import Lexers from './../grammar/'; import { IVProgParser } from './../js/ast/ivprogParser'; import { IVProgProcessor} from './../js/processor/ivprogProcessor' import { OutputTest } from './../js/util/outputTest'; describe('The write function', function () { const code = `programa { funcao inicio() { real a = 8.01 escreva(a) } }`; const output = new OutputTest(); const lexer = Lexers['pt_br']; it(`should print the value passed to it, no matter it's type`, function (done) { const parser = new IVProgParser(code, lexer); const exec = new IVProgProcessor(parser.parseTree()); exec.registerOutput(output); exec.interpretAST().then(sto => { expect(output.list).toEqual(['8.01']); done(); }).catch( err => done(err)); }); });