0; $jj<$sizeOf_list_ias; $jj++) { // try to find {files} (in $list_all_files) associated to each $list_ias[$jj]
$element = $list_ias[$jj]; // array of { id (iassign_statement.id) ; name ; iassignid ; author_name ; iassign_ilmid ; file ; filesid ; timecreated ; contextid (array of context.id) }
$answerSF = search_files($list_all_files, $element); // return [$ii, $jj] = {files}[$ii] is the associated file using context {iassign_statement}.contextid[$jj]
if ($answerSF == -1) { // don't find!
$element->missingfile = TRUE; // couldn't find {files} associated!
// List all unmatched {files} under the same context
// It will return tag SELECT 'filesid[]' with sizeof($files_index_candidates) options
[$msgCandidates, $msgHidden, $files_index_candidates, $contextid_candidates, $list_candidate_filesbyID] = search_lost_files_in_context(2, $countErr, $element->courseid, $element->id, $list_all_files, $element->contextid, $countErr);
if (count($files_index_candidates)==0) $msgCandidates = "";
else $msgCandidates = " " . $msgCandidates;
// $list_iassign[$ii-1]->id[] = $element->id; // new entry to contextid array -- context
//R $msgC = "["; $sizeC = count($element->contextid); for ($kk=0; $kk<$sizeC; $kk++) $msgC .= $element->contextid[$kk] . $SEP; $msgC .= "]";
//R print $msgHidden;
else {
$element->missingfile = FALSE;
print "\n";
$msgErr = " class='error' "; // "color='#aa0000'";
$msgTErr = ""; // " title='Not found' ";
print "List of all {iassign_statement} with no {files} associated \n";
print "\n";
print "count course.id iassign.id iAssign statement id iLM id contextid " .
" file filesid timecreated Author " .
" ia.name ias.name \n";
$countMIAS = 0;
for ($jj=0; $jj<$sizeOf_list_ias; $jj++) { // try to find {files} (in $list_all_files) associated to each $list_ias[$jj]
$element = $list_ias[$jj];
if ($element->missingfile) {
$msgC = "["; $sizeC = count($element->contextid); for ($kk=0; $kk<$sizeC; $kk++) $msgC .= $element->contextid[$kk] . $SEP; $msgC .= "]";
print "" . $countMIAS . " " . $element->courseid . " " . $element->iassignid . " " .
" " . $element->id . " " . $element->iassign_ilmid . " \n" .
" " . $msgC . " " . $element->file . " \n" .
" " . $element->filesid . " " .
date("d/m/Y H:i:s", $element->timecreated) . " " . $element->author_name . " " .
" " . $element->ias_name . " " . $element->name . " \n";
$countMIAS++; // next {iassign_statement} with no associated {files}
// SELECT * FROM s_files WHERE id=314077 OR id=313730 OR id=301156
// {files}.id= ; contextid= ; itemid= ; filename | {iassign_statement} id name (cursos/contextos: -1/51938 ; 475[49895;52998;] ; 485[52174;54306;] ; 486[52376;54615;] ; 487[52676;54821])
// 301156 52001 5658 vetor_soma_x_y.ivph | 5658 8.1 Vetor - Soma das posicoes x e y
// 313730 54821 5658 vetor_soma_x_y.ivph <- course.id = 487
// 314077 54391 0 soma_2_inteiros.ivph
// - Encontrou 5658 via 'id' (id==itemid): contextid[1]=52001: 5658==5658 no files[12521] - {files}.id=301156
print "
---------------------------- \n";
print "List of all {files} with no {iassign_statement} associated \n";
print "\n";
print "count course.id iassign.id contextid " .
" id itemid date(timecreated) " .
" author filename \n";
$countErrF = 0;
$sizeOf_files = count($list_all_files);
for ($jj=0; $jj<$sizeOf_files; $jj++) {
$element = $list_all_files[$jj];
if ($element->missing_ias) { // "$element->missing_ias = FALSE" in funcion "search_files(.)"
print "" . $countErrF . " " . $element->courseid . " " . $element->ias_id . " " .
" " . $element->contextid . " " . $element->id . " " .
" " . $element->itemid . " " . date("d/m/Y H:i:s", $element->timecreated) . " " .
" " . $element->author . " " . $element->filename . " \n";
print "
print "Total of {iassign_statement}: " . $countIA . " \n";
print "Total of {iassign_statement} without any {files}: " . $countErr . " \n";
print "Total of {files} without any {iassign_statement}: " . $countErrF . " \n";
return $list_iassign;
} // function list_all_iass_files($DB, $modules_iassignid)
/// Search for files associated to each "iassign_statement"
/// Must be used to produce a form with all {iassign_statement} with no {files} and their candidate {files} (with same {context}.id
// @calledby settings_verify.php: $list_iassign = see_all_iass_files($DB, 9);
// @param $modules_iassignid is iAssign ID in {modules}
function see_all_iass_files ($DB, $modules_iassignid) {
global $SEP;
// Problema: como encontrar {files} com itemid errado?
// 1. Vetor com todos os {iassign} com todos seus {context}.id : $list_iassign : id ; cmid ({course_modules}.id) ; course ({course}.id); name ; ia_id ({iassign}.id)
// 2. Vetor com todos os {iassign_statement} : $list_ias : id ; name ; iassignid ; author_name ; iassign_ilmid ; file ; fileid ; timecreated
// 3. Vetor com todos os {files} com {iassign}.contextid : $list_files : id ; contenthash ; contextid component filearea itemid filepath filename userid author timecreated ias.id
// 4. Vetor com todos os {iassign_statement} sem {files} correspondentes:
// $list_iassign = $DB->get_records('iassign');
// echo "#list_iassign=" . count($list_iassign) . " "; // 880
// $ii = 0; foreach ($list_iassign as $element) { echo $ii . $SEP . $element->id . $SEP . $element->course . $SEP . $element->name . " "; $ii++; }
// 880
/// Get {iassign} :: $list_iassign[] = { id (context.id) ; cmid ; ia_id (iassign.id) ; course (course.id) ; name ({iassign}.name) }
print "--- Get {iassign} :: list_iassign[] = { id (context.id) ; cmid ; ia_id (iassign.id) ; course (course.id) ; name ({iassign}.name) } \n";
//ATTENTION: 'get_records_sql(.)' return only the first element (first field)
//$str_query = "SELECT {context}.id AS contextid, {course_modules}.id AS cmid, {iassign}.id, {iassign}.course, {iassign}.name FROM {iassign}, {context}, {course_modules} WHERE " .
$str_query = "SELECT {context}.id, {course_modules}.id AS cmid, {iassign}.id AS ia_id, {iassign}.course, {iassign}.name FROM {iassign}, {context}, {course_modules} WHERE " .
"{course_modules}.module=" . $modules_iassignid . " AND {iassign}.course={course_modules}.course AND {course_modules}.id={context}.instanceid AND {course_modules}.instance={iassign}.id";
//SELECT s_context.id, s_course_modules.id AS cmid, s_iassign.id AS ia_id, s_iassign.course, s_iassign.name FROM s_iassign, s_context, s_course_modules WHERE s_course_modules.module=9 AND
// s_iassign.course=s_course_modules.course AND s_course_modules.id=s_context.instanceid AND s_course_modules.instance=s_iassign.id
$tmp_list_iassign = $DB->get_records_sql($str_query); // get array of stdClass (must be only one element)
print " - #tmp_list_iassign=" . count($tmp_list_iassign). " ";
//D echo "#" . $SEP . "id (context.id)" . $SEP . "ia_id (iassign.id)" . $SEP . "course" . $SEP . "cmid" . $SEP . "name" . $SEP . "contextid" . " "; $ii++;
// Process $tmp_list_iassign to produce the array $list_iassign continous (starting from $list_iassign[0]),
// with only one entry to each {iassign}.id and keeping all of its associated {context}.id under the array $list_iassign[$ii]->id
// The {iassign}.id is $list_iassign[$ii]->ia_id
$list_iassign = array(); // use continous array ($tmp_list_ias is indexed by 'id')
$ii = 0;
foreach ($tmp_list_iassign as $element) { // one {iassign} could have several contextid
if ($ii==0 || $list_iassign[$ii-1]->ia_id != $element->ia_id) { // new element
//D echo $ii . $SEP . $element->id . $SEP . $element->ia_id . $SEP . $element->course . $SEP . $element->cmid . $SEP . "'" . $element->name . "'" . $SEP . " "; // id=contextid
$item = array(); // change to array
$item[] = $element->id; // contextid
$element->id = $item; // change to array - contextid = $item
$list_iassign[$ii] = $element; // transcript array indexed by 'id' to "continous array"
else { // just add new contextid (extends array $list_iassign[$ii-1]->id[])
//_ $item = $list_iassign[$ii-1]->id; // is array -- contextid
//_ $item[] = $element->id; // contextid
//_ $list_iassign[$ii-1]->id = $item; // contextid
$list_iassign[$ii-1]->id[] = $element->id; // new entry to contextid array -- context
//D echo ($ii-1) . $SEP . $element->id . $SEP . $element->ia_id . $SEP . $element->course . $SEP . $element->cmid . $SEP . "'" . $element->name . "'" . $SEP . " *** #=" . count($list_iassign[$ii-1]->id) . " "; // id=contextid
$sizeOf_list_iassign = $ii;
print " - #list_iassign=" . $sizeOf_list_iassign . " ";
//D for ($jj=0; $jj<$sizeOf_list_iassign; $jj++) {
//D $element = $list_iassign[$jj];
//D echo $jj . $SEP . $element->ia_id . $SEP . $element->iassign_ilmid . $SEP . $element->iassignid . $SEP . $element->course . $SEP . $element->file . $SEP . $element->fileid .
//D $SEP . $element->timecreated . $SEP . "'" . $element->author_name . "'" . $SEP . "'" . $element->name . "': contextid=[";
//D $sizeC = count($element->id); // ($element->contextid);
//D for ($kk=0; $kk<$sizeC; $kk++) echo $element->id[$kk] . ","; // contextid[$kk]
//D if ($sizeC>1) echo "] **************************************** ";
//D else echo "] ";
//D }
//L print "==================================================================================== ";
/// Get {iassign_statement} :: $list_ias[] = { courseid (iassign.course) ; id (iassign_statement.id) ; name ; iassignid ; author_name ; iassign_ilmid ; file ; filesid ; timecreated ; array of context.id }
//ATTENTION: 'get_records_sql(.)' return only the first element (first field) => use unique first identifier {iassign_statement}.id
print "--- Get {iassign_statement} :: list_ias[] = { courseid (iassign.course) ; id (iassign_statement.id) ; name ; iassignid ; author_name ; iassign_ilmid ; file ; filesid ; timecreated ; array of context.id } \n";
//$str_query = "SELECT {iassign_statement}.id, {iassign_statement}.name, {iassign_statement}.iassignid, {iassign_statement}.author_name, {iassign_statement}.iassign_ilmid, " .
// " {iassign_statement}.file, {iassign_statement}.filesid, {iassign_statement}.timecreated " .
// " FROM {iassign_statement} ORDER BY {iassign_statement}.iassignid, {iassign_statement}.id";
$str_query = "SELECT {iassign_statement}.id, {iassign_statement}.name, {iassign_statement}.iassignid, {iassign_statement}.author_name, {iassign_statement}.iassign_ilmid, " .
" {iassign_statement}.file, {iassign_statement}.filesid, {iassign_statement}.timecreated, " .
" {iassign}.course AS courseid FROM {iassign}, {iassign_statement} WHERE {iassign_statement}.iassignid = {iassign}.id ORDER BY {iassign}.course, {iassign_statement}.iassignid, {iassign_statement}.id";
//SELECT s_iassign_statement.id, s_iassign_statement.name, s_iassign_statement.iassignid, s_iassign_statement.author_name, s_iassign_statement.iassign_ilmid, s_iassign_statement.file,
// s_iassign_statement.filesid, s_iassign_statement.timecreated, s_iassign.course AS courseid FROM s_iassign, s_iassign_statement
//WHERE s_iassign_statement.iassignid = s_iassign.id ORDER BY s_iassign.course, s_iassign_statement.iassignid, s_iassign_statement.id
//SELECT s_iassign_statement.id, s_iassign_statement.name, s_iassign_statement.iassignid, s_iassign_statement.author_name, s_iassign_statement.iassign_ilmid,
// s_iassign_statement.file, s_iassign_statement.filesid, s_iassign_statement.timecreated FROM s_iassign_statement
$list_ias = array(); // use continous array ($tmp_list_ias is indexed by 'id')
$tmp_list_ias = $DB->get_records_sql($str_query); // get array of stdClass (must be only one element)
$jj = 0;
foreach ($tmp_list_ias as $element) {
$answer = find_course_context($list_iassign, $element->iassignid); // to receive the array with all {context}.id associated with its {iassign}
$element->contextid = $answer[0]; // -1 => error; otherwise is an array with all associated {context}.id
//$element->courseid = $answer[1]; // -1 => error; otherwise {iassicn}.course = {course}.id
if ($element->courseid != $answer[1]) echo " x Error: (" . $jj . ", id=" . $element->id . ") courseid=" . $element->courseid . "!=" . $answer[1] . " \n";
$list_ias[$jj] = $element; // transcript array indexed by 'id' to "continous array"
$sizeOf_list_ias = $jj;
//L for ($jj=0; $jj<$sizeOf_list_ias; $jj++) {
//L $element = $list_ias[$jj];
//L //D echo $jj . $SEP . $element->id . $SEP . $element->iassign_ilmid . $SEP . $element->iassignid . $SEP . $element->file . $SEP . $element->fileid .
//L //D $SEP . $element->timecreated . $SEP . "'" . $element->author_name . "'" . $SEP . "'" . $element->name . "'" . $SEP . "[";
//L //D $sizeC = count($element->contextid); // array of {context}.id // $element->contextid . $SEP
//L //D for ($kk=0; $kk<$sizeC; $kk++) echo $element->contextid[$kk] . $SEP;
//L //D echo "] ";
//L }
print " - #list_ias=" . $sizeOf_list_ias . " ";
//L print "==================================================================================== ";
/// Get {files} :: $list_all_files[] = { id ; contenthash ; contextid component filearea itemid filepath filename userid author timecreated ias.id }
// 3. Vetor com todos os {files} com {iassign}.contextid : $list_files : id ; contenthash ; contextid component filearea itemid filepath filename userid author timecreated ias.id
print "--- Get {files} :: list_all_files[] = { id ; contenthash ; contextid ; component ; filearea ; itemid ; filepath ; filename ; userid ; author ; timecreated ; ias.id } \n";
//$list_files = array(); // $list_files[$ii] = { ia_id, ia_file, ia_filesid, filesid=files.id, filename=files.filename, itemid=files.itemid, contextid=files.contextid }
// Get all {files} associated with {iassign} (here the additional field "ias_id" is "-1")
// Fields: id contenthash contextid component filearea itemid filepath filename userid author timecreated ias_id
// If $list_iassign[$ii] wasn't associated to any {iassign_statement} then "ias_id" := -1 (otherwise "ias_id" := {iassign_statement}.id
$list_all_files = get_all_files($DB, $list_iassign);
echo " - #list_files=" . count($list_all_files) . " \n"; // *
print "\n";
$msgErr = " class='error' "; // "color='#aa0000'";
$msgTErr = ""; // " title='Not found' ";
print "\n";
print "Total of {iassign_statement}: " . $countIA . " ";
print "Total of {iassign_statement} without any {files}: " . $countErr . " ";
return $list_iassign;
} // function see_all_iass_files($DB, $modules_iassignid)
// Create entry with { ia_id, ia_file, ia_filesid, ia_name, filesid, filename, itemid } for each iAssign statement and files
function createNewEntry ($iassign_statement, $element_file) {
$new_file = new stdClass(); // { ia_id, ia_file, ia_filesid, ia_name, filesid, filename, itemid } for each iAssign statement and files
$new_file->ia_id = $iassign_statement->id;
$new_file->ia_name = $iassign_statement->name;
$new_file->ia_file = $iassign_statement->file;
$new_file->ia_filesid = $iassign_statement->filesid;
if ($element_file != NULL) {
$new_file->filesid = $element_file->id;
$new_file->filename = $element_file->filename;
$new_file->itemid = $element_file->itemid;
$new_file->contextid = $element_file->contextid;
else {
$new_file->filesid = NULL;
$new_file->filename = NULL;
$new_file->itemid = NULL;
$new_file->contextid = NULL;
return $new_file;
} // function createNewEntry($iassign_statement, $element_file)
// Try several method to recover file (MoodleData) associated to the iAssign activity
// Given array $all_context, defined a clean version $all_context_final
// @param &$all_context_final : passed by reference
// @calledby this->get_files($course_id, $DB)
function get_associated_files ($DB, $iassign_statement, $all_context, &$all_context_final, $ii) {
global $USER; //DEBUG: apenas durante depuracao!
$array_context_element = $all_context[$ii]; // {context}.id AS contextid, {course}.id, {course}.fullname, {course}.shortname, {course_modules}.id AS course_module_id, {context}.instanceid
$sizeAC = count($array_context_element);
if (!is_array($array_context_element)) { // just in case '$answer_list = $DB->get_records_sql($str_query);' returned only one element
$array_context_elements = array();
$array_context_elements[] = $all_context[$ii];
$array_context_elements = $all_context[$ii];
$sizeAC = count($array_context_elements);
// for ($jj=0; $jj<$sizeAC; $jj++) { $element_context = $array_context_elements[$jj]; $msgEC .= " * " . $element_context->contextid . ", " . $element_context->id . ", '" . $element_context->shortname . "', " . $element_context->course_module_id . ", " . $element_context->instanceid . " "; }
//D__ echo "---- #array_context_elements=" . $sizeAC . " (get_associated_files(.)) \n";
$countF = 0;
$jj = 0;
while ($jj<$sizeAC) {
$context_element = $array_context_elements[$jj];
$contextid = $context_element->contextid; // context of this 'iassign.id'
//$msgEC .= " * " . $context_element->contextid . ", " . $context_element->id . ", '" . $context_element->shortname . "', " . $context_element->course_module_id . ", " . $context_element->instanceid . " "; }
//D__ echo " * Tentar com contextid=" . $contextid . ", iassign_statement.id=" . $iassign_statement->id . ", " . $context_element->id . ", '" . $context_element->shortname . "', " . $context_element->course_module_id . ", " . $context_element->instance . " (jj=" . $jj . ") ";
$files = $DB->get_records('files', array('contextid' => $contextid, 'component' => 'mod_iassign', 'filearea' => 'exercise', 'itemid' => $iassign_statement->id)); // all 'files' associated
$numf = count($files); $countF += $numf; $msgO = "iassign_statement.id"; //D
// To avoid programming mistake on old versions, try to get 'files' with 'iassign_statement.id', 'iassign_statement.file' and 'iassign_statement.filesid'
$files = $DB->get_records('files', array('contextid' => $contextid, 'component' => 'mod_iassign', 'filearea' => 'exercise', 'itemid' => $iassign_statement->id)); // all 'files' associated
$numf = count($files); $countF += $numf; $msgO = "iassign_statement.id"; //D
if ($numf == 0) {
if (isset($iassign_statement->file))
$files = $DB->get_records('files', array('contextid' => $contextid, 'component' => 'mod_iassign', 'filearea' => 'exercise', 'itemid' => $iassign_statement->file)); // all 'files' associated
$numf = count($files); $countF += $numf; $msgO = "iassign_statement.file"; //D
if ($numf == 0) {
if (isset($iassign_statement->filesid)) // try 'iassign_statement.filesid = files.itemid'
$files = $DB->get_records('files', array('contextid' => $contextid, 'component' => 'mod_iassign', 'filearea' => 'exercise', 'itemid' => $iassign_statement->filesid));
$numf = count($files); $countF += $numf; $msgO = "iassign_statement.filesid"; //D
if ($numf == 0) {
if (isset($iassign_statement->filesid)) // try 'iassign_statement.filesid = files.id'
$files = $DB->get_records('files', array('id' => $iassign_statement->filesid)); // all 'files' associated
$numf = count($files); $countF += $numf; $msgO = "files.id=iassign_statement.filesid"; //D
// if ($numf == 0) {
// // try 'files.itemid = iassign_statement.id'
// $files = $DB->get_records('files', array('id' => $iassign_statement->filesid)); // all 'files' associated
// $numf = count($files); $countF += $numf; $msgO = "iassign_statement.filesid=files.itemid"; //D
// }
if ($numf == 0) {
//D__ echo " * files: " . $numf . " - ERRO 'id' 'file' 'filesid' to statement id=" . $iassign_statement->id . ": " . $iassign_statement->name . " \n"; //D
//D__ if ($iassign_statement->id==5118) {
//D__ $context = context_module::instance($USER->cm); // usado no: ilm_handlers/html5.php
//D__ //D__ echo " * {course_module}.id=" . $USER->cm .", USER.{context}.id=" . $context->id . " \n";
//D__ $fs = get_file_storage();
//D__ $files = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'mod_iassign', 'exercise', $iassign_statement->id); $fileid = -1; $filename = "";
//D__ if ($files) { //TODO To be revised? 'files.filename' has '.' is only path (not the file)
//D__ foreach ($files as $value) { if ($value->get_filename() != '.') { $fileid = $value->get_id(); $filename = $value->get_filename(); break; } }
//D__ }
//D__ //D__ echo " * codigo de 'ilm_handlers/html5.php': file.id=" . $fileid . ", filename=" . $filename . " ";
//D__ }
} // if ($numf == 0)
if ($numf>0) { $msgF = ""; foreach ($files as $element_file) $msgF .= "id=" . $element_file->id . ", filename='" . $element_file->filename . "'; ";
//D__ echo " * files: " . $numf . " - encontrei {files}: " . $msgF . " \n"; //D echo " * files: "; print_r($files); echo " \n"; //
$all_context_final[$ii] = $context_element; // now only one array with {context}.id AS contextid, {course}.id, {course}.fullname, {course}.shortname, {course_modules}.id AS course_module_id, {context}.instanceid
return [ $files, $contextid, $numf, $msg0 ];
$all_context_final[$ii] = $context_element; // now only one array
return [ null, -1, 0, $msg0 ];
} // function get_associated_files($DB, $iassign_statement, $all_context, &$all_context_final, $ii)
// @calledby locallib.php : add_edit_iassign(.)
// @calledby settings_activities.php: [$list_all_instances_of_iassign, $all_context, $list_of_ia_files] = get_files($courseid, $DB); // inside 'files_functions.php'
function get_files ($course_id, $DB) { //2022
//__ echo "get_files(.): course_id=" . $course_id . " ";
// Get all iAssignment block inside this course
if (isset($course_id) && $course_id)
$answer_list_iassign = $DB->get_records('iassign', array('course' => $course_id)); //R $this->get_courseid() -> $course_id
$answer_list_iassign = $DB->get_records('iassign'); // all courses
//$tmp_list_ias = $DB->get_records_sql($str_query); // get array of stdClass (must be only one element)
//D echo "#answer_list_iassign = " . sizeof($answer_list_iassign) . " ";
//$list_iassign = $DB->get_records('iassign');
//echo "#list_iassign=" . count($list_iassign) . " "; $SEP = ", "; // 880
//$ii = 0; foreach ($list_iassign as $element) { echo $ii . $SEP . $element->id . $SEP . $element->course . $SEP . $element->name . " "; $ii++; }
// Build 3 arrays (list_all_instances_of_iassign[.], all_context[.], list_of_files[.])
// - $list_all_instances_of_iassign[$ii] <-> $all_context[$ii] <-> $list_of_files[$ii]
// Get all context of each iAssignment block inside this course: $list_all_instances_of_iassign[.] ; $all_context[.]
$list_all_instances_of_iassign = array(); // will return { id, contextid, shortname} = { iassign.id, context.id, course.shortname } <-> $list_of_files[.]
$all_context_final = array(); // will be defined by $all_context considering eventually more then one context to recover {files}
$all_context = array();
$ii = 0;
foreach ($answer_list_iassign as $iassign) { // get all context of each iAssign block: this iAssign block $iassign
$list_all_instances_of_iassign[] = $iassign;
//DEBUG: the abstract function of "/lib/dml/moodle_database.php!get_records_sql(.)" are returning only half of rows! Than is recommended to use 'get_in_or_equal(.)'!
//DEBUG: ATTENTION, get_records_XX() family of functions inside Moodle always returns one associative array, i.e. one array of records where the key is the first field in the SELECT clause.
//DEBUG: So, if you get two records with the same value in the 1st field the functions will "group" them, returning the last one in the real recordset.
//DEBUG: Then is necessary to use as the first field one that has unique representation considering all rows,
//DEBUG: so we must use '{context}.id' since several of them could be associated to one {course_modules}
$str_query = "SELECT {context}.id AS contextid, {course}.id, {course}.fullname, {course}.shortname, {course_modules}.id AS course_module_id, {context}.instanceid " .
" FROM {course}, {context}, {course_modules} WHERE " .
" {course}.id={course_modules}.course AND {course_modules}.id={context}.instanceid AND {course_modules}.instance=" . $iassign->id;
// " {course}.id={course_modules}.course AND {course_modules}.id={context}.instanceid AND {course_modules}.course=" . $course_id . " AND {course_modules}.instance=" . $iassign->id;
//D echo "str_query=" . $str_query . " "; // SELECT {context}.id AS contextid, {course}.id, {course}.fullname, {course}.shortname, {course_modules}.id AS course_module_id, {context}.instanceid FROM {course}, {context}, {course_modules} WHERE {course}.id={course_modules}.course AND {course_modules}.id={context}.instanceid AND {course_modules}.instance=?
$answer_list = $DB->get_records_sql($str_query); // get array of stdClass (must be only one element)
//D if ($iassign->id==1299) { // ($iassign->id==1) { //
//D echo "query=" . $str_query . " #answer_list=" . count($answer_list) . ": "; } // print_r($answer_list); echo " "; }
$list1 = array();
$strAux = "";
foreach ($answer_list as $item) {
$list1[] = $item;
//_ $strAux = "[" . $item->id . "," . $item->contextid . "," . $item->course_module_id . "," . $item->shortname . "," . $item->instanceid . "] ";
//_ if ($iassign->id==1299) { // ($iassign->id==1) { // print_r($item);
//_ echo " - iassign.id=" . $list_all_instances_of_iassign[$ii]->id . ": [id,context.id,course_module.id,shortname,instanceid]=" . $strAux . " \n";
//_ }
$all_context[$ii] = $list1; // $list1[0]; // { course.id, course.fullname, course.shortname, context.id }
//__ echo " - iassign.id=" . $list_all_instances_of_iassign[$ii]->id . ", contextid=" . $all_context[$ii]->contextid . ", : " . $strAux . " \n"; //print_r($answer_list); echo " \n";
} // foreach $answer_list_iassign
//D echo "Total de atividades: ii = " . $ii . " ";
// Built the list of all iAssign associated with this block of activities ('iassign_statement' and 'files')
// This list is associated with the list of iAssign instances: $list_of_files[$ii] <=> $all_context[$ii]
// $list_of_files[$ii] is an array of all {iassign.id, iassign.name, iassign_statement.id, iassign_statement.filesid, iassign_statement.name, files.id, files.contextid, files.itemid, files.name}
$list_of_ia_files = array(); // as { iassign_statement->id, iassign_statement->name, iassign_statement->filesid, files->id, files->contextid, files->itemid, files->filename}
$sizeofList = $ii; // size of $all_context[]
for ($ii=0; $ii<$sizeofList; $ii++) { // get all iAssign block of activities (course.moudules)
$iassign = $list_all_instances_of_iassign[$ii];
$list_all_iassign_statement = $DB->get_records('iassign_statement', array('iassignid' => $iassign->id)); // get all activities inside this block
$list_of_files = array(); // $list_of_files[$ii] = { ia_id, ia_file, ia_filesid, filesid=files.id, filename=files.filename, itemid=files.itemid, contextid=files.contextid }
//D__ echo "#list_all_iassign_statement = " . count($list_all_iassign_statement) . " de iassign.id=" . $iassign->id . " \n"; //D2022
foreach ($list_all_iassign_statement as $iassign_statement) { // get all iAssign activity inside the block '$list_all_iassign_statement'
// $contextid = $all_context[$ii]->contextid; // context of this 'iassign.id'
// Build $all_context_final[$ii] as $all_context[$ii][0] or $all_context[$ii][1] - If $contextid==-1 then erro! Could not recover file!
[$files, $contextid, $numf, $msg0 ] = get_associated_files($DB, $iassign_statement, $all_context, $all_context_final, $ii);//echo " * ii=" . $ii . ": #all_context_final[" . $ii . "]=" . count($all_context_final[$ii]) . " \n";
//D__ echo " - ii=" . $ii . ": iassign_statement {id = " . $iassign_statement->id . ", file = " . $iassign_statement->file . ", filesid = " . $iassign_statement->filesid . "}; contextid=" . $contextid . "=" . $all_context_final[$ii]->contextid . ", date(timecreated)=" . date("Y/m/d H:i:s", $iassign_statement->timecreated) . " : " . $iassign_statement->name . " \n"; //D2022
if ($numf > 0) { // if $iassign_statement has any file (in {files})
//__ echo " * files: " . $numf . ": " . $msgO . " \n"; //D
$filename = array();
foreach ($files as $element_file) { // analyse each '$element_file' of 'files'
//D__ echo " * ii=" . $ii . ": files: id = " . $element_file->id . ", contextid = " . $element_file->contextid . ", itemid=" . $element_file->itemid . " : " . $element_file->filename . " \n"; //D
$new_file = createNewEntry($iassign_statement, $element_file); // create entry with { ia_id, ia_file, ia_filesid, ia_name, filesid, filename, itemid } for each iAssign statement and files
if ($element_file->filename != '.') { // get the '$element_file' that is not only "path"
$filename = explode(".", $element_file->filename);
if ($iassign_statement->filesid != $element_file->id) { // need to update 'iassign_statement.filesid'?
// echo " Update 'iassign_statement.filesid'=" . $iassign_statement->filesid . " <- " . $element_file->id . " : " . $element_file->filename . " "; //2022
//++ Deixar para outro corrigir! A partir de 'settings_activities.php'
$iassign_statement->filesid = $element_file->id; // 'iassign_statement.filesid' <- 'files.id' (update bellow) //2022 deixar para outro corrigir!
if ($element_file->itemid != $iassign_statement->id) { // need to update 'files.itemid'? ('files.itemid <- iassign_statement.id') //2022
$newentry_be_updated = new stdClass();
$newentry_be_updated->id = $element_file->id; $newentry_be_updated->itemid = $iassign_statement->id;
// echo " Update 'files.itemid': id=" . $newentry_be_updated->id . ", itemid=" . $element_file->itemid . "<-" . $newentry_be_updated->itemid . " : " . $element_file->filename . " "; //2022
//R NAO alterar!
//R if (!$DB->update_record('files', $newentry_be_updated)) print_error('error_update', 'iassign');
if (isset($new_file->ia_id) && $new_file->ia_id>0) { // security...
$list_of_files[] = $new_file; // $list_of_files[$ii] = { ia_id, ia_file, ia_filesid, filesid=files.id, filename=files.filename, itemid=files.itemid, contextid=files.contextid }
} // echo " * # = " .
} // foreach ($files as $element_file)
$list_of_ia_files[$ii] = $list_of_files;
$extension = ""; // extension of the current '$element_file'
if (count($filename) > 1) $extension = strtolower($filename[count($filename) - 1]);
foreach ($list_all_iassign_ilm as $iassign_ilm) { // find iLM with the same extension (to register its 'iassign_ilm.id')
$extensions_of_ilm = explode(",", $iassign_ilm->extension);
if (in_array($extension, $extensions_of_ilm)) { // it was found the iLM with correct extension - get the lastast version
$iassign_statement->iassign_ilmid = $iassign_ilm->id; // the iLM identification: iassign_ilm.id
// echo " Update 'iassign_statement.iassign_ilmid': " . $iassign_statement->iassign_ilmid . " <- " . $iassign_ilm->id . " \n";
//D__ echo " - Troca iassign_statement.id=" . $iassign_statement->id . " (" . $iassign_statement->name . ") troca filesid para " . $iassign_statement->filesid . " ";
//R $DB->update_record("iassign_statement", $iassign_statement); // update 'iassign_statement' (mainly 'iassign_statement.filesid')
} // if ($numf > 0)
else { // Error!!! Couldn't find any {files} associated to this statement!
// echo " * ii=" . $ii . ": files: vazio! \n";
$list_of_files[] = createNewEntry($iassign_statement, NULL); // create entry with { ia_id, ia_file, ia_filesid, ia_name, filesid=NULL, filename=NULL, itemid=NULL }
$list_of_ia_files[$ii] = $list_of_files;
} // foreach ($list_all_iassign_statement as $iassign_statement)
} // for ($ii=0; $ii<$sizeofList; $ii++)
return [$list_all_instances_of_iassign, $all_context_final, $list_of_ia_files];
} // function get_files($course_id, $DB)
// Codigo de teste tinha inserido em 'locallib.php' (era invocado linha 2458/9172): static function test_iassign_statement_files()
// @calledby locallib.php : add_edit_iassign(.)
function see_all_files_context ($course_id, $DB) { //2022 testar 'restore_iassign_stepslib.php()' - remover!
// See mod/iassign/backup/moodle2/restore_iassign_stepslib.php : after_execute()
// /var/www/html/moo391p/mod/iassign/backup/moodle2/restore_iassign_stepslib.php
//global $CFG, $DB, $USER;
//$fs = get_file_storage();
$context_id = 1;
// $context = context_module::instance($USER->cm); //2022/02: get 'context.id' = 'files.contextid'
echo "files_functions.php: context.id=" . $context_id . " \n";
$countF = 0;
// Get all iLM installed in iAssign
$list_all_iassign_ilm = $DB->get_records('iassign_ilm', array('parent' => 0, 'enable' => 1));
// Get all iAssignment block inside this course
$answer_list_iassign = $DB->get_records('iassign', array('course' => $course_id)); //R $this->get_courseid() -> $course_id
// Get all context of each iAssignment block inside this course
$list_all_instances_of_iassign = array(); // with { iassign.id, context.id, course.shortname } as { id, contextid, shortname }
$all_context = array();
$ii = 0;
foreach ($answer_list_iassign as $iassign) { // get all context of this iAssign block $iassign
$list_all_instances_of_iassign[] = $iassign;
$str_query = "SELECT {course}.id, {course}.shortname, {context}.id AS contextid FROM {course}, {context}, {course_modules} WHERE " .
"{course}.id={course_modules}.course AND {course_modules}.id={context}.instanceid AND {course_modules}.course=" . $course_id . " AND {course_modules}.instance=" . $iassign->id;
//echo "query=" . $str_query . " ";
$answer_list = $DB->get_records_sql($str_query); // get array of stdClass (must be only one element)
$list1 = array();
$strAux = "";
foreach ($answer_list as $item) { $list1[] = $item; $strAux .= "[" . $item->id . "," . $item->contextid . "," . $item->shortname . "] "; }
$all_context[$ii] = $list1[0];
echo " - iassign.id=" . $list_all_instances_of_iassign[$ii]->id . ", contextid=" . $all_context[$ii]->contextid . " : " . $strAux . " \n"; //print_r($answer_list); echo " \n";
$sizeofList = $ii;
for ($ii=0; $ii<$sizeofList; $ii++) { // get all iAssign block of activities (course.moudules)
$iassign = $list_all_instances_of_iassign[$ii];
$list_all_iassign_statement = $DB->get_records('iassign_statement', array('iassignid' => $iassign->id)); // get all activities inside this block
$contextid = $all_context[$ii]->contextid; // context of this 'iassign.id'
//D echo "#list_all_iassign_statement = " . count($list_all_iassign_statement) . " de iassign.id=" . $iassign->id . " \n"; //D2022
foreach ($list_all_iassign_statement as $iassign_statement) { // get all iAssign activity inside the block '$list_all_iassign_statement'
//D echo " - iassign_statement {id = " . $iassign_statement->id . ", file = " . $iassign_statement->file . ", filesid = " . $iassign_statement->filesid .
//D "}; contextid=" . $contextid . ", date(timecreated)=" . date("Y/m/d H:i:s", $iassign_statement->timecreated) . " : " . $iassign_statement->name . " \n"; //D2022
// To avoid programming mistake on old version try to get 'files' with 'iassign_statement.id', 'iassign_statement.file' and 'iassign_statement.filesid'
$files = $DB->get_records('files', array('contextid' => $contextid, 'component' => 'mod_iassign', 'filearea' => 'exercise', 'itemid' => $iassign_statement->id)); // all 'files' associated
$numf = count($files); $countF += $numf; $msgO = "iassign_statement.id"; //D
if ($numf == 0) {
if (isset($iassign_statement->file))
$files = $DB->get_records('files', array('contextid' => $contextid, 'component' => 'mod_iassign', 'filearea' => 'exercise', 'itemid' => $iassign_statement->file)); // all 'files' associated
$numf = count($files); $countF += $numf; $msgO = "iassign_statement.file"; //D
if ($numf == 0) {
if (isset($iassign_statement->filesid)) // try 'iassign_statement.filesid = files.id'
$files = $DB->get_records('files', array('id' => $iassign_statement->filesid)); // all 'files' associated
$numf = count($files); $countF += $numf; $msgO = "iassign_statement.filesid"; //D
if ($numf == 0) {
if (isset($iassign_statement->filesid)) // try 'iassign_statement.filesid = files.itemid'
$files = $DB->get_records('files', array('contextid' => $contextid, 'component' => 'mod_iassign', 'filearea' => 'exercise', 'itemid' => $iassign_statement->filesid));
$numf = count($files); $countF += $numf; $msgO = "iassign_statement.filesid=files.itemid"; //D
if ($numf == 0)
echo " * files: " . $numf . " - ERRO 'id' 'file' 'filesid' \n"; //D
if ($numf > 0) { echo " * files: " . $numf . ": " . $msgO . " \n"; //D
$filename = array();
foreach ($files as $element_file) { // analyse each '$element_file' of 'files'
echo " * files: id = " . $element_file->id . ", contextid = " . $element_file->contextid . ", itemid=" . $element_file->itemid . " : " . $element_file->filename . " \n"; //D
if ($element_file->filename != '.') { // get the '$element_file' that is not only "path"
$filename = explode(".", $element_file->filename);
if ($iassign_statement->filesid != $element_file->id) { // need to update 'iassign_statement.filesid'?
echo " Update 'iassign_statement.filesid'=" . $iassign_statement->filesid . " <- " . $element_file->id . " : " . $element_file->filename . " "; //2022
$iassign_statement->filesid = $element_file->id; // 'iassign_statement.filesid' <- 'files.id' (update bellow) //2022
if ($element_file->itemid != $iassign_statement->id) { // need to update 'files.itemid'? ('files.itemid <- iassign_statement.id') //2022
//++ Deixar para outro corrigir! A partir de 'settings_activities.php'
$newentry_be_updated = new stdClass(); $newentry_be_updated->id = $element_file->id; $newentry_be_updated->itemid = $iassign_statement->id;
echo " Update 'files.itemid': id=" . $newentry_be_updated->id . ", itemid=" . $element_file->itemid . "<-" . $newentry_be_updated->itemid . " : " . $element_file->filename . " "; //2022
//R if (!$DB->update_record('files', $newentry_be_updated)) print_error('error_update', 'iassign');
} // foreach ($files as $element_file)
$extension = ""; // extension of the current '$element_file'
if (count($filename) > 1) $extension = strtolower($filename[count($filename) - 1]);
foreach ($list_all_iassign_ilm as $iassign_ilm) { // find iLM with the same extension (to register its 'iassign_ilm.id')
$extensions_of_ilm = explode(",", $iassign_ilm->extension);
if (in_array($extension, $extensions_of_ilm)) { // it was found the iLM with correct extension - get the lastast version
$iassign_statement->iassign_ilmid = $iassign_ilm->id; // the iLM identification: iassign_ilm.id
echo " Update 'iassign_statement.iassign_ilmid': " . $iassign_statement->iassign_ilmid . " <- " . $iassign_ilm->id . " \n";
//R $DB->update_record("iassign_statement", $iassign_statement); // update 'iassign_statement' (mainly 'iassign_statement.filesid')
} // if ($numf > 0)
} // foreach ($list_all_iassign_statement as $iassign_statement)
} // for ($ii=0; $ii<$sizeofList; $ii++)
$timeWrite = date('Y_m_d_H_i_s'); // Year_Month_Day_Hour_Minutes_Seconds
$filenamewrite = "_output_restore_after_execute_" . $timeWrite . ".txt";
echo "restore_iassign_stepslib: " . $filenamewrite . " \nUsando: " . __DIR__ . "/../../ilm_debug/escreva.php" . " \n"; //D . str_replace("\n"," \n", $msgD) . " \n"; // __DIR__
// ./mod/iassign/ilm_debug/escreva.php: writeContent($filetype1, $pathbase, $outputFile, $msgToRegister)
// ./mod/iassign/ilm_debug/saida_restore_after_execute.txt
//D require_once(__DIR__ . "/../../ilm_debug/escreva.php"); //leo REMOVER! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
//D Grvar em: ./mod/iassign/ilm_debug/output_restore_after_execute_2022_02_dd_hh_mm_ss.txt
//D $resp = writeContent("", "", $filenamewrite, $msgD); // ($filetype1, $pathbase, $outputFile, $msgToRegister) //leo tire comentario para gravar
echo "restore_iassign_stepslib: resp=" . $resp . ", #files=" . $countF . " \n";
} // function see_all_files_context($course_id, $DB)