/****************************** * This file holds game states. ******************************/ /** [GAME STATE] * * .....circleOne.... = gameName * ....../....\...... * .....a......a..... = gameMode * .......\./........ * ........|......... * ....../.|.\....... * .plus.minus.mixed. = gameOperation * ......\.|./....... * ........|......... * ....1,2,3,4,5..... = gameDifficulty * * Character : kid/balloon * Theme : flying in a balloon * Concept : 'How much the kid has to walk to get to the balloon?' * Represent fractions as : circles/arcs * * Game modes can be : * * a : Player can place balloon position * Place balloon in position (so the kid can get to it) * b : Player can select # of circles * Selects number of circles (that represent distance kid needs to walk to get to the balloon) * * Operations can be : * * plus : addition of fractions * Represented by : kid going to the right (floor positions 0..5) * minus : subtraction of fractions * Represented by: kid going to the left (floor positions 5..0) * mixed : Mix addition and subtraction of fractions in same * Represented by: kid going to the left (floor positions 0..5) * * @namespace */ const circleOne = { /** * Main code */ divisorsList: undefined, road: undefined, control: undefined, animation: undefined, walkedPath: undefined, circles: undefined, balloonX: undefined, divisorsList: undefined, // end b only kid: undefined, balloon: undefined, basket: undefined, help: undefined, create: function () { this.divisorsList = ''; this.road = { x: 150, y: context.canvas.height - game.image['floor_grass'].width * 1.5, width: 1620, }; const validPath = { x0: undefined, y0: undefined, distanceBetweenPoints: undefined, }; const pointWidth = (game.sprite['map_place'].width / 2) * 0.45; validPath.distanceBetweenPoints = (context.canvas.width - this.road.x * 2 - pointWidth) / 5; // Distance between road points validPath.y0 = this.road.y + 20; validPath.x0 = gameOperation == 'minus' ? this.road.x + 5 * validPath.distanceBetweenPoints - pointWidth / 2 : this.road.x + pointWidth / 2; // Initial 'x' coordinate for the kid and the baloon const diameter = game.math.getRadiusFromCircunference(validPath.distanceBetweenPoints) * 2; // (Fixed) diameter for circles this.circles = { diameter: diameter, radius: diameter / 2, cur: 0, // Current circle index list: [], // Circles objects of current level }; this.control = { checkAnswer: false, // Check kid inside ballon's basket hasClicked: false, // Air ballon positioned result: false, // Game is correct correctX: validPath.x0, // Ending position, is accumulative nextX: undefined, hasBaseDifficulty: false, // Will validate that level isnt too easy (has at least one '1/difficulty' fraction) endIndex: null, // mode 'b' exclusive fractionIndex: -1, // Index of clicked circle (game (b)) numberOfPlusFractions: undefined, }; const walkOffsetX = 2; const walksPerDistanceBetweenPoints = validPath.distanceBetweenPoints / walkOffsetX; const angleOffset = 360 / walksPerDistanceBetweenPoints; this.animation = { list: { left: undefined, right: undefined, }, invertDirection: undefined, animateKid: false, animateBalloon: false, counter: undefined, walkOffsetX: walkOffsetX, angleOffset: angleOffset, }; renderBackground('farmRoad'); this.utils.renderRoad(validPath); // Calls function that loads navigation icons // FOR MOODLE if (moodle) { navigationIcons.add( false, false, false, // Left buttons true, false, // Right buttons false, false ); } else { navigationIcons.add( true, true, true, // Left buttons true, false, // Right buttons 'customMenu', this.utils.showAnswer ); } this.restart = this.utils.renderCircles(validPath); this.utils.renderCharacters(validPath); // Help pointer this.help = game.add.image(0, 0, 'pointer', 0.5); this.help.anchor(0.5, 0); this.help.alpha = 0; // Text game.add.text( context.canvas.width / 2, 200, 'Onde o balão deve ficar para que o menino consiga chegar até ele?', textStyles.h1_ ); if (!this.restart) { game.timer.start(); // Set a timer for the current level (used in postScore()) game.event.add('click', this.events.onInputDown); game.event.add('mousemove', this.events.onInputOver); } }, /** * Game loop */ update: function () { // Start animation if (self.animation.animateKid) { let lowerCircles = undefined; let curCircle = self.circles.list[self.circles.cur]; let curDirec = curCircle.info.direc; // Move self.circles.list.forEach((circle) => { circle.x += this.animation.walkOffsetX * curDirec; }); self.kid.x += this.animation.walkOffsetX * curDirec; self.walkedPath.width += this.animation.walkOffsetX * curDirec; self.walkedPath.lineColor = curCircle.lineColor; // Update arc curCircle.info.angleDegree += this.animation.angleOffset * curDirec; curCircle.angleEnd = game.math.degreeToRad(curCircle.info.angleDegree); // When finish current circle if (curCircle.info.direction === 'right') { lowerCircles = curCircle.x >= self.control.nextX; } else if (curCircle.info.direction === 'left') { lowerCircles = curCircle.x <= self.control.nextX; // If just changed from 'right' to 'left' inform to change direction of kid animation if ( self.animation.invertDirection === undefined && self.circles.cur > 0 && self.circles.list[self.circles.cur - 1].info.direction === 'right' ) { self.animation.invertDirection = true; } } // Change direction of kid animation if (self.animation.invertDirection) { self.animation.invertDirection = false; game.animation.stop(self.kid.animation[0]); self.kid.animation = self.animation.list.left; self.kid.curFrame = 23; game.animation.play('left'); } if (lowerCircles) { // Hide current circle curCircle.alpha = 0; // Lowers kid and other circles self.circles.list.forEach((circle) => { circle.y += self.circles.diameter; }); self.kid.y += self.circles.diameter; self.circles.cur++; // Update index of current circle if (self.circles.list[self.circles.cur]) { curCircle = self.circles.list[self.circles.cur]; curDirec = curCircle.info.direc; self.control.nextX += curCircle.info.distance * curDirec; // Update next position } } // When finish all circles (final position) if ( self.circles.cur === self.circles.list.length || curCircle.alpha == 0 ) { self.animation.animateKid = false; self.control.checkAnswer = true; } } // Check if kid is inside the basket if (self.control.checkAnswer) { game.timer.stop(); game.animation.stop(self.kid.animation[0]); if (self.utils.isOverlap(self.basket, self.kid)) { self.control.result = true; // Answer is correct self.kid.curFrame = self.kid.curFrame < 12 ? 24 : 25; if (audioStatus) game.audio.okSound.play(); game.add .image( context.canvas.width / 2, context.canvas.height / 2, 'answer_correct' ) .anchor(0.5, 0.5); completedLevels++; if (isDebugMode) console.log('Completed Levels: ' + completedLevels); } else { self.control.result = false; // Answer is incorrect if (audioStatus) game.audio.errorSound.play(); game.add .image( context.canvas.width / 2, context.canvas.height / 2, 'answer_wrong' ) .anchor(0.5, 0.5); } self.server.postScore(); self.animation.animateBalloon = true; self.control.checkAnswer = false; self.animation.counter = 0; } // Balloon flying animation if (self.animation.animateBalloon) { self.animation.counter++; self.balloon.y -= 2; self.basket.y -= 2; if (self.control.result) self.kid.y -= 2; if (self.animation.counter >= 140) { if (self.control.result) canGoToNextMapPosition = true; else canGoToNextMapPosition = false; game.state.start('map'); } } game.render.all(); }, events: { /** * Called by mouse click event * * @param {object} mouseEvent contains the mouse click coordinates */ onInputDown: function (mouseEvent) { const x = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).x; const y = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).y; // GAME MODE A : click road if (gameMode == 'a') { const valid = y > 150 && x >= self.road.x && x <= self.road.x + self.road.width; if (valid) self.utils.clickHandler(x); } // GAME MODE B : click circle if (gameMode == 'b') { self.circles.list.forEach((circle) => { const valid = game.math.distanceToPointer( x, circle.xWithAnchor, y, circle.yWithAnchor ) <= (cur.diameter / 2) * circle.scale; if (valid) self.utils.clickHandler(circle); }); } navigationIcons.onInputDown(x, y); game.render.all(); }, /** * Called by mouse move event * * @param {object} mouseEvent contains the mouse move coordinates */ onInputOver: function (mouseEvent) { const x = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).x; const y = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).y; let flag = false; // GAME MODE A : balloon follow mouse if (gameMode == 'a' && !self.control.hasClicked) { if ( game.math.distanceToPointer(x, self.balloon.x, y, self.balloon.y) > 8 ) { self.balloon.x = x; self.basket.x = x; } document.body.style.cursor = 'auto'; } // GAME MODE B : hover circle if (gameMode == 'b' && !self.control.hasClicked) { self.circles.list.forEach((circle) => { const valid = game.math.distanceToPointer( x, circle.xWithAnchor, y, circle.yWithAnchor ) <= (circle.diameter / 2) * circle.scale; if (valid) { self.utils.overCircleHandler(circle); flag = true; } }); if (!flag) self.utils.outCircleHandler(); } navigationIcons.onInputOver(x, y); game.render.all(); }, }, server: { /** * Saves players data after level ends - to be sent to database
* * Attention: the 'line_' prefix data table must be compatible to data table fields (MySQL server) * * @see /php/squareOne.js */ postScore: function () { // Creates string that is going to be sent to db const data = '&line_game=' + gameShape + '&line_mode=' + gameMode + '&line_oper=' + gameOperation + '&line_leve=' + gameDifficulty + '&line_posi=' + curMapPosition + '&line_resu=' + self.control.result + '&line_time=' + game.timer.elapsed + '&line_deta=' + 'numCircles:' + self.circles.list.length + ', valCircles: ' + self.divisorsList + ' balloonX: ' + self.basket.x + ', selIndex: ' + self.control.fractionIndex; // FOR MOODLE sendToDatabase(data); }, }, utils: { renderRoad: function (validPath) { // Road points const directionModifier = gameOperation === 'minus' ? -1 : 1; for (let i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { game.add .sprite( validPath.x0 + i * validPath.distanceBetweenPoints * directionModifier, validPath.y0, 'map_place', 0, 0.45 ) .anchor(0.5, 0.5); game.add.geom .circle( validPath.x0 + i * validPath.distanceBetweenPoints * directionModifier, validPath.y0 + 55, 50, undefined, 0, colors.white, 0.7 ) .anchor(0, 0.25); game.add.text( validPath.x0 + i * validPath.distanceBetweenPoints * directionModifier, validPath.y0 + 55, i, { ...textStyles.h2_, font: 'bold ' + textStyles.h2_.font, fill: directionModifier == 1 ? colors.green : colors.red, } ); } self.walkedPath = game.add.geom.rect( validPath.x0 - 1, validPath.y0, 1, 1, colors.blue, 2 ); self.walkedPath.alpha = 0; }, renderCircles: function (validPath) { // Balloon place let restart = false; const directionModifier = gameOperation == 'minus' ? -1 : 1; const fractionX = validPath.x0 + self.circles.diameter * directionModifier - 15 * directionModifier; const font = { ...textStyles.h3_, font: 'bold ' + textStyles.h2_.font, }; self.balloonX = context.canvas.width / 2; // Number of circles const max = gameOperation == 'mixed' || gameMode == 'b' ? 6 : curMapPosition + 1; const min = gameOperation == 'mixed' && curMapPosition < 2 ? 2 : curMapPosition; // Mixed level has at least 2 fractions const total = game.math.randomInRange(min, max); // Total number of circles // for mode 'b' self.control.numberOfPlusFractions = game.math.randomInRange( 1, total - 1 ); for (let i = 0; i < total; i++) { let curDirection = undefined; let curLineColor = undefined; let curFillColor = undefined; let curAngleDegree = undefined; let curIsCounterclockwise = undefined; let curFractionItems = undefined; let curCircle = undefined; const curCircleInfo = { direction: undefined, direc: undefined, distance: undefined, angle: undefined, label: [], }; const curDivisor = game.math.randomInRange(1, gameDifficulty); // Set fraction 'divisor' (depends on difficulty) if (curDivisor === gameDifficulty) self.control.hasBaseDifficulty = true; // True if after for ends has at least 1 '1/difficulty' fraction self.divisorsList += curDivisor + ','; // Add this divisor to the list of divisors (for postScore()) // Set each circle direction switch (gameOperation) { case 'plus': curDirection = 'right'; break; case 'minus': curDirection = 'left'; break; case 'mixed': curDirection = i < self.control.numberOfPlusFractions ? 'right' : 'left'; break; } curCircleInfo.direction = curDirection; // Set each circle visual info if (curDirection === 'right') { curIsCounterclockwise = true; curLineColor = colors.green; curFillColor = colors.greenLight; curCircleInfo.direc = 1; } else { curIsCounterclockwise = false; curLineColor = colors.red; curFillColor = colors.redLight; curCircleInfo.direc = -1; } font.fill = curLineColor; const curCircleY = validPath.y0 - self.circles.diameter / 2 - i * self.circles.diameter; // Draw circles if (curDivisor === 1) { curAngleDegree = 360; curCircle = game.add.geom.circle( validPath.x0, curCircleY, self.circles.diameter, curLineColor, 3, curFillColor, 1 ); curCircle.counterclockwise = curIsCounterclockwise; curCircleInfo.angleDegree = curAngleDegree; curFractionItems = [ { y: curCircleY + 10, text: '1', }, ]; } else { curAngleDegree = 360 / curDivisor; if (curDirection === 'right') curAngleDegree = 360 - curAngleDegree; // counterclockwise equivalent curCircle = game.add.geom.arc( validPath.x0, curCircleY, self.circles.diameter, 0, game.math.degreeToRad(curAngleDegree), curIsCounterclockwise, curLineColor, 3, curFillColor, 1 ); curCircleInfo.angleDegree = curAngleDegree; curFractionItems = [ { y: curCircleY + 34, text: curDivisor, }, { y: curCircleY - 2, text: '1', }, { y: curCircleY - 2, text: '__', }, ]; } if (fractionLabel) { for (let item in curFractionItems) { curCircleInfo.label.push( game.add.text( fractionX, curFractionItems[item].y, curFractionItems[item].text, font ) ); } } curCircle.rotate = 90; // If game is type (b) (select fractions) if (gameMode == 'b') { curCircle.alpha = 0.5; curCircle.index = i; } curCircleInfo.distance = Math.floor( validPath.distanceBetweenPoints / curDivisor ); // Add to the list curCircle.info = curCircleInfo; self.circles.list.push(curCircle); self.control.correctX += Math.floor(validPath.distanceBetweenPoints / curDivisor) * curCircle.info.direc; } // Restart if // Does not have base difficulty if (!self.control.hasBaseDifficulty) { restart = true; } // Calculate next circle self.control.nextX = validPath.x0 + self.circles.list[0].info.distance * self.circles.list[0].info.direc; // Restart if // Correct position is out of bounds let isBeforeMin, isAfterMax; if (gameOperation === 'minus') { isBeforeMin = self.control.correctX > validPath.x0; isAfterMax = self.control.correctX < validPath.x0 - 3 * validPath.distanceBetweenPoints; } else { isBeforeMin = self.control.correctX < validPath.x0; isAfterMax = self.control.correctX > validPath.x0 + 3 * validPath.distanceBetweenPoints; } if (isBeforeMin || isAfterMax) { restart = true; } // If game is type (b), selectiong a random balloon place if (gameMode == 'b') { self.balloonX = validPath.x0; self.control.endIndex = game.math.randomInRange( self.control.numberOfPlusFractions, self.circles.list.length ); for (let i = 0; i < self.control.endIndex; i++) { self.balloonX += self.circles.list[i].info.distance * self.circles.list[i].info.direc; } // Restart if // Balloon position is out of bounds if (gameOperation === 'minus') { isBeforeMin = self.balloonX > validPath.x0; isAfterMax = self.balloonX < validPath.x0 - 3 * validPath.distanceBetweenPoints; } else { isBeforeMin = self.balloonX < validPath.x0; isAfterMax = self.balloonX > validPath.x0 + self.road.width; } if (isBeforeMin || isAfterMax) { restart = true; } } return restart; }, renderCharacters: function (validPath) { // KID self.kid = game.add.sprite( validPath.x0, validPath.y0 - 32 - self.circles.list.length * self.circles.diameter, 'kid_walking', 0, 1.2 ); self.kid.anchor(0.5, 0.8); self.animation.list.right = [ 'right', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], 4, ]; self.animation.list.left = [ 'left', [23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12], 4, ]; if (gameOperation == 'minus') { self.kid.animation = self.animation.list.left; self.kid.curFrame = 23; } else { self.kid.animation = self.animation.list.right; } // BALLOON self.balloon = game.add.image( self.balloonX, validPath.y0 - 295, 'balloon', 1.5, 0.5 ); self.balloon.alpha = 0.5; self.balloon.anchor(0.5, 0.5); self.basket = game.add.image( self.balloonX, validPath.y0 - 95, 'balloon_basket', 1.5 ); self.basket.anchor(0.5, 0.5); }, /** * (in gameMode 'b') Function called when player clicked over a valid circle * * @param {number|object} cur clicked circle */ clickHandler: function (cur) { if (!self.control.hasClicked) { // On gameMode (a) if (gameMode == 'a') { self.balloon.x = cur; self.basket.x = cur; } // On gameMode (b) if (gameMode == 'b') { document.body.style.cursor = 'auto'; for (let i in self.circles.list) { if (i <= cur.index) { self.circles.list[i].alpha = 1; // Keep selected circle self.control.fractionIndex = cur.index; } else { self.circles.list[i].alpha = 0; // Hide unselected circle self.kid.y += self.circles.diameter; // Lower kid to selected circle } } } if (audioStatus) game.audio.popSound.play(); // Hide fractions if (fractionLabel) { self.circles.list.forEach((circle) => { circle.info.label.forEach((labelPart) => { labelPart.alpha = 0; }); }); } // Hide solution pointer if (self.help != undefined) self.help.alpha = 0; self.balloon.alpha = 1; self.walkedPath.alpha = 1; self.control.hasClicked = true; self.animation.animateKid = true; game.animation.play(self.kid.animation[0]); } }, /** * (in gameMode 'b') Function called when cursor is over a valid circle * * @param {object} cur circle the cursor is over */ overCircleHandler: function (cur) { if (!self.control.hasClicked) { document.body.style.cursor = 'pointer'; for (let i in self.circles.list) { self.circles.list[i].alpha = i <= cur.index ? 1 : 0.5; } } }, /** * (in gameMode 'b') Function called when cursor leaves a valid circle */ outCircleHandler: function () { if (!self.control.hasClicked) { document.body.style.cursor = 'auto'; self.circles.list.forEach((circle) => { circle.alpha = 0.5; }); } }, /** * Checks if 2 images overlap * * @param {object} spriteA image 1 * @param {object} spriteB image 2 * * @returns {boolean} true if there is overlap */ isOverlap: function (spriteA, spriteB) { const xA = spriteA.x; const xB = spriteB.x; // Consider it comming from both sides if (Math.abs(xA - xB) > 14) return false; else return true; }, /** * Show correct answer */ showAnswer: function () { if (!self.control.hasClicked) { // On gameMode (a) if (gameMode == 'a') { self.help.x = self.control.correctX; self.help.y = 490; // On gameMode (b) } else { self.help.x = self.circles.list[self.control.endIndex - 1].x; self.help.y = self.circles.list[self.control.endIndex - 1].y - self.circles.diameter / 2; } self.help.alpha = 0.7; } }, }, };