/* let gameSquareOne = { create: function(){}, update: function(){}, ---------------------------- end of phaser functions func_overSquare: function(){}, func_outSquare: function(){}, func_clickSquare: function(){}, //func_setPlace: function(){}, //func_checkOverlap: function(){} //func_getRndDivisor: function(){} func_viewHelp: function(){}, func_updateCounter: function(){}, func_postScore: function(){}, }; GAME LEVELS - SQUARE I & II: tractor level Name of game state : 'squareOne' Shape : square Character : tractor Theme : farm Concept : Player associates 'blocks carried by the tractor' and 'floor spaces to be filled by them' Represent fractions as : blocks # of different difficulties for each level : 3 Levels can be : 'A' or 'B' (in variable 'levelType') A : Player can select # of 'floor blocks' (hole in the ground) Selects size of hole to be made in the ground (to fill with the blocks in front of the truck) B : Player can select # of 'stacked blocks' (in front of the truck) Selects number of blocks in front of the truck (to fill the hole on the ground) Sublevels can be : 'Plus' or 'Minus' (in variable 'sublevelType') Plus : addition of fractions Represented by : tractor going to the right (floor positions 0..8) Minus : subtraction of fractions Represented by: tractor going to the left (floor positions 8..0) */ let gameSquareOne = { create: function () { // CONTROL VARIABLES self = this; // saves a reference to gameSquareOne : to be used in functions called by phaser events this.checkAnswer = false; // When true allows game to run 'check answer' code in update this.animate = false; // When true allows game to run 'tractor animation' code in update (turns animation of the moving tractor ON/OFF) this.animateEnding = false; // When true allows game to run 'tractor ending animation' code in update (turns 'ending' animation of the moving tractor ON/OFF) this.animateCount = 0; // A 'x' position counter used in the final tractor animation this.hasClicked = false; // Checks if player 'clicked' on a block this.result = false; // Checks player 'answer' let hasBaseDifficulty = false; // Checks if level is too easy for its difficulty this.divisorsList = ""; // Hold the divisors for each fraction on stacked blocks (created for func_postScore) this.DIREC_LEVEL = (sublevelType == 'Minus') ? -1 : 1; // Will be multiplied to values to easily change tractor direction when needed this.animationSṕeed = 2 * this.DIREC_LEVEL; // Distance in which the tractor moves in each iteration of the animation // GAME VARIABLES const defaultBlockWidth = 80; // Base block width const defaultBlockHeight = 40; // Base block height const startX = (sublevelType == 'Minus') ? 730 : 170; // Initial 'x' coordinate for the tractor and the blocks // BACKGROUND AND TRACTOR // Add background image game.add.image(0, 0, 'bgimage'); // Add clouds game.add.image(300, 100, 'cloud'); game.add.image(660, 80, 'cloud'); game.add.image(110, 85, 'cloud').scale.setTo(0.8); // Add floor of grass for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) { game.add.image(i * 100, 501, 'floor'); } // Calls function that loads navigation icons iconSettings.func_addIcons(true, true, true, true, true, true, false, 'difficulty', this.func_viewHelp); // Add tractor this.tractor = game.add.sprite(startX, 445, 'tractor'); this.tractor.scale.setTo(0.8); if (sublevelType == 'Plus') { this.tractor.anchor.setTo(1, 0.5); this.tractor.animations.add('run', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]); } else { this.tractor.anchor.setTo(0, 0.5); this.tractor.animations.add('run', [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]); this.tractor.frame = 5; } // FLOOR BLOCKS variables this.floor_blocks = game.add.group(); // Group of 'floor' blocks this.floor_numBlocks; // Total of 'floor' blocks of the level this.floor_correctIndex; // In levelType 'A' will save the index of the correct 'floor' block this.floor_index = -1; // In levelType 'A' will save the index of the selected 'floor' block this.floor_curIndex = 0; this.floor_correctPositionX = startX + defaultBlockWidth * this.DIREC_LEVEL; // x coodinate of correct block (accumulative) // STACKED BLOCKS variables this.stck_blocks = game.add.group(); // Group of 'stacked' blocks this.stck_numBlocks; // Total of 'stacked' blocks of the level this.stck_correctIndex; // In levelType 'B' will save the index of the correct 'stacked' block this.stck_index = -1; // In levelType 'B' will save the index of the selected 'stacked' block this.stck_curIndex = 0; this.stck_fractionLines = game.add.group(); // Group of sprites that serves as line in the middle of a fraction this.stck_blockLabels = game.add.group(); // Group of labels that display fraction on side of stacked blocks this.nextStartX; // CREATING STACKED BLOCKS // Maximum number of stacked blocks for the level const max = (levelType == 'B') ? 10 : mapPosition + 4; // Set total number of stacked blocks for the level this.stck_numBlocks = game.rnd.integerInRange(mapPosition + 2, max); if (debugMode) console.log("Stacked blocks: " + this.stck_numBlocks + " (min: " + (mapPosition + 2) + ", max: " + max + ")"); let stck_finalPosition = startX + defaultBlockWidth * this.DIREC_LEVEL; for (let i = 0; i < this.stck_numBlocks; i++) { // Set divisor of fraction for the current block (depends on difficulty) let divisor = game.rnd.integerInRange(1, levelDifficulty); // will validate that level isnt too easy (has at least one '1/difficulty' fraction) if (divisor == levelDifficulty) hasBaseDifficulty = true; // Make sure valid divisors are 1, 2 and 4 (not 3) if (divisor == 3) divisor = 4; // Add this divisor to the list of divisors (for func_postScore) this.divisorsList += divisor + ","; // Set the width of the current block to a fraction of the default size const blockWidth = defaultBlockWidth / divisor; // Updates width of all stacked blocks lined horizontally stck_finalPosition += blockWidth * this.DIREC_LEVEL; // Create stacked block (close to tractor) const lineSize = 2; const lineColor = (sublevelType == 'Minus') ? colors.red : colors.darkBlue; const block = game.add.graphics(startX, 462 - i * (defaultBlockHeight - lineSize)); block.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); block.lineStyle(lineSize, lineColor); block.beginFill(colors.lightBlue); block.drawRect(0, 0, blockWidth - lineSize, defaultBlockHeight - lineSize); block.endFill(); block.scale.x *= this.DIREC_LEVEL; // Important: this will also change the width of the block to a negative value if this.DIREC_LEVEL == -1 // If game is type B, adding events to stacked blocks if (levelType == 'B') { block.alpha = 0.5; block.inputEnabled = true; block.input.useHandCursor = true; block.events.onInputDown.add(this.func_clickSquare); block.events.onInputOver.add(this.func_overSquare, { index: i }); block.events.onInputOut.add(this.func_outSquare); } // Add current block to the group of stacked blocks this.stck_blocks.add(block); // If 'show labels' is turned on, create labels that display the fractions on the side of each block if (levelLabel) { const x = startX + (blockWidth + 15) * this.DIREC_LEVEL; let label; if (divisor == 1) { label = game.add.text(x, 483 - i * (defaultBlockHeight - lineSize), divisor, textStyles.valueLabelBlue1); } else { label = game.add.text(x, 484 - i * (defaultBlockHeight - lineSize), '1\n' + divisor, textStyles.valueLabelBlue3); // Sprite that serves as line in the middle of a fraction const fractionLine = game.add.sprite(x, 481 - i * (defaultBlockHeight - lineSize), 'fractionLine'); fractionLine.scale.setTo(0.6); fractionLine.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); this.stck_fractionLines.add(fractionLine); } label.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); // Add current label to group of labels this.stck_blockLabels.add(label); } } // check for errors (level too easy for its difficulty or end position out of bounds) if ((!hasBaseDifficulty) || (sublevelType == 'Plus' && (stck_finalPosition < (startX + defaultBlockWidth) || stck_finalPosition > (startX + 8 * defaultBlockWidth))) || (sublevelType == 'Minus' && (stck_finalPosition < (startX - (8 * defaultBlockWidth)) || stck_finalPosition > (startX - defaultBlockWidth))) ) { // If any error is found restart the level game.state.start('gameSquareOne'); } // will be used as a counter in update, adding in the width of each stacked block to check if the end matches the floor selected position this.nextStartX = startX + this.stck_blocks.children[0].width; // CREATING FLOOR BLOCKS // Make sure valid divisors are 1, 2 and 4 (not 3) const divisor = (levelDifficulty == 3) ? 4 : levelDifficulty; // Define the total number of floor blocks this.floor_numBlocks = 8 * divisor; // Define the with of each floor block const floor_blockWidth = defaultBlockWidth / divisor; // If game is type B, selectiong a random 'x' coordinate for the floor if (levelType == 'B') { this.stck_correctIndex = game.rnd.integerInRange(0, (this.stck_numBlocks - 1)); for (let i = 0; i <= this.stck_correctIndex; i++) { this.floor_correctPositionX += this.stck_blocks.children[i].width; } } let flag = true; for (let i = 0; i < this.floor_numBlocks; i++) { // 'x' coordinate for floor block const x = startX + (defaultBlockWidth + i * floor_blockWidth) * this.DIREC_LEVEL; if ((flag) && (levelType == 'A') && ((sublevelType == 'Plus' && x >= stck_finalPosition) || (sublevelType == 'Minus' && x <= stck_finalPosition)) ) { this.floor_correctIndex = i - 1; // Set index of correct floor block flag = false; } if ((levelType == 'B') && ((sublevelType == 'Plus' && x >= this.floor_correctPositionX) || (sublevelType == 'Minus' && x <= this.floor_correctPositionX)) ) { this.floor_numBlocks = i; break; // Leaves for loop } // Create floor block const lineSize = 0.9; const block = game.add.graphics(x, 462 + defaultBlockHeight - lineSize); block.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0); block.lineStyle(lineSize, colors.blueBckg); block.beginFill(colors.blueBckgLevel); block.drawRect(0, 0, floor_blockWidth - lineSize, defaultBlockHeight - lineSize); block.endFill(); block.scale.x *= this.DIREC_LEVEL; // Important: this will also change the width of the block to a negative value if this.DIREC_LEVEL == -1 // If game is type A, adding events to floor blocks if (levelType == "A") { block.alpha = 0.5; block.inputEnabled = true; block.input.useHandCursor = true; block.events.onInputDown.add(this.func_clickSquare); block.events.onInputOver.add(this.func_overSquare, { index: i }); block.events.onInputOut.add(this.func_outSquare); } // Add current label to group of labels this.floor_blocks.add(block); } if (levelType == "A") this.floor_correctPositionX = stck_finalPosition; // Creates labels on the floor to display the numbers for (let i = 0; i <= 8; i++) { const x = (sublevelType == 'Minus') ? startX - ((9 - i) * defaultBlockWidth) : startX + ((1 + i) * defaultBlockWidth); game.add.text(x, 462 + defaultBlockHeight + 58, i, textStyles.valueLabelBlue1).anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); } /* // temporarily used for debug if (debugMode){ if (levelType == 'A') { console.log("Type A", "\nStacked index:", // todos this.stck_numBlocks - 1, "[fixo]", "\nFloor index:", // correto / todos this.floor_correctIndex, "[CORRETO]", "/", this.floor_numBlocks - 1, "\nFloor 'x' position:", this.floor_correctPositionX, ); } else { console.log("Type B", "\nStacked index:", // corretor / todos this.stck_correctIndex, "[CORRETO]", "/", this.stck_numBlocks - 1, "\nFloor index:", // todos this.floor_numBlocks - 1, "[fixo]", "\nFloor 'x' position:", this.floor_correctPositionX, ); } } */ // SELECTION ARROW this.arrow = game.add.sprite(startX + defaultBlockWidth * this.DIREC_LEVEL, 480, 'down'); this.arrow.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); this.arrow.alpha = 0.5; if (levelType == "B") this.arrow.visible = false; // OUTPUT ICONS // Ok image this.okImg = game.add.image(game.world.centerX, game.world.centerY, 'h_ok'); this.okImg.anchor.setTo(0.5); this.okImg.visible = false; // Error image this.errorImg = game.add.image(game.world.centerX, game.world.centerY, 'h_error'); this.errorImg.anchor.setTo(0.5); this.errorImg.visible = false; // TIMER // Set a timer for the current level (used in func_postScore) this.totalTime = 0; this.timer = game.time.create(false); this.timer.loop(1000, this.func_updateCounter, this); this.timer.start(); }, update: function () { // WAITING PLAYER SELECTION // Make the arrow on the floor follow the cursor 'x' position if (!this.hasClicked && !this.animateEnding && levelType == 'A') { // Checks distance between the cursor and the arrow if (game.physics.arcade.distanceToPointer(this.arrow, game.input.activePointer) > 8) { const x = game.input.mousePointer.x; this.arrow.x = (x < 250) ? 250 : x; // Limits the arrow left position to 250 } } // AFTER PLAYER SELECTION // Starts tractor moving animation if (this.animate) { // Move 'tractor' to the side this.tractor.x += this.animationSṕeed; // Move 'stacked blocks' to the side for (let i = 0; i < this.stck_numBlocks; i++) { this.stck_blocks.children[i].x += this.animationSṕeed; } // extra distance (if needed) before getting to next floor block const extra = (80 - this.stck_blocks.children[this.stck_curIndex].width * this.DIREC_LEVEL) * this.DIREC_LEVEL; let updateBlocks = true; // Make current block fall to the ground if it fits if (sublevelType == 'Plus') { if (this.stck_blocks.children[0].x >= (this.nextStartX + extra)) { let stck_curEnd = this.stck_blocks.children[0].x + this.stck_blocks.children[this.stck_curIndex].width; if (this.stck_curIndex == this.stck_index) { const floor_curEnd = this.floor_blocks.children[this.floor_index].x + this.floor_blocks.children[this.floor_index].width; if (stck_curEnd > floor_curEnd) updateBlocks = false; } if (updateBlocks) { // Blocks on the floor for (let i = 0; i <= this.floor_index; i++) { if (this.floor_blocks.children[i].x < stck_curEnd) { this.floor_blocks.children[i].alpha = 0.2; // Make the floor look like it's filled this.floor_curIndex = i; } } // Blocks on the stack this.stck_blocks.children[this.stck_curIndex].alpha = 0; // Make block invisible this.stck_blocks.y += this.stck_blocks.children[this.stck_curIndex].height - 2; // Lower stacked blocks } if (this.stck_curIndex != this.stck_index) { this.nextStartX += this.stck_blocks.children[this.stck_curIndex + 1].width; } this.stck_curIndex++; } } if (sublevelType == 'Minus') { if (this.stck_blocks.children[0].x <= (this.nextStartX + extra)) { let stck_curEnd = this.stck_blocks.children[0].x + this.stck_blocks.children[this.stck_curIndex].width; if (this.stck_curIndex == this.stck_index) { const floor_curEnd = this.floor_blocks.children[this.floor_index].x + this.floor_blocks.children[this.floor_index].width; if (stck_curEnd < floor_curEnd) updateBlocks = false; } if (updateBlocks) { // Blocks on the floor for (let i = 0; i <= this.floor_index; i++) { if (this.floor_blocks.children[i].x > stck_curEnd) { this.floor_curIndex = i; this.floor_blocks.children[i].alpha = 0.2; // Make the floor look like it's filled } } // Blocks on the stack this.stck_blocks.children[this.stck_curIndex].alpha = 0; // Make block invisible this.stck_blocks.y += this.stck_blocks.children[this.stck_curIndex].height - 2; // Lower stacked blocks } if (this.stck_curIndex != this.stck_index) { this.nextStartX += this.stck_blocks.children[this.stck_curIndex + 1].width; } this.stck_curIndex++; } } // Checks if it reached the clicked position if (this.stck_curIndex > this.stck_index || this.floor_curIndex >= this.floor_index) { this.animate = false; this.checkAnswer = true; } } // When animation ends check if there are any blocks left if (this.checkAnswer) { this.timer.stop(); this.tractor.animations.stop(); if (levelType == 'A') { this.result = (this.floor_index == this.floor_correctIndex); } else { this.result = (this.stck_index == this.stck_correctIndex); } // Give feedback to player and turns on sprite animation if (this.result) { // Correct answer this.tractor.animations.play('run', 6, true); // Displays feedback image and sound this.okImg.visible = true; if (audioStatus) sound.okSound.play(); completedLevels++; // increases number os passed levels if (debugMode) console.log("completedLevels = " + completedLevels); } else { // Incorrect answer // Displays feedback image and sound this.errorImg.visible = true; if (audioStatus) sound.errorSound.play(); } this.func_postScore(); this.animateCount = 0; this.checkAnswer = false; this.animateEnding = true; } // Starts 'ending' tractor moving animation if (this.animateEnding) { this.animateCount++; // If correct answer executes final tractor animation (else tractor desn't move) if (this.result) this.tractor.x += this.animationSṕeed; // If tractor animation reaches final point calls map state if (this.animateCount >= 140) { // If correct, let player go to next level in map if (this.result) mapCanMove = true; else mapCanMove = false; game.state.start('map'); } } }, func_overSquare: function () { if (!self.hasClicked) { // On leveltype A if (levelType == "A") { for (let i = 0; i < self.floor_numBlocks; i++) { self.floor_blocks.children[i].alpha = (i <= this.index) ? 1 : 0.5; } // Saves the index of the selected 'floor' block self.floor_index = this.index; // On leveltype B } else { for (let i = 0; i < self.stck_numBlocks; i++) { self.stck_blocks.children[i].alpha = (i <= this.index) ? 0.5 : 0.2; } // Saves the index of the selected 'stack' block self.stck_index = this.index; } } }, func_outSquare: function () { if (!self.hasClicked) { //on level type A if (levelType == "A") { for (let i = 0; i < self.floor_numBlocks; i++) { self.floor_blocks.children[i].alpha = 0.5; // back to normal } self.floor_index = -1; //on level type B } else { for (let i = 0; i < self.stck_numBlocks; i++) { self.stck_blocks.children[i].alpha = 0.5; // back to normal } self.stck_index = -1; } } }, func_clickSquare: function () { if (!self.hasClicked && !self.animateEnding) { // On leveltype A if (levelType == 'A') { // Turns selection arrow completely visible self.arrow.alpha = 1; // Make the unselected blocks invisible (look like there's only the ground) for (let i = 0; i < self.floor_numBlocks; i++) { if (i > self.floor_index) { self.floor_blocks.children[i].visible = false; // Make unselected 'floor' blocks invisible } } // save the 'stacked' blocks index to compare to the floor index in update self.stck_index = self.stck_numBlocks - 1; // On leveltype B } else { for (let i = 0; i < self.stck_numBlocks; i++) { if (i > self.stck_index) { self.stck_blocks.children[i].visible = false; // Make unselected 'stacked' blocks invisible } } // save the updated total stacked blocks to compare in update self.stck_numBlocks = self.stck_index + 1; // save the 'floor' blocks index to compare to the stacked index in update self.floor_index = self.floor_numBlocks - 1; } // Play beep sound if (audioStatus) sound.beepSound.play(); // Hide labels if (levelLabel) { self.stck_blockLabels.visible = false; self.stck_fractionLines.visible = false; } // Hide solution pointer if (self.pointer != undefined) self.pointer.visible = false; // Turn tractir animation on self.tractor.animations.play('run', 5, true); self.hasClicked = true; self.animate = true; } }, func_viewHelp: function () { if (!self.hasClicked) { let aux; // On leveltype A if (levelType == 'A') { aux = self.floor_blocks.children[0]; self.pointer = game.add.image(self.floor_correctPositionX - aux.width / 2, 501, 'pointer'); // On leveltype B } else { aux = self.stck_blocks.children[self.stck_correctIndex]; self.pointer = game.add.image(aux.x + aux.width / 2, aux.y, 'pointer'); } self.pointer.scale.setTo(0.5); self.pointer.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0); self.pointer.alpha = 0.7; } }, // Game information func_updateCounter: function () { this.totalTime++; }, func_postScore: function () { // Get correct information about player name and default language // Variables 'playerName' and 'lang' are defined on: js/preMenu.js // Variable 'lang' has all the JSON content of 'assets/lang/pt_BR.json', 'lang.lang' defined in 'js/preMenu.js' (func_setLang()) const abst = "numBlocks:" + this.stck_numBlocks + ", valBlocks: " + this.divisorsList + " blockIndex: " + this.stck_index + ", floorIndex: " + this.floor_index; let hr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Create some variables we need to send to our PHP file const url = "php/save.php"; let vars = "s_ip=" + hip + "&s_name=" + playerName + "&s_lang=" + langString + "&s_game=" + levelShape + "&s_mode=" + levelType; vars += "&s_oper=" + sublevelType + "&s_leve=" + levelDifficulty + "&s_posi=" + mapPosition + "&s_resu=" + this.result + "&s_time=" + this.totalTime + "&s_deta=" + abst; // Sobre nome do usuario: // * js/squareOne.js: name // * js/pt_BR.json: welcome="Ola'", insert_name="DIGITE SEU NOME" // * php/save.php : $play = $_REQUEST["stacked.stck_name"]; // * js/preMenu.js : insert_name, game.add.text(...), playerName = document.getElementById("name_id").value; // Pegar valor de PHP para JS: echo(""); hr.open("POST", url, true); hr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); hr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (debugMode) console.log(hr); if (hr.readyState == 4 && hr.status == 200) { let return_data = hr.responseText; if (debugMode) console.log(return_data); } } // Send the data to PHP now... and wait for response to update the status div hr.send(vars); // Actually execute the request if (debugMode) console.log("processing..."); if (debugMode) console.log(vars); } };