import { Break } from './break'; import { Return } from './return'; import { Assign } from './assign'; import { Declaration } from './declaration'; import { ArrayDeclaration } from './arrayDeclaration'; import { While } from './while'; import { For } from './for'; import { Function } from './function'; import { IfThenElse } from './ifThenElse'; import { CommandBlock } from './commandBlock'; import { DoWhile } from './doWhile'; import { Switch } from './switch'; import { Case } from './case'; // A Proxy to the expression which do what is required. No need to write a new one import { FunctionCall } from './../expressions/functionCall'; export { Break, Return, Assign, Declaration, ArrayDeclaration, While, For, Function, IfThenElse, CommandBlock, DoWhile, Switch, Case, FunctionCall };