import { IVProgParser } from "./../ast/ivprogParser"; import { SemanticAnalyser } from "./../processor/semantic/semanticAnalyser"; import { IVProgProcessor } from "./../processor/ivprogProcessor"; import { InputTest } from "./../util/inputTest"; import { OutputTest } from "./../util/outputTest"; export class IVProgAssessment { constructor (textCode, testCases, domConsole) { this.textCode = textCode; this.testCases = testCases; this.domConsole = domConsole; } runTest () { let success = 0; try { // try and show error messages through domconsole const parser = IVProgParser.createParser(this.textCode); const semantic = new SemanticAnalyser(parser.parseTree()); const processor = new IVProgProcessor(semantic.analyseTree()); // loop test cases and show messages through domconsole for (let i = 0; i < this.testCases.length; i++) { const testCase = this.testCases[i]; const input = new InputTest(testCase.input); const output = new OutputTest(); processor.registerInput(input); processor.registerOutput(output); processor.interpretAST(); if (input.inputList.length !== 0 || output.list.length !== testCase.output.length) { this.domConsole.err(`Caso de teste ${i+1} falhou!`); } else { const isOk = this.checkOutput(output.list, testCase.output); if(!isOk) { this.domConsole.err(`Caso de teste ${i+1} falhou!`); } else {`Caso de teste ${i+1} passou!`); success++; } } } } catch (error) { this.domConsole.err("Erro durante a execução do programa");// try and show error messages through domconsole this.domConsole.err(error.message); return 0; } const failed = this.testCases.length - success; if(failed === 0) { return 1; } else { return success / this.testCases.length; } } checkOutput (aList, bList) { for (let i = 0; i < aList.length; i++) { const outValue = aList[i]; if(outValue !== bList[i]) { return false; } } return true; } }