sigma.renderers.customEdgeShapes ================== Plugin developed by [Sébastien Heymann]( for [Linkurious]( Contact: --- ## General This plugin registers custom edge shape renderers. See the following [example code](../../examples/plugin-customEdgeShapes.html) for full usage. To use, include all .js files under this folder. ## Shapes The plugin implements the following shapes: * `dashed` * `dotted` * `parallel`: two solid parallel lines representing an edge aggregating multiple edges in the original graph. * `tapered` (see Danny Holten, Petra Isenberg, Jean-Daniel Fekete, and J. Van Wijk (2010) Performance Evaluation of Tapered, Curved, and Animated Directed-Edge Representations in Node-Link Graphs. Research Report, Sep 2010.) To assign a shape renderer to an edge, simply set `edge.type='shape-name'` e.g. `edge.type='dotted'`. The default renderer implemented by sigma.js is named `def` (alias `line`) - see also [generic custom edge renderer example](../../examples/custom-edge-renderer.html).