sigma.parsers.gexf ================== Plugin developed by [Alexis Jacomy](, on top of [gexf-parser](, developed by [Guillaume Plique]( --- This plugin provides a single function, `sigma.parsers.gexf()`, that will load a GEXF encoded file, parse it, and instantiate sigma. The most basic way to use this helper is to call it with a path and a sigma configuration object. It will then instantiate sigma, but after having added the graph into the config object. ````javascript sigma.parsers.gexf( 'myGraph.gexf', { container: 'myContainer' } ); ```` It is also possible to update an existing instance's graph instead. ````javascript sigma.parsers.gexf( 'myGraph.gexf', myExistingInstance, function() { myExistingInstance.refresh(); } ); ````