@@ -5,123 +5,6 @@ const game = {
mediaTypes: ['lang', 'audio', 'image', 'sprite'],
loadedMedia: [],
isLoaded: [],
- // List of media URL
- url: {
- boot: {
- image: [
- // Scene
- ['bgimage', medSrc + 'scene/bg.jpg'],
- ['bgmap', medSrc + 'scene/bg_map.png'],
- ['bush', medSrc + 'scene/bush.png'],
- ['cloud', medSrc + 'scene/cloud.png'],
- ['floor', medSrc + 'scene/floor.png'],
- ['place_off', medSrc + 'scene/place_off.png'],
- ['place_on', medSrc + 'scene/place_on.png'],
- ['rock', medSrc + 'scene/rock.png'],
- ['road', medSrc + 'scene/road.png'],
- ['sign', medSrc + 'scene/sign.png'],
- ['tree1', medSrc + 'scene/tree.png'],
- ['tree2', medSrc + 'scene/tree2.png'],
- ['tree3', medSrc + 'scene/tree3.png'],
- ['tree4', medSrc + 'scene/tree4.png'],
- // Flags
- ['flag_BR', medSrc + 'flag/BRAZ.jpg'],
- ['flag_FR', medSrc + 'flag/FRAN.jpg'],
- ['flag_IT', medSrc + 'flag/ITAL.png'],
- ['flag_PE', medSrc + 'flag/PERU.jpg'],
- ['flag_US', medSrc + 'flag/UNST.jpg'],
- // Navigation icons on the top of the page
- ['back', medSrc + 'navig_icon/back.png'],
- ['help', medSrc + 'navig_icon/help.png'],
- ['home', medSrc + 'navig_icon/home.png'],
- ['language', medSrc + 'navig_icon/language.png'],
- ['menu', medSrc + 'navig_icon/menu.png'],
- // Interactive icons
- ['arrow_down', medSrc + 'interac_icon/down.png'],
- ['error', medSrc + 'interac_icon/error.png'],
- ['help_pointer', medSrc + 'interac_icon/pointer.png'],
- ['ok', medSrc + 'interac_icon/ok.png'],
- // Non-interactive icons
- ['arrow_double', medSrc + 'non_interac_icon/double.png'],
- ['arrow_left', medSrc + 'non_interac_icon/left_arrow.png'],
- ['arrow_right', medSrc + 'non_interac_icon/right_arrow.png'],
- ['equal', medSrc + 'non_interac_icon/equal.png']
- ],
- sprite: [
- // Game Sprites
- ['kid_walk', medSrc + 'character/kid/walk.png', 26],
- // Navigation icons on the top of the page
- ['audio', medSrc + 'navig_icon/audio.png', 2],
- // Interactive icons
- ['select', medSrc + 'interac_icon/selectionBox.png', 2]
- ],
- audio: [
- // Sound effects
- ['beepSound', ['assets/audio/beep.ogg', 'assets/audio/beep.mp3']],
- ['okSound', ['assets/audio/ok.ogg', 'assets/audio/ok.mp3']],
- ['errorSound', ['assets/audio/error.ogg', 'assets/audio/error.mp3']]
- ]
- },
- menu: {
- image: [
- // Level Icons
- ['game0', medSrc + 'levels/squareOne_1.png', 'Square', 'A'], // Square I
- ['game1', medSrc + 'levels/squareOne_2.png', 'Square', 'B'], // Square II
- ['game2', medSrc + 'levels/circleOne_1.png', 'Circle', 'A'], // Circle I
- ['game3', medSrc + 'levels/circleOne_2.png', 'Circle', 'B'], // Circle II
- ['game4', medSrc + 'levels/squareTwo_3.png', 'Square', 'C'] // Square III
- ],
- //if (debugMode) {
- // for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- // image.push(['', medSrc + 'levels/squareTwo_3.png', 'Square', 'C']);
- // }
- //}
- sprite: [],
- audio: []
- },
- squareOne: {
- image: [
- // Scene
- ['farm', medSrc + 'scene/farm.png'],
- ['garage', medSrc + 'scene/garage.png']
- ],
- sprite: [
- // Game sprites
- ['tractor', medSrc + 'character/tractor/tractor.png', 15]
- ],
- audio: []
- },
- squareTwo: {
- image: [
- // Scene
- ['house', medSrc + 'scene/house.png'],
- ['school', medSrc + 'scene/school.png']
- ],
- sprite: [
- // Game sprites
- ['kid_standing', medSrc + 'character/kid/lost.png', 6],
- ['kid_run', medSrc + 'character/kid/run.png', 12]
- ],
- audio: []
- },
- circleOne: {
- image: [
- // Scene
- ['house', medSrc + 'scene/house.png'],
- ['school', medSrc + 'scene/school.png'],
- // Game images
- ['balloon', medSrc + 'character/balloon/airballoon_upper.png'],
- ['balloon_basket', medSrc + 'character/balloon/airballoon_base.png']
- ],
- sprite: [
- // Game sprites
- ['kid_run', medSrc + 'character/kid/run.png', 12]
- ],
- audio: []
- },
- },
// Loads a list of URL to Cache
load: {
@@ -232,11 +115,44 @@ const game = {
// Adds new media to "media queue" to be rendered by current screen
add: {
+ default : {
+ // all
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ _xWithAnchor: 0,
+ _yWithAnchor: 0,
+ xAnchor: 0,
+ yAnchor: 0,
+ shadow : false,
+ shadowColor : "#0075c5",
+ shadowBlur : 20,
+ alpha: 1,
+ // image, sprite, square, circle
+ scale: 1,
+ // text
+ font: '14px Arial,sans-serif',
+ fill: '#000',
+ align: 'center',
+ // square, circle (image and sprite have width and height, but do not have default values)
+ width: 50,
+ height: 50,
+ lineColor: "#000",
+ lineWidth: 1,
+ fillColor: 0, // default no fill
+ // circle
+ diameter: 50,
+ anticlockwise: false,
+ },
// game.add.image(x, y, img)
// game.add.image(x, y, img, scale)
- // game.add.image(x, y, img, scaleWidth, scaleHeigth)
- // game.add.image(x, y, img, scaleWidth, scaleHeigth, alpha)
- image: function (x, y, img, sW, sH, alpha) {
+ // game.add.image(x, y, img, scale, alpha)
+ image: function (x, y, img, scale, alpha) {
if (x == undefined || y == undefined || img == undefined) console.error("Game error: parameters missing");
else if (game.image[img] == undefined) console.error("Game error: image not found in cache: " + img);
else {
@@ -244,29 +160,29 @@ const game = {
typeOfMedia: 'image',
name: img,
- x: x || 0,
- y: y || 0,
- _xWithAnchor: x || 0,
- _yWithAnchor: y || 0,
- xAnchor: 0,
- yAnchor: 0,
+ x: x || game.add.default.x,
+ y: y || game.add.default.y,
+ _xWithAnchor: x || game.add.default._xWithAnchor,
+ _yWithAnchor: y || game.add.default._yWithAnchor,
+ xAnchor: game.add.default.xAnchor,
+ yAnchor: game.add.default.yAnchor,
+ shadow : game.add.default.shadow,
+ shadowColor : game.add.default.shadowColor,
+ shadowBlur : game.add.default.shadowBlur,
+ alpha: (alpha != undefined) ? alpha : game.add.default.alpha,
- scaleWidth: sW || 1,
- scaleHeight: sW || 1,
+ scale: scale || game.add.default.scale,
width: game.image[img].width,
height: game.image[img].height,
- alpha: alpha || 1,
anchor: function (xAnchor, yAnchor) {
this.xAnchor = xAnchor;
this.yAnchor = yAnchor;
- get xWithAnchor() { return this.x - (this.width * this.scaleWidth * this.xAnchor); },
- get yWithAnchor() { return this.y - (this.height * this.scaleHeight * this.yAnchor); }
+ get xWithAnchor() { return this.x - (this.width * this.scale * this.xAnchor); },
+ get yWithAnchor() { return this.y - (this.height * this.scale * this.yAnchor); }
- if (sH != undefined) med.scaleHeight = sH;
return med;
@@ -274,7 +190,8 @@ const game = {
// game.add.sprite(x, y, img)
// game.add.sprite(x, y, img, curFrame)
// game.add.sprite(x, y, img, curFrame, scale)
- sprite: function (x, y, img, curFrame, scale) {
+ // game.add.sprite(x, y, img, curFrame, scale, alpha)
+ sprite: function (x, y, img, curFrame, scale, alpha) {
if (x == undefined || y == undefined || img == undefined) console.error("Game error: parameters missing");
else if (game.sprite[img] == undefined) console.error("Game error: sprite not found in cache: " + img);
else {
@@ -282,56 +199,61 @@ const game = {
typeOfMedia: 'sprite',
name: img,
- x: x || 0,
- y: y || 0,
- _xWithAnchor: x || 0,
- _yWithAnchor: y || 0,
- xAnchor: 0,
- yAnchor: 0,
+ x: x || game.add.default.x,
+ y: y || game.add.default.y,
+ _xWithAnchor: x || game.add.default._xWithAnchor,
+ _yWithAnchor: y || game.add.default._yWithAnchor,
+ xAnchor: game.add.default.xAnchor,
+ yAnchor: game.add.default.yAnchor,
- scaleWidth: scale || 1,
- scaleHeight: scale || 1,
+ shadow : game.add.default.shadow,
+ shadowColor : game.add.default.shadowColor,
+ shadowBlur : game.add.default.shadowBlur,
+ alpha: (alpha != undefined) ? alpha : game.add.default.alpha,
+ scale: scale || game.add.default.scale,
width: game.sprite[img].width / game.sprite[img].frames, // frame width
height: game.sprite[img].height, // frame height
curFrame: curFrame || 0,
- alpha: 1,
anchor: function (xAnchor, yAnchor) {
this.xAnchor = xAnchor;
this.yAnchor = yAnchor;
- get xWithAnchor() { return this.x - (this.width * this.scaleWidth * this.xAnchor); },
- get yWithAnchor() { return this.y - (this.height * this.scaleHeight * this.yAnchor); }
+ get xWithAnchor() { return this.x - (this.width * this.scale * this.xAnchor); },
+ get yWithAnchor() { return this.y - (this.height * this.scale * this.yAnchor); }
return med;
- // game.add.text(x, y, text)
// game.add.text(x, y, text, style)
- text: function (x, y, text, style) {
- if (x == undefined || y == undefined || text == undefined) console.error("Game error: parameters missing");
+ // game.add.text(x, y, text, style, align)
+ text: function (x, y, text, style, align) {
+ if (x == undefined || y == undefined || text == undefined || style == undefined) console.error("Game error: parameters missing");
else {
const med = {
typeOfMedia: 'text',
name: text,
- x: x || 0,
- y: y || 0,
- _xWithAnchor: x || 0,
- _yWithAnchor: y || 0,
- xAnchor: 0,
- yAnchor: 0,
+ x: x || game.add.default.x,
+ y: y || game.add.default.y,
+ _xWithAnchor: x || game.add.default._xWithAnchor,
+ _yWithAnchor: y || game.add.default._yWithAnchor,
+ xAnchor: game.add.default.xAnchor,
+ yAnchor: game.add.default.yAnchor,
- style: style || textStyles.default,
+ shadow : game.add.default.shadow,
+ shadowColor : game.add.default.shadowColor,
+ shadowBlur : game.add.default.shadowBlur,
+ alpha: game.add.default.alpha,
- alpha: 1,
+ font: style.font || game.add.default.font,
+ fill: style.fill || game.add.default.fill,
+ align: align || style.align || game.add.default.align,
anchor: function () { console.error("Game error: there's no anchor for text"); },
get xWithAnchor() { return this.x; },
get yWithAnchor() { return this.y; }
@@ -340,146 +262,170 @@ const game = {
graphic: {
- // game.add.graphics.rect(x, y, width, height)
- // game.add.graphics.rect(x, y, width, height, lineColor)
- // game.add.graphics.rect(x, y, width, height, lineColor, lineWidth)
- // game.add.graphics.rect(x, y, width, height, lineColor, lineWidth, fillColor)
- // game.add.graphics.rect(x, y, width, height, lineColor, lineWidth, fillColor, alpha)
+ // game.add.graphic.rect(x, y, width, height)
+ // game.add.graphic.rect(x, y, width, height, lineColor)
+ // game.add.graphic.rect(x, y, width, height, lineColor, lineWidth)
+ // game.add.graphic.rect(x, y, width, height, lineColor, lineWidth, fillColor)
+ // game.add.graphic.rect(x, y, width, height, lineColor, lineWidth, fillColor, alpha)
rect: function (x, y, width, height, lineColor, lineWidth, fillColor, alpha) {
- if (x == undefined || y == undefined || width == undefined || height == undefined) console.error("Game error: parameters missing");
+ if (x == undefined || y == undefined || width == undefined) console.error("Game error: parameters missing");
else {
const med = {
typeOfMedia: 'rect',
- x: x || 0,
- y: y || 0,
- _xWithAnchor: x || 0,
- _yWithAnchor: y || 0,
- xAnchor: 0,
- yAnchor: 0,
+ x: x || game.add.default.x,
+ y: y || game.add.default.y,
+ _xWithAnchor: x || game.add.default._xWithAnchor,
+ _yWithAnchor: y || game.add.default._yWithAnchor,
+ xAnchor: game.add.default.xAnchor,
+ yAnchor: game.add.default.yAnchor,
+ shadow : game.add.default.shadow,
+ shadowColor : game.add.default.shadowColor,
+ shadowBlur : game.add.default.shadowBlur,
+ alpha: (alpha != undefined) ? alpha : game.add.default.alpha,
- scaleWidth: 1,
- scaleHeight: 1,
- width: width || 50,
- height: height || 50,
+ scale: game.add.default.scale,
- lineColor: lineColor || colors.black,
- lineWidth: lineWidth || 0, // by default there's no line width
- fillColor: fillColor || 0,
+ width: 0,
+ height: 0,
- alpha: (alpha != undefined) ? alpha : 1,
+ lineColor: lineColor || game.add.default.lineColor,
+ lineWidth: 0,
+ fillColor: fillColor || game.add.default.fillColor,
anchor: function (xAnchor, yAnchor) {
this.xAnchor = xAnchor;
this.yAnchor = yAnchor;
- get xWithAnchor() { return this.x - (this.width * this.scaleWidth * this.xAnchor); },
- get yWithAnchor() { return this.y - (this.height * this.scaleHeight * this.yAnchor); }
+ get xWithAnchor() { return this.x - (this.width * this.scale * this.xAnchor); },
+ get yWithAnchor() { return this.y - (this.height * this.scale * this.yAnchor); }
+ if (width != 0) { med.width = width || game.add.default.width; }
+ if (height != 0) { med.height = height || width || game.add.default.height; }
+ if (lineWidth != 0) { med.lineWidth = lineWidth || game.add.default.lineWidth; }
return med;
- // game.add.graphics.circle(x, y, diameter)
- // game.add.graphics.circle(x, y, diameter, lineColor)
- // game.add.graphics.circle(x, y, diameter, lineColor, lineWidth)
- // game.add.graphics.circle(x, y, diameter, lineColor, lineWidth, fillColor)
- // game.add.graphics.circle(x, y, diameter, lineColor, lineWidth, fillColor, alpha)
- circle: function (x, y, diameter, lineColor, lineWidth, fillColor, alpha) {
+ // game.add.graphic.circle(x, y, diameter)
+ // game.add.graphic.circle(x, y, diameter, lineColor)
+ // game.add.graphic.circle(x, y, diameter, lineColor, lineWidth)
+ // game.add.graphic.circle(x, y, diameter, lineColor, lineWidth, fillColor)
+ // game.add.graphic.circle(x, y, diameter, lineColor, lineWidth, fillColor, alpha)
+ circle: function (x, y, diameter, lineColor, lineWidth, fillColor, alpha) {
if (x == undefined || y == undefined || diameter == undefined) console.error("Game error: parameters missing");
else {
const med = {
typeOfMedia: 'arc',
+ x: x || game.add.default.x,
+ y: y || game.add.default.y,
+ _xWithAnchor: x || game.add.default._xWithAnchor,
+ _yWithAnchor: y || game.add.default._yWithAnchor,
+ xAnchor: game.add.default.xAnchor,
+ yAnchor: game.add.default.yAnchor,
- x: x || 0,
- y: y || 0,
- _xWithAnchor: x || 0,
- _yWithAnchor: y || 0,
- xAnchor: 0,
- yAnchor: 0,
+ shadow : game.add.default.shadow,
+ shadowColor : game.add.default.shadowColor,
+ shadowBlur : game.add.default.shadowBlur,
+ alpha: (alpha != undefined) ? alpha : game.add.default.alpha,
- diameter: diameter || 50,
- angleStart: 0,
- angleEnd: 2 * Math.PI,
- anticlockwise: false,
+ scale: game.add.default.scale,
- scaleWidth: 1,
- scaleHeight: 1,
- width: diameter,
- height: diameter,
+ diameter: 0,
- lineColor: lineColor || colors.black,
- lineWidth: lineWidth || 0, // by default there's no line width
- fillColor: fillColor || colors.white,
+ width: 0,
+ height: 0,
- alpha: (alpha != undefined) ? alpha : 1,
+ angleStart: 0,
+ angleEnd: 2 * Math.PI,
+ anticlockwise: game.add.default.anticlockwise,
+ lineColor: lineColor || game.add.default.lineColor,
+ lineWidth: 0,
+ fillColor: fillColor || game.add.default.fillColor,
anchor: function (xAnchor, yAnchor) {
this.xAnchor = xAnchor;
this.yAnchor = yAnchor;
- get xWithAnchor() { return this.x - (this.width * this.scaleWidth * this.xAnchor); },
- get yWithAnchor() { return this.y - (this.height * this.scaleHeight * this.yAnchor); }
+ get xWithAnchor() { return this.x - (this.width * this.scale * this.xAnchor); },
+ get yWithAnchor() { return this.y - (this.height * this.scale * this.yAnchor); }
+ if (diameter != 0) {
+ med.diameter = diameter || game.add.default.diameter;
+ med.width = med.height = med.diameter;
+ }
+ if (lineWidth != 0) {
+ med.lineWidth = lineWidth || game.add.default.lineWidth;
+ }
return med;
- // game.add.graphics.arc(x, y, diameter, angleStart, angleEnd, anticlockWise)
- // game.add.graphics.arc(x, y, diameter, angleStart, angleEnd, anticlockWise, lineColor)
- // game.add.graphics.arc(x, y, diameter, angleStart, angleEnd, anticlockWise, lineColor, lineWidth)
- // game.add.graphics.arc(x, y, diameter, angleStart, angleEnd, anticlockWise, lineColor, lineWidth, fillColor)
- // game.add.graphics.arc(x, y, diameter, angleStart, angleEnd, anticlockWise, lineColor, lineWidth, fillColor, alpha)
+ // game.add.graphic.arc(x, y, diameter, angleStart, angleEnd)
+ // game.add.graphic.arc(x, y, diameter, angleStart, angleEnd, anticlockWise)
+ // game.add.graphic.arc(x, y, diameter, angleStart, angleEnd, anticlockWise, lineColor)
+ // game.add.graphic.arc(x, y, diameter, angleStart, angleEnd, anticlockWise, lineColor, lineWidth)
+ // game.add.graphic.arc(x, y, diameter, angleStart, angleEnd, anticlockWise, lineColor, lineWidth, fillColor)
+ // game.add.graphic.arc(x, y, diameter, angleStart, angleEnd, anticlockWise, lineColor, lineWidth, fillColor, alpha)
arc: function (x, y, diameter, angleStart, angleEnd, anticlockwise, lineColor, lineWidth, fillColor, alpha) {
if (x == undefined || y == undefined || diameter == undefined || angleStart == undefined || angleEnd == undefined) console.error("Game error: parameters missing");
else {
const med = {
typeOfMedia: 'arc',
- x: x || 0,
- y: y || 0,
- _xWithAnchor: x || 0,
- _yWithAnchor: y || 0,
- xAnchor: 0,
- yAnchor: 0,
+ x: x || game.add.default.x,
+ y: y || game.add.default.y,
+ _xWithAnchor: x || game.add.default._xWithAnchor,
+ _yWithAnchor: y || game.add.default._yWithAnchor,
+ xAnchor: game.add.default.xAnchor,
+ yAnchor: game.add.default.yAnchor,
+ shadow : game.add.default.shadow,
+ shadowColor : game.add.default.shadowColor,
+ shadowBlur : game.add.default.shadowBlur,
+ alpha: (alpha != undefined) ? alpha : game.add.default.alpha,
- diameter: diameter || 50,
- angleStart: angleStart,
- angleEnd: angleEnd,
- anticlockwise: anticlockwise || false,
+ scale: game.add.default.scale,
- scaleWidth: 1,
- scaleHeight: 1,
- width: diameter,
- height: diameter,
+ diameter: 0,
- lineColor: lineColor || colors.black,
- lineWidth: lineWidth || 0, // by default there's no line width
- fillColor: fillColor || colors.white,
+ width: 0,
+ height: 0,
- alpha: (alpha != undefined) ? alpha : 1,
+ angleStart: angleStart || 0,
+ angleEnd: angleEnd || 2 * Math.PI,
+ anticlockwise: anticlockwise || game.add.default.anticlockwise,
+ lineColor: lineColor || game.add.default.lineColor,
+ lineWidth: 0,
+ fillColor: fillColor || game.add.default.fillColor,
anchor: function (xAnchor, yAnchor) {
this.xAnchor = xAnchor;
this.yAnchor = yAnchor;
- get xWithAnchor() { return this.x - (this.width * this.scaleWidth * this.xAnchor); },
- get yWithAnchor() { return this.y - (this.height * this.scaleHeight * this.yAnchor); }
+ get xWithAnchor() { return this.x - (this.width * this.scale * this.xAnchor); },
+ get yWithAnchor() { return this.y - (this.height * this.scale * this.yAnchor); }
+ if (diameter != 0) {
+ med.diameter = diameter || game.add.default.diameter;
+ med.width = med.height = med.diameter;
+ }
+ if (lineWidth != 0) { med.lineWidth = lineWidth || game.add.default.lineWidth; }
return med;
// Renders media on current screen
render: {
queue: [], // media queue to be rendered by the current state
- _image: function (cur) { // ( x, y, img, sW, sH, alpha)
+ _image: function (cur) { // ( x, y, img, scale, alpha)
const x = cur.xWithAnchor, y = cur.yWithAnchor;
if (cur.rotate && cur.rotate != 0) {
@@ -488,17 +434,20 @@ const game = {
context.translate(-cur.x, -cur.y);
context.globalAlpha = cur.alpha;
+ context.shadowBlur = (cur.shadow) ? cur.shadowBlur : 0;
+ context.shadowColor = cur.shadowColor;
- cur.width * cur.scaleWidth,
- cur.height * cur.scaleHeight
+ cur.width * cur.scale,
+ cur.height * cur.scale
+ context.shadowBlur = 0;
context.globalAlpha = 1;
if (cur.rotate && cur.rotate != 0) context.restore();
- _sprite: function (cur) { // ( x, y, img, curFrame, s )
+ _sprite: function (cur) { // ( x, y, img, curFrame, scale, alpha )
const x = cur.xWithAnchor, y = cur.yWithAnchor;
if (cur.rotate && cur.rotate != 0) {
@@ -507,6 +456,8 @@ const game = {
context.translate(-cur.x, -cur.y);
context.globalAlpha = cur.alpha;
+ context.shadowBlur = (cur.shadow) ? cur.shadowBlur : 0;
+ context.shadowColor = cur.shadowColor;
cur.width * cur.curFrame,
@@ -515,9 +466,10 @@ const game = {
- cur.width * cur.scaleWidth,
- cur.height * cur.scaleHeight
+ cur.width * cur.scale,
+ cur.height * cur.scale
+ context.shadowBlur = 0;
context.globalAlpha = 1;
if (cur.rotate && cur.rotate != 0) context.restore();
@@ -530,54 +482,78 @@ const game = {
context.translate(-cur.x, -cur.y);
context.globalAlpha = cur.alpha;
- context.font = cur.style.font;
- context.textAlign = cur.style.align;
- context.fillStyle = cur.style.fill;
+ context.shadowBlur = (cur.shadow) ? cur.shadowBlur : 0;
+ context.shadowColor = cur.shadowColor;
+ context.font = cur.font;
+ context.textAlign = cur.align;
+ context.fillStyle = cur.fill;
context.fillText(cur.name, x, y);
+ context.shadowBlur = 0;
context.globalAlpha = 1;
if (cur.rotate && cur.rotate != 0) context.restore();
_graphic: {
_rect: function (cur) { // ( x, y, width, height, lineColor, lineWidth, fillColor, alpha)
const x = cur.xWithAnchor, y = cur.yWithAnchor;
+ // rotation
if (cur.rotate && cur.rotate != 0) {
context.translate(cur.x, cur.y);
context.rotate(cur.rotate * Math.PI / 180);
context.translate(-cur.x, -cur.y);
+ // alpha
context.globalAlpha = cur.alpha;
+ // shadow
+ context.shadowBlur = (cur.shadow) ? cur.shadowBlur : 0;
+ context.shadowColor = cur.shadowColor;
+ // fill
if (cur.fillColor != 0) {
context.fillStyle = cur.fillColor;
- context.fillRect(x, y, cur.width, cur.height);
+ context.fillRect(x, y, cur.width * cur.scale, cur.height * cur.scale);
+ // stroke
if (cur.lineWidth != 0) {
context.strokeStyle = cur.lineColor;
context.lineWidth = cur.lineWidth;
- context.strokeRect(x, y, cur.width, cur.height);
+ context.strokeRect(x, y, cur.width * cur.scale, cur.height * cur.scale);
+ // end
+ context.shadowBlur = 0;
context.globalAlpha = 1;
if (cur.rotate && cur.rotate != 0) context.restore();
_arc: function (cur) { // ( x, y, diameter, angleStart, angleEnd, anticlockWise, lineColor, lineWidth, fillColor, alpha);
const x = cur.xWithAnchor, y = cur.yWithAnchor;
+ // rotation
if (cur.rotate && cur.rotate != 0) {
context.translate(cur.x, cur.y);
context.rotate(cur.rotate * Math.PI / 180);
context.translate(-cur.x, -cur.y);
+ // alpha
context.globalAlpha = cur.alpha;
- context.fillStyle = cur.fillColor;
- context.strokeStyle = cur.lineColor;
- context.lineWidth = cur.lineWidth;
+ // shadow
+ context.shadowBlur = (cur.shadow) ? cur.shadowBlur : 0;
+ context.shadowColor = cur.shadowColor;
+ // fill info
+ if (cur.fillColor != 0) context.fillStyle = cur.fillColor;
+ // stroke info
+ if (cur.lineWidth != 0) {
+ context.strokeStyle = cur.lineColor;
+ context.lineWidth = cur.lineWidth;
+ }
+ // path
if (cur.angleEnd != 2 * Math.PI) context.lineTo(x, y);
- context.arc(x, y, cur.diameter / 2, cur.angleStart, cur.angleEnd, cur.anticlockwise);
+ context.arc(x, y, (cur.diameter / 2) * cur.scale, cur.angleStart, cur.angleEnd, cur.anticlockwise);
if (cur.angleEnd != 2 * Math.PI) context.lineTo(x, y);
- context.fill();
- context.stroke();
+ // end
+ if (cur.fillColor != 0) context.fill();
+ if (cur.lineWidth != 0) context.stroke();
+ context.shadowBlur = 0;
context.globalAlpha = 1;
if (cur.rotate && cur.rotate != 0) context.restore();
@@ -629,6 +605,13 @@ const game = {
const b = Math.max(yMouse, yIcon) - Math.min(yMouse, yIcon);
return Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
+ isOverIcon : function (xMouse, yMouse, icon) {
+ const x = xMouse, y = yMouse, cur = icon;
+ const valid =
+ y >= cur.yWithAnchor && y <= (cur.yWithAnchor + cur.height * cur.scale) &&
+ (x >= cur.xWithAnchor && x <= (cur.xWithAnchor + cur.width * cur.scale));
+ return valid;
+ }
// Timer