@@ -1,338 +1,338 @@
- * This file holds game states.
- ******************************/
- *
- * ...
- *
- * @namespace
- */
-const scaleOne = {
- /**
- * Main code
- */
- create: function () {
- this.control = {
- scale: {
- x0: (context.canvas.width / 3) * 2,
- y0: context.canvas.height - 128,
- rotation: 0,
- },
- icicles: { x0: 100, y0: 197, coordinates: undefined },
- };
- this.control.icicles.coordinates = [
- { x: this.control.icicles.x0, y: this.control.icicles.y0 },
- { x: this.control.icicles.x0 + 160, y: this.control.icicles.y0 },
- { x: this.control.icicles.x0 + 160 * 2, y: this.control.icicles.y0 },
- { x: this.control.icicles.x0, y: this.control.icicles.y0 + 160 * 1.5 },
- {
- x: this.control.icicles.x0 + 160,
- y: this.control.icicles.y0 + 160 * 1.5,
- },
- {
- x: this.control.icicles.x0 + 160 * 2,
- y: this.control.icicles.y0 + 160 * 1.5,
- },
- ];
- this.scale = {
- base: null,
- top: null,
- plate_left: null,
- plate_right: null,
- };
- this.icicles = [];
- this.icicleFractions = [];
- renderBackground('scale');
- // Calls function that loads navigation icons
- if (moodle) {
- navigationIcons.add(
- false,
- false,
- false, // Left icons
- true,
- false, // Right icons
- false,
- false
- );
- } else {
- navigationIcons.add(
- true,
- true,
- true, // Left icons
- true,
- false, // Right icons
- 'customMenu',
- this.viewHelp
- );
- }
- this.renderList.scale();
- this.renderList.icicles();
- // teste
- this.iciclesIA = game.add.sprite(
- this.control.scale.x0 + 260,
- 100, // this.scale.top.y - 180,
- 'floor_snow',
- 2,
- 2
- );
- this.iciclesIA.anchor(0.5, 0.5);
- this.iciclesIAFractions = game.add.text(
- this.control.scale.x0 + 260,
- 100 + 40, // this.scale.top.y - 180,
- '1/2',
- textStyles.h2_blue
- );
- this.iciclesIAControl = {
- counter: 0,
- direction: 'initial',
- index: 0,
- };
- //game.timer.start(); // Set a timer for the current level (used in postScore())
- game.event.add('click', this.onInputDown);
- game.event.add('mousemove', this.onInputOver);
- },
- renderList: {
- scale: () => {
- // base of the scale
- self.scale.base = game.add.image(
- self.control.scale.x0,
- self.control.scale.y0,
- 'scale_base',
- 2
- );
- // top of the scale
- self.scale.top = game.add.image(
- self.control.scale.x0,
- self.control.scale.y0 - 170,
- 'scale_arm',
- 2
- );
- self.scale.top.rotate = self.control.scale.rotate;
- // left plate
- self.scale.plate_left = game.add.image(
- self.control.scale.x0 - 258,
- self.scale.top.y - 30,
- 'scale_plate',
- 2
- );
- // right plate
- self.scale.plate_right = game.add.image(
- self.control.scale.x0 + 258,
- self.scale.top.y - 30,
- 'scale_plate',
- 2
- );
- for (let item in self.scale) {
- if (self.scale[item] !== null) self.scale[item].anchor(0.5, 1);
- }
- },
- icicles: () => {
- for (let i = 0; i < self.control.icicles.coordinates.length; i++) {
- const icicle = game.add.sprite(
- self.control.icicles.coordinates[i].x,
- self.control.icicles.coordinates[i].y,
- 'floor_snow',
- 2,
- 2
- );
- const fractionTop = game.add.text(
- self.control.icicles.coordinates[i].x + 65,
- self.control.icicles.coordinates[i].y + 120,
- '1',
- textStyles.h2_blue
- );
- const fractionLine = game.add.text(
- self.control.icicles.coordinates[i].x + 65,
- self.control.icicles.coordinates[i].y + 120 + 3,
- '__',
- textStyles.h2_blue
- );
- const fractionBottom = game.add.text(
- self.control.icicles.coordinates[i].x + 65,
- self.control.icicles.coordinates[i].y + 120 * 1.4,
- '2',
- textStyles.h2_blue
- );
- self.icicles.push(icicle);
- // self.icicleFractions.push({
- // fractionTop,
- // fractionLine,
- // fractionBottom,
- // });
- // self.icicleFractions.push({
- // fractionTop: fractionTop,
- // fractionLine: fractionLine,
- // fractionBottom: fractionBottom,
- // });
- }
- },
- },
- animationList: {
- initial: () => {
- const rotationOffset = 10 / 3;
- // lower icicle
- if (self.iciclesIA.y < self.scale.top.y - 180) {
- moveList([self.iciclesIA, self.iciclesIAFractions], 0, 15);
- }
- // make balance tend to the right
- else if (self.iciclesIAControl.counter <= 3) {
- moveList(
- [self.iciclesIA, self.iciclesIAFractions, self.scale.plate_right],
- 0,
- 15
- );
- moveList([self.scale.plate_left], 0, -3);
- self.scale.top.rotate = 10 / 3;
- self.iciclesIAControl.counter++;
- } else {
- if (self.iciclesIAControl.counter > 59) {
- self.iciclesIAControl.counter = 0;
- self.iciclesIAControl.direction = 'left';
- }
- self.iciclesIAControl.counter++;
- }
- },
- scaleLeft: () => {
- // const rotationOffset = 10 / 5;
- // const distancia = 9 * 5; // 45
- if (self.iciclesIAControl.counter <= 9) {
- moveList(
- [self.iciclesIA, self.iciclesIAFractions, self.scale.plate_right],
- 0,
- -5
- );
- moveList([self.scale.plate_left], 0, 5);
- self.scale.top.rotate = -10 / 3;
- self.iciclesIAControl.counter++;
- } else {
- if (self.iciclesIAControl.counter > 59) {
- self.iciclesIAControl.counter = 0;
- self.iciclesIAControl.direction = 'right';
- }
- self.iciclesIAControl.counter++;
- }
- },
- scaleRight: () => {
- //const rotationOffset = 10 / 5;
- if (self.iciclesIAControl.counter <= 9) {
- moveList(
- [self.iciclesIA, self.iciclesIAFractions, self.scale.plate_right],
- 0,
- 5
- );
- moveList([self.scale.plate_left], 0, -5);
- self.scale.top.rotate = 10 / 3;
- self.iciclesIAControl.counter++;
- } else {
- if (self.iciclesIAControl.counter > 59) {
- self.iciclesIAControl.counter = 0;
- self.iciclesIAControl.direction = 'left';
- }
- self.iciclesIAControl.counter++;
- }
- },
- },
- /**
- * Game loop
- */
- update: function () {
- if (self.iciclesIAControl.direction === 'initial') {
- self.animationList.initial();
- }
- if (self.iciclesIAControl.direction === 'left') {
- self.animationList.scaleLeft();
- }
- if (self.iciclesIAControl.direction === 'right') {
- self.animationList.scaleRight();
- }
- game.render.all();
- },
- /**
- * Function called by self.onInputOver() when cursor is over a valid rectangle
- *
- * @param {object} cur rectangle the cursor is over
- */
- overIcicleHandler: function (cur) {
- for (let i in self.icicles) {
- if (i === cur.index) {
- self.icicles[i].scale = 1.2;
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * Called by mouse click event
- *
- * @param {object} mouseEvent contains the mouse click coordinates
- */
- onInputDown: function (mouseEvent) {
- const x = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).x;
- const y = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).y;
- navigationIcons.onInputDown(x, y);
- game.render.all();
- },
- /**
- * Called by mouse move event
- *
- * @param {object} mouseEvent contains the mouse move coordinates
- */
- onInputOver: function (mouseEvent) {
- const x = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).x;
- const y = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).y;
- self.icicles.forEach((icicle) => {
- if (game.math.isOverIcon(x, y, icicle)) {
- self.overIcicleHandler(icicle);
- }
- });
- navigationIcons.onInputOver(x, y);
- game.render.all();
- },
- /**
- * Display correct answer
- */
- viewHelp: function () {},
- /**
- * Saves players data after level ends - to be sent to database <br>
- *
- * Attention: the 'line_' prefix data table must be compatible to data table fields (MySQL server)
- *
- * @see /php/save.php
- */
- postScore: function () {},
+// /******************************
+// * This file holds game states.
+// ******************************/
+// /** [GAME STATE]
+// *
+// * ...
+// *
+// * @namespace
+// */
+// const scaleOne = {
+// /**
+// * Main code
+// */
+// create: function () {
+// this.control = {
+// scale: {
+// x0: (context.canvas.width / 3) * 2,
+// y0: context.canvas.height - 128,
+// rotation: 0,
+// },
+// icicles: { x0: 100, y0: 197, coordinates: undefined },
+// };
+// this.control.icicles.coordinates = [
+// { x: this.control.icicles.x0, y: this.control.icicles.y0 },
+// { x: this.control.icicles.x0 + 160, y: this.control.icicles.y0 },
+// { x: this.control.icicles.x0 + 160 * 2, y: this.control.icicles.y0 },
+// { x: this.control.icicles.x0, y: this.control.icicles.y0 + 160 * 1.5 },
+// {
+// x: this.control.icicles.x0 + 160,
+// y: this.control.icicles.y0 + 160 * 1.5,
+// },
+// {
+// x: this.control.icicles.x0 + 160 * 2,
+// y: this.control.icicles.y0 + 160 * 1.5,
+// },
+// ];
+// this.scale = {
+// base: null,
+// top: null,
+// plate_left: null,
+// plate_right: null,
+// };
+// this.icicles = [];
+// this.icicleFractions = [];
+// renderBackground('scale');
+// // Calls function that loads navigation icons
+// if (moodle) {
+// navigationIcons.add(
+// false,
+// false,
+// false, // Left icons
+// true,
+// false, // Right icons
+// false,
+// false
+// );
+// } else {
+// navigationIcons.add(
+// true,
+// true,
+// true, // Left icons
+// true,
+// false, // Right icons
+// 'customMenu',
+// this.viewHelp
+// );
+// }
+// this.renderList.scale();
+// this.renderList.icicles();
+// // teste
+// this.iciclesIA = game.add.sprite(
+// this.control.scale.x0 + 260,
+// 100, // this.scale.top.y - 180,
+// 'floor_snow',
+// 2,
+// 2
+// );
+// this.iciclesIA.anchor(0.5, 0.5);
+// this.iciclesIAFractions = game.add.text(
+// this.control.scale.x0 + 260,
+// 100 + 40, // this.scale.top.y - 180,
+// '1/2',
+// textStyles.h2_blue
+// );
+// this.iciclesIAControl = {
+// counter: 0,
+// direction: 'initial',
+// index: 0,
+// };
+// //game.timer.start(); // Set a timer for the current level (used in postScore())
+// game.event.add('click', this.onInputDown);
+// game.event.add('mousemove', this.onInputOver);
+// },
+// renderList: {
+// scale: () => {
+// // base of the scale
+// self.scale.base = game.add.image(
+// self.control.scale.x0,
+// self.control.scale.y0,
+// 'scale_base',
+// 2
+// );
+// // top of the scale
+// self.scale.top = game.add.image(
+// self.control.scale.x0,
+// self.control.scale.y0 - 170,
+// 'scale_arm',
+// 2
+// );
+// self.scale.top.rotate = self.control.scale.rotate;
+// // left plate
+// self.scale.plate_left = game.add.image(
+// self.control.scale.x0 - 258,
+// self.scale.top.y - 30,
+// 'scale_plate',
+// 2
+// );
+// // right plate
+// self.scale.plate_right = game.add.image(
+// self.control.scale.x0 + 258,
+// self.scale.top.y - 30,
+// 'scale_plate',
+// 2
+// );
+// for (let item in self.scale) {
+// if (self.scale[item] !== null) self.scale[item].anchor(0.5, 1);
+// }
+// },
+// icicles: () => {
+// for (let i = 0; i < self.control.icicles.coordinates.length; i++) {
+// const icicle = game.add.sprite(
+// self.control.icicles.coordinates[i].x,
+// self.control.icicles.coordinates[i].y,
+// 'floor_snow',
+// 2,
+// 2
+// );
+// const fractionTop = game.add.text(
+// self.control.icicles.coordinates[i].x + 65,
+// self.control.icicles.coordinates[i].y + 120,
+// '1',
+// textStyles.h2_blue
+// );
+// const fractionLine = game.add.text(
+// self.control.icicles.coordinates[i].x + 65,
+// self.control.icicles.coordinates[i].y + 120 + 3,
+// '__',
+// textStyles.h2_blue
+// );
+// const fractionBottom = game.add.text(
+// self.control.icicles.coordinates[i].x + 65,
+// self.control.icicles.coordinates[i].y + 120 * 1.4,
+// '2',
+// textStyles.h2_blue
+// );
+// self.icicles.push(icicle);
+// // self.icicleFractions.push({
+// // fractionTop,
+// // fractionLine,
+// // fractionBottom,
+// // });
+// // self.icicleFractions.push({
+// // fractionTop: fractionTop,
+// // fractionLine: fractionLine,
+// // fractionBottom: fractionBottom,
+// // });
+// }
+// },
+// },
+// animationList: {
+// initial: () => {
+// const rotationOffset = 10 / 3;
+// // lower icicle
+// if (self.iciclesIA.y < self.scale.top.y - 180) {
+// moveList([self.iciclesIA, self.iciclesIAFractions], 0, 15);
+// }
+// // make balance tend to the right
+// else if (self.iciclesIAControl.counter <= 3) {
+// moveList(
+// [self.iciclesIA, self.iciclesIAFractions, self.scale.plate_right],
+// 0,
+// 15
+// );
+// moveList([self.scale.plate_left], 0, -3);
+// self.scale.top.rotate = 10 / 3;
+// self.iciclesIAControl.counter++;
+// } else {
+// if (self.iciclesIAControl.counter > 59) {
+// self.iciclesIAControl.counter = 0;
+// self.iciclesIAControl.direction = 'left';
+// }
+// self.iciclesIAControl.counter++;
+// }
+// },
+// scaleLeft: () => {
+// // const rotationOffset = 10 / 5;
+// // const distancia = 9 * 5; // 45
+// if (self.iciclesIAControl.counter <= 9) {
+// moveList(
+// [self.iciclesIA, self.iciclesIAFractions, self.scale.plate_right],
+// 0,
+// -5
+// );
+// moveList([self.scale.plate_left], 0, 5);
+// self.scale.top.rotate = -10 / 3;
+// self.iciclesIAControl.counter++;
+// } else {
+// if (self.iciclesIAControl.counter > 59) {
+// self.iciclesIAControl.counter = 0;
+// self.iciclesIAControl.direction = 'right';
+// }
+// self.iciclesIAControl.counter++;
+// }
+// },
+// scaleRight: () => {
+// //const rotationOffset = 10 / 5;
+// if (self.iciclesIAControl.counter <= 9) {
+// moveList(
+// [self.iciclesIA, self.iciclesIAFractions, self.scale.plate_right],
+// 0,
+// 5
+// );
+// moveList([self.scale.plate_left], 0, -5);
+// self.scale.top.rotate = 10 / 3;
+// self.iciclesIAControl.counter++;
+// } else {
+// if (self.iciclesIAControl.counter > 59) {
+// self.iciclesIAControl.counter = 0;
+// self.iciclesIAControl.direction = 'left';
+// }
+// self.iciclesIAControl.counter++;
+// }
+// },
+// },
+// /**
+// * Game loop
+// */
+// update: function () {
+// if (self.iciclesIAControl.direction === 'initial') {
+// self.animationList.initial();
+// }
+// if (self.iciclesIAControl.direction === 'left') {
+// self.animationList.scaleLeft();
+// }
+// if (self.iciclesIAControl.direction === 'right') {
+// self.animationList.scaleRight();
+// }
+// game.render.all();
+// },
+// /**
+// * Function called by self.onInputOver() when cursor is over a valid rectangle
+// *
+// * @param {object} cur rectangle the cursor is over
+// */
+// overIcicleHandler: function (cur) {
+// for (let i in self.icicles) {
+// if (i === cur.index) {
+// self.icicles[i].scale = 1.2;
+// }
+// }
+// },
+// /**
+// * Called by mouse click event
+// *
+// * @param {object} mouseEvent contains the mouse click coordinates
+// */
+// onInputDown: function (mouseEvent) {
+// const x = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).x;
+// const y = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).y;
+// navigationIcons.onInputDown(x, y);
+// game.render.all();
+// },
+// /**
+// * Called by mouse move event
+// *
+// * @param {object} mouseEvent contains the mouse move coordinates
+// */
+// onInputOver: function (mouseEvent) {
+// const x = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).x;
+// const y = game.math.getMouse(mouseEvent).y;
+// self.icicles.forEach((icicle) => {
+// if (game.math.isOverIcon(x, y, icicle)) {
+// self.overIcicleHandler(icicle);
+// }
+// });
+// navigationIcons.onInputOver(x, y);
+// game.render.all();
+// },
+// /**
+// * Display correct answer
+// */
+// viewHelp: function () {},
+// /**
+// * Saves players data after level ends - to be sent to database <br>
+// *
+// * Attention: the 'line_' prefix data table must be compatible to data table fields (MySQL server)
+// *
+// * @see /php/save.php
+// */
+// postScore: function () {},
+// };