* LInE - Free Education, Private Data - http://www.usp.br/line
* This file holds all global elements to the game.
* Generating game levels in menu:
* .....................................................
* ...............square....................circle...... } = gameShape
* .........../...........\....................|........ } = gameType (game)
* ........One.............Two................One....... }
* ......./...\.........../...\............./....\......
* ......A.....B.........A.....B...........A......B..... = gameMode (game mode)
* .(floor)..(stack)..(top)..(bottom)..(floor)..(stack).
* .......\./.............\./................\./........
* ........|...............|..................|.........
* ......./.\..............|................/.|.\.......
* ...Plus...Minus.......Equals........Plus.Minus.Mixed. = gameOperation (game math operation)
* .......\./..............|................\.|./.......
* ........|...............|..................|.........
* ......1,2,3.........1,2,3,4,5..........1,2,3,4,5..... = gameDifficulty (difficulty level)
* .....................................................
* About levels in map:
* ..................(game.levels)......................
* ......................__|__..........................
* .....................|.|.|.|.........................
* ...................0,1,2,3,4,5....................... = mapPosition (map positions)
* ...................|.........|.......................
* ................(start)....(end).....................
* Turns console messages ON/OFF (for debug purposes only)
* @type {boolean}
const debugMode = false;
* iFractions can run on a server or inside moodle through iAssign.
* This variable should be set according to where it is suposed to run:
* - if true, on moodle
* - if false, on a server
const moodle = false;
* Name of the selected game.
* Can be: 'squareOne', 'squareTwo' or 'circleOne'.
* @type {string}
let gameType;
* Used for text and game information.
* Shape that makes the name of the game - e.g in 'squareOne' it is 'square'.
* Can be: 'circle' or 'square'.
* @type {string}
let gameShape;
* Holds selected game mode.
* In squareOne/circleOne can be: 'A' (click on the floor) or 'B' (click on the amount to go/stacked figures).
* In squareTwo can be: 'A' (more subdivisions on top) or 'B' (more subdivisions on bottom).
* @type {string}
let gameMode;
* Holds game math operation.
* In squareOne can be: 'Plus' (green tractor goes right) or 'Minus' (red tractor goes left).
* In circleOne can be: 'Plus' (green tractor goes right), 'Minus' (red tractor goes left) or 'Mixed' (green tractor goes both sides).
* In squareTwo can be: 'Equals' (compares two rectangle subdivisions).
* @type {string}
let gameOperation;
* Holds game overall difficulty. 1 (easier) -> n (harder).
* In squareOne can be: 1..3.
* In circleOne/squareTwo can be: 1..5.
* @type {number}
let gameDifficulty;
* Turns displaying the fraction labels on levels ON/OFF
* @type {boolean}
let fractionLabel = true;
* When true, the character can move to next position in the map
* @type {boolean}
let mapMove;
* Character position on the map, aka game levels (1..4: valid; 5: end)
* @type {number}
let mapPosition;
* Number of finished levels in the map
* @type {number}
let completedLevels;
* Turns game audio ON/OFF
* @type {boolean}
let audioStatus = false;
* Player's name
* @type {string}
let playerName;
* String that contains the selected language.
* It is the name of the language file.
* @type {string}
let langString;
* Holds the current state.
* Is used as if it was a 'this' inside state functions.
* @type {object}
let self;
const medSrc = 'assets/img/'; // Base directory for media
* Metadata for all games
* @type {object}
const info = {
all: {
squareOne: {
gameShape: 'square',
gameType: 'squareOne',
gameTypeUrl: 'game0',
gameMode: ['A', 'B'],
gameModeUrl: ['mode0', 'mode1'],
gameOperation: ['Plus', 'Minus'],
gameOperationUrl: ['operation_plus', 'operation_minus'],
gameDifficulty: 3,
circleOne: {
gameShape: 'circle',
gameType: 'circleOne',
gameTypeUrl: 'game1',
gameMode: ['A', 'B'],
gameModeUrl: ['mode2', 'mode3'],
gameOperation: ['Plus', 'Minus', 'Mixed'],
gameOperationUrl: [
gameDifficulty: 5,
squareTwo: {
gameShape: 'square',
gameType: 'squareTwo',
gameTypeUrl: 'game2',
gameMode: ['A', 'B'],
gameModeUrl: ['mode4', 'mode5'],
gameOperation: ['Equals'],
gameOperationUrl: ['operation_equals'],
gameDifficulty: 5,
gameShape: [],
gameType: [],
gameTypeUrl: [],
gameMode: [],
gameModeUrl: [],
gameOperation: [],
gameOperationUrl: [],
gameDifficulty: [],
// Called once when the game starts
(function () {
for (key in info.all) {
* Preset colors for graphic elements.
* @type {object}
const colors = {
// Blues
blue: '#003cb3', // Subtitle
blueDark: '#183780', // Line color that indicates right and fraction numbers
blueBg: '#cce5ff', // Background color
blueBgOff: '#adc8e6',
blueBgInsideLevel: '#a8c0e6', // Background color in squareOne (used for floor gap)
blueMenuLine: '#b7cdf4',
// Reds
red: '#b30000', // Linecolor that indicates left
redLight: '#d27979', // squareTwo figures
redDark: '#330000', // squareTwo figures and some titles
// Greens
green: '#00804d', // Title
greenLight: '#83afaf', // squareTwo figures
greenDark: '#1e2f2f', // squareTwo figures
greenNeon: '#00d600',
// Basics
white: '#efeff5',
gray: '#708090',
black: '#000',
yellow: '#ffef1f',
* Preset text styles for game text.
* Contains: font, size, text color and text align.
* @type {object}
const textStyles = {
h1_green: {
font: '32px Arial,sans-serif',
fill: colors.green,
align: 'center',
}, // Menu title
h2_green: {
font: '26px Arial,sans-serif',
fill: colors.green,
align: 'center',
}, // Flag labels (langState)
h1_white: {
font: '32px Arial,sans-serif',
fill: colors.white,
align: 'center',
}, // Ok button (nameState)
h2_white: {
font: '26px Arial,sans-serif',
fill: colors.white,
align: 'center',
}, // Difficulty buttons (menuState)
h3__white: {
font: '23px Arial,sans-serif',
fill: colors.white,
align: 'center',
}, // Difficulty numbers (menuState)
h4_white: {
font: '20px Arial,sans-serif',
fill: colors.white,
align: 'center',
}, // Difficulty numbers (menuState)
p_white: {
font: '14px Arial,sans-serif',
fill: colors.white,
align: 'center',
}, // Enter button (menuState)
h2_brown: {
font: '26px Arial,sans-serif',
fill: colors.redDark,
align: 'center',
}, // Map difficulty label
h4_brown: {
font: '20px Arial,sans-serif',
fill: colors.redDark,
align: 'center',
}, // Menu overtitle
p_brown: {
font: '14px Arial,sans-serif',
fill: colors.redDark,
align: 'center',
}, // Map difficulty label
h2_blue: {
font: '26px Arial,sans-serif',
fill: colors.blue,
align: 'center',
}, // Menu subtitle
h4_blue: {
font: '20px Arial,sans-serif',
fill: colors.blue,
align: 'center',
}, // Menu subtitle
h2_blueDark: {
font: '26px Arial,sans-serif',
fill: colors.blueDark,
align: 'center',
}, // Fractions
h4_blueDark: {
font: '20px Arial,sans-serif',
fill: colors.blueDark,
align: 'center',
}, // Fractions
p_blueDark: {
font: '14px Arial,sans-serif',
fill: colors.blueDark,
align: 'center',
}, // Fractions
* List of URL for all media in the game
* divided 1st by the 'state' that loads the media
* and 2nd by the 'media type' for that state.
* @type {object}
const url = {
* url.
* where can be: boot, menu, squareOne, squareTwo, circleOne.
boot: {
* url..
* where can be: image, sprite, audio
* image: [ [name, source], ... ]
* sprite: [ [name, source, number of frames], ... ]
* audio: [ [name, [source, alternative source] ], ... ]
image: [
// Scene
['bgimage', medSrc + 'scene/bg.jpg'],
['bgmap', medSrc + 'scene/bg_map.png'],
['broken_sign', medSrc + 'scene/broken_sign.png'],
['bush', medSrc + 'scene/bush.png'],
['cloud', medSrc + 'scene/cloud.png'],
['floor', medSrc + 'scene/floor.png'],
['place_off', medSrc + 'scene/place_off.png'],
['place_on', medSrc + 'scene/place_on.png'],
['rock', medSrc + 'scene/rock.png'],
['road', medSrc + 'scene/road.png'],
['sign', medSrc + 'scene/sign.png'],
['tree1', medSrc + 'scene/tree.png'],
['tree2', medSrc + 'scene/tree2.png'],
['tree3', medSrc + 'scene/tree3.png'],
['tree4', medSrc + 'scene/tree4.png'],
// Flags
['flag_BR', medSrc + 'flag/br.png'],
['flag_FR', medSrc + 'flag/fr.png'],
['flag_IT', medSrc + 'flag/it.png'],
['flag_PE', medSrc + 'flag/pe.png'],
['flag_US', medSrc + 'flag/us.png'],
// Navigation icons on the top of the page
['back', medSrc + 'navig_icon/back.png'],
['help', medSrc + 'navig_icon/help.png'],
['home', medSrc + 'navig_icon/home.png'],
['language', medSrc + 'navig_icon/language.png'],
['menu', medSrc + 'navig_icon/menu.png'],
// Interactive icons
['arrow_down', medSrc + 'interac_icon/down.png'],
['close', medSrc + 'interac_icon/close.png'],
['error', medSrc + 'interac_icon/error.png'],
['help_pointer', medSrc + 'interac_icon/pointer.png'],
['info', medSrc + 'interac_icon/info.png'],
['ok', medSrc + 'interac_icon/ok.png'],
// Menu icons - Games
['game0', medSrc + 'levels/squareOne.png'], // Square I
['game1', medSrc + 'levels/circleOne.png'], // Circle I
['game2', medSrc + 'levels/squareTwo.png'], // Square II
// Menu icons - Info box
['c1-A', medSrc + 'info_box/c1-A.png'],
['c1-A-h', medSrc + 'info_box/c1-A-h.png'],
['c1-B-h', medSrc + 'info_box/c1-B-h.png'],
['c1-diff-1', medSrc + 'info_box/c1-diff-1.png'],
['c1-diff-5', medSrc + 'info_box/c1-diff-5.png'],
['c1-label', medSrc + 'info_box/c1-label.png'],
['map-c1s2', medSrc + 'info_box/map-c1s2.png'],
['map-s1', medSrc + 'info_box/map-s1.png'],
['s1-A', medSrc + 'info_box/s1-A.png'],
['s1-A-h', medSrc + 'info_box/s1-A-h.png'],
['s1-B-h', medSrc + 'info_box/s1-B-h.png'],
['s1-diff-1', medSrc + 'info_box/s1-diff-1.png'],
['s1-diff-3', medSrc + 'info_box/s1-diff-3.png'],
['s1-label', medSrc + 'info_box/s1-label.png'],
['s2', medSrc + 'info_box/s2.png'],
['s2-A-h', medSrc + 'info_box/s2-A-h.png'],
['s2-B-h', medSrc + 'info_box/s2-B-h.png'],
['s2-diff-1', medSrc + 'info_box/s2-diff-1.png'],
['s2-diff-5', medSrc + 'info_box/s2-diff-5.png'],
['s2-label', medSrc + 'info_box/s2-label.png'],
['operation_plus', medSrc + 'info_box/operation_plus.png'],
['operation_minus', medSrc + 'info_box/operation_minus.png'],
['operation_mixed', medSrc + 'info_box/operation_mixed.png'],
['operation_equals', medSrc + 'info_box/operation_equals.png'],
sprite: [
// Game Sprites
['kid_walk', medSrc + 'character/kid/walk.png', 26],
// Navigation icons on the top of the page
['audio', medSrc + 'navig_icon/audio.png', 2],
// Interactive icons
['select', medSrc + 'interac_icon/selectionBox.png', 2],
// Menu icons - Game modes
['mode0', medSrc + 'levels/squareOne_1.png', 2], // Square I : A
['mode1', medSrc + 'levels/squareOne_2.png', 2], // Square I : B
['mode2', medSrc + 'levels/circleOne_1.png', 2], // Circle I : A
['mode3', medSrc + 'levels/circleOne_2.png', 2], // Circle I : B
['mode4', medSrc + 'levels/squareTwo_1.png', 2], // Square II : A
['mode5', medSrc + 'levels/squareTwo_2.png', 2], // Square II : B
// Menu icons - Math operations
['operation_plus', medSrc + 'levels/operation_plus.png', 2], // Square/circle I : right
['operation_minus', medSrc + 'levels/operation_minus.png', 2], // Square/circle I : left
['operation_mixed', medSrc + 'levels/operation_mixed.png', 2], // Circle I : mixed
['operation_equals', medSrc + 'levels/operation_equals.png', 2], // Square II : equals
audio: [
// Sound effects
['beepSound', ['assets/audio/beep.ogg', 'assets/audio/beep.mp3']],
['okSound', ['assets/audio/ok.ogg', 'assets/audio/ok.mp3']],
['errorSound', ['assets/audio/error.ogg', 'assets/audio/error.mp3']],
['popSound', ['', 'assets/audio/pop.wav']],
squareOne: {
image: [
// Map buildings
['farm', medSrc + 'scene/farm.png'],
['garage', medSrc + 'scene/garage.png'],
sprite: [
// Game sprites
['tractor', medSrc + 'character/tractor/tractor.png', 15],
audio: [],
squareTwo: {
image: [
// Map buildings
['house', medSrc + 'scene/house.png'],
['school', medSrc + 'scene/school.png'],
sprite: [
// Game sprites
['kid_standing', medSrc + 'character/kid/lost.png', 6],
['kid_run', medSrc + 'character/kid/run.png', 12],
audio: [],
circleOne: {
image: [
// Map buildings
['house', medSrc + 'scene/house.png'],
['school', medSrc + 'scene/school.png'],
// Game images
['balloon', medSrc + 'character/balloon/airballoon_upper.png'],
['balloon_basket', medSrc + 'character/balloon/airballoon_base.png'],
sprite: [
// Game sprites
['kid_run', medSrc + 'character/kid/run.png', 12],
audio: [],
* Manages navigation icons on the top of the screen
* @namespace
const navigationIcons = {
* Add navigation icons.
* * The icons on the left are ordered from left to right.
* * The icons on the right are ordered from right to left.
* @param {boolean} leftIcon0 1st left icon (back)
* @param {boolean} leftIcon1 2nd left icon (main menu)
* @param {boolean} leftIcon2 3rd left icon (solve game)
* @param {boolean} rightIcon0 1st right icon (audio)
* @param {boolean} rightIcon1 2nd right icon (lang)
* @param {undefined|string} state state to be called by the 'back' button (must exist if param 'leftIcon0' is true)
* @param {undefined|function} help function in the current game state that display correct answer
add: function (
) {
let left_x = 10;
let right_x = context.canvas.width - 50 - 10;
this.iconsList = [];
// 'Descriptive labels' for the navigation icons
this.left_text = game.add.text(left_x, 73, '', textStyles.h4_brown);
this.left_text.align = 'left';
this.right_text = game.add.text(right_x + 50, 73, '', textStyles.h4_brown);
this.right_text.align = 'right';
// Left icons
if (leftIcon0) {
// Return to previous screen
if (!state) {
"Game error: You tried to add a 'back' icon without the 'state' parameter."
} else {
this.state = state;
this.iconsList.push(game.add.image(left_x, 10, 'back'));
left_x += 50;
if (leftIcon1) {
// Return to main menu screen
this.iconsList.push(game.add.image(left_x, 10, 'menu'));
left_x += 50;
if (leftIcon2) {
// Shows solution to the game
if (!help) {
"Game error: You tried to add a 'game solution' icon without the 'help' parameter."
} else {
this.help = help;
this.iconsList.push(game.add.image(left_x, 10, 'help'));
left_x += 50;
// Right icons
if (rightIcon0) {
// Turns game audio on/off
this.audioIcon = game.add.sprite(right_x, 10, 'audio', 1);
this.audioIcon.curFrame = audioStatus ? 0 : 1;
right_x -= 50;
if (rightIcon1) {
// Return to select language screen
this.iconsList.push(game.add.image(right_x, 10, 'language'));
right_x -= 50;
* When 'back' icon is clicked go to this state
* @param {string} state name of the next state
callState: function (state) {
if (audioStatus) game.audio.popSound.play();
* Called by mouse click event
* @param {number} x contains the mouse x coordinate
* @param {number} y contains the mouse y coordinate
onInputDown: function (x, y) {
navigationIcons.iconsList.forEach((cur) => {
if (game.math.isOverIcon(x, y, cur)) {
const name = cur.name;
switch (name) {
case 'back':
case 'menu':
case 'help':
case 'language':
case 'audio':
if (audioStatus) {
audioStatus = false;
navigationIcons.audioIcon.curFrame = 1;
} else {
audioStatus = true;
if (audioStatus) game.audio.popSound.play();
navigationIcons.audioIcon.curFrame = 0;
console.error('Game error: error in navigation icon');
* Called by mouse move event
* @param {number} x contains the mouse x coordinate
* @param {number} y contains the mouse y coordinate
onInputOver: function (x, y) {
let flag = false;
navigationIcons.iconsList.forEach((cur) => {
if (game.math.isOverIcon(x, y, cur)) {
flag = true;
let name = cur.name;
switch (name) {
case 'back':
navigationIcons.left_text.name = game.lang.nav_back;
case 'menu':
navigationIcons.left_text.name = game.lang.nav_menu;
case 'help':
navigationIcons.left_text.name = game.lang.nav_help;
case 'language':
navigationIcons.right_text.name = game.lang.nav_lang;
case 'audio':
navigationIcons.right_text.name = game.lang.audio;
if (!flag) {
navigationIcons.left_text.name = '';
navigationIcons.right_text.name = '';
} else {
document.body.style.cursor = 'pointer';
* Sends game information to database
* @param {string} extraData player information for the current game
const sendToDB = function (extraData) {
if (moodle) {
if (self.result) moodleVar.hits[mapPosition - 1]++;
else moodleVar.errors[mapPosition - 1]++;
moodleVar.time[mapPosition - 1] += game.timer.elapsed;
const url = iLMparameters.iLM_PARAM_ServerToGetAnswerURL;
const grade = '' + getEvaluation();
const report = getAnswer();
const data =
'return_get_answer=1' +
'&iLM_PARAM_ActivityEvaluation=' +
encodeURIComponent(grade) +
'&iLM_PARAM_ArchiveContent=' +
const init = {
method: 'POST',
body: data,
headers: {
'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
fetch(url, init)
.then((response) => {
if (response.ok) {
if (debugMode) console.log('Processing...');
} else {
console.error('Game error: Network response was not ok.');
.catch((error) => {
'Game error: problem with fetch operation - ' + error.message + '.'
} else {
// Create some variables we need to send to our PHP file
// Attention: this names must be compactible to data table (MySQL server)
// @see php/save.php
const data =
'line_ip=' + // INSERT database server IP
'&line_name=' +
playerName +
'&line_lang=' +
langString +
const url = 'php/save.php';
const init = {
method: 'POST',
body: data,
headers: { 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' },
fetch(url, init)
.then((response) => {
if (response.ok) {
if (debugMode) console.log('Processing...');
response.text().then((text) => {
if (debugMode) {
} else {
console.error('Game error: Network response was not ok.');
.catch((error) => {
'Game error: problem with fetch operation - ' + error.message + '.'
let gameFrame = function () {
let x = (y = 200);
let width = context.canvas.width - 2 * x;
let height = context.canvas.height - 2 * y;
let rect = function () {
game.add.geom.rect(x, y, width, height, colors.red, 2);
let point = function (offsetW, offsetH) {
for (let i = 0, y1 = y; i < 4; i++) {
x1 = x;
for (let j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
game.add.geom.rect(x1, y1, 20, 20, undefined, 0, colors.red, 1);
x1 += offsetW;
y1 += offsetH;
return { x, y, width, height, rect, point };
// For debug
const debug = {
grid: function () {
const grid = 2;
const h = 1920 / (grid + 0.5);
const v = 1080 / (grid + 0.5);
for (let i = 0; i < grid; i++) {
h / 2 + i * h,
h / 2,
v / 2 + i * v,
v / 2,