/****************************** * This file holds game states. ******************************/ /** [MAIN MENU STATE] Screen where the user can select a game. * * @namespace */ const menuState = { /** * Main code */ create: function () { // FOR MOODLE if (moodle && iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_SendAnswer == 'false') { // Student role playerName = game.lang.student; // TODO pegar o nome do aluno no bd do moodle getiLMContent(); } else { // FOR MOODLE if (moodle && iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_SendAnswer == 'true') playerName = game.lang.professor; renderBackground(); // Overtitle: Welcome, ! game.add.text( context.canvas.width / 2, 60, game.lang.welcome + ', ' + playerName + '!', textStyles.h3_brown ); // Title : Select a game game.add.text( context.canvas.width / 2, 120, game.lang.menu_title, textStyles.h1_green ); // Subtitle : this.lbl_game = game.add.text( context.canvas.width / 2, 160, '', textStyles.h2_blue ); // Loads navigation icons navigationIcons.add(false, false, false, true, true, false, false); this.menuIcons = []; // --------------------------- GAME ICONS const offset = game.math.getOffset(context.canvas.width, gameList.length); for (let i = 0, x = offset; i < gameList.length; i++, x += offset) { const icon = game.add.image( x, context.canvas.height / 2 - 70, gameList[i].assets.menu.gameNameBtn, 1.5 ); icon.anchor(0.5, 0.5); icon.gameId = i; icon.iconType = 'game'; this.menuIcons.push(icon); // "more information" button const infoIcon = game.add.image( x + 110, context.canvas.height / 2 - 100 - 80 - 10, 'info', 1, 1 ); infoIcon.anchor(0.5, 0.5); infoIcon.iconType = 'infoIcon'; infoIcon.id = i; this.menuIcons.push(infoIcon); } // --------------------------- INFO BOX this.setInfoBoxes(); // ------------- EVENTS game.event.add('click', this.onInputDown); game.event.add('mousemove', this.onInputOver); if (isDebugMode && debugState.menu.status) { // programmatically select a game const id = debugState.menu.id; gameId = id; gameName = gameList[id].gameName; gameShape = gameList[id].gameShape; self.menuIcons = game.lang[gameShape] + ' ' + gameName.slice(-3) == 'One' ? 'I' : 'II'; game.state.start('customMenu'); } } }, setInfoBoxes: function () { self.infoBox = document.querySelector('.ifr-modal'); // When the user clicks on the 'x', close the modal document.querySelector('.ifr-modal__closeButton').onclick = function () { self.infoBox.style.display = 'none'; }; // When the user clicks anywhere outside of the modal, close it window.onclick = function (event) { if (event.target == self.infoBox) { self.infoBox.style.display = 'none'; } }; }, /** * Displays game menu information boxes. */ showInfoBox: function (icon) { if (gameList?.[icon.id]?.assets?.menu?.infoBox) { self.infoBox.style.display = 'block'; const data = gameList[icon.id].assets.menu.infoBox(); const content = `



${data.img}`; document.querySelector('.ifr-modal__infobox').innerHTML = content; } else { console.error('Error: no info box was setup for this game.'); } }, /** * Saves info from selected game and goes to next state * * @param {object} icon clicked icon */ load: function (icon) { if (audioStatus) game.audio.popSound.play(); switch (icon.iconType) { case 'infoIcon': self.showInfoBox(icon); break; case 'game': gameId = icon.gameId; gameName = gameList[gameId].gameName; gameShape = gameList[gameId].gameShape; if (!gameList.find((game) => game.gameName === gameName)) console.error('Game error: the name of the game is not valid.'); if (isDebugMode) console.log('Game Name: ' + gameName); self.menuIcons = self.lbl_game.name; game.state.start('customMenu'); break; } }, /** * Display the name of the game on screen * * @param {object} icon icon for the game */ showTitle: function (icon) { const number = gameList[icon.gameId].gameName.slice(-3) == 'One' ? 'I' : 'II'; const shape = gameList[icon.gameId].gameName.slice(0, -3); self.lbl_game.name = game.lang[shape] + ' ' + number; }, /** * Remove the name of the game from screen */ clearTitle: function () { self.lbl_game.name = ''; }, /** * Called by mouse click event * * @param {object} mouseEvent contains the mouse click coordinates */ onInputDown: function (mouseEvent) { const x = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).x; const y = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).y; // Check menu icons for (let i in self.menuIcons) { // If mouse is within the bounds of an icon if (game.math.isOverIcon(x, y, self.menuIcons[i])) { // Click first valid icon self.load(self.menuIcons[i]); break; } } // Check navigation icons navigationIcons.onInputDown(x, y); game.render.all(); }, /** * Called by mouse move event * * @param {object} mouseEvent contains the mouse move coordinates */ onInputOver: function (mouseEvent) { const x = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).x; const y = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).y; let overIcon; // Check menu icons for (let i in self.menuIcons) { if (game.math.isOverIcon(x, y, self.menuIcons[i])) { overIcon = i; break; } } // Update gui if (overIcon) { // If pointer is over icon document.body.style.cursor = 'pointer'; if (self.menuIcons[overIcon].iconType == 'game') self.showTitle(self.menuIcons[overIcon]); self.menuIcons.forEach((cur) => { if (cur.iconType == self.menuIcons[overIcon].iconType) { // If its in the same icon category if (cur == self.menuIcons[overIcon]) { // If its the icon the pointer is over cur.scale = cur.originalScale * 1.1; } else { cur.scale = cur.originalScale; } } }); } else { // If pointer is not over icon self.clearTitle(); self.menuIcons.forEach((cur) => { cur.scale = cur.originalScale; }); document.body.style.cursor = 'auto'; } // Check navigation icons navigationIcons.onInputOver(x, y); game.render.all(); }, };