@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
// Função para ler parâmetros informados pelo iTarefa via URL
// Apesar de não ser obrigatório, será muito útil para capturar os parâmetros
function getParameterByName (name, defaultReturn = null) {
- var match = RegExp('[?&]' + name + '=([^&]*)').exec(window.location.search);
- return match ? decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ')) : defaultReturn;
+ var match = RegExp('[?&]' + name + '=([^&]*)').exec(window.location.search);
+ return match ? decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ')) : defaultReturn;
// Criando um object com os parâmetros informados pelo iTarefa
// Observe que para cada parâmetro, é realizada a chamada do método getParameterByName, implementado acima
var iLMparameters = {
- iLM_PARAM_ServerToGetAnswerURL: getParameterByName("iLM_PARAM_ServerToGetAnswerURL"),
- iLM_PARAM_SendAnswer: getParameterByName("iLM_PARAM_SendAnswer"),
- iLM_PARAM_AssignmentURL: getParameterByName("iLM_PARAM_AssignmentURL"),
- iLM_PARAM_Assignment: getParameterByName("iLM_PARAM_Assignment"),
- iLM_PARAM_TeacherAutoEval: getParameterByName("iLM_PARAM_TeacherAutoEval"),
- lang: getParameterByName("lang", "pt")
+ iLM_PARAM_ServerToGetAnswerURL: getParameterByName("iLM_PARAM_ServerToGetAnswerURL"),
+ iLM_PARAM_SendAnswer: getParameterByName("iLM_PARAM_SendAnswer"),
+ iLM_PARAM_AssignmentURL: getParameterByName("iLM_PARAM_AssignmentURL"),
+ iLM_PARAM_Assignment: getParameterByName("iLM_PARAM_Assignment"),
+ iLM_PARAM_TeacherAutoEval: getParameterByName("iLM_PARAM_TeacherAutoEval"),
+ lang: getParameterByName("lang", "pt")
// Set the lang parameter to the localStorage for easy access
@@ -25,93 +25,93 @@ var iLMparameters = {
// O retorno é um JSON com os dados do exercício ou da resolução
// Esse retorno será armazenado no banco de dados do Moodle, pelo iTarefa
function getAnswer () {
- // Se o parâmetro "iLM_PARAM_SendAnswer" for false,
- // então trata-se de resolução de atividade
- if (iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_SendAnswer == 'false') {
- // Montar o retorno com a resposta do aluno
- var contentToSend = previousContent.split("\n::algorithm::")[0];
- contentToSend += '\n::algorithm::\n';
- contentToSend += JSON.stringify(window.program_obj, function(key, value) {
- if (key == 'dom_object') {
- return;
- }
- return value;
- });
- contentToSend += '\n::logs::';
- contentToSend += getTrackingLogs();
- return contentToSend;
- } else {
- // Montar o retorno com a criação da atividade do professor
- var ret = ' { ' + prepareTestCases()
- + ',\n"settings_data_types": \n' + JSON.stringify($('form[name="settings_data_types"]').serializeArray())
- + ',\n"settings_commands": \n' + JSON.stringify($('form[name="settings_commands"]').serializeArray())
- + ',\n"settings_functions": \n' + JSON.stringify($('form[name="settings_functions"]').serializeArray())
- + ' } ';
- if ($("input[name='include_algo']").is(':checked')) {
- ret += '\n::algorithm::\n';
- ret += JSON.stringify(window.program_obj, function(key, value) {
- if (key == 'dom_object') {
- return;
- }
- return value;
- });
- }
- return ret;
+ // Se o parâmetro "iLM_PARAM_SendAnswer" for false,
+ // então trata-se de resolução de atividade
+ if (iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_SendAnswer == 'false') {
+ // Montar o retorno com a resposta do aluno
+ var contentToSend = previousContent.split("\n::algorithm::")[0];
+ contentToSend += '\n::algorithm::\n';
+ contentToSend += JSON.stringify(window.program_obj, function(key, value) {
+ if (key == 'dom_object') {
+ return;
+ }
+ return value;
+ });
+ contentToSend += '\n::logs::';
+ contentToSend += getTrackingLogs();
+ return contentToSend;
+ } else {
+ // Montar o retorno com a criação da atividade do professor
+ var ret = ' { ' + prepareTestCases()
+ + ',\n"settings_data_types": \n' + JSON.stringify($('form[name="settings_data_types"]').serializeArray())
+ + ',\n"settings_commands": \n' + JSON.stringify($('form[name="settings_commands"]').serializeArray())
+ + ',\n"settings_functions": \n' + JSON.stringify($('form[name="settings_functions"]').serializeArray())
+ + ' } ';
+ if ($("input[name='include_algo']").is(':checked')) {
+ ret += '\n::algorithm::\n';
+ ret += JSON.stringify(window.program_obj, function(key, value) {
+ if (key == 'dom_object') {
+ return;
+ }
+ return value;
+ });
+ return ret;
+ }
function prepareTestCases () {
- var ret = ' \n "testcases" : [ '
- var test_cases_array = $('form[name="test_cases"]').serializeArray();
- for (var i = 0; i < test_cases_array.length; i = i + 2) {
- ret += '\n{ ';
- ret += '\n "input": [';
- var inps = test_cases_array[i].value.match(/[^\r\n]+/g);
- if (inps) {
- for (var j = 0; j < inps.length; j++) {
- ret += '"' + inps[j] + '"';
- if ((j + 1) < inps.length) {
- ret += ', ';
- }
- }
+ var ret = ' \n "testcases" : [ '
+ var test_cases_array = $('form[name="test_cases"]').serializeArray();
+ console.log(test_cases_array);
+ for (var i = 0; i < test_cases_array.length; i = i + 2) {
+ ret += '\n{ ';
+ ret += '\n "input": [';
+ var inps = test_cases_array[i].value.match(/[^\r\n]+/g);
+ if (inps) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < inps.length; j++) {
+ ret += '"' + inps[j].trim() + '"';
+ if ((j + 1) < inps.length) {
+ ret += ', ';
- ret += '], \n "output": [';
- var outs = test_cases_array[i+1].value.match(/[^\r\n]+/g);
- if (outs) {
- for (var j = 0; j < outs.length; j++) {
- ret += '"' + outs[j] + '"';
- if ((j + 1) < outs.length) {
- ret += ', ';
- }
- }
- }
- ret += ']';
- ret += '\n}'
- if ((i + 2) < test_cases_array.length) {
- ret += ',';
+ }
+ }
+ ret += '], \n "output": [';
+ var outs = test_cases_array[i+1].value.match(/[^\r\n]+/g);
+ if (outs) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < outs.length; j++) {
+ ret += '"' + outs[j].trim() + '"';
+ if ((j + 1) < outs.length) {
+ ret += ', ';
+ }
- ret += '\n] ';
- return ret;
+ ret += ']';
+ ret += '\n}'
+ if ((i + 2) < test_cases_array.length) {
+ ret += ',';
+ }
+ }
+ ret += '\n] ';
+ return ret;
// Função chamada pelo iTarefa para receber a nota do aluno na atividade
// O retorno é um valor entre 0.0 e 1.0
function getEvaluation () {
- if (iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_SendAnswer == 'false') {
- // A chamada do método abaixo é obrigatória!
- // Observe que a chamada parte do iLM para o iTarefa
- //parent.getEvaluationCallback(window.studentGrade);
+ if (iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_SendAnswer == 'false') {
+ // A chamada do método abaixo é obrigatória!
+ // Observe que a chamada parte do iLM para o iTarefa
+ //parent.getEvaluationCallback(window.studentGrade);
- runCodeAssessment();
- }
+ runCodeAssessment();
+ }
@@ -125,58 +125,68 @@ var previousContent = null;
// Função para que o iMA leia os dados da atividade fornecidos pelo iTarefa
function getiLMContent () {
- // O parâmetro "iLM_PARAM_Assignment" fornece o URL do endereço que deve ser
- // requisitado via AJAX para a captura dos dados da atividade
- $.get(iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_Assignment, function (data) {
- //professor invocou a avaliação automática dos exercícios do bloco
- if (iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_TeacherAutoEval == 'true') {
- teacherAutoEval(data);
- //não deve exibir nenhuma interface...
- return;
- } else if (iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_SendAnswer == 'false') {
- // Aluno está trabalhando em alguma atividade:
- previousContent = data;
- prepareActivityToStudent(data);
- } else { // Professor está editando uma atividade:
- previousContent = data;
- prepareActivityToEdit(data);
- }
+ // O parâmetro "iLM_PARAM_Assignment" fornece o URL do endereço que deve ser
+ // requisitado via AJAX para a captura dos dados da atividade
+ $.get(iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_Assignment, function (data) {
+ //professor invocou a avaliação automática dos exercícios do bloco
+ if (iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_TeacherAutoEval != null) {
+ teacherAutoEval(data);
+ //não deve exibir nenhuma interface...
+ return;
+ } else if (iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_SendAnswer == 'false') {
+ // Aluno está trabalhando em alguma atividade:
+ previousContent = data;
+ prepareActivityToStudent(data);
+ } else { // Professor está editando uma atividade:
+ previousContent = data;
+ prepareActivityToEdit(data);
+ }
- window.block_render = false;
- renderAlgorithm();
- });
+ window.block_render = false;
+ renderAlgorithm();
+ });
function prepareActivityToEdit (ilm_cont) {
- //var content = JSON.parse(ilm_cont.split('\n::algorithm::')[0]);
- // Ver arquivo js/util/iassignHelpers.js
- var content = ivprogCore.prepareActivityToStudentHelper(ilm_cont);
- var testCases = ivprogCore.getTestCases();
- settingsDataTypes = content.settingsDataTypes;
- settingsCommands = content.settingsCommands;
- settingsFunctions = content.settingsFunctions;
- for (var i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) {
- addTestCase(testCases[i]);
- }
- if (content.algorithmInIlm != null) {
- algorithm_in_ilm = content.algorithmInIlm;
- $("input[name='include_algo']").prop('checked', true);
- includePreviousAlgorithm();
- renderAlgorithm();
- }
+ //var content = JSON.parse(ilm_cont.split('\n::algorithm::')[0]);
+ // Ver arquivo js/util/iassignHelpers.js
+ var content = ivprogCore.prepareActivityToStudentHelper(ilm_cont);
+ var testCases = ivprogCore.getTestCases();
+ settingsDataTypes = content.settingsDataTypes;
+ settingsCommands = content.settingsCommands;
+ settingsFunctions = content.settingsFunctions;
+ for (var i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) {
+ addTestCase(testCases[i]);
+ }
+ if (content.algorithmInIlm != null) {
+ algorithm_in_ilm = content.algorithmInIlm;
+ $("input[name='include_algo']").prop('checked', true);
+ includePreviousAlgorithm();
+ renderAlgorithm();
+ }
function parsePreviousAlgorithm () {
- window.program_obj.functions = JSON.parse(algorithm_in_ilm).functions;
- window.program_obj.globals = JSON.parse(algorithm_in_ilm).globals;
+ window.program_obj.functions = JSON.parse(algorithm_in_ilm).functions;
+ window.program_obj.globals = JSON.parse(algorithm_in_ilm).globals;
function includePreviousAlgorithm () {
- parsePreviousAlgorithm();
+ parsePreviousAlgorithm();
+ window.watchW.watch(window.program_obj.globals, function(){
+ if (window.insertContext) {
+ setTimeout(function(){ renderAlgorithm(); }, 300);
+ window.insertContext = false;
+ } else {
+ renderAlgorithm();
+ }
+ }, 1);
- window.watchW.watch(window.program_obj.globals, function(){
+ for (var i = 0; i < window.program_obj.functions.length; i ++) {
+ window.watchW.watch(window.program_obj.functions[i].parameters_list, function(){
if (window.insertContext) {
setTimeout(function(){ renderAlgorithm(); }, 300);
window.insertContext = false;
@@ -185,30 +195,7 @@ function includePreviousAlgorithm () {
}, 1);
- for (var i = 0; i < window.program_obj.functions.length; i ++) {
- window.watchW.watch(window.program_obj.functions[i].parameters_list, function(){
- if (window.insertContext) {
- setTimeout(function(){ renderAlgorithm(); }, 300);
- window.insertContext = false;
- } else {
- renderAlgorithm();
- }
- }, 1);
- window.watchW.watch(window.program_obj.functions[i].variables_list, function(){
- if (window.insertContext) {
- setTimeout(function(){ renderAlgorithm(); }, 300);
- window.insertContext = false;
- } else {
- renderAlgorithm();
- }
- }, 1);
- if (window.program_obj.functions[i].is_main) {
- window.program_obj.functions[i].name = LocalizedStrings.getUI("start");
- }
- }
- window.watchW.watch(window.program_obj.functions, function(){
+ window.watchW.watch(window.program_obj.functions[i].variables_list, function(){
if (window.insertContext) {
setTimeout(function(){ renderAlgorithm(); }, 300);
window.insertContext = false;
@@ -216,6 +203,20 @@ function includePreviousAlgorithm () {
}, 1);
+ if (window.program_obj.functions[i].is_main) {
+ window.program_obj.functions[i].name = LocalizedStrings.getUI("start");
+ }
+ }
+ window.watchW.watch(window.program_obj.functions, function(){
+ if (window.insertContext) {
+ setTimeout(function(){ renderAlgorithm(); }, 300);
+ window.insertContext = false;
+ } else {
+ renderAlgorithm();
+ }
+ }, 1);
function prepareActivityToStudent (ilm_cont) {
@@ -237,224 +238,225 @@ function prepareActivityToStudent (ilm_cont) {
// Função para organizar se para criação, visualização ou resolução de atividade
function prepareEnvironment () {
- if ((iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_AssignmentURL == "true") && (iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_SendAnswer == "true")) {
- prepareActivityCreation();
- }
-$(document).ready(function() {
+ // Se iLM_PARAM_SendAnswer for false, então trata-se de resolução de atividade,
+ // portanto, a "DIV" de resolução é liberada
+ if (iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_SendAnswer == 'false') {
+ //$('.resolucao').css("display","block");
+ getiLMContent();
- // Disable by default...
- $('.assessment_button').addClass('disabled');
+ $('.div_to_body').mousemove(function(e) {
+ trackingMatrix.push(adCoords(e, 0));
+ });
- // Se iLM_PARAM_SendAnswer for false, então trata-se de resolução de atividade,
- // portanto, a "DIV" de resolução é liberada
- if (iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_SendAnswer == 'false') {
- //$('.resolucao').css("display","block");
- getiLMContent();
+ $('.div_to_body').click(function(e) {
+ trackingMatrix.push(adCoords(e, 1));
+ });
+ } else if (iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_Assignment) {
+ // Caso não esteja em modo de resolução de atividade, a visualização no momento
+ // é para a elaboração de atividade:
+ //$('.elaboracao').css("display","block");
+ // Se possuir o parâmetro iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_Assignment, o professor
+ // está editando uma atividade:
+ getiLMContent();
+ } else {
+ renderAlgorithm();
+ }
- $('.div_to_body').mousemove(function(e) {
- trackingMatrix.push(adCoords(e, 0));
- });
+ if ((iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_AssignmentURL == "true") && (iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_SendAnswer == "true")) {
+ prepareActivityCreation();
+ }
- $('.div_to_body').click(function(e) {
- trackingMatrix.push(adCoords(e, 1));
- });
- } else if (iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_Assignment) {
- // Caso não esteja em modo de resolução de atividade, a visualização no momento
- // é para a elaboração de atividade:
- //$('.elaboracao').css("display","block");
+function iassingIntegration () {
- // Se possuir o parâmetro iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_Assignment, o professor
- // está editando uma atividade:
- getiLMContent();
- } else {
- renderAlgorithm();
- }
- if (inIframe()) {
- orderIcons();
- orderWidth();
- }
+ // Disable by default...
+ $('.assessment_button').addClass('disabled');
+ prepareEnvironment();
+ if (inIframe()) {
+ orderIcons();
+ orderWidth();
+ }
// Função para preparar a interface para o professor criar atividade:
function prepareActivityCreation () {
- $('.add_accordion').addClass('accordion');
+ $('.add_accordion').addClass('accordion');
- $('.default_visual_title').toggle();
- $('.default_visual_title').append('<span>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_algorithm')+'</span>');
- $('.height_100').removeClass('height_100');
- $('.main_title').remove();
- $('.ui.accordion').addClass('styled');
- $('<div class="content_margin"></div>').insertBefore($('.add_accordion').find('.content').find('.div_to_body'));
+ $('.default_visual_title').toggle();
+ $('.default_visual_title').append('<span>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_algorithm')+'</span>');
+ $('.height_100').removeClass('height_100');
+ $('.main_title').remove();
+ $('.ui.accordion').addClass('styled');
+ $('<div class="content_margin"></div>').insertBefore($('.add_accordion').find('.content').find('.div_to_body'));
- $('<div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="include_algo" class="include_algo" tabindex="0" class="hidden"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_algorithm_include')+'</label></div>').insertAfter('.content_margin');
- var cases_test_div = $('<div class="ui accordion styled"><div class="active title"><i class="dropdown icon"></i>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_test_case')+'</div><div class="active content"></div></div>');
+ $('<div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="include_algo" class="include_algo" tabindex="0" class="hidden"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_algorithm_include')+'</label></div>').insertAfter('.content_margin');
+ var cases_test_div = $('<div class="ui accordion styled"><div class="active title"><i class="dropdown icon"></i>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_test_case')+'</div><div class="active content"></div></div>');
- cases_test_div.insertBefore('.accordion');
+ cases_test_div.insertBefore('.accordion');
- var config_div = $('<div class="ui accordion styled"><div class="title"><i class="dropdown icon"></i>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_config')+'</div><div class="content"></div></div>');
+ var config_div = $('<div class="ui accordion styled"><div class="title"><i class="dropdown icon"></i>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_config')+'</div><div class="content"></div></div>');
- config_div.insertAfter(cases_test_div);
+ config_div.insertAfter(cases_test_div);
- $('.ui.accordion').accordion();
+ $('.ui.accordion').accordion();
- $('.ui.checkbox').checkbox();
+ $('.ui.checkbox').checkbox();
- prepareTableSettings(config_div.find('.content'));
+ prepareTableSettings(config_div.find('.content'));
- prepareTableTestCases(cases_test_div.find('.content'));
+ prepareTableTestCases(cases_test_div.find('.content'));
- if (inIframe()) {
- $('.ui.styled.accordion').css('width', '96%');
- }
+ if (inIframe()) {
+ $('.ui.styled.accordion').css('width', '96%');
+ }
function prepareTableTestCases (div_el) {
- var table_el = '<form name="test_cases"><table class="ui blue table"><thead><tr><th width="30px">#</th><th>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_test_case_input')+'</th><th>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_test_case_output')+'</th><th width="80px">'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_test_case_actions')+'</th></tr></thead>'
- + '<tbody class="content_cases"></tbody></table></form>';
+ var table_el = '<form name="test_cases"><table class="ui blue table"><thead><tr><th width="30px">#</th><th>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_test_case_input')+'</th><th>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_test_case_output')+'</th><th width="80px">'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_test_case_actions')+'</th></tr></thead>'
+ + '<tbody class="content_cases"></tbody></table></form>';
- div_el.append(table_el);
+ div_el.append(table_el);
- div_el.append('<button class="ui teal labeled icon button button_add_case"><i class="plus icon"></i>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_test_case_add')+'</button>');
+ div_el.append('<button class="ui teal labeled icon button button_add_case"><i class="plus icon"></i>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_test_case_add')+'</button>');
- $('.button_add_case').on('click', function(e) {
- addTestCase();
- });
+ $('.button_add_case').on('click', function(e) {
+ addTestCase();
+ });
var hist = false;
function addTestCase (test_case = null) {
- var new_row = null;
- if (test_case) {
- var text_row = '';
+ var new_row = null;
+ if (test_case) {
+ var text_row = '';
- text_row += '<tr><td class="counter"></td><td class="expandingArea"><textarea rows="'+test_case.input.length+'" name="input" class="text_area_input">';
+ text_row += '<tr><td class="counter"></td><td class="expandingArea"><textarea rows="'+test_case.input.length+'" name="input" class="text_area_input">';
- for (var i = 0; i < test_case.input.length; i ++) {
- text_row += test_case.input[i];
- if ((i + 1) < test_case.input.length) {
- text_row += '\n';
- }
- }
- text_row += '</textarea></td><td class="expandingArea"><textarea rows="'+test_case.output.length+'" name="output" class="text_area_output">';
- for (var i = 0; i < test_case.output.length; i ++) {
- text_row += test_case.output[i];
- if ((i + 1) < test_case.output.length) {
- text_row += '\n';
- }
- }
+ for (var i = 0; i < test_case.input.length; i ++) {
+ text_row += test_case.input[i];
+ if ((i + 1) < test_case.input.length) {
+ text_row += '\n';
+ }
+ }
+ text_row += '</textarea></td><td class="expandingArea"><textarea rows="'+test_case.output.length+'" name="output" class="text_area_output">';
- text_row += '</textarea></td><td class="btn_actions"><div class="ui button_remove_case"><i class="red icon times large"></i></div></td></tr>';
+ for (var i = 0; i < test_case.output.length; i ++) {
+ text_row += test_case.output[i];
+ if ((i + 1) < test_case.output.length) {
+ text_row += '\n';
+ }
+ }
- new_row = $(text_row);
+ text_row += '</textarea></td><td class="btn_actions"><div class="ui button_remove_case"><i class="red icon times large"></i></div></td></tr>';
+ new_row = $(text_row);
+ } else {
+ new_row = $('<tr><td class="counter"></td><td class="expandingArea"><textarea rows="1" name="input" class="text_area_input"></textarea></td><td class="expandingArea"><textarea rows="1" name="output" class="text_area_output"></textarea></td><td class="btn_actions"><div class="ui button_remove_case"><i class="red icon times large"></i></div></td></tr>');
+ }
+ $('.content_cases').append(new_row);
+ new_row.find('.button_remove_case').click(function(e) {
+ new_row.remove();
+ updateTestCaseCounter();
+ });
+ new_row.find('textarea').on('input', function(e) {
+ var lines = $(this).val().split('\n').length;
+ $(this).attr('rows', lines);
+ });
+ updateTestCaseCounter();
+ $('.text_area_output').keydown(function(e) {
+ var code = e.keyCode || e.which;
+ if (code == 9 && $(this).closest("tr").is(":last-child")) {
+ hist = true;
+ addTestCase();
+ }
+ });
+ if (test_case == null) {
+ if (!hist) {
+ $( ".content_cases tr:last" ).find('.text_area_input').focus();
} else {
- new_row = $('<tr><td class="counter"></td><td class="expandingArea"><textarea rows="1" name="input" class="text_area_input"></textarea></td><td class="expandingArea"><textarea rows="1" name="output" class="text_area_output"></textarea></td><td class="btn_actions"><div class="ui button_remove_case"><i class="red icon times large"></i></div></td></tr>');
+ hist = false;
- $('.content_cases').append(new_row);
- new_row.find('.button_remove_case').click(function(e) {
- new_row.remove();
- updateTestCaseCounter();
- });
- new_row.find('textarea').on('input', function(e) {
- var lines = $(this).val().split('\n').length;
- $(this).attr('rows', lines);
- });
- updateTestCaseCounter();
- $('.text_area_output').keydown(function(e) {
- var code = e.keyCode || e.which;
- if (code == 9 && $(this).closest("tr").is(":last-child")) {
- hist = true;
- addTestCase();
- }
- });
- if (test_case == null) {
- if (!hist) {
- $( ".content_cases tr:last" ).find('.text_area_input').focus();
- } else {
- hist = false;
- }
- }
+ }
function updateTestCaseCounter () {
var i = 1;
$( ".content_cases" ).find('tr').each(function() {
$( this ).find('.counter').text(i);
- i ++;
+ ++i;
function prepareTableSettings (div_el) {
- div_el.append('<h4 class="ui header">'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_data_types')+'</h4>');
- div_el.append('<form name="settings_data_types"><div class="ui stackable five column grid">'
- +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="integer_data_type" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('integer')+'</label></div></div>'
- +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="real_data_type" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('real')+'</label></div></div>'
- +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="text_data_type" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text')+'</label></div></div>'
- +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="boolean_data_type" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('boolean')+'</label></div></div>'
- +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="void_data_type" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('void')+'</label></div></div>'
- +'</div></form>');
- div_el.append('<h4 class="ui header">'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_commands')+'</h4>');
- div_el.append('<form name="settings_commands"><div class="ui stackable three column grid">'
- +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="commands_read" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_read_var')+'</label></div></div>'
- +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="commands_write" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_write_var')+'</label></div></div>'
- +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="commands_comment" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_comment')+'</label></div></div>'
- +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="commands_attribution" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_attribution')+'</label></div></div>'
- +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="commands_functioncall" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_functioncall')+'</label></div></div>'
- +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="commands_iftrue" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_iftrue')+'</label></div></div>'
- +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="commands_repeatNtimes" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_repeatNtimes')+'</label></div></div>'
- +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="commands_while" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_whiletrue')+'</label></div></div>'
- +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="commands_dowhile" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_dowhiletrue')+'</label></div></div>'
- +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="commands_switch" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_switch')+'</label></div></div>'
- +'</div></form>');
- div_el.append('<h4 class="ui header">'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_functions')+'</h4>');
- div_el.append('<form name="settings_functions"><div class="ui stackable one column grid">'
- +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="functions_creation" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_create_functions')+'</label></div></div>'
- +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="functions_move" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_create_movement_functions')+'</label></div></div>'
- +'</div></form>');
- $('.ui.checkbox').checkbox();
+ div_el.append('<h4 class="ui header">'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_data_types')+'</h4>');
+ div_el.append('<form name="settings_data_types"><div class="ui stackable five column grid">'
+ +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="integer_data_type" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('integer')+'</label></div></div>'
+ +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="real_data_type" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('real')+'</label></div></div>'
+ +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="text_data_type" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text')+'</label></div></div>'
+ +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="boolean_data_type" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('boolean')+'</label></div></div>'
+ +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="void_data_type" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('void')+'</label></div></div>'
+ +'</div></form>');
+ div_el.append('<h4 class="ui header">'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_commands')+'</h4>');
+ div_el.append('<form name="settings_commands"><div class="ui stackable three column grid">'
+ +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="commands_read" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_read_var')+'</label></div></div>'
+ +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="commands_write" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_write_var')+'</label></div></div>'
+ +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="commands_comment" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_comment')+'</label></div></div>'
+ +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="commands_attribution" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_attribution')+'</label></div></div>'
+ +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="commands_functioncall" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_functioncall')+'</label></div></div>'
+ +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="commands_iftrue" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_iftrue')+'</label></div></div>'
+ +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="commands_repeatNtimes" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_repeatNtimes')+'</label></div></div>'
+ +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="commands_while" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_whiletrue')+'</label></div></div>'
+ +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="commands_dowhile" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_dowhiletrue')+'</label></div></div>'
+ +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="commands_switch" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_switch')+'</label></div></div>'
+ +'</div></form>');
+ div_el.append('<h4 class="ui header">'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_functions')+'</h4>');
+ div_el.append('<form name="settings_functions"><div class="ui stackable one column grid">'
+ +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="functions_creation" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_create_functions')+'</label></div></div>'
+ +'<div class="column"><div class="ui checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="functions_move" checked tabindex="0" class="hidden small"><label>'+LocalizedStrings.getUI('text_teacher_create_movement_functions')+'</label></div></div>'
+ +'</div></form>');
+ $('.ui.checkbox').checkbox();
function getTrackingLogs () {
- var ret = "";
- for (var i = 0; i < trackingMatrix.length; i++) {
- ret += "\n" + trackingMatrix[i][0] + "," + trackingMatrix[i][1] + "," + trackingMatrix[i][2];
- if (trackingMatrix[i][3] === 1) {
- ret += ',' + trackingMatrix[i][3] + ',"' + trackingMatrix[i][4] + '"';
- }
+ var ret = "";
+ for (var i = 0; i < trackingMatrix.length; ++i) {
+ ret += "\n" + trackingMatrix[i][0] + "," + trackingMatrix[i][1] + "," + trackingMatrix[i][2];
+ if (trackingMatrix[i][3] === 1) {
+ ret += ',' + trackingMatrix[i][3] + ',"' + trackingMatrix[i][4] + '"';
- return ret;
+ }
+ return ret;
// Tracking mouse movements
var trackingMatrix = [];
function adCoords(e, code){
- var x = e.pageX;
- var y = e.pageY;
- if (code === 1) {
- return [new Date().getTime(), x, y, code, e.target.classList['value']];
- } else {
- return [x, y, code];
- }
+ var x = e.pageX;
+ var y = e.pageY;
+ if (code === 1) {
+ return [new Date().getTime(), x, y, code, e.target.classList['value']];
+ } else {
+ return [x, y, code];
+ }
// $( document ).ready(function() {
@@ -467,51 +469,52 @@ function adCoords(e, code){
// });
function orderWidth() {
- $('.ui.raised.container.segment.div_to_body').css('width', '100%');
- $('.ui.one.column.container.segment.ivprog_visual_panel').css('width', '100%');
+ $('.ui.raised.container.segment.div_to_body').css('width', '100%');
+ $('.ui.one.column.container.segment.ivprog_visual_panel').css('width', '100%');
function orderIcons() {
- $('.ui.one.column.doubling.stackable.grid.container').css('display', 'none');
- $('.only_in_frame').css('display', 'block');
+ $('.ui.one.column.doubling.stackable.grid.container').css('display', 'none');
+ $('.only_in_frame').css('display', 'block');
function inIframe () {
- try {
- return window.self !== window.top;
- } catch (e) {
- return true;
- }
+ try {
+ return window.self !== window.top;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return true;
+ }
function full_screen() {
- // check if user allows full screen of elements. This can be enabled or disabled in browser config. By default its enabled.
- //its also used to check if browser supports full screen api.
- if("fullscreenEnabled" in document || "webkitFullscreenEnabled" in document || "mozFullScreenEnabled" in document || "msFullscreenEnabled" in document) {
- if(document.fullscreenEnabled || document.webkitFullscreenEnabled || document.mozFullScreenEnabled || document.msFullscreenEnabled) {
- var element = document.getElementById("ui_main_div");
- //requestFullscreen is used to display an element in full screen mode.
- if("requestFullscreen" in element) {
- element.requestFullscreen();
- }
- else if ("webkitRequestFullscreen" in element) {
- element.webkitRequestFullscreen();
- }
- else if ("mozRequestFullScreen" in element) {
- element.mozRequestFullScreen();
- }
- else if ("msRequestFullscreen" in element) {
- element.msRequestFullscreen();
- }
- }
- } else {
- $('.expand_button').addClass('disabled');
+ // check if user allows full screen of elements. This can be enabled or disabled in browser config. By default its enabled.
+ //its also used to check if browser supports full screen api.
+ if("fullscreenEnabled" in document || "webkitFullscreenEnabled" in document || "mozFullScreenEnabled" in document || "msFullscreenEnabled" in document) {
+ if(document.fullscreenEnabled || document.webkitFullscreenEnabled || document.mozFullScreenEnabled || document.msFullscreenEnabled) {
+ var element = document.getElementById("ui_main_div");
+ //requestFullscreen is used to display an element in full screen mode.
+ if("requestFullscreen" in element) {
+ element.requestFullscreen();
+ }
+ else if ("webkitRequestFullscreen" in element) {
+ element.webkitRequestFullscreen();
+ }
+ else if ("mozRequestFullScreen" in element) {
+ element.mozRequestFullScreen();
+ }
+ else if ("msRequestFullscreen" in element) {
+ element.msRequestFullscreen();
+ }
+ } else {
+ $('.expand_button').addClass('disabled');
+ }
function teacherAutoEval (data) {
+ $.get(iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_TeacherAutoEval, function (originalData) {
// Ver arquivo js/util/iassignHelpers.js
var content = ivprogCore.prepareActivityToStudentHelper(data);
// Casos de testes agora são delegados ao tratamento apropriado pela função acima
@@ -521,8 +524,9 @@ function teacherAutoEval (data) {
settingsFunctions = content.settingsFunctions;
if (content.algorithmInIlm != null) {
- algorithm_in_ilm = content.algorithmInIlm;
- parsePreviousAlgorithm();
- ivprogCore.autoEval(parent.getEvaluationCallback);
+ algorithm_in_ilm = content.algorithmInIlm;
+ parsePreviousAlgorithm();
+ ivprogCore.autoEval(originalData, parent.getEvaluationCallback);
+ });