@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { CommonTokenStream, InputStream } from 'antlr4/index';
+import { ArrayAccess, FunctionCall} from './expressions/';
import { SyntaxError } from './SyntaxError';
export class IVProgParser {
@@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ export class IVProgParser {
this.pos = 1;
this.variableTypes = [this.lexerClass.RK_INTEGER,
- this.lexerClass.RK_LOGIC,
+ this.lexerClass.RK_BOOLEAN,
this.functionTypes = this.variableTypes.concat(this.lexerClass.RK_VOID);
@@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ export class IVProgParser {
parseGlobalVariables () {
let vars = [];
while(true) {
- const decl = this.parseHasConst();
+ const decl = this.parseMaybeConst();
const eosToken = this.getToken();
if (decl !== null && eosToken.type !== this.lexerClass.EOS) {
throw SyntaxError.createError('new line or \';\'', eosToken);
@@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ export class IVProgParser {
* at global variables declaration level
* @returns Declararion(const, type, id, initVal?)
- parseHasConst () {
+ parseMaybeConst () {
const constToken = this.getToken();
if(constToken.type === this.lexerClass.RK_CONST) {
@@ -188,12 +189,12 @@ export class IVProgParser {
// ID[int/IDi][int/IDj]
if (this.checkOpenBrace(true)) {
- dim1 = this.getArrayDimension();
+ dim1 = this.parseArrayDimension();
if(this.checkOpenBrace(true)) {
- dim2 = this.getArrayDimension();
+ dim2 = this.parseArrayDimension();
@@ -246,12 +247,12 @@ export class IVProgParser {
* Reads the next token of the stream to check if it is a Integer or an ID.
* @returns Integer | ID
- getArrayDimension () {
+ parseArrayDimension () {
const dimToken = this.getToken();
if(dimToken.type === this.lexerClass.INTEGER) {
//parse as int literal
- return this.parseIntLiteral(dimToken);
+ return this.getIntLiteral(dimToken);
} else if(dimToken.type === this.lexerClass.ID) {
//parse as variable
@@ -266,7 +267,7 @@ export class IVProgParser {
* It checks for binary and hexadecimal integers.
* @returns object with fields type and value
- parseIntLiteral (token) {
+ getIntLiteral (token) {
const text = token.text;
let val = null;
if(text.match('^0b|^0B')) {
@@ -279,10 +280,23 @@ export class IVProgParser {
return {type: 'int', value: val};
- parseRealLiteral (token) {
+ getRealLiteral (token) {
return {type: 'real', value: parseFloat(token.text)};
+ getStringLiteral (token) {
+ const text = token.text;
+ let valor = text.replace("\\b", "\b");
+ valor = valor.replace("\\t", "\t");
+ valor = valor.replace("\\n", "\n");
+ valor = valor.replace("\f", "\f");
+ valor = valor.replace("\\r", "\r");
+ valor = valor.replace("\\\"", "\"");
+ valor = valor.replace("\\\'", "\'");
+ valor = valor.replace("\\\\", "\\");
+ return {type: 'string', value: valor};
+ }
* Returns an object {type: 'variable', value: value}.
* @returns object with fields type and value
@@ -460,9 +474,9 @@ export class IVProgParser {
* Parses an Expression following the structure:
- * EAnd => EOR ( 'and' EAnd)? #expression and
+ * EOR => EAnd ( 'or' EOR)? #expression and
- * EOR => ENot ('or' EAnd)? #expression or
+ * EOR => ENot ('and' EOR)? #expression or
* ENot => 'not'? ER #expression not
@@ -475,38 +489,39 @@ export class IVProgParser {
* term => literal || arrayAccess || FuncCall || ID || '('EAnd')'
parseExpressionOR () {
- const andEpxression1 = this.parseExpressionAND();
- let andEpxression2 = null;
+ const exp1 = this.parseExpressionAND();
+ let exp2 = null;
let or = null;
const maybeAnd = this.getToken();
if (maybeAnd.type === this.lexerClass.OR_OPERATOR) {
or = 'or';
- andEpxression2 = this.parseExpressionAND();
+ exp2 = this.parseExpressionOR();
- return {left: andEpxression1, op:or, right: andEpxression2};
+ return {left: exp1, op:or, right: exp2};
parseExpressionAND () {
- const eNot1 = this.parseExpressionNot();
+ const exp1 = this.parseExpressionNot();
let and = null;
- let eNot2 = null;
+ let exp2 = null;
+ this.consumeNewLines();
const andToken = this.getToken();
if (andToken.type === this.lexerClass.AND_OPERATOR) {
and = 'and';
- eNot2 = this.parseExpressionNot();
+ exp2 = this.parseExpressionAND();
- return {left: eNot1, op: or, right: eNot2};
+ return {left: exp1, op: or, right: exp2};
parseExpressionNot () {
- this.consumeNewLines();
let not = null;
- const notToken = this.getToken();
- if (notToken.type === this.lexerClass.NOT_OPERATOR) {
+ this.consumeNewLines();
+ const maybeNotToken = this.getToken();
+ if (maybeNotToken.type === this.lexerClass.NOT_OPERATOR) {
not = 'not';
@@ -515,9 +530,122 @@ export class IVProgParser {
return {left: null, op: not, right: eRel};
+ parseExpressionRel () {
+ const exp1 = this.parseExpression();
+ let rel = null;
+ let exp2 = null;
+ this.consumeNewLines();
+ const relToken = this.getToken();
+ if(relToken.type === this.lexerClass.RELATIONAL_OPERATOR) {
+ this.pos++;
+ rel = relToken.text; // TODO: source code line/column information
+ exp2 = this.parseExpression();
+ }
+ return {left: exp1, op: rel, right: exp2};
+ }
+ parseExpression () {
+ const factor = this.parseFactor();
+ let op = null;
+ let exp = null;
+ this.consumeNewLines();
+ const sumOpToken = this.getToken();
+ if(sumOpToken.type === this.lexerClass.SUM_OP) {
+ this.pos++;
+ op = sumOpToken.text; // TODO: source code line/column information
+ exp = this.parseExpression();
+ }
+ return {left: factor, op: op, right: exp};
+ }
+ parseFactor () {
+ const term = this.parseTerm();
+ let op = null;
+ let factor = null;
+ this.consumeNewLines();
+ const multOpToken = this.getToken();
+ if(multOpToken.type === this.lexerClass.MULTI_OP) {
+ this.pos++;
+ op = multOpToken.text; // TODO: source code line/column information
+ factor = this.parseFactor();
+ }
+ return {left: term, op: op, right: factor};
+ }
+ parseTerm () {
+ this.consumeNewLines();
+ const token = this.getToken();
+ switch(token.type) {
+ case this.lexerClass.INTEGER:
+ this.pos++;
+ return this.getIntLiteral(token);
+ case this.lexerClass.REAL:
+ this.pos++;
+ return this.getRealLiteral(token);
+ case this.lexerClass.STRING:
+ this.pos++;
+ return this.getStringLiteral(token);
+ case this.lexerClass.BOOLEAN:
+ this.pos++;
+ return this.getBoolLiteral(token);
+ case this.lexerClass.ID:
+ return this.parseIDTerm();
+ case this.lexerClass.OPEN_PARENTHESIS:
+ return this.parseParenthesisExp();
+ }
+ }
+ parseIDTerm () {
+ const id = this.parseID();
+ this.consumeNewLines(); // DANGEROUS: exp = ID eos => results in inapropriate syntax error
+ if(this.checkOpenBrace(true)) {
+ this.pos++;
+ const firstIndex = this.parseExpression();
+ let secondIndex = null;
+ this.consumeNewLines();
+ this.checkCloseBrace();
+ this.pos++;
+ this.consumeNewLines(); // DANGEROUS: exp = v1 + v2 + v[i] eos => results in inapropriate syntax error
+ if(this.checkOpenBrace(true)){
+ this.pos++;
+ secondIndex = this.parseExpression();
+ this.consumeNewLines();
+ this.checkCloseBrace();
+ this.pos++;
+ }
+ return new ArrayAccess(id, firstIndex, secondIndex);
+ } else if (this.checkOpenParenthesis(true)) {
+ this.pos++;
+ let actualParameters = [];
+ if(!this.checkCloseParenthesis(true)) {
+ actualParameters = this.parseActualParameters();
+ this.consumeNewLines();
+ this.checkCloseParenthesis();
+ this.pos++;
+ } else {
+ this.pos++;
+ }
+ return new FunctionCall(id, actualParameters);
+ } else {
+ return id;
+ }
+ }
+ parseParenthesisExp () {
+ this.checkOpenParenthesis();
+ this.pos++;
+ this.consumeNewLines();
+ const exp = this.parseExpressionOR();
+ this.consumeNewLines();
+ this.checkCloseParenthesis();
+ this.pos++;
+ return exp;
+ }
getTypesAsString (isFunction = false) {
const types = isFunction ? this.functionTypes : this.variableTypes;