/****************************** * This file holds game states. ******************************/ /** [GAME STATE] * * .....circleOne.... = gameName * ....../...\....... * .....a.....b...... = gameMode * .......\./........ * ........|......... * ....../.|.\....... * .plus.minus.mixed. = gameOperation * ......\.|./....... * ........|......... * ......1,2,3....... = gameDifficulty * * Character : kid/balloon * Theme : flying in a balloon * Concept : 'How much the kid has to walk to get to the balloon?' * Represent fractions as : circles/arcs * * Game modes can be : * * a : Player can place balloon position * Place balloon in position (so the kid can get to it) * b : Player can select # of circles * Selects number of circles (that represent distance kid needs to walk to get to the balloon) * * Operations can be : * * plus : addition of fractions * Represented by : kid going to the right (floor positions 0..5) * minus : subtraction of fractions * Represented by: kid going to the left (floor positions 5..0) * mixed : Mix addition and subtraction of fractions in same * Represented by: kid going to the left (floor positions 0..5) * * @namespace */ const circleOne = { ui: undefined, control: undefined, animation: undefined, road: undefined, circles: undefined, kid: undefined, balloon: undefined, basket: undefined, walkedPath: undefined, /** * Main code */ create: function () { this.ui = { help: undefined, message: undefined, continue: { // modal: undefined, button: undefined, text: undefined, }, }; const roadMapper = () => { const _pointWidth = (game.sprite['map_place'].width / 2) * 0.45; const defaultX = 150; const defaultY = context.canvas.height - game.image['floor_grass'].width * 1.5; const defaultWidth = 1620; // Initial 'x' coordinate for the kid and the baloon const x = gameOperation === 'minus' ? context.canvas.width - defaultX - _pointWidth / 2 : defaultX + _pointWidth / 2; const y = defaultY; const width = defaultWidth - _pointWidth; const _divisions = 5; const _subdivisions = gameDifficulty === 3 ? 4 : gameDifficulty; const numberOfBlocks = _divisions * _subdivisions; return { x, y, width, numberOfBlocks, defaultX, defaultY, defaultWidth }; }; this.road = roadMapper(); const blocksMapper = () => { const width = this.road.width / this.road.numberOfBlocks; const height = 50; return { width, height, list: [], cur: undefined }; }; this.blocks = blocksMapper(); this.walkedPath = []; const pointWidth = (game.sprite['map_place'].width / 2) * 0.45; const distanceBetweenPoints = (context.canvas.width - this.road.defaultX * 2 - pointWidth) / 5; // Distance between road points const y0 = this.road.defaultY + 20; const x0 = this.road.x; this.circles = { diameter: game.math.getRadiusFromCircunference(distanceBetweenPoints) * 2, // (Fixed) Circles Diameter cur: 0, // Current circle index list: [], // Circle objects }; this.control = { correctX: x0, // Correct position (accumulative) nextX: undefined, // Next point position divisorsList: '', // used in postScore (Accumulative) hasClicked: false, // Checks if user has clicked checkAnswer: false, // Check kid inside ballon's basket isCorrect: false, // Informs answer is correct showEndInfo: false, endSignX: undefined, curWalkedPath: 0, // mode 'b' exclusive correctIndex: undefined, selectedIndex: -1, // Index of clicked circle (game (b)) numberOfPlusFractions: undefined, }; const walkOffsetX = 2; const walksPerDistanceBetweenPoints = distanceBetweenPoints / walkOffsetX; this.animation = { list: { left: undefined, right: undefined, }, invertDirection: undefined, animateKid: false, animateBalloon: false, counter: undefined, walkOffsetX, angleOffset: 360 / walksPerDistanceBetweenPoints, }; renderBackground('farmRoad'); // Calls function that loads navigation icons // FOR MOODLE if (moodle) { navigation.add.right(['audio']); } else { navigation.add.left(['back', 'menu', 'show_answer'], 'customMenu'); navigation.add.right(['audio']); } const validPath = { x0, y0, distanceBetweenPoints }; this.utils.renderRoadBlocks(); this.utils.renderRoad(validPath); const [restart, balloonX] = this.utils.renderCircles(validPath); this.restart = restart; this.utils.renderCharacters(validPath, balloonX); this.utils.renderMainUI(); if (!this.restart) { game.timer.start(); // Set a timer for the current level (used in postScore()) game.event.add('click', this.events.onInputDown); game.event.add('mousemove', this.events.onInputOver); } }, /** * Game loop */ update: function () { // Starts kid animation if (self.animation.animateKid) { self.utils.animateKidHandler(); } // Check if kid is inside the basket if (self.control.checkAnswer) { self.utils.checkAnswerHandler(); } // Starts balloon flying animation if (self.animation.animateBalloon) { self.utils.animateBalloonHandler(); } game.render.all(); }, utils: { renderRoadBlocks: function () { for (let i = 0; i < self.road.numberOfBlocks; i++) { const block = game.add.geom.rect( self.road.x + i * self.blocks.width, self.road.y, self.blocks.width, self.blocks.height, 'transparent', 0.5, colors.red, 2 ); block.info = { index: i }; self.blocks.list.push(block); } }, // RENDERS renderRoad: function (validPath) { const offset = 40; const directionModifier = gameOperation === 'minus' ? -1 : 1; for (let i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { // Gray place game.add .sprite( validPath.x0 + i * validPath.distanceBetweenPoints * directionModifier, validPath.y0, 'map_place', 0, 0.45 ) .anchor(0.5, 0.5); // White circle behind number const curX = validPath.x0 + i * validPath.distanceBetweenPoints * directionModifier; game.add.geom .circle( curX, validPath.y0 + 60 + offset, 60, undefined, 0, colors.white, 0.8 ) .anchor(0, 0.25); game.add.geom.rect( curX, validPath.y0 + 60 - 28, 4, 25, colors.white, 0.8, undefined, 0 ); // Number game.add.text(curX, validPath.y0 + 60 + offset, i * directionModifier, { ...textStyles.h2_, font: 'bold ' + textStyles.h2_.font, fill: directionModifier === 1 ? colors.green : colors.red, }); } self.utils.renderWalkedPath( validPath.x0 - 1, validPath.y0 - 5, gameOperation === 'minus' ? colors.red : colors.green ); }, renderWalkedPath: function (x, y, color) { const path = game.add.geom.rect(x, y, 1, 1, 'transparent', 1, color, 4); self.walkedPath.push(path); return path; }, renderCircles: function (validPath) { let restart = false; let hasBaseDifficulty = false; let balloonX = context.canvas.width / 2; const directionModifier = gameOperation === 'minus' ? -1 : 1; const fractionX = validPath.x0 - (self.circles.diameter - 10) * directionModifier; const font = { ...textStyles.h2_, font: 'bold ' + textStyles.h2_.font, }; // Number of circles const max = gameOperation === 'mixed' ? 6 : curMapPosition + 1; const min = curMapPosition === 1 && (gameOperation === 'mixed' || gameMode === 'b') ? 2 : curMapPosition; // Mixed level has at least 2 fractions const total = game.math.randomInRange(min, max); // Total number of circles // for mode 'b' self.control.numberOfPlusFractions = game.math.randomInRange( 1, total - 1 ); for (let i = 0; i < total; i++) { let curDirection = undefined; let curLineColor = undefined; let curFillColor = undefined; let curAngleDegree = undefined; let curIsCounterclockwise = undefined; let curFractionItems = undefined; let curCircle = undefined; const curCircleInfo = { direction: undefined, direc: undefined, distance: undefined, angle: undefined, fraction: { labels: [], nominator: undefined, denominator: undefined, }, }; let curDivisor = game.math.randomInRange(1, gameDifficulty); // Set fraction 'divisor' (depends on difficulty) if (curDivisor === gameDifficulty) hasBaseDifficulty = true; // True if after for ends has at least 1 '1/difficulty' fraction curDivisor = curDivisor === 3 ? 4 : curDivisor; // Turns 1/3 into 1/4 fractions self.control.divisorsList += curDivisor + ','; // Add this divisor to the list of divisors (for postScore()) // Set each circle direction switch (gameOperation) { case 'plus': curDirection = 'right'; break; case 'minus': curDirection = 'left'; break; case 'mixed': curDirection = i < self.control.numberOfPlusFractions ? 'right' : 'left'; break; } curCircleInfo.direction = curDirection; // Set each circle visual info if (curDirection === 'right') { curIsCounterclockwise = true; curLineColor = colors.green; curFillColor = colors.greenLight; curCircleInfo.direc = 1; } else { curIsCounterclockwise = false; curLineColor = colors.red; curFillColor = colors.redLight; curCircleInfo.direc = -1; } font.fill = curLineColor; const curCircleY = validPath.y0 - 5 - self.circles.diameter / 2 - i * self.circles.diameter; // Draw circles if (curDivisor === 1) { curAngleDegree = 360; curCircle = game.add.geom.circle( validPath.x0, curCircleY, self.circles.diameter, curLineColor, 3, curFillColor, 1 ); curCircle.counterclockwise = curIsCounterclockwise; curCircleInfo.angleDegree = curAngleDegree; curFractionItems = [ { x: fractionX, y: curCircleY + 10, text: '1', }, { x: fractionX - 25, y: curCircleY + 10, text: curDirection === 'left' ? '-' : '', }, null, ]; } else { curAngleDegree = 360 / curDivisor; if (curDirection === 'right') curAngleDegree = 360 - curAngleDegree; // counterclockwise equivalent curCircle = game.add.geom.arc( validPath.x0, curCircleY, self.circles.diameter, 0, game.math.degreeToRad(curAngleDegree), curIsCounterclockwise, curLineColor, 3, curFillColor, 1 ); curCircleInfo.angleDegree = curAngleDegree; curFractionItems = [ { x: fractionX, y: curCircleY - 2, text: `1\n${curDivisor}`, }, { x: fractionX - 35, y: curCircleY + 15, text: curDirection === 'left' ? '-' : '', }, { x0: fractionX, y0: curCircleY + 2, x1: fractionX + 25, y1: curCircleY + 2, lineWidth: 2, color: curLineColor, }, ]; } for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { const item = game.add.text( curFractionItems[i].x, curFractionItems[i].y, curFractionItems[i].text, font ); item.lineHeight = 37; curCircleInfo.fraction.labels.push(item); } if (curFractionItems[2]) { const line = game.add.geom.line( curFractionItems[2].x0, curFractionItems[2].y0, curFractionItems[2].x1, curFractionItems[2].y1, curFractionItems[2].lineWidth, curFractionItems[2].color ); line.anchor(0.5, 0); curCircleInfo.fraction.labels.push(line); } else { curCircleInfo.fraction.labels.push(null); } curCircleInfo.fraction.nominator = curCircleInfo.direc; curCircleInfo.fraction.denominator = curDivisor; if (!showFractions) { curCircleInfo.fraction.labels.forEach((label) => { if (label) label.alpha = 0; }); } curCircle.rotate = 90; // If game is type (b) (select fractions) if (gameMode === 'b') { curCircle.index = i; } curCircleInfo.distance = Math.floor( validPath.distanceBetweenPoints / curDivisor ); // Add to the list curCircle.info = curCircleInfo; self.circles.list.push(curCircle); self.control.correctX += Math.floor(validPath.distanceBetweenPoints / curDivisor) * curCircle.info.direc; } // Restart if // Does not have at least one fraction of type 1/difficulty if (!hasBaseDifficulty) { restart = true; } // Calculate next circle self.control.nextX = validPath.x0 + self.circles.list[0].info.distance * self.circles.list[0].info.direc; let isBeforeMin = (isAfterMax = false); let finalPosition = self.control.correctX; // Restart if // In Game mode 'a' and 'b' : Balloon position is out of bounds if (gameOperation === 'minus') { isBeforeMin = finalPosition > validPath.x0; isAfterMax = finalPosition < validPath.x0 - 5 * validPath.distanceBetweenPoints; } else { isBeforeMin = finalPosition < validPath.x0; isAfterMax = finalPosition > validPath.x0 + 5 * validPath.distanceBetweenPoints; } if (isBeforeMin || isAfterMax) restart = true; if (gameMode === 'b') { // If game is type (b), select a random balloon place balloonX = validPath.x0; self.control.correctIndex = game.math.randomInRange( self.control.numberOfPlusFractions, self.circles.list.length ); for (let i = 0; i < self.control.correctIndex; i++) { balloonX += self.circles.list[i].info.distance * self.circles.list[i].info.direc; } finalPosition = balloonX; // Restart if // In Game mode 'b' : Top circle position is out of bounds (when on the ground) if (gameOperation === 'minus') { isBeforeMin = finalPosition > validPath.x0; isAfterMax = finalPosition < validPath.x0 - 5 * validPath.distanceBetweenPoints; } else { isBeforeMin = finalPosition < validPath.x0; isAfterMax = finalPosition > validPath.x0 + 5 * validPath.distanceBetweenPoints; } if (isBeforeMin || isAfterMax) restart = true; } return [restart, balloonX]; }, renderCharacters: function (validPath, balloonX) { // KID self.kid = game.add.sprite( validPath.x0, validPath.y0 - 32 - self.circles.list.length * self.circles.diameter, 'kid_walking', 0, 1.2 ); self.kid.anchor(0.5, 0.8); self.animation.list.right = [ 'right', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], 4, ]; self.animation.list.left = [ 'left', [23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12], 4, ]; if (gameOperation === 'minus') { self.kid.animation = self.animation.list.left; self.kid.curFrame = 23; } else { self.kid.animation = self.animation.list.right; } // BALLOON self.balloon = game.add.image( balloonX, validPath.y0 - 295, 'balloon', 1.5, 0.5 ); self.balloon.alpha = 0.5; self.balloon.anchor(0.5, 0.5); self.basket = game.add.image( balloonX, validPath.y0 - 95, 'balloon_basket', 1.5 ); self.basket.alpha = 0.8; self.basket.anchor(0.5, 0.5); }, renderMainUI: function () { // Help pointer self.ui.help = game.add.image(0, 0, 'pointer', 2, 0); // Intro text const correctMessage = gameMode === 'a' ? game.lang.circleOne_intro_a : game.lang.circleOne_intro_b; const treatedMessage = correctMessage.split('\\n'); self.ui.message = []; self.ui.message.push( game.add.text( context.canvas.width / 2, 170, treatedMessage[0] + '\n' + treatedMessage[1], textStyles.h1_ ) ); }, renderOperationUI: function () { /** * if game mode A: * - left: selected balloon position (user selection) * - right: line created from the stack of arcs (pre-set) * * if game mode B: * - left: line created from the stack of arcs (user selection) * - right: baloon position (pre-set) */ let validCircles = self.circles.list; if (gameMode === 'b') { validCircles = []; for (let i = 0; i <= self.control.selectedIndex; i++) { validCircles.push(self.circles.list[i]); } } const font = textStyles.fraction; font.fill = colors.green; const nominators = []; const denominators = []; const renderList = []; const padding = 100; const offsetX = 100; const widthOfChar = 35; const x0 = padding; const y0 = context.canvas.height / 3; let nextX = x0; const cardHeight = 400; const cardX = x0 - padding; const cardY = y0; // Card const card = game.add.geom.rect( cardX, cardY, 0, cardHeight, colors.blueLight, 0.5, colors.blueDark, 8 ); card.id = 'card'; card.anchor(0, 0.5); renderList.push(card); // Fraction list for (let i in validCircles) { const curFraction = validCircles[i].info.fraction; const curFractionString = curFraction.labels[0].name; let curFractionSign = i !== '0' ? '+' : ''; if (curFraction.labels[1].name === '-') { curFractionSign = '-'; font.fill = colors.red; } const fractionText = game.add.text( x0 + i * offsetX + offsetX / 2, curFractionString === '1' ? y0 + 40 : y0, curFractionString, font ); fractionText.lineHeight = 70; renderList.push( game.add.text(x0 + i * offsetX, y0 + 35, curFractionSign, font) ); renderList.push(fractionText); renderList.push( game.add.text( x0 + offsetX / 2 + i * offsetX, y0, curFractionString === '1' ? '' : '_', font ) ); nominators.push(curFraction.nominator); denominators.push(curFraction.denominator); } // Setup for fraction operation with least common multiple font.fill = colors.black; const updatedNominators = []; const mmc = game.math.mmcArray(denominators); let resultNominator = 0; for (let i in nominators) { const temp = nominators[i] * (mmc / denominators[i]); updatedNominators.push(temp); resultNominator += temp; } const resultNominatorUnsigned = resultNominator < 0 ? -resultNominator : resultNominator; const resultAux = resultNominator / mmc; const result = ('' + resultAux).length > 4 ? resultAux.toFixed(2) : resultAux; // Fraction operation with least common multiple nextX = x0 + validCircles.length * offsetX + 20; // Fraction result renderList.push(game.add.text(nextX, y0 + 35, '=', font)); font.align = 'center'; nextX += offsetX; if (result < 0) { nextX -= 30; renderList.push(game.add.text(nextX, y0 + 35, '-', font)); nextX += 60; } const fractionResult = game.add.text( nextX, mmc === 1 || resultNominatorUnsigned === 0 ? y0 + 40 : y0, mmc === 1 || resultNominatorUnsigned === 0 ? resultNominatorUnsigned : resultNominatorUnsigned + '\n' + mmc, font ); fractionResult.lineHeight = 70; renderList.push(fractionResult); const fractionLine = game.add.geom.line( nextX, y0 + 15, nextX + 60, y0 + 15, 4, colors.black, mmc === 1 || resultNominatorUnsigned === 0 ? 0 : 1 ); fractionLine.anchor(0.5, 0); renderList.push(fractionLine); // Fraction result simplified setup const mdcAux = game.math.mdc(resultNominator, mmc); const mdc = mdcAux < 0 ? -mdcAux : mdcAux; if (mdc !== 1 && resultNominatorUnsigned !== 0) { // alert(mdc + ' ' + resultNominatorUnsigned); nextX += offsetX; renderList.push(game.add.text(nextX, y0 + 35, '=', font)); nextX += offsetX; renderList.push( game.add.text(nextX - 50, y0 + 35, result > 0 ? '' : '-', font) ); renderList.push( game.add.text(nextX, y0, resultNominatorUnsigned / mdc, font) ); renderList.push(game.add.text(nextX, y0 + 70, mmc / mdc, font)); const fractionLine = game.add.geom.line( nextX, y0 + 15, nextX + 60, y0 + 15, 4, colors.black ); fractionLine.anchor(0.5, 0); renderList.push(fractionLine); } // Decimal result let resultWidth = '_'.length * widthOfChar; const cardWidth = nextX - x0 + resultWidth + padding * 2; card.width = cardWidth; const endSignX = (context.canvas.width - cardWidth) / 2 + cardWidth; // Center Card moveList(renderList, (context.canvas.width - cardWidth) / 2, 0); self.fractionOperationUI = renderList; return endSignX; }, // renderOperationUI_new: () => { // /** // * if game mode A: // * - left: selected balloon position (user selection) // * - right: correct sum of stack of arcs (pre-set) // * // * if game mode B: // * - left: line created from the stack of arcs (user selection) // * - right: baloon position (pre-set) // */ // const divisor = gameDifficulty == 3 ? 4 : gameDifficulty; // // const renderFloorFractions = (lastIndex, divisor) => { // // const operator = gameOperation === 'minus' ? '-' : '+'; // // const index = lastIndex; // // const blocks = index + 1; // // const valueReal = blocks / divisor; // // const valueFloor = Math.floor(valueReal); // // const valueRest = valueReal - valueFloor; // // let fracNomin = (fracDenomin = fracLine = ''); // // // adds sign on the left of the equation // // if (gameOperation === 'minus') { // // fracNomin += ' '; // // fracDenomin += ' '; // // fracLine += operator; // // } // // // 1 _ _ // // if (valueFloor) { // // fracNomin += ' '; // // fracDenomin += ' '; // // fracLine += valueFloor; // // } // // // _ + _ // // if (valueFloor && valueRest) { // // fracNomin += ' '; // // fracDenomin += ' '; // // fracLine += operator; // // } // // // _ _ 1/5 // // if (valueRest) { // // fracNomin += `${valueRest * divisor}`; // // fracDenomin += `${divisor}`; // // fracLine += '-'; // // } // // return [fracNomin, fracDenomin, fracLine, valueReal]; // // }; // const renderStackFractions = (lastIndex) => { // const operator = gameOperation === 'minus' ? '-' : '+'; // const index = lastIndex; // const blocks = index + 1; // const nominators = []; // const denominators = []; // const values = []; // let valueReal = 0; // let fracNomin = (fracDenomin = fracLine = ''); // for (let i = 0; i < blocks; i++) { // const m = self.circles.list[i].info.fraction.denominator || 1; // const temp = self.circles.list[i].info.fraction.nominator || 0; // const n = gameOperation === 'minus' ? -temp : +temp; // const nm = n / m; // nominators[i] = n + 0; // denominators[i] = m + 0; // values[i] = nm; // valueReal += nm; // } // for (let i = 0; i < blocks; i++) { // const valueReal = values[i]; // const valueFloor = Math.floor(valueReal); // const valueRest = valueReal - valueFloor; // if (i > 0 || gameOperation === 'minus') { // fracNomin += ' '; // fracDenomin += ' '; // fracLine += operator; // } // if (valueFloor && !valueRest) { // fracNomin += ' '; // fracDenomin += ' '; // fracLine += valueFloor; // } // if (valueRest) { // fracNomin += `${nominators[i]}`; // fracDenomin += `${denominators[i]}`; // fracLine += '-'; // } // } // console.log(fracNomin, fracDenomin, fracLine, valueReal); // return [fracNomin, fracDenomin, fracLine, valueReal]; // }; // const xyz = () => { // const x0 = +self.road.x; // // console.log(x0); // const xEnd = +self.road.width; // // console.log(xEnd); // const blockWidth = +xEnd / 5; // // console.log(blockWidth); // const selectedX = +self.balloon.x; // // console.log(selectedX); // let count = (selectedX - x0) / blockWidth; // count = Math.floor(count); // // console.log(count); // return count; // }; // // Initial setup // const font = textStyles.fraction; // font.fill = colors.black; // const padding = 100; // const offsetX = 100; // const widthOfChar = 35; // const x0 = padding; // const y0 = context.canvas.height / 3; // let nextX = x0; // const cardHeight = 400; // const cardX = x0 - padding; // const cardY = y0; // const renderList = []; // // Render Card // const card = game.add.geom.rect( // cardX, // cardY, // 0, // cardHeight, // colors.blueLight, // 0.5, // colors.blueDark, // 8 // ); // card.id = 'card'; // card.anchor(0, 0.5); // renderList.push(card); // // Fraction setup // // console.clear(); // // const [floorNominators, floorDenominators, floorLines, floorValue] = // // renderFloorFractions(self.floor.selectedIndex, divisor); // console.log(self); // const [stackNominators, stackDenominators, stackLines, stackValue] = // renderStackFractions(self.circles.cur - 1); // const renderFloorOperationLine = (x) => { // font.fill = colors.black; // const floorNom = game.add.text(x + offsetX / 2, y0, '', font, 60); // const floorDenom = game.add.text( // x + offsetX / 2, // y0 + 70, // '', // font, // 60 // ); // const floorLin = game.add.text( // x + offsetX / 2, // y0 + 35, // xyz(), // font, // 60 // ); // renderList.push(floorNom); // renderList.push(floorDenom); // renderList.push(floorLin); // return; // // font.fill = colors.black; // // const floorNom = game.add.text( // // x + offsetX / 2, // // y0, // // floorNominators, // // font, // // 60 // // ); // // const floorDenom = game.add.text( // // x + offsetX / 2, // // y0 + 70, // // floorDenominators, // // font, // // 60 // // ); // // const floorLin = game.add.text( // // x + offsetX / 2, // // y0 + 35, // // floorLines, // // font, // // 60 // // ); // // renderList.push(floorNom); // // renderList.push(floorDenom); // // renderList.push(floorLin); // }; // const renderStackOperationLine = (x) => { // font.fill = colors.black; // const stackNom = game.add.text( // x + offsetX / 2, // y0, // stackNominators, // font, // 60 // ); // const stackDenom = game.add.text( // x + offsetX / 2, // y0 + 70, // stackDenominators, // font, // 60 // ); // const stackLin = game.add.text( // x + offsetX / 2, // y0 + 35, // stackLines, // font, // 60 // ); // renderList.push(stackNom); // renderList.push(stackDenom); // renderList.push(stackLin); // }; // // Render LEFT part of the operation // // if (gameMode === 'a') renderFloorOperationLine(x0); // // else renderStackOperationLine(x0); // renderFloorOperationLine(x0); // // let curNominators = gameMode === 'a' ? floorNominators : stackNominators; // let curNominators = '1'; // nextX = x0 + (curNominators.length + 2) * widthOfChar; // // Render middle sign - equal by default // font.fill = colors.green; // let comparisonSign = '='; // // Render middle sign - if not equal // // if (floorValue != stackValue) { // // font.fill = colors.red; // // let leftSideIsLarger = floorValue > stackValue; // // if (gameMode === 'b') leftSideIsLarger = !leftSideIsLarger; // // if (gameOperation === 'minus') leftSideIsLarger = !leftSideIsLarger; // // comparisonSign = leftSideIsLarger ? '>' : '<'; // // } // renderList.push(game.add.text(nextX, y0 + 35, comparisonSign, font)); // // Render RIGHT part of the operationf // // if (gameMode === 'a') // renderStackOperationLine(nextX); // // else renderFloorOperationLine(nextX); // curNominators = gameMode === 'a' ? stackNominators : floorNominators; // const resultWidth = (curNominators.length + 2) * widthOfChar; // const cardWidth = nextX - x0 + resultWidth + padding * 2; // card.width = cardWidth; // const endSignX = (context.canvas.width - cardWidth) / 2 + cardWidth; // // Center Card // moveList(renderList, (context.canvas.width - cardWidth) / 2, 0); // self.fractionOperationUI = renderList; // return endSignX; // }, renderEndUI: () => { let btnColor = colors.green; let btnText = game.lang.continue; if (!self.control.isCorrect) { btnColor = colors.red; btnText = game.lang.retry; } // continue button self.ui.continue.button = game.add.geom.rect( context.canvas.width / 2, context.canvas.height / 2 + 100, 450, 100, btnColor ); self.ui.continue.button.anchor(0.5, 0.5); self.ui.continue.text = game.add.text( context.canvas.width / 2, context.canvas.height / 2 + 16 + 100, btnText, textStyles.btn ); }, // UPDATE animateKidHandler: function () { let canLowerCircles = undefined; let curCircle = self.circles.list[self.circles.cur]; let curDirec = curCircle.info.direc; // Move self.circles.list.forEach((circle) => { circle.x += self.animation.walkOffsetX * curDirec; }); self.kid.x += self.animation.walkOffsetX * curDirec; self.walkedPath[self.control.curWalkedPath].width += self.animation.walkOffsetX * curDirec; // Update arc curCircle.info.angleDegree += self.animation.angleOffset * curDirec; curCircle.angleEnd = game.math.degreeToRad(curCircle.info.angleDegree); // When finish current circle if (curCircle.info.direction === 'right') { canLowerCircles = curCircle.x >= self.control.nextX; } else if (curCircle.info.direction === 'left') { canLowerCircles = curCircle.x <= self.control.nextX; // If just changed from 'right' to 'left' inform to change direction of kid animation if ( self.animation.invertDirection === undefined && self.circles.cur > 0 && self.circles.list[self.circles.cur - 1].info.direction === 'right' ) { self.animation.invertDirection = true; } } // Change direction of kid animation if (self.animation.invertDirection) { self.animation.invertDirection = false; game.animation.stop(self.kid.animation[0]); self.kid.animation = self.animation.list.left; self.kid.curFrame = 23; game.animation.play('left'); self.control.curWalkedPath = 1; self.utils.renderWalkedPath( curCircle.x, self.walkedPath[0].y + 8, colors.red ); } if (canLowerCircles) { // Hide current circle curCircle.alpha = 0; // Lowers kid and other circles self.circles.list.forEach((circle) => { circle.y += self.circles.diameter; }); self.kid.y += self.circles.diameter; self.circles.cur++; // Update index of current circle if (self.circles.list[self.circles.cur]) { curCircle = self.circles.list[self.circles.cur]; curDirec = curCircle.info.direc; self.control.nextX += curCircle.info.distance * curDirec; // Update next position } } // When finish all circles (final position) if ( self.circles.cur === self.circles.list.length || curCircle.alpha === 0 ) { self.animation.animateKid = false; self.control.checkAnswer = true; } }, checkAnswerHandler: function () { game.timer.stop(); game.animation.stop(self.kid.animation[0]); self.control.isCorrect = game.math.isOverlap(self.basket, self.kid); const x = self.utils.renderOperationUI(); if (self.control.isCorrect) { completedLevels++; self.kid.curFrame = self.kid.curFrame < 12 ? 24 : 25; if (audioStatus) game.audio.okSound.play(); game.add .image(x + 50, context.canvas.height / 3, 'answer_correct') .anchor(0.5, 0.5); if (isDebugMode) console.log('Completed Levels: ' + completedLevels); } else { if (audioStatus) game.audio.errorSound.play(); game.add .image(x, context.canvas.height / 3, 'answer_wrong') .anchor(0.5, 0.5); } self.fetch.postScore(); self.control.checkAnswer = false; self.animation.counter = 0; self.animation.animateBalloon = true; }, animateBalloonHandler: function () { self.animation.counter++; self.balloon.y -= 2; self.basket.y -= 2; if (self.control.isCorrect) self.kid.y -= 2; if (self.animation.counter === 100) { self.utils.renderEndUI(); self.control.showEndInfo = true; if (self.control.isCorrect) canGoToNextMapPosition = true; else canGoToNextMapPosition = false; } }, endLevel: function () { game.state.start('map'); }, // INFORMATION /** * Show correct answer */ showAnswer: function () { if (!self.control.hasClicked) { // On gameMode (a) if (gameMode === 'a') { self.ui.help.x = self.control.correctX - 20; self.ui.help.y = self.road.defaultY; // On gameMode (b) } else { self.ui.help.x = self.circles.list[self.control.correctIndex - 1].x; self.ui.help.y = self.circles.list[self.control.correctIndex - 1].y; // - self.circles.diameter / 2; } self.ui.help.alpha = 1; } }, // HANDLERS /** * (in gameMode 'b') Function called when player clicked over a valid circle * * @param {number|object} cur clicked circle */ clickCircleHandler: function (cur) { if (!self.control.hasClicked) { // On gameMode (a) if (gameMode === 'a') { self.balloon.x = cur; self.basket.x = cur; } // On gameMode (b) if (gameMode === 'b') { document.body.style.cursor = 'auto'; for (let i in self.circles.list) { if (i <= cur.index) { self.circles.list[i].alpha = 1; // Keep selected circle self.control.selectedIndex = cur.index; } else { self.circles.list[i].alpha = 0; // Hide unselected circle self.kid.y += self.circles.diameter; // Lower kid to selected circle } } } if (audioStatus) game.audio.popSound.play(); // Hide fractions if (showFractions) { self.circles.list.forEach((circle) => { circle.info.fraction.labels.forEach((labelPart) => { if (labelPart) labelPart.alpha = 0; }); }); } // Hide solution pointer if (self.ui.help != undefined) self.ui.help.alpha = 0; self.ui.message[0].alpha = 0; navigation.disableIcon(navigation.showAnswerIcon); self.balloon.alpha = 1; self.basket.alpha = 1; self.walkedPath[self.control.curWalkedPath].alpha = 1; self.control.hasClicked = true; self.animation.animateKid = true; game.animation.play(self.kid.animation[0]); } }, /** * (in gameMode 'b') Function called when cursor is over a valid circle * * @param {object} cur circle the cursor is over */ overCircleHandler: function (cur) { if (!self.control.hasClicked) { document.body.style.cursor = 'pointer'; for (let i in self.circles.list) { const alpha = i <= cur.index ? 1 : 0.4; self.circles.list[i].alpha = alpha; if (showFractions) { self.circles.list[i].info.fraction.labels.forEach((lbl) => { if (lbl) lbl.alpha = alpha; }); } } } }, /** * (in gameMode 'b') Function called when cursor leaves a valid circle */ outCircleHandler: function () { if (!self.control.hasClicked) { document.body.style.cursor = 'auto'; const alpha = 1; self.circles.list.forEach((circle) => { circle.alpha = alpha; if (showFractions) { circle.info.fraction.labels.forEach((lbl) => { if (lbl) lbl.alpha = alpha; }); } }); } }, }, events: { /** * Called by mouse click event * * @param {object} mouseEvent contains the mouse click coordinates */ onInputDown: function (mouseEvent) { const x = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).x; const y = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).y; const isValidX = y > 150 && x >= self.road.x && x < self.road.x + self.road.width; // GAME MODE A : click road if (gameMode === 'a' && isValidX) { self.utils.clickCircleHandler( // self.blocks.cur.x + self.blocks.cur.width / 2 self.blocks.cur.x + self.blocks.cur.width ); } // GAME MODE B : click circle if (gameMode === 'b') { self.circles.list.forEach((circle) => { const isValid = game.math.distanceToPointer( x, circle.xWithAnchor, y, circle.yWithAnchor ) <= (circle.diameter / 2) * circle.scale; if (isValid) self.utils.clickCircleHandler(circle); }); } // Continue button if (self.control.showEndInfo) { if (game.math.isOverIcon(x, y, self.ui.continue.button)) { if (audioStatus) game.audio.popSound.play(); self.utils.endLevel(); } } navigation.onInputDown(x, y); game.render.all(); }, /** * Called by mouse move event * * @param {object} mouseEvent contains the mouse move coordinates */ onInputOver: function (mouseEvent) { const x = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).x; const y = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).y; let isOverCircle = false; const isValidX = x >= self.road.x && x < self.road.x + self.road.width; // GAME MODE A : balloon follow mouse if (gameMode === 'a' && !self.control.hasClicked && isValidX) { self.blocks.cur = self.blocks.list[0]; self.blocks.list.forEach((cur) => { cur.fillColor = cur.x < x ? colors.red : 'transparent'; if (x >= cur.x && x < cur.x + cur.width) self.blocks.cur = cur; }); // const newX = self.blocks.cur.x + self.blocks.cur.width / 2; const newX = self.blocks.cur.x + self.blocks.cur.width; self.balloon.x = newX; self.basket.x = newX; document.body.style.cursor = 'auto'; } // GAME MODE B : hover circle if (gameMode === 'b' && !self.control.hasClicked) { self.circles.list.forEach((circle) => { const isValid = game.math.distanceToPointer( x, circle.xWithAnchor, y, circle.yWithAnchor ) <= (circle.diameter / 2) * circle.scale; if (isValid) { self.utils.overCircleHandler(circle); isOverCircle = true; } }); if (!isOverCircle) self.utils.outCircleHandler(); } // Continue button if (self.control.showEndInfo) { if (game.math.isOverIcon(x, y, self.ui.continue.button)) { // If pointer is over icon document.body.style.cursor = 'pointer'; self.ui.continue.button.scale = self.ui.continue.button.initialScale * 1.1; self.ui.continue.text.style = textStyles.btnLg; } else { // If pointer is not over icon document.body.style.cursor = 'auto'; self.ui.continue.button.scale = self.ui.continue.button.initialScale * 1; self.ui.continue.text.style = textStyles.btn; } } navigation.onInputOver(x, y); game.render.all(); }, }, fetch: { /** * Saves players data after level ends - to be sent to database
* * Attention: the 'line_' prefix data table must be compatible to data table fields (MySQL server) * * @see /php/squareOne.js */ postScore: function () { // Creates string that is going to be sent to db const data = '&line_game=' + gameShape + '&line_mode=' + gameMode + '&line_oper=' + gameOperation + '&line_leve=' + gameDifficulty + '&line_posi=' + curMapPosition + '&line_resu=' + self.control.isCorrect + '&line_time=' + game.timer.elapsed + '&line_deta=' + 'numCircles:' + self.circles.list.length + ', valCircles: ' + self.control.divisorsList + ' balloonX: ' + self.basket.x + ', selIndex: ' + self.control.selectedIndex; // FOR MOODLE sendToDatabase(data); }, }, };