import { RuntimeError } from "./runtimeError"; import { SemanticError } from "./semanticError"; import * as LocalizedStringsService from "./../../services/localizedStringsService"; import { LanguageDefinedFunction } from "../definedFunctions"; function createRuntimeError (i18n_id, context = []) { const LocalizedStrings = LocalizedStringsService.getInstance(); return new RuntimeError(LocalizedStrings.getError(i18n_id, context), i18n_id); } function createSemanticError (i18n_id, context = []) { const LocalizedStrings = LocalizedStringsService.getInstance(); return new SemanticError( LocalizedStrings.getError(i18n_id, context), i18n_id ); } export const ProcessorErrorFactory = Object.freeze({ symbol_not_found_full: (id, sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [id, sourceInfo.line, sourceInfo.column]; const error = createSemanticError("symbol_not_found_full", context); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.symbol_not_found(id); } }, symbol_not_found: (id) => { const context = [id]; return createSemanticError("symbol_not_found", context); }, function_missing_full: (id, sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [id, sourceInfo.line, sourceInfo.column]; const error = createSemanticError("function_missing_full", context); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.function_missing(id); } }, function_missing: (id) => { const context = [id]; return createSemanticError("function_missing", context); }, main_missing: () => { return createSemanticError("main_missing"); }, array_dimension_not_int_full: (sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [sourceInfo.line]; const error = createSemanticError( "array_dimension_not_int_full", context ); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.array_dimension_not_int(); } }, array_dimension_not_int: () => { return createSemanticError("array_dimension_not_int"); }, unknown_command_full: (sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [sourceInfo.line]; const error = createRuntimeError("unknown_command_full", context); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.unknown_command(); } }, unknown_command: () => { return createRuntimeError("unknown_command"); }, incompatible_types_full: ( left_type, left_dim, right_type, right_dim, exp, source_info ) => { const LocalizedStrings = LocalizedStringsService.getInstance(); if (source_info) { const context = [ LocalizedStrings.translateType(left_type, left_dim), exp, source_info.line, LocalizedStrings.translateType(right_type, right_dim), ]; const error = createSemanticError("incompatible_types_full", context); error.context = { line: source_info.line, column: source_info.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.incompatible_types( left_type, left_dim, right_type, right_dim, exp ); } }, incompatible_types: (left_type, left_dim, right_type, right_dim, exp) => { const LocalizedStrings = LocalizedStringsService.getInstance(); const context = [ LocalizedStrings.translateType(left_type, left_dim), exp, LocalizedStrings.translateType(right_type, right_dim), ]; return createSemanticError("incompatible_types", context); }, incompatible_types_array_full: (exp, type, dim, sourceInfo) => { const LocalizedStrings = LocalizedStringsService.getInstance(); if (sourceInfo) { const context = [ exp, LocalizedStrings.translateType(type, dim), sourceInfo.line, sourceInfo.column, ]; const error = createSemanticError( "incompatible_types_array_full", context ); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.incompatible_types_array(exp, type, dim); } }, incompatible_types_array: (exp, type, dim) => { const LocalizedStrings = LocalizedStringsService.getInstance(); const context = [exp, LocalizedStrings.translateType(type, dim)]; return createSemanticError("incompatible_types_array", context); }, loop_condition_type_full: (exp, sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [sourceInfo.line, sourceInfo.column, exp]; const error = createSemanticError("loop_condition_type_full", context); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.loop_condition_type(exp); } }, loop_condition_type: (exp) => { const context = [exp]; return createSemanticError("loop_condition_type", context); }, /** * @deprecated 01/10/2019 */ endless_loop_full: (sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [sourceInfo.line]; const error = createSemanticError("endless_loop_full", context); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.endless_loop(); } }, endless_loop: () => { return createSemanticError("endless_loop"); }, if_condition_type_full: (exp, sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [sourceInfo.line, sourceInfo.column, exp]; const error = createSemanticError("if_condition_type_full", context); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.if_condition_type(exp); } }, if_condition_type: (exp) => { const context = [exp]; return createSemanticError("if_condition_type", context); }, invalid_global_var: () => { return createRuntimeError("invalid_global_var"); }, not_implemented: (id) => { const context = [id]; return createRuntimeError("not_implemented", context); }, invalid_case_type_full: (exp, type, dim, sourceInfo) => { const LocalizedStrings = LocalizedStringsService.getInstance(); if (sourceInfo) { const context = [ exp, LocalizedStrings.translateType(type, dim), sourceInfo.line, sourceInfo.column, ]; const error = createSemanticError("invalid_case_type_full", context); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.invalid_case_type(exp, type, dim); } }, invalid_case_type: (exp, type, dim) => { const LocalizedStrings = LocalizedStringsService.getInstance(); const context = [exp, LocalizedStrings.translateType(type, dim)]; return createSemanticError("invalid_case_type", context); }, void_in_expression_full: (id, sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [sourceInfo.line, sourceInfo.column, id]; const error = createSemanticError("void_in_expression_full", context); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.void_in_expression(id); } }, void_in_expression: (id) => { const context = [id]; return createSemanticError("void_in_expression", context); }, invalid_array_access_full: (id, sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [id, sourceInfo.line, sourceInfo.column]; const error = createSemanticError("invalid_array_access_full", context); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.invalid_array_access(id); } }, invalid_array_access: (id) => { const context = [id]; return createSemanticError("invalid_array_access", context); }, invalid_matrix_access_full: (id, sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [id, sourceInfo.line, sourceInfo.column]; const error = createSemanticError("invalid_matrix_access_full", context); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.invalid_matrix_access(id); } }, invalid_matrix_access: (id) => { const context = [id]; return createSemanticError("invalid_matrix_access", context); }, matrix_column_outbounds_full: (id, value, columns, sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [sourceInfo.line, value, id, columns]; const error = createRuntimeError("matrix_column_outbounds_full", context); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.matrix_column_outbounds(id, value, columns); } }, matrix_column_outbounds: (id, value, columns) => { const context = [value, id, columns]; return createRuntimeError("matrix_column_outbounds", context); }, matrix_line_outbounds_full: (id, value, lines, sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [sourceInfo.line, value, id, lines]; const error = createRuntimeError("matrix_line_outbounds_full", context); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.matrix_line_outbounds(id, value, lines); } }, matrix_line_outbounds: (id, value, lines) => { const context = [value, id, lines]; return createRuntimeError("matrix_line_outbounds", context); }, vector_line_outbounds_full: (id, value, lines, sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [sourceInfo.line, value, id, lines]; const error = createRuntimeError("vector_line_outbounds_full", context); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.vector_line_outbounds(id, value, lines); } }, vector_line_outbounds: (id, value, lines) => { const context = [value, id, lines]; return createRuntimeError("vector_line_outbounds", context); }, vector_not_matrix_full: (id, sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [sourceInfo.line, id]; const error = createRuntimeError("vector_not_matrix_full", context); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.vector_not_matrix(id); } }, vector_not_matrix: (id) => { const context = [id]; return createRuntimeError("vector_not_matrix", context); }, function_no_return: (id) => { const context = [id]; return createSemanticError("function_no_return", context); }, invalid_void_return_full: (id, type, dim, sourceInfo) => { const LocalizedStrings = LocalizedStringsService.getInstance(); if (sourceInfo) { const context = [ sourceInfo.line, id, LocalizedStrings.translateType(type, dim), ]; const error = createSemanticError("invalid_void_return_full", context); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.invalid_void_return(id, type, dim); } }, invalid_void_return: (id, type, dim) => { const LocalizedStrings = LocalizedStringsService.getInstance(); const context = [id, LocalizedStrings.translateType(type, dim)]; return createSemanticError("invalid_void_return_full", context); }, invalid_return_type_full: (id, type, dim, sourceInfo) => { const LocalizedStrings = LocalizedStringsService.getInstance(); if (sourceInfo) { const context = [ sourceInfo.line, id, LocalizedStrings.translateType(type, dim), ]; const error = createSemanticError("invalid_return_type_full", context); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.invalid_return_type(id, type, dim); } }, invalid_return_type: (id, type, dim) => { const LocalizedStrings = LocalizedStringsService.getInstance(); const context = [id, LocalizedStrings.translateType(type, dim)]; return createSemanticError("invalid_return_type", context); }, invalid_parameters_size_full: (id, expected, actual, sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [sourceInfo.line, id, expected, actual]; const error = createSemanticError( "invalid_parameters_size_full", context ); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.invalid_parameters_size( id, expected, actual ); } }, invalid_parameters_size: (id, expected, actual) => { const context = [id, expected, actual]; return createSemanticError("invalid_parameters_size", context); }, invalid_parameter_type_full: (fun_name, exp, sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [ exp, LanguageDefinedFunction.getLocalName(fun_name), sourceInfo.line, ]; const error = createSemanticError("invalid_parameter_type_full", context); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.invalid_parameter_type(fun_name, exp); } }, invalid_parameter_type: (fun_name, exp) => { const context = [exp, LanguageDefinedFunction.getLocalName(fun_name)]; return createSemanticError("invalid_parameter_type_full", context); }, invalid_ref_full: (id, exp, sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [exp, id, sourceInfo.line]; const error = createSemanticError("invalid_ref_full", context); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.invalid_ref(id, exp); } }, invalid_ref: (id, exp) => { const context = [exp, id]; return createSemanticError("invalid_ref", context); }, unexpected_break_command_full: (sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [sourceInfo.line]; const error = createRuntimeError( "unexpected_break_command_full", context ); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.unexpected_break_command(); } }, unexpected_break_command: () => { return createRuntimeError("unexpected_break_command"); }, invalid_array_literal_type_full: (exp, sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [sourceInfo.line, exp]; const error = createRuntimeError( "invalid_array_literal_type_full", context ); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.invalid_array_literal_type(exp); } }, invalid_array_literal_type: (exp) => { const context = [exp]; return createRuntimeError("invalid_array_literal_type", context); }, invalid_array_literal_line_full: (expected, actual, sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [sourceInfo.line, expected, actual]; const error = createRuntimeError( "invalid_array_literal_line_full", context ); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.invalid_array_literal_type(expected, actual); } }, invalid_array_literal_line: (expected, actual) => { const context = [expected, actual]; return createRuntimeError("invalid_array_literal_line", context); }, invalid_array_literal_column_full: (expected, actual, sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [sourceInfo.line, expected, actual]; const error = createRuntimeError( "invalid_array_literal_column_full", context ); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.invalid_array_literal_column( expected, actual ); } }, invalid_array_literal_column: (expected, actual) => { const context = [expected, actual]; return createRuntimeError("invalid_array_literal_column", context); }, invalid_unary_op_full: (expString, opName, type, dim, sourceInfo) => { const LocalizedStrings = LocalizedStringsService.getInstance(); if (sourceInfo) { const context = [ sourceInfo.line, expString, LocalizedStrings.translateOp(opName), LocalizedStrings.translateType(type, dim), ]; const error = createRuntimeError("invalid_unary_op_full", context); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.invalid_unary_op(opName, type, dim); } }, invalid_unary_op: (expString, opName, type, dim) => { const LocalizedStrings = LocalizedStringsService.getInstance(); const context = [ expString, LocalizedStrings.translateOp(opName), LocalizedStrings.translateType(type, dim), ]; return createRuntimeError("invalid_unary_op", context); }, invalid_infix_op_full: ( expString, opName, typeLeft, dimLeft, typeRight, dimRight, sourceInfo ) => { const LocalizedStrings = LocalizedStringsService.getInstance(); if (sourceInfo) { const context = [ sourceInfo.line, expString, LocalizedStrings.translateOp(opName), LocalizedStrings.translateType(typeLeft, dimLeft), LocalizedStrings.translateType(typeRight, dimRight), ]; const error = createRuntimeError("invalid_infix_op_full", context); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.invalid_infix_op( opName, typeLeft, dimLeft, typeRight, dimRight ); } }, invalid_infix_op: ( expString, opName, typeLeft, dimLeft, typeRight, dimRight ) => { const LocalizedStrings = LocalizedStringsService.getInstance(); const context = [ expString, LocalizedStrings.translateOp(opName), LocalizedStrings.translateType(typeLeft, dimLeft), LocalizedStrings.translateType(typeRight, dimRight), ]; return createRuntimeError("invalid_infix_op", context); }, array_dimension_not_positive_full: (sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [sourceInfo.line]; const error = createSemanticError( "array_dimension_not_positive_full", context ); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.array_dimension_not_positive(); } }, array_dimension_not_positive: () => { return createSemanticError("array_dimension_not_positive"); }, invalid_type_conversion: (value, type, dim) => { const LocalizedStrings = LocalizedStringsService.getInstance(); const context = [value, LocalizedStrings.translateType(type, dim)]; return createRuntimeError("invalid_type_conversion", context); }, invalid_read_type: (exp, type, dim, name, source_info) => { const LocalizedStrings = LocalizedStringsService.getInstance(); const context = [ source_info.line, exp, LocalizedStrings.translateType(type, dim), name, ]; const error = createRuntimeError("invalid_read_type", context); error.context = { line: source_info.line, column: source_info.column }; return error; }, invalid_read_type_array: ( exp, typePos, dimPos, name, typeArray, dimArray, sourceInfo ) => { const LocalizedStrings = LocalizedStringsService.getInstance(); const context = [ sourceInfo.line, exp, LocalizedStrings.translateType(typePos, dimPos), name, LocalizedStrings.translateType(typeArray, dimArray), ]; const error = createRuntimeError("invalid_read_type_array", context); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; }, invalid_const_ref_full: (fun_name, exp, sourceInfo) => { if (sourceInfo) { const context = [ exp, LanguageDefinedFunction.getLocalName(fun_name), sourceInfo.line, ]; const error = createSemanticError("invalid_const_ref_full", context); error.context = { line: sourceInfo.line, column: sourceInfo.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.invalid_const_ref(fun_name, exp); } }, invalid_const_ref: (fun_name, exp) => { const context = [exp, LanguageDefinedFunction.getLocalName(fun_name)]; const error = createSemanticError("invalid_const_ref", context); return error; }, invalid_const_assignment_full: (var_id, source_info) => { if (source_info) { const context = [source_info.line, var_id]; const error = createSemanticError( "invalid_const_assignment_full", context ); error.context = { line: source_info.line, column: source_info.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.invalid_const_assignment(var_id); } }, invalid_const_assignment: (var_id) => { const context = [var_id]; return createSemanticError("invalid_const_assignment", context); }, invalid_vector_assignment_full: ( left_id, left_size, right_id, right_size, source_info ) => { if (source_info) { const context = [ source_info.line, left_id, left_size, right_id, right_size, ]; const error = createRuntimeError( "invalid_vector_assignment_full", context ); error.context = { line: source_info.line, column: source_info.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.invalid_vector_assignment( left_id, left_size, right_id, right_size ); } }, invalid_vector_assignment: (left_id, left_size, right_id, right_size) => { const context = [left_id, left_size, right_id, right_size]; return createRuntimeError("invalid_vector_assignment", context); }, invalid_matrix_assignment_full: ( left_id, left_line, left_column, right_id, right_line, right_column, source_info ) => { if (source_info) { const context = [ source_info.line, left_id, left_line, left_column, right_id, right_line, right_column, ]; const error = createRuntimeError( "invalid_matrix_assignment_full", context ); error.context = { line: source_info.line, column: source_info.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.invalid_matrix_assignment( left_id, left_line, left_column, right_id, right_line, right_column ); } }, invalid_matrix_assignment: ( left_id, left_line, left_column, right_id, right_line, right_column ) => { const context = [ left_id, left_line, left_column, right_id, right_line, right_column, ]; return createRuntimeError("invalid_matrix_assignment", context); }, matrix_to_vector_attr: (left_id, right_id, source_info) => { // SourceInfo have to be valid... const context = [source_info.line, right_id, left_id]; const error = createSemanticError("matrix_to_vector_attr", context); error.context = { line: source_info.line, column: source_info.column }; return error; }, vector_to_matrix_attr: (left_id, right_id, source_info) => { // SourceInfo have to be valid... const context = [source_info.line, right_id, left_id]; const error = createSemanticError("vector_to_matrix_attr", context); error.context = { line: source_info.line, column: source_info.column }; return error; }, invalid_matrix_index_assign_full: ( mat_id, mat_line, mat_size, exp, exp_size, source_info ) => { if (source_info) { const context = [ source_info.line, mat_line, mat_id, mat_size, exp, exp_size, ]; const error = createRuntimeError( "invalid_matrix_index_assign_full", context ); error.context = { line: source_info.line, column: source_info.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.invalid_matrix_index_assign( mat_id, mat_line, mat_size, exp, exp_size ); } }, invalid_matrix_index_assign: (mat_id, mat_line, mat_size, exp, exp_size) => { const context = [mat_line, mat_id, mat_size, exp, exp_size]; return createRuntimeError("invalid_matrix_index_assign", context); }, invalid_number_elements_vector: ( expected_num, exp, actual_num, source_info ) => { // SourceInfo have to be valid... const context = [expected_num, source_info.line, exp, actual_num]; const error = createRuntimeError("invalid_number_elements_vector", context); error.context = { line: source_info.line, column: source_info.column }; return error; }, invalid_number_lines_matrix: (expected_num, exp, actual_num, source_info) => { // SourceInfo have to be valid... const context = [expected_num, source_info.line, exp, actual_num]; const error = createRuntimeError("invalid_number_lines_matrix", context); error.context = { line: source_info.line, column: source_info.column }; return error; }, divsion_by_zero_full: (exp, source_info) => { if (source_info) { const context = [source_info.line, exp]; const error = createRuntimeError("divsion_by_zero_full", context); error.context = { line: source_info.line, column: source_info.column }; return error; } else { return ProcessorErrorFactory.divsion_by_zero(exp); } }, divsion_by_zero: (exp) => { const context = [exp]; return createRuntimeError("divsion_by_zero", context); }, undefined_tanget_value: (value, source_info) => { const context = [source_info.line, value]; const error = createRuntimeError("undefined_tanget_value", context); error.context = { line: source_info.line, column: source_info.column }; return error; }, negative_log_value: (source_info) => { const error = createRuntimeError("negative_log_value", [source_info.line]); error.context = { line: source_info.line, column: source_info.column }; return error; }, invalid_string_index: (index, str, source_info) => { const local_fun_name = LanguageDefinedFunction.getLocalName("$charAt"); const context = [ source_info.line, local_fun_name, index, str, str.length - 1, ]; const error = createRuntimeError("invalid_string_index", context); error.context = { line: source_info.line, column: source_info.column }; return error; }, negative_sqrt_value: (source_info) => { const error = createRuntimeError("negative_sqrt_value", [source_info.line]); error.context = { line: source_info.line, column: source_info.column }; return error; }, /** * @deprecated 01/10/2019 */ exceeded_recursive_calls: (source_info) => { const context = [source_info.line]; const error = createRuntimeError("exceeded_recursive_calls", context); error.context = { line: source_info.line, column: source_info.column }; return error; }, invalid_for_variable: (id, source_info) => { const context = [source_info.line, id]; const error = createSemanticError("invalid_for_variable", context); error.context = { line: source_info.line, column: source_info.column }; return error; }, invalid_for_from: (exp, source_info) => { const context = [source_info.line, exp]; const error = createSemanticError("invalid_for_from", context); error.context = { line: source_info.line, column: source_info.column }; return error; }, invalid_for_to: (exp, source_info) => { const context = [source_info.line, exp]; const error = createSemanticError("invalid_for_to", context); error.context = { line: source_info.line, column: source_info.column }; return error; }, invalid_for_pass: (exp, source_info) => { const context = [source_info.line, exp]; const error = createSemanticError("invalid_for_pass", context); error.context = { line: source_info.line, column: source_info.column }; return error; }, exceed_max_instructions: () => { return createRuntimeError("exceed_max_instructions"); }, });