123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321 |
- const defaultWidth = 900;
- const defaultHeight = 600;
- const medSrc = "assets/img/";
- const debugMode = false; // Turns console messages ON/OFF
- let audioStatus = false; // Turns game audio ON/OFF
- let fractionLabel = true; // Turns showing fractions in levels ON/OFF
- let playerName;
- let langString; // String that contains the selected language
- let self; // Current state
- let mapPosition; // character position in the map (1..4 valid, 5 end)
- let mapMove; // When true, the character can move to next position in the map
- let completedLevels; // Number of finished levels in the map
- /*
- ....................................................
- .............square.................circle.......... } } (gameShape)
- .........../........\.................|............. } game (gameType)
- ........One..........Two.............One............ }
- ......./...\..........|............./...\...........
- ......A.....B.........C............A.....B.......... } level (levelType)
- .(floor)..(stack)..(equal).....(floor).(circle)..... }
- .......\./............|..............\./............
- ........|.............|...............|.............
- ......./.\........../.|.\.........../.|.\...........
- ...Plus...Minus....A..B..C.....Plus.Minus.Mixed..... } sublevel (sublevelType)
- .......\./..........\.|./...........\.|./...........
- ........|.............|...............|.............
- ......1,2,3.......1,2,3,4,5.......1,2,3,4,5......... } difficulty (gameDifficulty)
- ....................................................
- */
- const TESTE = {
- gameShape: [
- 'Square',
- 'Square',
- 'Circle'
- ],
- gameType: [
- 'squareOne',
- 'squareTwo',
- 'circleOne'
- ],
- levelType: [
- ['A', 'B'],
- ['C'],
- ['A', 'B']
- ],
- sublevelType: [
- ['Plus', 'Minus'],
- ['A', 'B', 'C'],
- ['Plus', 'Minus', 'Mixed']
- ],
- gameDifficulty: [
- 3,
- 5,
- 5
- ],
- };
- /* GAME TYPE (in menu screen)
- * can be: squareOne, 'SquareTwo' or 'CircleOne' */
- let gameType, gameTypeString;
- let gameShape; // can be: 'circle' or 'square'
- /* LEVEL TYPE (in menu screen)
- * in squareOne/circleOne can be: 'A' (click on the floor) or 'B' (click on the amount to go/stacked figures)
- * in squareTwo can be: 'C' (comparing fractions) */
- let levelType;
- /* SUBLEVEL TYPE (in difficulty screen)
- * in squareOne can be: 'Plus' or 'Minus'
- * in circleOne can be: 'Plus', 'Minus' or 'Mixed'
- * in squareTwo can be: 'A', 'B' or 'C' */
- let sublevelType;
- * in squareOne can be: 1..3
- * in circleOne/squareTwo can be: 1..5 */
- let gameDifficulty;
- // Colors
- const colors = {
- white: "#fff",
- black: "#000",
- gray: "#708090",
- // used in text
- green: "#00804d",
- blue: "#003cb3",
- darkRed: "#330000",
- mediumBlue: "#000080",
- // difficulty stairs
- diffBlue: "#99b3ff",
- diffRed: "#ff6666",
- diffPurple: "#b366ff",
- // Background color
- blueBckg: "#cce5ff", // default
- blueBckgLevel: "#a8c0e6", // in squareOne (used for floor gap)
- // ok button in name State
- teal: "#3d5c5c",
- // difficulty symbols and game color identifier
- red: "#b30000",
- darkBlue: "#183780",
- lightBlue: "#efeff5",
- // squareTwo
- darkRed: "#330000",
- lightRed: "#d27979",
- lighterRed: "#2d9d9",
- darkGreen: "#1e2f2f",
- lightGreen: "#83afaf",
- lighterGreen: "#e0ebeb",
- };
- // Text styles
- const textStyles = {
- dafault: { font: "12px Arial", fill: colors.black, align: "center" },
- // titles
- title1: { font: "32px Arial", fill: colors.green, align: "center" },
- title2: { font: "27px Arial", fill: colors.green, align: "center" },
- title2right: { font: "27px Arial", fill: colors.green, align: 'right' },
- overtitle: { font: "20px Arial", fill: colors.darkRed, align: "center" },
- overtitlel: { font: "20px Arial", fill: colors.darkRed, align: "left" },
- overtitler: { font: "20px Arial", fill: colors.darkRed, align: "right" },
- subtitle1: { font: "27px Arial", fill: colors.blue, align: "center" },
- subtitle2: { font: "27px Arial", fill: colors.black, align: "center" },
- subtitle2l: { font: "27px Arial", fill: colors.black, align: "left" },
- subtitle2r: { font: "27px Arial", fill: colors.black, align: "right" },
- // button labels
- buttonLabel: { font: '34px Arial', fill: colors.white, align: 'center' },
- difficultyLabel: { font: '25px Arial', fill: colors.white, align: 'center' },
- // in game labels
- valueLabelBlue1: { font: '26px Arial', fill: colors.mediumBlue, align: 'center' },
- valueLabelBlue2: { font: '20px Arial', fill: colors.mediumBlue, align: 'center' }, // numbers in squareTwo
- valueLabelBlue3: { font: '15px Arial', fill: colors.mediumBlue, align: 'center' }, // fractions numbers in squareOne
- };
- // Navigation icons on the top of the screen
- const navigationIcons = {
- // Add navigation icons on the top of the screen based on parameters
- func_addIcons: function (left_btn0, left_btn1, left_btn2, // first 3 icon spaces
- right_btn0, right_btn1, // last 2 icon spaces
- level, helpBtn) { // auxiliar variables
- this.level = level;
- this.helpBtn = helpBtn;
- let left_x = 10;
- let right_x = defaultWidth - 50 - 10;
- this.iconsList = [];
- // 'Descriptive labels' for the navigation icons
- this.left_text = game.add.text(left_x, 73, "", textStyles.overtitlel);
- this.right_text = game.add.text(right_x + 50, 73, "", textStyles.overtitler);
- // 'Icons' on the LEFT side of the page
- if (left_btn0) { // Return to select difficulty screen
- const icon_back = game.add.image(left_x, 10, 'back');
- this.iconsList.push(icon_back);
- left_x += 50; // Offsets value of x for next icon
- }
- if (left_btn1) { // Return to main menu screen
- const icon_list = game.add.image(left_x, 10, 'menu');
- this.iconsList.push(icon_list);
- left_x += 50; // Offsets value of x for next icon
- }
- if (left_btn2) { // In some levels, shows solution to the game
- const icon_help = game.add.image(left_x, 10, 'help');
- this.iconsList.push(icon_help);
- left_x += 50; // Offsets value of x for next icon
- }
- // 'Icons' on the RIGHT side of the page
- if (right_btn0) { // Turns game audio on/off
- this.icon_audio = game.add.sprite(right_x, 10, 'audio', 1);
- audioStatus ? this.icon_audio.curFrame = 0 : this.icon_audio.curFrame = 1;
- this.iconsList.push(this.icon_audio);
- right_x -= 50; // Offsets value of x for next icon
- }
- if (right_btn1) { // Return to select language screen
- icon_world = game.add.image(right_x, 10, 'language');
- this.iconsList.push(icon_world);
- right_x -= 50; // Offsets value of x for next icon
- }
- },
- func_CallScreen: function (screen) {
- if (audioStatus) game.audio.beepSound.play();
- game.event.clear(self);
- screen.preload();
- },
- func_onInputDown: function (x, y) {
- navigationIcons.iconsList.forEach(cur => {
- const valid = y >= cur.yWithAnchor && y <= (cur.yWithAnchor + cur.height * cur.scaleHeight) &&
- (x >= cur.xWithAnchor && x <= (cur.xWithAnchor + cur.width * cur.scaleWidth));
- if (valid) {
- if (cur.name == 'back') navigationIcons.func_CallScreen(navigationIcons.level);
- else if (cur.name == 'menu') navigationIcons.func_CallScreen(menuScreen);
- else if (cur.name == 'help') navigationIcons.helpBtn();
- else if (cur.name == 'language') navigationIcons.func_CallScreen(langScreen);
- else if (cur.name == 'audio') {
- if (audioStatus) {
- audioStatus = false;
- navigationIcons.icon_audio.curFrame = 1;
- } else {
- audioStatus = true;
- navigationIcons.icon_audio.curFrame = 0;
- }
- game.render.all();
- }
- }
- });
- },
- func_onInputOver: function (x, y) {
- let flag = false;
- navigationIcons.iconsList.forEach(cur => {
- const valid = y >= cur.yWithAnchor && y <= (cur.yWithAnchor + cur.height * cur.scaleHeight) &&
- (x >= cur.xWithAnchor && x <= (cur.xWithAnchor + cur.width * cur.scaleWidth));
- if (valid) {
- flag = true;
- if (cur.name == 'back') navigationIcons.left_text.name = game.lang.menu_back;
- else if (cur.name == 'menu') navigationIcons.left_text.name = game.lang.menu_list;
- else if (cur.name == 'help') navigationIcons.left_text.name = game.lang.menu_help;
- else if (cur.name == 'language') navigationIcons.right_text.name = game.lang.menu_world;
- else if (cur.name == 'audio') navigationIcons.right_text.name = game.lang.audio;
- }
- });
- if (!flag) {
- navigationIcons.left_text.name = "";
- navigationIcons.right_text.name = "";
- } else {
- document.body.style.cursor = "pointer";
- }
- }
- };
- // Send game information to database
- const postScore = function (extraData) {
- // Create some variables we need to send to our PHP file
- const data = "s_ip="
- + "&s_name=" + playerName
- + "&s_lang=" + langString
- + extraData;
- const url = "php/save.php";
- const hr = new XMLHttpRequest();
- hr.open("POST", url, true);
- hr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
- hr.onreadystatechange = function () {
- if (debugMode) console.log(hr);
- if (hr.readyState == 4 && hr.status == 200) {
- if (debugMode) console.log(hr.responseText);
- }
- }
- // Send the data to PHP now... and wait for response to update the status div
- hr.send(data); // Actually execute the request
- if (debugMode) {
- console.log("processing...");
- console.log(data);
- }
- };