/****************************** * This file holds game states. ******************************/ /** [GAME STATE] * * .squareTwo. = gameName * .../...\... * ..a.....b.. = gameMode * ....\./.... * .....|..... * ...minus.. = gameOperation * .....|..... * .1,2,3,4,5. = gameDifficulty * * Character : kid * Theme : (not themed) * Concept : player select equivalent dividends for fractions with different divisors * Represent fractions as : subdivided rectangles * * Game modes can be : * * a : equivalence of fractions * top has more subdivisions * b : equivalence of fractions * bottom has more subdivisions * * Operations : * * minus : Player selects equivalent fractions of both blocks * * @namespace */ const squareTwo = { /** * Main code */ create: function () { // CONTROL VARIABLES this.result = false; // Check if selected blocks are correct this.delay = 0; // Counter for game dalays this.endLevel = false; this.a = { blocks: [], // List of selection blocks auxBlocks: [], // List of shadow under selection blocks fractions: [], // Fraction numbers selected: 0, // Number of selected blocks for (a) hasClicked: false, // Check if player clicked blocks from (a) animate: false, // Animate blocks from (a) warningText: undefined, label: undefined, }; this.b = { blocks: [], auxBlocks: [], fractions: [], selected: 0, hasClicked: false, animate: false, warningText: undefined, label: undefined, }; // BACKGROUND AND KID renderBackground(); // Calls function that loads navigation icons // FOR MOODLE if (moodle) { navigationIcons.add( false, false, false, // Left buttons true, false, // Right buttons false, false ); } else { navigationIcons.add( true, true, false, // Left buttons true, false, // Right buttons 'customMenu', false ); } // Add kid this.kidAnimation = game.add.sprite( 100, context.canvas.height - 128 * 1.5, 'kid_standing', 5, 1.2 ); this.kidAnimation.anchor(0.5, 0.7); // Width and Height of (a) and (b) this.figureWidth = 400 * 1.5; const figureHeight = 50 * 1.5; // Coordinates for (a) and (b) let xA, xB, yA, yB; if (gameMode != 'b') { // More subdivisions on (b) xA = context.canvas.width / 2 - this.figureWidth / 2; yA = gameFrame().y; xB = xA; yB = yA + 3 * figureHeight + 30; } else { // More subdivisions on (a) xB = context.canvas.width / 2 - this.figureWidth / 2; yB = gameFrame().y; xA = xB; yA = yB + 3 * figureHeight + 30; } // Possible points for (a) const points = [2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20]; // Random index for 'points' const randomIndex = game.math.randomInRange( (gameDifficulty - 1) * 2 + 1, (gameDifficulty - 1) * 2 + 3 ); // Number of subdivisions of (a) and (b) (blocks) const totalBlocksA = points[randomIndex]; const totalBlocksB = game.math.randomDivisor(totalBlocksA); if (isDebugMode) { console.log( 'Difficulty: ' + gameDifficulty + '\ncur index: ' + randomIndex + ', (min index: ' + ((gameDifficulty - 1) * 2 + 1) + ', max index: ' + ((gameDifficulty - 1) * 2 + 3) + ')' + '\ntotal blocks a: ' + totalBlocksA + ', total blocks b: ' + totalBlocksB ); } // CREATING TOP FIGURE (a) let blockWidth = this.figureWidth / totalBlocksA; // Width of each block in (a) let lineColor = colors.redDark; let fillColor = colors.redLight; // Create blocks for (let i = 0; i < totalBlocksA; i++) { const x = xA + i * blockWidth; // Blocks const block = game.add.geom.rect( x, yA, blockWidth, figureHeight, lineColor, 2, fillColor, 0.5 ); block.figure = 'a'; block.index = i; block.finalX = xA; this.a.blocks.push(block); // Auxiliar blocks const alpha = fractionLabel ? 0.1 : 0; const yAux = yA + figureHeight + 10; // On the bottom of (a) const auxBlock = game.add.geom.rect( x, yAux, blockWidth, figureHeight, lineColor, 1, fillColor, alpha ); this.a.auxBlocks.push(auxBlock); } // 'total blocks' label for (a) : on the side of (a) let xLabel = xA + this.figureWidth + 30; let yLabel = yA + figureHeight / 2; this.a.label = game.add.text( xLabel, yLabel, this.a.blocks.length, textStyles.h4_blueDark ); // 'selected blocks/fraction' label for (a) : at the bottom of (a) yLabel = yA + figureHeight + 34; this.a.fractions[0] = game.add.text( xLabel, yLabel, '', textStyles.h4_blueDark ); this.a.fractions[1] = game.add.text( xLabel, yLabel + 21, '', textStyles.h4_blueDark ); this.a.fractions[2] = game.add.text( xLabel, yLabel, '___', textStyles.h4_blueDark ); this.a.fractions[0].alpha = 0; this.a.fractions[1].alpha = 0; this.a.fractions[2].alpha = 0; // CREATING BOTTOM FIGURE (b) blockWidth = this.figureWidth / totalBlocksB; // Width of each block in (b) lineColor = colors.greenDark; fillColor = colors.greenLight; // Blocks and auxiliar blocks for (let i = 0; i < totalBlocksB; i++) { const x = xB + i * blockWidth; // Blocks const block = game.add.geom.rect( x, yB, blockWidth, figureHeight, lineColor, 2, fillColor, 0.5 ); block.figure = 'b'; block.index = i; block.finalX = xB; this.b.blocks.push(block); // Auxiliar blocks const alpha = fractionLabel ? 0.1 : 0; const yAux = yB + figureHeight + 10; // On the bottom of (b) const auxBlock = game.add.geom.rect( x, yAux, blockWidth, figureHeight, lineColor, 1, fillColor, alpha ); this.b.auxBlocks.push(auxBlock); } // Label block (b) xLabel = xB + this.figureWidth + 30; yLabel = yB + figureHeight / 2; this.b.label = game.add.text( xLabel, yLabel, this.b.blocks.length, textStyles.h4_blueDark ); // Label fraction yLabel = yB + figureHeight + 34; this.b.fractions[0] = game.add.text( xLabel, yLabel, '', textStyles.h4_blueDark ); this.b.fractions[1] = game.add.text( xLabel, yLabel + 21, '', textStyles.h4_blueDark ); this.b.fractions[2] = game.add.text( xLabel, yLabel, '___', textStyles.h4_blueDark ); this.b.fractions[0].alpha = 0; this.b.fractions[1].alpha = 0; this.b.fractions[2].alpha = 0; // Invalid selection text this.a.warningText = game.add.text( context.canvas.width / 2, context.canvas.height / 2 - 225, '', textStyles.h4_brown ); this.b.warningText = game.add.text( context.canvas.width / 2, context.canvas.height / 2 - 45, '', textStyles.h4_brown ); game.timer.start(); // Set a timer for the current level (used in postScore) game.event.add('click', this.onInputDown); game.event.add('mousemove', this.onInputOver); }, /** * Game loop */ update: function () { // Animate blocks if (self.a.animate || self.b.animate) { ['a', 'b'].forEach((cur) => { if (self[cur].animate) { // Lower selected blocks for (let i = 0; i < self[cur].selected; i++) { self[cur].blocks[i].y += 2; } // After fully lowering blocks, set fraction value if (self[cur].blocks[0].y >= self[cur].auxBlocks[0].y) { self[cur].fractions[0].name = self[cur].selected; self[cur].animate = false; } } }); } // If (a) and (b) are already clicked if (self.a.hasClicked && self.b.hasClicked && !self.endLevel) { game.timer.stop(); self.delay++; // After delay is over, check result if (self.delay > 50) { self.result = self.a.selected / self.a.blocks.length == self.b.selected / self.b.blocks.length; // Fractions are equivalent : CORRECT if (self.result) { if (audioStatus) game.audio.okSound.play(); game.add .image( context.canvas.width / 2, context.canvas.height / 2, 'answer_correct' ) .anchor(0.5, 0.5); canGoToNextMapPosition = true; // Allow character to move to next level in map state completedLevels++; if (isDebugMode) console.log('Completed Levels: ' + completedLevels); // Fractions are not equivalent : INCORRECT } else { if (audioStatus) game.audio.errorSound.play(); game.add .image( context.canvas.width / 2, context.canvas.height / 2, 'answer_wrong' ) .anchor(0.5, 0.5); canGoToNextMapPosition = false; // Doesnt allow character to move to next level in map state } self.postScore(); self.endLevel = true; // Reset delay values for next delay self.delay = 0; } } // Wait a bit and go to map state if (self.endLevel) { self.delay++; if (self.delay >= 80) { game.state.start('map'); } } game.render.all(); }, /** * Function called by self.onInputOver() when cursor is over a valid rectangle. * * @param {object} curBlock rectangle the cursor is over : can be self.a.blocks[i] or self.b.blocks[i] */ overSquare: function (curBlock) { const curSet = curBlock.figure; // 'a' || 'b' if (!self[curSet].hasClicked) { // self.a.hasClicked || self.b.hasClicked // If over fraction 'n/n' shows warning message not allowing it if (curBlock.index == self[curSet].blocks.length - 1) { const otherSet = curSet == 'a' ? 'b' : 'a'; self[curSet].warningText.name = game.lang.s2_error_msg; self[otherSet].warningText.name = ''; self.outSquare(curSet); } else { document.body.style.cursor = 'pointer'; self.a.warningText.name = ''; self.b.warningText.name = ''; // Selected blocks become fully visible for (let i in self[curSet].blocks) { self[curSet].blocks[i].alpha = i <= curBlock.index ? 1 : 0.5; } self[curSet].fractions[0].name = curBlock.index + 1; // Nominator : selected blocks self[curSet].fractions[1].name = self[curSet].blocks.length; // Denominator : total blocks const newX = curBlock.finalX + (curBlock.index + 1) * (self.figureWidth / self[curSet].blocks.length) + 25; self[curSet].fractions[0].x = newX; self[curSet].fractions[1].x = newX; self[curSet].fractions[2].x = newX; self[curSet].fractions[0].alpha = 1; } } }, /** * Function called (by self.onInputOver() and self.overSquare()) when cursor is out of a valid rectangle. * * @param {object} curSet set of rectangles : can be top (self.a) or bottom (self.b) */ outSquare: function (curSet) { if (!self[curSet].hasClicked) { self[curSet].fractions[0].alpha = 0; self[curSet].fractions[1].alpha = 0; self[curSet].fractions[2].alpha = 0; self[curSet].blocks.forEach((cur) => { cur.alpha = 0.5; }); } }, /** * Function called by self.onInputDown() when player clicked a valid rectangle. * * @param {object} curBlock clicked rectangle : can be self.a.blocks[i] or self.b.blocks[i] */ clickSquare: function (curBlock) { const curSet = curBlock.figure; // 'a' || 'b' if ( !self[curSet].hasClicked && curBlock.index != self[curSet].blocks.length - 1 ) { document.body.style.cursor = 'auto'; // Turn auxiliar blocks invisible for (let i in self[curSet].blocks) { if (i > curBlock.index) self[curSet].auxBlocks[i].alpha = 0; } // Turn value label invisible self[curSet].label.alpha = 0; if (audioStatus) game.audio.popSound.play(); // Save number of selected blocks self[curSet].selected = curBlock.index + 1; // Set fraction x position const newX = curBlock.finalX + self[curSet].selected * (self.figureWidth / self[curSet].blocks.length) + 25; self[curSet].fractions[0].x = newX; self[curSet].fractions[1].x = newX; self[curSet].fractions[2].x = newX; self[curSet].fractions[1].alpha = 1; self[curSet].fractions[2].alpha = 1; self[curSet].hasClicked = true; // Inform player have clicked in current block set self[curSet].animate = true; // Let it initiate animation } game.render.all(); }, /** * Called by mouse click event * * @param {object} mouseEvent contains the mouse click coordinates */ onInputDown: function (mouseEvent) { const x = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).x; const y = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).y; // Click block in (a) self.a.blocks.forEach((cur) => { if (game.math.isOverIcon(x, y, cur)) self.clickSquare(cur); }); // Click block in (b) self.b.blocks.forEach((cur) => { if (game.math.isOverIcon(x, y, cur)) self.clickSquare(cur); }); // Click navigation icons navigationIcons.onInputDown(x, y); game.render.all(); }, /** * Called by mouse move event * * @param {object} mouseEvent contains the mouse move coordinates */ onInputOver: function (mouseEvent) { const x = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).x; const y = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).y; let flagA = false; let flagB = false; // Mouse over (a) : show fraction self.a.blocks.forEach((cur) => { if (game.math.isOverIcon(x, y, cur)) { flagA = true; self.overSquare(cur); } }); if (!flagA) self.outSquare('a'); // Mouse over (b) : show fraction self.b.blocks.forEach((cur) => { if (game.math.isOverIcon(x, y, cur)) { flagB = true; self.overSquare(cur); } }); if (!flagB) self.outSquare('b'); if (!flagA && !flagB) document.body.style.cursor = 'auto'; // Mouse over navigation icons : show name navigationIcons.onInputOver(x, y); game.render.all(); }, /** * Saves players data after level ends - to be sent to database.
* * Attention: the 'line_' prefix data table must be compatible to data table fields (MySQL server) * * @see /php/save.php */ postScore: function () { // Creates string that is going to be sent to db const data = '&line_game=' + gameShape + '&line_mode=' + gameMode + '&line_oper=Equal' + '&line_leve=' + gameDifficulty + '&line_posi=' + curMapPosition + '&line_resu=' + self.result + '&line_time=' + game.timer.elapsed + '&line_deta=' + 'numBlocksA: ' + self.a.blocks.length + ', valueA: ' + self.a.selected + ', numBlocksB: ' + self.b.blocks.length + ', valueB: ' + self.b.selected; // FOR MOODLE sendToDatabase(data); }, };