/************************************************************************************ * This code is used EXCLUSIVELY when iFractions is runnign inside Moodle via iAssign * as an iLM (interactive learning module) and the global variable moodle=true. * * This file holds game states. ************************************************************************************/ /** * [STUDENT REPORT STATE] Screen that shows the stats of a previously played game (exclusive to moodle). * * FOR MOODLE * * @namespace */ const studentReport = { /** FOR MOODLE * Main code */ create: function () { const offsetW = context.canvas.width / 4; let x = offsetW / 2; let y = context.canvas.height / 2 - 50; renderBackground(); // Title game.add.text( context.canvas.width / 2, 80, game.lang.results, textStyles.h1_green ); game.add.image( x - 40, y - 70, gameList[gameId].assets.menu.gameNameBtn, 0.8 ); // Game info text = game.lang[gameShape].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + game.lang[gameShape].slice(1); text = game.lang.game + ': ' + text + (gameName.slice(-3) == 'One' ? ' I' : ' II'); game.add.text(190, y - 50, text, textStyles.h4_brown).align = 'left'; game.add.text( 190, y - 25, game.lang.game_mode + ': ' + gameMode, textStyles.h4_brown ).align = 'left'; game.add.text( 190, y, game.lang.operation + ': ' + gameOperation, textStyles.h4_brown ).align = 'left'; game.add.text( 190, y + 25, game.lang.difficulty + ': ' + gameDifficulty, textStyles.h4_brown ).align = 'left'; // Student info y = context.canvas.height - 200; for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++, x += offsetW) { // If level wasnt completed, show broken sign if (moodleVar.hits[i] == 0 && moodleVar.errors[i] == 0) { const sign = game.add.image( x, context.canvas.height - 100, 'sign_broken', 0.7 ); sign.anchor(0.5, 0.5); } else { // If level was completed shows sign with level number and student report const sign = game.add.image( x, context.canvas.height - 100, 'sign', 0.7 ); sign.anchor(0.5, 0.5); game.add.text( x, context.canvas.height - 100, '' + (i + 1), textStyles.h2_white ); game.add.geom.rect( x - 55, y - 40, 5, 135, undefined, 0, colors.blueMenuLine ); game.add.text( x - 40, y - 25, game.lang.time + ': ' + game.math.convertTime(moodleVar.time[i]), textStyles.h4_brown ).align = 'left'; game.add.text( x - 40, y, game.lang.hits + ': ' + moodleVar.hits[i], textStyles.h4_brown ).align = 'left'; game.add.text( x - 40, y + 25, game.lang.errors + ': ' + moodleVar.errors[i], textStyles.h4_brown ).align = 'left'; } } }, };