License * - GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once ($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/iassign/locallib.php'); function xmldb_iassign_install() { global $DB, $USER, $CFG; $records = array( // iLM in HTML/CSS/JavaScript format // // iVProg 1.0.20190717 - HTML5 - 2020 array_combine( array('name', 'url', 'version', 'type', 'description', 'extension', 'file_jar', 'file_class', 'width', 'height', 'enable', 'timemodified', 'author', 'timecreated', 'evaluate'), array('iVProg', '', '1.0.20190717', 'HTML5', '{"en":"Visual Interactive Programming on the Internet (HTML)","pt_br":"Programação visual interativa na Internet"}', 'ivph', 'ilm/iVProg/1.0.20190717/ivprog/', 'index.html', 800, 600, 1, time(), $USER->id, time(), 1)), // fractions 0.1.2017.11.22 - HTML5 array_combine( array('name', 'url', 'version', 'type', 'description', 'extension', 'file_jar', 'file_class', 'width', 'height', 'enable', 'timemodified', 'author', 'timecreated', 'evaluate'), array('iFractions', '', '0.1.20200221', 'HTML5', '{"en":"Interactive Fractions game","pt_br":"Jogo interativa de frações"}', 'frc', 'ilm/iFractions/0.1.20200221/ifractions/', 'index.html', 1000, 600, 1, time(), $USER->id, time(), 1)), // iHanoi - HTML5 array_combine( array('name', 'url', 'version', 'type', 'description', 'extension', 'file_jar', 'file_class', 'width', 'height', 'enable', 'timemodified', 'author', 'timecreated', 'evaluate'), array('iHanoi', '', '0.1.20200115', 'HTML5', '{"en":"iHanoi","pt_br":"iHanoi"}', 'frc', 'ilm/iHanoi/0.1.20200115/ihanoi/', 'index.html', 1000, 600, 1, time(), $USER->id, time(), 1)), // iLM in Java/JAR format // // iGeom 5.9.22 array_combine( array('name', 'url', 'version', 'type', 'description', 'extension', 'file_jar', 'file_class', 'width', 'height', 'enable', 'timemodified', 'author', 'timecreated', 'evaluate'), array('iGeom', '', '5.9.22', 'Java', '{"en":"Interactive Geometry on the Internet","pt_br":"Geometria Interativa na Internet"}', 'geo', 'ilm/iGeom/5.9.22/iGeom.jar', 'IGeomApplet.class', 800, 600, 1, time(), $USER->id, time(), 1)), // iGraf array_combine( array('name', 'url', 'version', 'type', 'description', 'extension', 'file_jar', 'file_class', 'width', 'height', 'enable', 'timemodified', 'author', 'timecreated', 'evaluate'), array('iGraf', '', '', 'Java', '{"en":"Interactive Graphic on the Internet","pt_br":"Gráficos Interativos na Internet"}', 'grf', 'ilm/iGraf/', 'igraf.IGraf.class', 840, 600, 1, time(), $USER->id, time(), 1)) ); foreach ($records as $record) { // Verify if there is a previous iLM (an old version that must be kept) $iassign_ilm_parent = $DB->get_record('iassign_ilm', array('name' => $record['name'], 'parent' => 0)); $ilm_exists = false; if ($iassign_ilm_parent) { if ($iassign_ilm_parent->version != $record['version']) $record['parent'] = $iassign_ilm_parent->id; else $ilm_exists = true; } $file_jar = $record['file_jar']; if (!empty($file_jar)) { $DB->insert_record('iassign_ilm', $record, false); // insert new iLM in the table '*_iassign_ilm' } } // foreach ($records as $record) // Add iAssign button to the Atto Editor $toolbar = get_config('editor_atto', 'toolbar'); if (strpos($toolbar, 'iassign') === false && $toolbar && $toolbar != '') { $groups = explode("\n", $toolbar); // Try to put iassign in the html group. $found = false; foreach ($groups as $i => $group) { $parts = explode('=', $group); if (trim($parts[0]) == 'other') { $groups[$i] = 'other = ' . trim($parts[1]) . ', iassign'; $found = true; } } // if the group is not found, create the other group and insert it there // Maybe unecessary as the other group is a standard, but if the user has changed it? if (!$found) { do { $last = array_pop($groups); } while (empty($last) && !empty($groups)); $groups[] = 'other = iassign'; $groups[] = $last; } // Update $toolbar and add to the config $toolbar = implode("\n", $groups); set_config('toolbar', $toolbar, 'editor_atto'); } // if (strpos($toolbar, 'iassign') === false && $toolbar && $toolbar != '') // end Add // log event ----------------------------------------------------- if (class_exists('plugin_manager')) $pluginman = plugin_manager::instance(); else $pluginman = core_plugin_manager::instance(); $plugins = $pluginman->get_plugins(); iassign_log::add_log('install', 'version: ' . $plugins['mod']['iassign']->versiondb); // log event ----------------------------------------------------- } // function xmldb_iassign_install()