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Update 'locallib.php': alteracoes para corrigir erros de 'position' de atividades e erro de carregar iMA em Java

./locallib.php: Tinha erro em lista de atividades, em um bloco, todas elas estavam com 'position'=1!!!
Entao criei nova acao 'firstdown' e modifiquei a acao 'move_iassign(...)' colocando mais um parametro "firstdown", "up" ou "down"
function action ():
 novo: 'firstdown' => '$this->activity->move_iassign("firstdown", $this->iassign_down, $this->return);',
 'up' => '$this->activity->move_iassign("up", $this->iassign_up, $this->return);',
 'down' => '$this->activity->move_iassign("down", $this->iassign_down, $this->return);',

function show_iassign ($title, $iassign_array, $i) :
 + troquei '$aux' por '$str_aux'
 + sai:   $link_down = "&nbsp;<a href='view.php?action=down$aux'>" . iassign_icons::insert('move_down_iassign') . "</a>";
   entra: if ($j==0) // first activity
            $link_down = "&nbsp;<a href='view.php?action=firstdown$aux'>" . iassign_icons::insert('move_down_iassign') . "</a>";
          else $link_down = "&nbsp;<a href='view.php?action=down$aux'>" . iassign_icons::insert('move_down_iassign') . "</a>";

function move_iassign ($move_action, $target, $return):
 * alterei coment. anterior: /// Changes position of activities (between those inside a group of interactive activities)
 * acrescentei parametro "$move_action"
 * alterei muito a logica para conseguir corrigir problemas de ID, agora usa 'firstdown' e com isso recuperar o primeiro e segundo

Problema de msg de erro ao entrar em msg de iMA com Java.
   Notice: Undefined variable: fileid in /var/www/html/saw/mod/iassign/ilm_handlers/java.php on line 201


 public static function show_activity_in_ilm ($iassign_statement_activity_item, $student_answer, $enderecoPOST, $view_teacherfileversion):
  + retirei a condicao "if ($view_teacherfileversion)" para entrar em "$fileid = "";..."
leo 5 år sedan
1 ändrade filer med 128 tillägg och 64 borttagningar
  1. 128 64

+ 128 - 64

@@ -186,8 +186,10 @@ class iassign {
     else if (!$this->iassign = $DB->get_record('iassign', array('id' => $this->cm->instance))) {
       print_error('invalidid', 'iassign');
     $USER->context = context_module::instance($this->cm->id);
     $USER->cm = $this->cm->id;
     $this->iassign->cmidnumber = $this->cm->idnumber; // compatibility with modedit ia obj
     $this->iassign->courseid = $this->course->id; // compatibility with modedit ia obj
     $this->context = context_module::instance($this->cm->id);
@@ -284,8 +286,9 @@ class iassign {
       'stats' => '$this->stats();',
       'printstats' => '$this->stats();');
-    $restricted = array('up' => '$this->activity->move_iassign($this->iassign_up,$this->return);',
-      'down' => '$this->activity->move_iassign($this->iassign_down,$this->return);',
+    $restricted = array('firstdown' => '$this->activity->move_iassign("firstdown", $this->iassign_down, $this->return);',
+      'up' => '$this->activity->move_iassign("up", $this->iassign_up, $this->return);',
+      'down' => '$this->activity->move_iassign("down", $this->iassign_down, $this->return);',
       'visible' => '$this->activity->visible_iassign($this->return);',
       'delete' => '$this->activity->delete($this->return);',
       'deleteno' => '$this->return_home_course("confirm_not_delete_iassign");',
@@ -307,7 +310,7 @@ class iassign {
     elseif (has_capability('mod/iassign:evaluateiassign', $this->context, $USER->id)) {
-    else {
+    else { // Student reaches this point
       // When student do/redo activity: do => action = "view"; redo => action = "repeat" 
       // Arrive here with: "get_answer"; "view"
       eval($action_iassign[$this->action]); // Now load 'view_iassign_current()' with 'view'
@@ -1374,6 +1377,9 @@ class iassign {
     global $USER, $CFG, $COURSE, $DB, $OUTPUT;
     $id = $this->cm->id;
     $iassignid = $this->iassign->id;
+    $only_one_send_button = 0; // to avoid to put 2 copies of comments (area to send and see comments between teacher and student)
     $iassign = $DB->get_record("iassign", array("id" => $iassignid)); // from table '*_iassign': id course name intro introformat activity_group grade timeavailable timedue preventlate test max_experiment
     // Get data of current activity : table '*_iassign_statement' = id name iassignid type_iassign proposition author_name author_modified_name iassign_ilmid file grade timemodified timecreated ...
@@ -1408,7 +1414,7 @@ class iassign {
       } else {
       $iassign_submission = $DB->get_record("iassign_submission", array("iassign_statementid" => $this->activity->get_activity()->id, "userid" => $this->userid_iassign)); // data about student solution
     if ($iassign_submission)
@@ -1430,6 +1436,7 @@ class iassign {
     // *** Teacher access (view learner's submission)    
     if (($this->action != 'viewsubmission') && has_capability('mod/iassign:evaluateiassign', $USER->context, $USER->id)) {
       //TODO leo Verificar se o correto eh '$this->context' ou '$USER->context' como deixei
       // It is not 'viewsubmission' and it is teacher or 'non editing teacher'?
       // ---> access teacher for test
@@ -1655,42 +1662,18 @@ class iassign {
         print $OUTPUT->box('<p><strong>' . $last_iassign . '</strong></p>' . "\n");
-        if (!$enderecoPOST) $enderecoPOST = "";
+        if (!isset($enderecoPOST)) $enderecoPOST = "";
         // Prepare tags to present the iLM
         print $OUTPUT->box($ilm->view_iLM($iassign_statement_activity_item, $student_answer, $enderecoPOST, $loadTeacherActivity));
-      if ($iassign_statement_activity_item->type_iassign == 3) { // type_iassign=3 => activity of type "exercise" - submit button and automatic evaluation
-        $output = '';
-        $history_comment = '';
-        if ($iassign_submission) {
-          $enderecoPOSTcomment = "" . $CFG->wwwroot . "/mod/iassign/view.php?id=" . $id . "&action=newcomment&iassign_current=" . $this->activity->get_activity()->id .
-            "&iassign_submission_current=" . $iassign_submission->id . "&userid_iassign=" . $this->userid_iassign . "&row=" . ($row) . "&column=" . ($column);
-          $history_comment = $this->search_comment_submission($iassign_submission->id);
-          }
-        else {
-          $enderecoPOSTcomment = "" . $CFG->wwwroot . "/mod/iassign/view.php?id=" . $id . "&action=newcomment&iassign_current=" . $this->activity->get_activity()->id .
-            "&userid_iassign=" . $this->userid_iassign . "&row=" . ($row) . "&column=" . ($column);
-          }
-        $output .= $OUTPUT->box_start();
-        $output .= "<center><form name='formEnvioComment' id='formEnvioComment1' method='post' action='$enderecoPOSTcomment' enctype='multipart/form-data'>\n";
-        $output .= "<p><textarea rows='2' cols='60' name='submission_comment'></textarea></p>\n";
-        $output .= "<p><input type=submit value='" . get_string('submit_comment', 'iassign') . "'\></p>\n";
-        $output .= "</form></center>\n";
-        if (!empty($history_comment)) {
-          $output .= "  <table id='outlinetable' class='generaltable boxaligncenter' cellpadding='5' width='100%'> \n";
-          $output .= "     <tr><th>" . get_string('history_comments', 'iassign') . "</th></tr>";
-          $output .= $history_comment;
-          $output .= "</table>";
-          }
-        $output .= $OUTPUT->box_end();
+       //2020 Eliminei daqui o codigo para colocar o quadro com area para enivar e ler comentarios
+       //2020 Estava subordinado ao: elseif (($this->action == 'viewsubmission') && has_capability('mod/iassign:evaluateiassign', $USER->context, $USER->id))
+       //2020 e com isso NAO permitia aluno ter o quadro para envio!
+       //2020 Foi para final dessa funcao 'view_iassign_current()'
-        print $output;
-        } // if ($iassign_statement_activity_item->type_iassign == 3)
-      }    // elseif (($this->action == 'viewsubmission')
+      } // elseif (($this->action == 'viewsubmission') && has_capability('mod/iassign:evaluateiassign', $USER->context, $USER->id))
     // *** (end) Teacher access (view learner's submission to the activity)
     // *** Student access (view the activity)
@@ -1976,6 +1959,9 @@ class iassign {
             $output .= "</form></center>\n";
             $output .= $OUTPUT->box_end();
             print $output;
+            $only_one_send_button = 1; // avoid put comment frame again (bellow)
           } else { // if ($iassign_statement_activity_item->type_iassign == 3)
             $output .= $OUTPUT->box_end();
             print $output;
@@ -2004,6 +1990,40 @@ class iassign {
       print $output;
+    //2020 Quadro com area para enivar e ler comentarios veio para este ponto para permitir todos o terem
+    // $only_one_send_button is to avoid to put 2 copies of comments (area to send and see comments between teacher and student)
+    if ($only_one_send_button==0 && $iassign_statement_activity_item->type_iassign == 3) { // type_iassign=3 => activity of type "exercise" - submit button and automatic evaluation
+      // Put a block with area to sent/answer comments
+      $output = '';
+      $history_comment = '';
+      $row = optional_param('row', 0, PARAM_INT);
+      $column = optional_param('column', 0, PARAM_INT);
+      if ($iassign_submission) {
+        $enderecoPOSTcomment = "" . $CFG->wwwroot . "/mod/iassign/view.php?id=" . $id . "&action=newcomment&iassign_current=" . $this->activity->get_activity()->id .
+          "&iassign_submission_current=" . $iassign_submission->id . "&userid_iassign=" . $this->userid_iassign . "&row=" . ($row) . "&column=" . ($column);
+        $history_comment = $this->search_comment_submission($iassign_submission->id);
+        }
+      else {
+        $enderecoPOSTcomment = "" . $CFG->wwwroot . "/mod/iassign/view.php?id=" . $id . "&action=newcomment&iassign_current=" . $this->activity->get_activity()->id .
+          "&userid_iassign=" . $this->userid_iassign . "&row=" . ($row) . "&column=" . ($column);
+        }
+      $output .= $OUTPUT->box_start();
+      $output .= "<center><form name='formEnvioComment' id='formEnvioComment1' method='post' action='$enderecoPOSTcomment' enctype='multipart/form-data'>\n";
+      $output .= "<p><textarea rows='2' cols='60' name='submission_comment'></textarea></p>\n";
+      $output .= "<p><input type=submit value='" . get_string('submit_comment', 'iassign') . "'\></p>\n";
+      $output .= "</form></center>\n";
+      if (!empty($history_comment)) {
+        $output .= "  <table id='outlinetable' class='generaltable boxaligncenter' cellpadding='5' width='100%'> \n";
+        $output .= "     <tr><th>" . get_string('history_comments', 'iassign') . "</th></tr>";
+        $output .= $history_comment;
+        $output .= "</table>";
+        }
+      $output .= $OUTPUT->box_end();
+      print $output;
+      } // if ($iassign_statement_activity_item->type_iassign == 3)
     // final block 'studant'
     print $OUTPUT->footer();
@@ -3142,14 +3162,20 @@ class iassign {
           $links = "&nbsp;<a href='view.php?id=$id&userid_iassign=$USER->id&action=view&iassign_current=$iassign_current'>" . $iassign_array[$j]->name . "</a>";
         $links .= $comment_unread;
         if (has_capability('mod/iassign:editiassign', $this->context, $USER->id) && $USER->iassignEdit == 1) {
-          $aux = "&id=$id&iassign_current=$iassign_current&iassign_up=$iassign_up&iassign_down=$iassign_down";
-          $link_up = "&nbsp;<a href='view.php?action=up$aux'>" . iassign_icons::insert('move_up_iassign') . "</a>";
-          $link_down = "&nbsp;<a href='view.php?action=down$aux'>" . iassign_icons::insert('move_down_iassign') . "</a>";
-          $link_delete = "&nbsp;<a href='view.php?action=delete$aux'>" . iassign_icons::insert('delete_iassign') . "</a>";
-          $link_visible_hide = "&nbsp;<a href='view.php?action=visible$aux'>" . iassign_icons::insert('hide_iassign') . "</a>";
-          $link_visible_show = "&nbsp;<a href='view.php?action=visible$aux'>" . iassign_icons::insert('show_iassign') . "</a>";
-          $link_edit = "&nbsp;<a href='view.php?action=edit$aux'>" . iassign_icons::insert('edit_iassign') . "</a>";
-          $link_duplicate_activity = "&nbsp;<a href='view.php?action=duplicate_activity$aux' >" . iassign_icons::insert('duplicate_iassign') . "</a>\n";
+	  //D echo "id=$id, iassign_current=$iassign_current, iassign_up=$iassign_up, iassign_down=$iassign_down<br/>";
+          $str_aux = "&id=$id&iassign_current=$iassign_current&iassign_up=$iassign_up&iassign_down=$iassign_down";
+          $link_up = "&nbsp;<a href='view.php?action=up$str_aux'>" . iassign_icons::insert('move_up_iassign') . "</a>";
+	  if ($j==0) // first activity
+            $link_down = "&nbsp;<a href='view.php?action=firstdown$str_aux'>" . iassign_icons::insert('move_down_iassign') . "</a>";
+          else
+            $link_down = "&nbsp;<a href='view.php?action=down$str_aux'>" . iassign_icons::insert('move_down_iassign') . "</a>";
+          $link_delete = "&nbsp;<a href='view.php?action=delete$str_aux'>" . iassign_icons::insert('delete_iassign') . "</a>";
+          $link_visible_hide = "&nbsp;<a href='view.php?action=visible$str_aux'>" . iassign_icons::insert('hide_iassign') . "</a>";
+          $link_visible_show = "&nbsp;<a href='view.php?action=visible$str_aux'>" . iassign_icons::insert('show_iassign') . "</a>";
+          $link_edit = "&nbsp;<a href='view.php?action=edit$str_aux'>" . iassign_icons::insert('edit_iassign') . "</a>";
+          $link_duplicate_activity = "&nbsp;<a href='view.php?action=duplicate_activity$str_aux' >" . iassign_icons::insert('duplicate_iassign') . "</a>\n";
           $link_move_activity = "&nbsp;<a href='#' onclick='load_move($iassign_current); return false;' >" . iassign_icons::insert('move_activity') . "</a>\n";
           if (count($iassign_array) > 1) {
@@ -3272,24 +3298,36 @@ class iassign {
   /// Search comment of activity
   function search_comment_submission ($iassign_submissionid) {
     global $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT, $COURSE;
-    $context = context_course::instance($COURSE->id);
+    // $context = context_course::instance($COURSE->id);
+    $colorEdit1 = "#a7bede"; // "#dce7ec"
+    $colorEdit2 = "#b7ceee";
+    $has_capability = 0;
     $comments = $DB->get_records_list('iassign_submission_comment', 'iassign_submissionid', array('iassign_submissionid' => $iassign_submissionid), 'timecreated DESC'); // 'ORDER BY "timecreated" ASC'
     $text = "";
     if ($comments) {
+      $even = 1;
       foreach ($comments as $tmp) {
         $user_data = $DB->get_record("user", array('id' => $tmp->comment_authorid));
-        if (has_capability('mod/iassign:editiassign', $context, $tmp->comment_authorid)) {
-            $text .= "<tr><td bgcolor='#fee7ae'><b> $user_data->firstname</b>&nbsp;(" . userdate($tmp->timecreated) . "</br>\n";
-            $text .= "$tmp->comment</td></tr>";
-          } else {
-            $text .= "<tr><td bgcolor='#dce7ec'>&raquo;<b>" . $user_data->firstname . "</b>&nbsp;(" . userdate($tmp->timecreated) . "</br>\n";
-            $text .= $tmp->comment . "</td></tr>\n";
+        // if (has_capability('mod/iassign:editiassign', $context, $tmp->comment_authorid)) {
+        //  $text .= "<tr><td bgcolor='#fee7ae'><b> $user_data->firstname</b>&nbsp;(" . userdate($tmp->timecreated) . ")</br>\n";
+        //  $text .= $tmp->comment . "</td></tr>";
+        //} else {
+        //  $text .= "<tr><td bgcolor='#dce7ec'>&raquo;<b>" . $user_data->firstname . "</b>&nbsp;(" . userdate($tmp->timecreated) . "</br>\n";
+        if ($even) {
+          $text .= "<tr><td bgcolor='" . $colorEdit1 . "'>&raquo;<b>" . $user_data->firstname . "</b>&nbsp;(" . userdate($tmp->timecreated) . ")</br>\n";
+          $even = 0;
+        } else {
+          $text .= "<tr><td bgcolor='" . $colorEdit2 . "'>&raquo;<b>" . $user_data->firstname . "</b>&nbsp;(" . userdate($tmp->timecreated) . ")</br>\n";
+          $even = 1;
+        $text .= $tmp->comment . "</td></tr>\n";
         } // foreach ($comments as $tmp)
     return $text;
@@ -3576,23 +3614,48 @@ class activity {
-  /// Changes position within of interactive group activity
-  function move_iassign ($target, $return) {
-    global $DB, $OUTPUT;
-    $iassign_target = $DB->get_record("iassign_statement", array("id" => $target));
-    $aux = $this->activity->position;
-    $newentry = new stdClass();
-    $newentry->id = $this->activity->id;
-    $newentry->position = $iassign_target->position;
-    if (!$DB->update_record('iassign_statement', $newentry)) {
+  /// Changes position of activities (between those inside a group of interactive activities)
+  //  @param $move_action = must be "up" or "down"
+  //  @param $target = if 'down' => is '' of the activity bellow the current one; if 'up' => is activity above the current one
+  function move_iassign ($move_action, $target, $return) {
+    global $DB, $OUTPUT;
+    //D echo "mover: this->id=" . $this->activity->id . ", target = $target<br/>";
+    $initial_position_source = $this->activity->position; // the position of the "source activity" (that one to be moved)
+    $iassign_target = $DB->get_record("iassign_statement", array("id" => $target)); // "target activity" = the activity in the position the receive "source activity"
+    if ($move_action=="firstdown") {
+      $final_position_source = 2;
+      $final_position_target = 1;
+      }
+    else
+    if ($move_action=="down") {
+      $final_position_target = $this->activity->position;
+      $final_position_source = $final_position_target + 1;
+      }
+    else
+    if ($move_action=="up") {
+      $final_position_target = $this->activity->position;
+      $final_position_source = $final_position_target - 1;
+      }
+    else { // error:
       print_error('error_update_move_iassign', 'iassign');
+      exit;
+    $newentry = new stdClass(); // define a new object (activity) to receive only 2 fields: 'id' and 'position'
+    $newentry->id = $this->activity->id; // ID of the "source activity"    
+    $newentry->position = $final_position_source;
+    //D echo "mover: id=" . $this->activity->id . ": de " . $this->activity->position . " -> " . $final_position_source . "<br/>";
+    //D echo "mover: id=" . $iassign_target->id . ": de " . $iassign_target->position . " -> " . $final_position_target . "<br/>"; exit;
-    $newentry->id = $iassign_target->id;
-    $newentry->position = $aux;
-    if (!$DB->update_record('iassign_statement', $newentry))
+    if (!$DB->update_record('iassign_statement', $newentry)) { // modify 'position' of the activity with 'id'=$target 
       print_error('error_update_move_iassign', 'iassign');
+      }
+    else { // first update performed successfully
+      $newentry->id = $iassign_target->id;
+      $newentry->position = $final_position_target;
+      if (!$DB->update_record('iassign_statement', $newentry))
+        print_error('error_update_move_iassign', 'iassign');
+      }
@@ -4027,6 +4090,7 @@ class ilm {
       $this->ilm = null;
   /// Shows activity in iLM
   //  @calledby view_iassign_current()
   function view_iLM ($iassign_statement_activity_item, $student_answer, $enderecoPOST, $view_teacherfileversion) {
@@ -4215,8 +4279,8 @@ class ilm_settings {
       if (!$iassign_ilm) { // The second turn (form sended) reaches this point - Just in case (if the admin use back and forward in the browser)
         print get_string('empty_file', 'iassign') . "?<br/>\n"; //TODO warning not to use back?
         // echo "Sem dados<br/>"; exit;
-	return;
-	}
+        return;
+        }
       $description = json_decode($iassign_ilm->description);
       if ($iassign_ilm) {
         if ($iassign_ilm->parent == 0)
@@ -6134,7 +6198,7 @@ class ilm_manager {
       // $array_files_aux[] = $item_fc;
       $itemid = $item_fc->get_id();
       if (!in_array($itemid, $array_files_id)) {
-	//TODO Avoid to insert twice - necessary since it has been inserting 2 copies in iassign_statement
+        //TODO Avoid to insert twice - necessary since it has been inserting 2 copies in iassign_statement
         $allfiles[] = $item_fc;
         $array_files_id[] = $itemid;