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Update 'lang/en/iassign.php'

Version 1.3.2 2022/09/15 (new tags associated to the fields 'evaluate,reevaluate,editingbehavior' of 'iassign_ilm')
leo 2 rokov pred
1 zmenil súbory, kde vykonal 9 pridanie a 4 odobranie
  1. 9 4

+ 9 - 4

@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
  * @author Patricia Alves Rodrigues
  * @author Leônidas O. Brandão
+ * @version v 1.3.2 2022/09/15 (new tags associated to the fields 'evaluate,reevaluate,editingbehavior' of 'iassign_ilm')
  * @version v 1.3.1 2020/07/04 (reordered; adjusted 4 tags); v 1.3 2019/01/10 (480 tags); v 1.2 2017/03/10 ; v 1.1 2013/08/28
  * @package mod_iassign_lang
  * @since 2015/11/02
@@ -78,6 +79,11 @@ $string['auto_evaluate_stopped']          = 'Automatic evaluation has stopped.';
 $string['auto_evaluate_title']            = 'Automatic Evaluation';
 $string['auto_evaluate_title_time']       = 'iLM did not return any information. Click on the icon to details.';
+$string['auto_editingbehavior']           = 'Does it allow to edit a solution?';
+$string['auto_editingbehavior_help']      = 'The iLM allows to edit one submitted solution means that the automatic evaluator remains working after the student edit his solution';
+$string['auto_reevaluate']                = 'Does it allow batch re-evaluate?';
+$string['auto_reevaluate_help']           = 'The iLM allows to the teacher to re-evaluate the solutions sent by all the students is useful to avoid JavaScript expert fraud';
 $string['auto_result']                    = 'Result of automatic evaluation:';
 $string['automatic_evaluate']             = 'It must be used automatic evaluation in this activity?';
 $string['availabledate']                  = 'Available from';
@@ -438,7 +444,7 @@ $string['new_comment_mail_at']            = 'in the';
 $string['new_comment_mail_course']        = 'Course';
 $string['new_comment_mail_open_exercise'] = 'Open exercise	';
 $string['new_comment_mail_sent_by']       = 'Sent by';
-$string['new_comment_mail_subject']       = 'New received message in activity';
+$string['new_comment_mail_subject']       = 'New received message';
 $string['new_dir']                        = 'New directory';
 $string['new_file_jar']                   = 'New file JAR';
 $string['new_ilm']                        = 'Create a new interactive activity';
@@ -500,7 +506,7 @@ $string['rename_iassign']                 = 'Rename activity';
 $string['repeat']                         = 'Redo activity';
 $string['repeat_alt']                     = 'Use this button to redo the activity';
 $string['repeat_msg']                     = 'If you want to do this activity from the beginning again, use the redo button.';
-$string['report']                         = 'Report';
+$string['report']                         = 'Reports';
 $string['required']                       = 'Field is required';
 $string['required_file']                  = 'You must fill in <u> File Activity </u>';
 $string['required_iassign_file']          = 'You must select an interactive activity';
@@ -513,6 +519,7 @@ $string['return_iassign']                 = 'Back to exercise';
 $string['right']                          = 'Right';
 $string['right_disable']                  = 'Disable';
 $string['script']                         = 'Activity script (algorithm)? <br> (Applicable only to iLM iGeom)';
+$string['see_ilm_activities']             = 'See all the activities associated with this iLM';
 $string['select_move_ilm']                = 'Select the target directory to move files and directory';
 $string['show']                           = 'Show';
 $string['show_answer']                    = 'Show automatic evaluation results to students?';
@@ -535,8 +542,6 @@ $string['submissionbehavior_view']        = 'Submission';
 $string['submissions']                    = 'Submissions';
 $string['submission_behavior_0']          = 'After submission, this iLM remains on the same page.';
 $string['submission_behavior_1']          = 'After submission, this iLM changes the current page.';
-$string['submission_behavior_0']          = 'After submission, this iLM remains on the same page.';
-$string['submission_behavior_1']          = 'After submission, this iLM changes the current page.';
 $string['submit']                         = 'Submit the selected file';
 $string['submit_assign']                  = 'Send activity';
 $string['submit_comment']                 = 'Send message';