@@ -201,8 +201,73 @@ function renderGlobals() {
+var has_element_created_draged = false;
+var which_element_is_draged = null;
+function createCommentDragObject() {
+ var ret = '';
+ ret += '<div class="ui comment created_element"> <i class="ui icon small quote left"></i> <span class="span_comment_text" "> Testando </span>';
+ ret += '</div>';
+ has_element_created_draged = true;
+ which_element_is_draged = tiposComandos.comment;
+ $('body').append(ret);
+var myDraggable = null;
+// Yeah... we're going to hack the widget
+var widget = null;
+var clickEvent = null;
+function flutuateCreatedElement() {
+ $('.created_element').css('top', mouseY);
+ $('.created_element').css('left', mouseX);
+ myDraggable = $('.created_element').draggable();
+ // Yeah... we're going to hack the widget
+ widget = myDraggable.data('ui-draggable');
+ clickEvent = null;
+ myDraggable.click(function(event){
+ if(!clickEvent){
+ widget._mouseStart(event);
+ clickEvent = event;
+ }
+ else {
+ widget._mouseUp(event);
+ clickEvent = null;
+ }
+ });
+ $(document).mousemove(function(event){
+ if(clickEvent){
+ // We need to set this to our own clickEvent, otherwise
+ // it won't position correctly.
+ widget._mouseDownEvent = clickEvent;
+ widget._mouseMove(event);
+ }
+ });
function addHandlers() {
+ $('.ui.buttons .dropdown').dropdown({
+ onChange: function(value, text, $selectedItem) {
+ if (value == tiposComandos.comment) {
+ createCommentDragObject();
+ }
+ flutuateCreatedElement();
+ }
+ });
onChange: function(value, text, $selectedItem) {
@@ -1717,6 +1782,29 @@ function removeParameter(parent_node, which_function, which_parameter) {
+function manageDragableCommands(sequence) {
+ var el = document.getElementById('menu_commands_'+sequence);
+ var sortable = Sortable.create(el, {
+ handle: '.created_element',
+ animation: 100,
+ draggable: '.item',
+ ghostClass: 'ghost',
+ group: {
+ name: 'commands_area_'+sequence,
+ pull: 'clone'
+ },
+ onEnd: function (evt) {
+ updateSequenceFunctionHandler(evt.oldIndex, evt.newIndex);
+ }
+ });
function appendFunction(function_obj, sequence) {
var appender = '<div class="ui secondary segment function_div list-group-item">';
@@ -1729,7 +1817,15 @@ function appendFunction(function_obj, sequence) {
appender += (!function_obj.eh_principal ? '<button class="ui icon button large remove_function_button" onclick="removeFunctionHandler(this.parentNode, '+sequence+')"><i class="red icon times"></i></button>' : '<div class="div_start_minimize_v"> </div>')
+ '<button class="ui icon button tiny minimize_function_button" onclick="minimizeFunctionHandler(this.parentNode, '+sequence+')"><i class="icon window minimize"></i></button>';
- appender += '<div class="ui icon buttons add_var_top_button"><div class="ui icon button" onclick="addVariable('+sequence+')"><i class="icon superscript"></i></div><div class="ui icon button"><i class="icon code"></i></div></div>';
+ appender += '<div class="ui icon buttons add_var_top_button"><div class="ui icon button" onclick="addVariable('+sequence+')"><i class="icon superscript"></i></div>';
+ appender += '<div class="ui icon button dropdown" ><i class="icon code"></i> <div class="menu" id="menu_commands_'+sequence+'"> ';
+ appender += '<a class="item" data-text="'+tiposComandos.reader+'"><i class="download icon"></i> ' +i18n('text_read_var')+ '</a>'
+ + '<a class="item" data-text="'+tiposComandos.writer+'"><i class="upload icon"></i> '+i18n('text_write_var')+'</a>'
+ + '<a class="item create_comment" data-text="'+tiposComandos.comment+'"><i class="quote left icon"></i> '+i18n('text_comment')+'</a>'
+ + '</div></div></div>';
appender += '<div class="function_signature_div">'+i18n('function')+' ';
@@ -1759,6 +1855,8 @@ function appendFunction(function_obj, sequence) {
+ '</div>';
+ manageDragableCommands(sequence);