import { StoreObject } from '../store/storeObject'; import * as Commands from './../../ast/commands'; import { Types } from './../../typeSystem/types'; import { toReal } from "./../../typeSystem/parsers"; import { Decimal } from 'decimal.js'; import { MultiType } from '../../typeSystem/multiType'; import { CompoundType } from '../../typeSystem/compoundType'; import { Modes } from '../modes'; /** * sin * cos * tan * sqrt * pow * log * abs * negate * invert * max * min */ function convertToRadians (degrees) { return degrees.times(Decimal.acos(-1)).div(180); } export function createSinFun () { const sinFun = (sto, _) => { const x = sto.applyStore('x'); const result = Decimal.sin(convertToRadians(x.value)); const temp = new StoreObject(Types.REAL, result); sto.mode = Modes.RETURN; return Promise.resolve(sto.updateStore('$', temp)); }; const block = new Commands.CommandBlock([], [new Commands.SysCall(sinFun)]); const func = new Commands.Function('$sin', Types.REAL, [new Commands.FormalParameter(new MultiType([Types.INTEGER, Types.REAL]), 'x', false)], block); return func; } export function createCosFun () { const cosFun = (sto, _) => { const x = sto.applyStore('x'); const result = Decimal.cos(convertToRadians(x.value)); const temp = new StoreObject(Types.REAL, result); sto.mode = Modes.RETURN; return Promise.resolve(sto.updateStore('$', temp)); }; const block = new Commands.CommandBlock([], [new Commands.SysCall(cosFun)]); const func = new Commands.Function('$cos', Types.REAL, [new Commands.FormalParameter(new MultiType([Types.INTEGER, Types.REAL]), 'x', false)], block); return func; } export function createTanFun () { const tanFun = (sto, _) => { const x = sto.applyStore('x'); const result = Decimal.tan(convertToRadians(x.value)); const temp = new StoreObject(Types.REAL, result); sto.mode = Modes.RETURN; return Promise.resolve(sto.updateStore('$', temp)); }; const block = new Commands.CommandBlock([], [new Commands.SysCall(tanFun)]); const func = new Commands.Function('$tan', Types.REAL, [new Commands.FormalParameter(new MultiType([Types.INTEGER, Types.REAL]), 'x', false)], block); return func; } export function createSqrtFun () { const sqrtFun = (sto, _) => { const x = sto.applyStore('x'); const result = x.value.sqrt(); const temp = new StoreObject(Types.REAL, result); sto.mode = Modes.RETURN; return Promise.resolve(sto.updateStore('$', temp)); }; const block = new Commands.CommandBlock([], [new Commands.SysCall(sqrtFun)]); const func = new Commands.Function('$sqrt', Types.REAL, [new Commands.FormalParameter(new MultiType([Types.INTEGER, Types.REAL]), 'x', false)], block); return func; } export function createPowFun () { const powFun = (sto, _) => { const x = sto.applyStore('x'); const y = sto.applyStore('y'); const result = x.value.pow(y.value); const temp = new StoreObject(Types.REAL, result); sto.mode = Modes.RETURN; return Promise.resolve(sto.updateStore('$', temp)); }; const block = new Commands.CommandBlock([], [new Commands.SysCall(powFun)]); const func = new Commands.Function('$pow', Types.REAL, [new Commands.FormalParameter(new MultiType([Types.INTEGER, Types.REAL]), 'x', false), new Commands.FormalParameter(new MultiType([Types.INTEGER, Types.REAL]), 'y', false)], block); return func; } export function createLogFun () { const logFun = (sto, _) => { const x = sto.applyStore('x'); if (x.value.isNegative()) { return Promise.reject("the value passed to log function cannot be negative"); } const result = Decimal.log10(x.value); const temp = new StoreObject(Types.REAL, result); sto.mode = Modes.RETURN; return Promise.resolve(sto.updateStore('$', temp)); }; const block = new Commands.CommandBlock([], [new Commands.SysCall(logFun)]); const func = new Commands.Function('$log', Types.REAL, [new Commands.FormalParameter(new MultiType([Types.INTEGER, Types.REAL]), 'x', false)], block); return func; } export function createAbsFun () { const absFun = (sto, _) => { const x = sto.applyStore('x'); const result = x.value.abs(); const temp = new StoreObject(x.type, result); sto.mode = Modes.RETURN; return Promise.resolve(sto.updateStore('$', temp)); }; const block = new Commands.CommandBlock([], [new Commands.SysCall(absFun)]); const func = new Commands.Function('$abs', new MultiType([Types.INTEGER, Types.REAL]), [new Commands.FormalParameter(new MultiType([Types.INTEGER, Types.REAL]), 'x', false)], block); return func; } export function createNegateFun () { const negateFun = (sto, _) => { const x = sto.applyStore('x'); const result = x.value.negated(); const temp = new StoreObject(x.type, result); sto.mode = Modes.RETURN; return Promise.resolve(sto.updateStore('$', temp)); }; const block = new Commands.CommandBlock([], [new Commands.SysCall(negateFun)]); const func = new Commands.Function('$negate', new MultiType([Types.INTEGER, Types.REAL]), [new Commands.FormalParameter(new MultiType([Types.INTEGER, Types.REAL]), 'x', false)], block); return func; } export function createInvertFun () { const invertFun = (sto, _) => { const x = sto.applyStore('x'); const result = toReal(1).dividedBy(x.value); const temp = new StoreObject(Types.REAL, result); sto.mode = Modes.RETURN; return Promise.resolve(sto.updateStore('$', temp)); }; const block = new Commands.CommandBlock([], [new Commands.SysCall(invertFun)]); const func = new Commands.Function('$invert', Types.REAL, [new Commands.FormalParameter(new MultiType([Types.INTEGER, Types.REAL]), 'x', false)], block); return func; } export function createMaxFun () { const maxFun = (sto, _) => { const x = sto.applyStore('x'); const numbers = => stoObj.value.toNumber()); const result = Decimal.max(numbers); const temp = new StoreObject(x.type.innerType, result); sto.mode = Modes.RETURN; return Promise.resolve(sto.updateStore('$', temp)); }; const paramType = new CompoundType(new MultiType([Types.INTEGER, Types.REAL]), 1); const block = new Commands.CommandBlock([], [new Commands.SysCall(maxFun)]); const func = new Commands.Function('$max', new MultiType([Types.INTEGER, Types.REAL]), [new Commands.FormalParameter(paramType, 'x', false)], block); return func; } export function createMinFun () { const minFun = (sto, _) => { const x = sto.applyStore('x'); const numbers = => stoObj.value.toNumber()); const result = Decimal.min(numbers); const temp = new StoreObject(x.type.innerType, result); sto.mode = Modes.RETURN; return Promise.resolve(sto.updateStore('$', temp)); }; const paramType = new CompoundType(new MultiType([Types.INTEGER, Types.REAL]), 1); const block = new Commands.CommandBlock([], [new Commands.SysCall(minFun)]); const func = new Commands.Function('$min', new MultiType([Types.INTEGER, Types.REAL]), [new Commands.FormalParameter(paramType, 'x', false)], block); return func; }