Tidak Ada Deskripsi

leo c48f45fe4b Update 'README.md' 2 tahun lalu
.vscode dd3fbaa603 Fix some TypeScript issues regarding the typeSystem/ classes 4 tahun lalu
css 6d3ab2d324 Working in progress 4 tahun lalu
grammar ec02855f07 Fix bug in logic operator syntatic parsing 2 tahun lalu
i18n 2ff352ae1b Change assessment result table label from "Result" to "Correction" 2 tahun lalu
img f0993d6132 Compress .svg files for linebreak button 4 tahun lalu
js 562d061052 Fix bug in logic operator syntatic parsing 2 tahun lalu
templates ae9922c06e finished changes 3 tahun lalu
tests 13714a3957 Fix test cases according to the new type conversion 6 tahun lalu
.babelrc 0ec63862df Rewrite some function from ivprogProcessor.js using async/await pattern 4 tahun lalu
.eslintignore 525825fb2a Merge branch 'master' into newWriteFunction 4 tahun lalu
.eslintrc.json 7433dcdeaa feat: Implement moo lexer at ast and processor modules 3 tahun lalu
.gitignore ce0a504f75 Implement Location and Address to emulate memory allocation/deallocation to facilitate refference usage inside the program and other future improvements 5 tahun lalu
README.md c48f45fe4b Update 'README.md' 2 tahun lalu
changeScriptSourcePlugin.js 7433dcdeaa feat: Implement moo lexer at ast and processor modules 3 tahun lalu
i18n_csv_loader.js 20bd74f86e Implement csv i18n file for all strings and a csv loader for webpack 5 tahun lalu
ivprog.sublime-project 269fbdd168 Comitando 6 tahun lalu
ivprog_2022_01_13_21_43.zip 66538db018 build: bug in expressions 3 tahun lalu
karma.conf.js e63e6e102d Install karma and jasmine testing suite 6 tahun lalu
package-lock.json 7433dcdeaa feat: Implement moo lexer at ast and processor modules 3 tahun lalu
package.json 7433dcdeaa feat: Implement moo lexer at ast and processor modules 3 tahun lalu
tsconfig.json ce0a504f75 Implement Location and Address to emulate memory allocation/deallocation to facilitate refference usage inside the program and other future improvements 5 tahun lalu
updateVersionPlugin.js 7433dcdeaa feat: Implement moo lexer at ast and processor modules 3 tahun lalu
updateVersionScript.js d70977311f Implement UpdateVersion webpack plugin 6 tahun lalu
versionFileHelper.js 5885f7a4e1 Implement versioning system with 'npm run compile' 6 tahun lalu
webpack.config.js 7433dcdeaa feat: Implement moo lexer at ast and processor modules 3 tahun lalu



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As versões estáveis podem ser baixadas através do seguinte link. O projeto usa uma numeração de versão seguindo a formatação: YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.


O projeto utiliza o npm como gerenciador de pacotes e ferramenta de construção. Para montar o programa a partir do código fonte é necessário ter instalado o Java (para o analisador léxico baseado em antlr4) e nodejs(^10.16.0) com npm(^6.9.0). Após clone este repositório execute os seguintes comandos a partir da pasta raiz:

npm install
npm run build
npm run start

Após a execução desses comandos, você poderá acessar o localhost na porta 8080 para acessar a sua versão local do iVProg. Existem também o comando npm run watch para compilar os arquivos enquanto você faz modificações no código

If you have Apache, go to the source code run "npm run build" and copy the content of directory "build/" to your "localhost/ivprog/".