import { Store } from './store/store'; import { StoreObject } from './store/storeObject'; import { StoreObjectArray } from './store/storeObjectArray'; import { StoreObjectRef } from './store/storeObjectRef'; import { Modes } from './modes'; import { Context } from './context'; import { Types, toInt } from './../ast/types'; import { Operators } from './../ast/operators'; import { NAMES, LanguageDefinedFunction } from './definedFunctions'; import { resultTypeAfterInfixOp, resultTypeAfterUnaryOp } from './compatibilityTable'; import * as Commands from './../ast/commands/'; import * as Expressions from './../ast/expressions/'; export class IVProgProcessor { constructor (ast) { this.ast = ast; this.globalStore = new Store(); this.stores = [this.globalStore]; this.context = [Context.BASE]; this.input = null; this.output = null; } registerInput (input) { this.input = input; } registerOutput (output) { this.output = output; } checkContext(context) { return this.context[this.context.length - 1] === context; } ignoreSwitchCases (store) { if (store.mode === Modes.RETURN) { return true; } else if (store.mode === Modes.BREAK) { return true; } else { return false; } } interpretAST () { this.initGlobal(); const mainFunc = this.findMainFunction(); if(mainFunc === null) { // TODO: Better error message throw new Error("Missing main funciton."); } return this.runFunction(mainFunc, [], this.globalStore); } initGlobal () { if(!this.checkContext(Context.BASE)) { throw new Error("!!!CRITICAL: Invalid call to initGlobal outside BASE context!!!"); } => { this.executeCommand(this.globalStore, decl).then(sto => this.globalStore = sto); }); } findMainFunction () { return this.ast.functions.find(v => v.isMain); } findFunction (name) { if(name.match(/^\$.+$/)) { const fun = LanguageDefinedFunction[name]; if(!!!fun) { throw new Error("!!!Internal Error. Language defined function not implemented -> " + name + "!!!"); } return fun; } else { const val = this.ast.functions.find( v => === name); if (!!!val) { // TODO: better error message; throw new Error(`Function ${name} is not defined.`); } return val; } } runFunction (func, actualParameters, store) { let funcStore = new Store(); funcStore.extendStore(this.globalStore); const returnStoreObject = new StoreObject(func.returnType, null); const funcName = func.isMain ? 'main' :; const funcNameStoreObject = new StoreObject(Types.STRING, funcName, true); funcStore.insertStore('$', returnStoreObject); funcStore.insertStore('$name', funcNameStoreObject); const newFuncStore$ = this.associateParameters(func.formalParameters, actualParameters, store, funcStore); return newFuncStore$.then(sto => { this.context.push(Context.FUNCTION); this.stores.push(sto); return this.executeCommands(sto, func.variablesDeclarations) .then(stoWithVars => this.executeCommands(stoWithVars, func.commands)).then(finalSto => { this.stores.pop(); this.context.pop(); return finalSto; }); }); } associateParameters (formalList, actualList, callerStore, calleeStore) { if (formalList.length != actualList.length) { // TODO: Better error message throw new Error("Numbers of parameters doesn't match"); } const promises$ = => this.evaluateExpression(callerStore, actualParameter)); return Promise.all(promises$).then(values => { for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { const stoObj = values[i]; const formalParameter = formalList[i]; switch (formalParameter.dimensions) { case 1: { if (stoObj.lines > 0 && stoObj.columns === null && stoObj.subtype === formalParameter.type) { if(formalParameter.byRef && !stoObj.inStore) { throw new Error('You must inform a variable as parameter'); } if(formalParameter.byRef) { const ref = new StoreObjectRef(, callerStore); calleeStore.insertStore(, ref); } else { calleeStore.insertStore(, stoObj); } } else { // TODO: Better error message throw new Error(`Parameter ${} is not compatible with the value given.`); } break; } case 2: { if (stoObj.lines > 0 && stoObj.columns > 0 && stoObj.subtype === formalParameter.type) { if(formalParameter.byRef && !stoObj.inStore) { throw new Error('You must inform a variable as parameter'); } if(formalParameter.byRef) { const ref = new StoreObjectRef(, callerStore); calleeStore.insertStore(, ref); } else { calleeStore.insertStore(, stoObj); } } else { // TODO: Better error message throw new Error(`Parameter ${} is not compatible with the value given.`); } break; } case 0: { if(formalParameter.byRef && !stoObj.inStore) { throw new Error('You must inform a variable as parameter'); } else if (formalParameter.type !== Types.ALL && stoObj.type !== formalParameter.type) { // TODO: Better error message throw new Error(`Parameter ${} is not compatible with ${stoObj.type}.`); } else { if(formalParameter.byRef) { const ref = new StoreObjectRef(, callerStore); calleeStore.insertStore(, ref); } else { calleeStore.insertStore(, stoObj); } } } } } return calleeStore; }); } executeCommands (store, cmds) { // helper to partially apply a function, in this case executeCommand const partial = (fun, cmd) => (sto) => fun(sto, cmd); return cmds.reduce((lastCommand, next) => { const nextCommand = partial(this.executeCommand.bind(this), next); return lastCommand.then(nextCommand); }, Promise.resolve(store)); } executeCommand (store, cmd) { while (store.mode === Modes.PAUSE) { continue; } if(store.mode === Modes.RETURN) { return Promise.resolve(store); } else if(this.checkContext(Context.BREAKABLE) && store.mode === Modes.BREAK) { return Promise.resolve(store); } if (cmd instanceof Commands.Declaration) { return this.executeDeclaration(store, cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof Commands.Assign) { return this.executeAssign(store, cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof Commands.Break) { return this.executeBreak(store, cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof Commands.Return) { return this.executeReturn(store, cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof Commands.IfThenElse) { return this.executeIfThenElse(store, cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof Commands.While) { return this.executeWhile(store, cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof Commands.DoWhile) { return this.executeDoWhile(store, cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof Commands.For) { return this.executeFor(store, cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof Commands.Switch) { return this.executeSwitch(store, cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof Commands.FunctionCall) { return this.executeFunctionCall(store, cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof Commands.SysCall) { return this.executeSysCall(store, cmd); } else { throw new Error("!!!CRITICAL A unknown command was found!!!\n" + cmd); } } executeSysCall (store, cmd) { if ( === NAMES.WRITE) { return this.runWriteFunction(store) } else if ( === NAMES.READ) { return this.runReadFunction(store); } } runWriteFunction (store) { const val = store.applyStore('p1'); this.output.sendOutput(''+val.value); return Promise.resolve(store); } runReadFunction (store) { const request = new Promise((resolve, _) => { this.input.requestInput(resolve); }); return request.then(text => { const typeToConvert = store.applyStore('p1').type; let stoObj = null; if (typeToConvert === Types.INTEGER) { const val = toInt(text); stoObj = new StoreObject(Types.INTEGER, val); } else if (typeToConvert === Types.REAL) { stoObj = new StoreObject(Types.REAL, parseFloat(text)); } else if (typeToConvert === Types.BOOLEAN) { stoObj = new StoreObject(Types.BOOLEAN, true); } else if (typeToConvert === Types.STRING) { stoObj = new StoreObject(Types.STRING, text); } store.updateStore('p1', stoObj); return Promise.resolve(store); }); } executeFunctionCall (store, cmd) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const func = this.findFunction(; this.runFunction(func, cmd.actualParameters, store) .then(_ => resolve(store)) .catch(err => reject(err)); }); } executeSwitch (store, cmd) { this.context.push(Context.BREAKABLE); const auxCaseFun = (promise, switchExp, aCase) => { return promise.then( result => { const sto = result.sto; if (this.ignoreSwitchCases(sto)) { return Promise.resolve(result); } else if (result.wasTrue || aCase.isDefault) { const $newSto = this.executeCommands(result.sto,aCase.commands); return $newSto.then(nSto => { return Promise.resolve({wasTrue: true, sto: nSto}); }); } else { const $value = this.evaluateExpression(sto, new Expressions.InfixApp(Operators.EQ, switchExp, aCase.expression)); return $value.then(vl => { if (vl.value) { const $newSto = this.executeCommands(result.sto,aCase.commands); return $newSto.then(nSto => { return Promise.resolve({wasTrue: true, sto: nSto}); }); } else { return Promise.resolve({wasTrue: false, sto: sto}); } }); } }); } try { let breakLoop = false; let $result = Promise.resolve({wasTrue: false, sto: store}); for (let index = 0; index < cmd.cases.length && !breakLoop; index++) { const aCase = cmd.cases[index]; $result = auxCaseFun($result, cmd.expression, aCase); $result.then( r => breakLoop = this.ignoreSwitchCases(r.sto)); } return $result.then(r => { this.context.pop(); if(r.sto.mode === Modes.BREAK) { r.sto.mode = Modes.RUN; } return r.sto; }); } catch (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } } executeFor (store, cmd) { try { //BEGIN for -> while rewrite const initCmd = cmd.assignment; const condition = cmd.condition; const increment = cmd.increment; const whileBlock = new Commands.CommandBlock([], cmd.commands.concat(increment)); const forAsWhile = new Commands.While(condition, whileBlock); //END for -> while rewrite const newCmdList = [initCmd,forAsWhile]; return this.executeCommands(store, newCmdList); } catch (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } } executeDoWhile (store, cmd) { try { this.context.push(Context.BREAKABLE); const $newStore = this.executeCommands(store, cmd.commands); return $newStore.then(sto => { if(sto.mode === Modes.BREAK) { this.context.pop(); sto.mode = Modes.RUN; return Promise.resolve(sto); } const $value = this.evaluateExpression(sto, cmd.expression); return $value.then(vl => { if (vl.type !== Types.BOOLEAN) { // TODO: Better error message -- Inform line and column from token!!!! // THIS IF SHOULD BE IN A SEMANTIC ANALYSER return Promise.reject(new Error(`DoWhile expression must be of type boolean`)); } if (vl.value) { this.context.pop(); return this.executeCommand(sto, cmd); } else { this.context.pop(); return Promise.resolve(sto); } }); }); } catch (error) { return Promise.reject(error) } } executeWhile (store, cmd) { try { this.context.push(Context.BREAKABLE); const $value = this.evaluateExpression(store, cmd.expression); return $value.then(vl => { if(vl.type === Types.BOOLEAN) { if(vl.value) { const $newStore = this.executeCommands(store, cmd.commands); return $newStore.then(sto => { this.context.pop(); if (sto.mode === Modes.BREAK) { sto.mode = Modes.RUN; return Promise.resolve(sto); } return this.executeCommand(sto, cmd); }); } else { this.context.pop(); return Promise.resolve(store); } } else { // TODO: Better error message -- Inform line and column from token!!!! // THIS IF SHOULD BE IN A SEMANTIC ANALYSER return Promise.reject(new Error(`Loop condition must be of type boolean`)); } }); } catch (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } } executeIfThenElse (store, cmd) { try { const $value = this.evaluateExpression(store, cmd.condition); return $value.then(vl => { if(vl.type === Types.BOOLEAN) { if(vl.value) { return this.executeCommands(store, cmd.ifTrue.commands); } else if( cmd.ifFalse !== null){ if(cmd.ifFalse instanceof Commands.IfThenElse) { return this.executeCommand(store, cmd.ifFalse); } else { return this.executeCommands(store, cmd.ifFalse.commands); } } else { return Promise.resolve(store); } } else { // TODO: Better error message -- Inform line and column from token!!!! // THIS IF SHOULD BE IN A SEMANTIC ANALYSER return Promise.reject(new Error(`If expression must be of type boolean`)); } }); } catch (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } } executeReturn (store, cmd) { try { const funcType = store.applyStore('$'); const $value = this.evaluateExpression(store, cmd.expression); const funcName = store.applyStore('$name'); return $value.then(vl => { if(vl === null && funcType === Types.VOID) { return Promise.resolve(store); } if (vl === null || funcType.type !== vl.type) { // TODO: Better error message -- Inform line and column from token!!!! // THIS IF SHOULD BE IN A SEMANTIC ANALYSER return Promise.reject(new Error(`Function ${funcName.value} must return ${funcType.type} instead of ${vl.type}.`)); } else { store.updateStore('$', vl); store.mode = Modes.RETURN; return Promise.resolve(store); } }); } catch (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } } executeBreak (store, _) { if(this.checkContext(Context.BREAKABLE)) { store.mode = Modes.BREAK; return Promise.resolve(store); } else { return Promise.reject(new Error("!!!CRITIAL: Break command outside Loop/Switch scope!!!")); } } executeAssign (store, cmd) { try { const $value = this.evaluateExpression(store, cmd.expression); return $value.then( vl => { store.updateStore(, vl) return store; }); } catch (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } } executeDeclaration (store, cmd) { try { const $value = this.evaluateExpression(store, cmd.initial); if(cmd instanceof Commands.ArrayDeclaration) { const $lines = this.evaluateExpression(store, cmd.lines); const $columns = cmd.columns === null ? null: this.evaluateExpression(store, cmd.columns); return Promise.all([$lines, $columns, $value]).then(values => { const lineSO = values[0]; if(lineSO.type !== Types.INTEGER) { // TODO: better error message //SHOULD NOT BE HERE. IT MUST HAVE A SEMANTIC ANALYSIS return Promise.reject(new Error("Array dimension must be of type int")); } const line = lineSO.value; const columnSO = values[1]; let column = null if (columnSO !== null) { if(columnSO.type !== Types.INTEGER) { // TODO: better error message //SHOULD NOT BE HERE. IT MUST HAVE A SEMANTIC ANALYSIS return Promise.reject(new Error("Array dimension must be of type int")); } column = columnSO.value; } const value = values[2]; const temp = new StoreObjectArray(cmd.subtype, line, column, null, cmd.isConst); store.insertStore(, temp); if(value !== null) { store.updateStore(, value); } return store; }); } else { const temp = new StoreObject(cmd.type, null, cmd.isConst); store.insertStore(, temp); return $value.then(vl => { if (vl !== null) store.updateStore(, vl) return store; }); } } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } } evaluateExpression (store, exp) { if (exp instanceof Expressions.UnaryApp) { return this.evaluateUnaryApp(store, exp); } else if (exp instanceof Expressions.InfixApp) { return this.evaluateInfixApp(store, exp); } else if (exp instanceof Expressions.ArrayAccess) { return this.evaluateArrayAccess(store, exp); } else if (exp instanceof Expressions.VariableLiteral) { return this.evaluateVariableLiteral(store, exp); } else if (exp instanceof Expressions.IntLiteral) { return this.evaluateLiteral(store, exp); } else if (exp instanceof Expressions.RealLiteral) { return this.evaluateLiteral(store, exp); } else if (exp instanceof Expressions.BoolLiteral) { return this.evaluateLiteral(store, exp); } else if (exp instanceof Expressions.StringLiteral) { return this.evaluateLiteral(store, exp); } else if (exp instanceof Expressions.ArrayLiteral) { return this.evaluateArrayLiteral(store, exp); } else if (exp instanceof Expressions.FunctionCall) { return this.evaluateFunctionCall(store, exp); } console.log('null exp'); return Promise.resolve(null); } evaluateFunctionCall (store, exp) { const func = this.findFunction(; if(func.returnType === Types.VOID) { // TODO: better error message return Promise.reject(new Error(`Function ${} cannot be used inside an expression`)); } const $newStore = this.runFunction(func, exp.actualParameters, store); return $newStore.then( sto => { const val = sto.applyStore('$'); if (val.type === Types.ARRAY) { return Promise.resolve(Object.assign(new StoreObjectArray(null,null,null,null,null), val)); } else { return Promise.resolve(Object.assign(new StoreObject(null,null), val)); } }); } evaluateArrayLiteral (store, exp) { if(!exp.isVector) { const $matrix = this.evaluateMatrix(store, exp.value); return $matrix.then(list => { const arr = new StoreObjectArray(list[0].subtype, list.length, list[0].lines, list); if(arr.isValid) return Promise.resolve(arr); else return Promise.reject(new Error(`Invalid array`)) }); } else { return this.evaluateVector(store, exp.value).then(list => { const stoArray = new StoreObjectArray(list[0].type, list.length, null, list); if(stoArray.isValid) return Promise.resolve(stoArray); else return Promise.reject(new Error(`Invalid array`)) }); } } evaluateVector (store, exps) { return Promise.all( exp => this.evaluateExpression(store, exp))); } evaluateMatrix (store, exps) { return Promise.all( vector => { const $vector = this.evaluateVector(store, vector.value) return $vector.then(list => new StoreObjectArray(list[0].type, list.length, null, list)) } )); } evaluateLiteral (_, exp) { return Promise.resolve(new StoreObject(exp.type, exp.value)); } evaluateVariableLiteral (store, exp) { try { const val = store.applyStore(; if (val.type === Types.ARRAY) { return Promise.resolve(Object.assign(new StoreObjectArray(null,null,null,null), val)); } else { return Promise.resolve(Object.assign(new StoreObject(null,null), val)); } } catch (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } } evaluateArrayAccess (store, exp) { const mustBeArray = store.applyStore(; if (mustBeArray.type !== Types.ARRAY) { // TODO: better error message return Promise.reject(new Error(`${} is not of type array`)); } const $line = this.evaluateExpression(store, exp.line); const $column = this.evaluateExpression(store, exp.column); return Promise.all([$line, $column]).then(values => { const lineSO = values[0]; const columnSO = values[1]; if(lineSO.type !== Types.INTEGER) { // TODO: better error message //SHOULD NOT BE HERE. IT MUST HAVE A SEMANTIC ANALYSIS return Promise.reject(new Error("Array dimension must be of type int")); } const line = lineSO.value; let column = null; if(columnSO !== null) { if(columnSO.type !== Types.INTEGER) { // TODO: better error message //SHOULD NOT BE HERE. IT MUST HAVE A SEMANTIC ANALYSIS return Promise.reject(new Error("Array dimension must be of type int")); } column = columnSO.value; } if (line >= mustBeArray.lines) { // TODO: better error message return Promise.reject(new Error(`${}: index out of bounds: ${lines}`)); } if (column !== null && mustBeArray.columns === null ){ // TODO: better error message return Promise.reject(new Error(`${}: index out of bounds: ${column}`)); } if(column !== null && column >= mustBeArray.columns) { // TODO: better error message return Promise.reject(new Error(`${}: index out of bounds: ${column}`)); } if (column !== null) { return Promise.resolve(mustBeArray.value[line].value[column]); } else { return Promise.resolve(mustBeArray.value[line]); } }); } evaluateUnaryApp (store, unaryApp) { const $left = this.evaluateExpression(store, unaryApp.left); return $left.then( left => { const resultType = resultTypeAfterUnaryOp(unaryApp.op, left.type); if (resultType === Types.UNDEFINED) { // TODO: better urgent error message return Promise.reject(new Error(`Cannot use this op to ${left.type}`)); } switch (unaryApp.op.ord) { case Operators.ADD.ord: return new StoreObject(resultType, +left.value); case Operators.SUB.ord: return new StoreObject(resultType, -left.value); case Operators.NOT.ord: return new StoreObject(resultType, !left.value); default: return Promise.reject(new Error('!!!Critical Invalid UnaryApp '+ unaryApp.op)); } }); } evaluateInfixApp (store, infixApp) { const $left = this.evaluateExpression(store, infixApp.left); const $right = this.evaluateExpression(store, infixApp.right); return Promise.all([$left, $right]).then(values => { const left = values[0]; const right = values[1]; const resultType = resultTypeAfterInfixOp(infixApp.op, left.type, right.type); if (resultType === Types.UNDEFINED) { // TODO: better urgent error message return Promise.reject(new Error(`Cannot use this op to ${left.type} and ${right.type}`)); } let result = null; switch (infixApp.op.ord) { case Operators.ADD.ord: return new StoreObject(resultType, left.value + right.value); case Operators.SUB.ord: return new StoreObject(resultType, left.value - right.value); case Operators.MULT.ord: { result = left.value * right.value; if (resultType === Types.INTEGER) result = Math.round(result); console.log("R multi" + result); return new StoreObject(resultType, result); } case Operators.DIV.ord: { result = left.value / right.value; if (resultType === Types.INTEGER) result = Math.round(result); console.log("R div:" +result); return new StoreObject(resultType, result); } case Operators.MOD.ord: return new StoreObject(resultType, left.value % right.value); case Operators.GT.ord: return new StoreObject(resultType, left.value > right.value); case Operators.GE.ord: return new StoreObject(resultType, left.value >= right.value); case Operators.LT.ord: return new StoreObject(resultType, left.value < right.value); case Operators.LE.ord: return new StoreObject(resultType, left.value <= right.value); case Operators.EQ.ord: return new StoreObject(resultType, left.value === right.value); case Operators.NEQ.ord: return new StoreObject(resultType, left.value !== right.value); case Operators.AND.ord: return new StoreObject(resultType, left.value && right.value); case Operators.OR.ord: return new StoreObject(resultType, left.value || right.value); default: return Promise.reject(new Error('!!!Critical Invalid InfixApp '+ infixApp.op)); } }); } }