@@ -31,91 +31,52 @@ var langState = {
create: function() {
- // AUX
+ if(this.game.world.width != defaultWidth) this.game.world.setBounds(0, 0, defaultWidth, this.game.world.height);
+ // AUX
var style = { font: '28px Arial', fill: '#00804d', align: 'center' };
+ // AUDIO
- beepSound = game.add.audio('sound_beep'); // game sound
- okSound = game.add.audio('sound_ok'); // correct answer sound
+ beepSound = game.add.audio('sound_beep'); // game sound
+ okSound = game.add.audio('sound_ok'); // correct answer sound
errorSound = game.add.audio('sound_error'); // wrong answer sound
game.stage.backgroundColor = '#cce5ff';
- //pt_BR
- var titlePT = game.add.text(this.game.world.centerX - 220, this.game.world.centerY - 180, 'FRAÇÕES ', style);
- titlePT.anchor.setTo(1, 0.5);
- var flagPT = game.add.sprite(this.game.world.centerX - 120, this.game.world.centerY - 180, 'flag_BR');
- flagPT.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
- flagPT.inputEnabled = true;
- flagPT.input.useHandCursor = true;
- flagPT.events.onInputDown.add(this.func_setLang,{lang:'pt_BR'});
- flagPT.events.onInputOver.add(function(){ flagPT.scale.setTo(1.05) });
- flagPT.events.onInputOut.add(function(){ flagPT.scale.setTo(1) });
- //it IT
- var titleIT = game.add.text(this.game.world.centerX - 220, this.game.world.centerY, 'FRAZIONI ', style);
- titleIT.anchor.setTo(1, 0.5);
- var flagIT = game.add.sprite(this.game.world.centerX - 120, this.game.world.centerY, 'flag_IT');
- flagIT.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
- flagIT.inputEnabled = true;
- flagIT.input.useHandCursor = true;
- flagIT.events.onInputDown.add(this.func_setLang,{lang:'it_IT'});
- flagIT.events.onInputOver.add(function(){ flagIT.scale.setTo(1.05) });
- flagIT.events.onInputOut.add(function(){ flagIT.scale.setTo(1) });
- //en_US
- var titleEN = game.add.text(this.game.world.centerX - 220, this.game.world.centerY + 180, 'FRACTIONS ', style);
- titleEN.anchor.setTo(1, 0.5);
+ var flagObjList = [];
+ var langNameList= ['FRAÇÕES ', 'FRAZIONI ', 'FRACTIONS ', 'FRACCIONES ', 'FRACTIONS ' ];
+ var flagList = ['flag_BR', 'flag_IT', 'flag_US', 'flag_PE', 'flag_FR' ];
+ var langList = ['pt_BR', 'it_IT', 'en_US', 'es_PE', 'fr_FR' ];
+ var x1List = [-220, -220, -220, 200, 200];
+ var x2List = [-120, -120, -120, 300, 300];
+ var yList = [-180, 0, 180, -100, 100];
- var flagEN = game.add.sprite(this.game.world.centerX - 120, this.game.world.centerY + 180, 'flag_US');
- flagEN.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
- flagEN.inputEnabled = true;
- flagEN.input.useHandCursor = true;
- flagEN.events.onInputDown.add(this.func_setLang,{lang:'en_US'});
- flagEN.events.onInputOver.add(function(){ flagEN.scale.setTo(1.05) });
- flagEN.events.onInputOut.add(function(){ flagEN.scale.setTo(1) });
- //es_PE
- var titleES = game.add.text(this.game.world.centerX + 200, this.game.world.centerY - 100, 'FRACCIONES ', style);
- titleES.anchor.setTo(1, 0.5);
- var flagES = game.add.sprite(this.game.world.centerX + 300, this.game.world.centerY - 100, 'flag_PE');
- flagES.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
- flagES.inputEnabled = true;
- flagES.input.useHandCursor = true;
- flagES.events.onInputDown.add(this.func_setLang,{lang:'es_PE'});
- flagES.events.onInputOver.add(function(){ flagES.scale.setTo(1.05) });
- flagES.events.onInputOut.add(function(){ flagES.scale.setTo(1) });
- //fr_FR
- var titleFR = game.add.text(this.game.world.centerX + 200, this.game.world.centerY + 100, 'FRACTIONS ', style);
- titleFR.anchor.setTo(1, 0.5);
- var flagFR = game.add.sprite(this.game.world.centerX + 300, this.game.world.centerY + 100, 'flag_FR');
- flagFR.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
- flagFR.inputEnabled = true;
- flagFR.input.useHandCursor = true;
- flagFR.events.onInputDown.add(this.func_setLang,{lang:'fr_FR'});
- flagFR.events.onInputOver.add(function(){ flagFR.scale.setTo(1.05) });
- flagFR.events.onInputOut.add(function(){ flagFR.scale.setTo(1) });
+ for(var i=0; i<langList.length; i++){
+ var titleList = game.add.text(this.game.world.centerX + x1List[i], this.game.world.centerY + yList[i], langNameList[i], style);
+ titleList.anchor.setTo(1, 0.5);
+ flagObjList[i] = game.add.sprite(this.game.world.centerX + x2List[i], this.game.world.centerY + yList[i], flagList[i]);
+ flagObjList[i].anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
+ flagObjList[i].inputEnabled = true;
+ flagObjList[i].input.useHandCursor = true;
+ flagObjList[i].events.onInputDown.add(this.func_setLang,{ lang: langList[i] });
+ flagObjList[i].events.onInputOver.add(function(){ this.flagObj.scale.setTo(1.05) },{ flagObj: flagObjList[i] });
+ flagObjList[i].events.onInputOut.add( function(){ this.flagObj.scale.setTo(1) },{ flagObj: flagObjList[i] });
+ }
func_setLang: function(){
- //set language
+ // set language
lang = this.lang;
- //start resource loading
+ // start resource loading
@@ -145,7 +106,7 @@ var loadState = {
if(firstTime==true){ // select language screen - first time opening ifractions
firstTime = false;
game.state.start('name'); // go to select name screen, then menu
- }else{ // changing language during the game
+ }else{ // changing language during the game
game.state.start('menu'); // go to menu
@@ -164,13 +125,15 @@ var nameState = {
var styleName = { font: '44px Arial', fill: '#000000', align: 'center' };
// title
var title = game.add.text(this.game.world.centerX, this.game.world.centerY - 100, lang.insert_name, style);
- var errorEmptyName = game.add.text(this.game.world.centerX, this.game.world.centerY - 70, "", {font: '18px Arial', fill: '#330000', align: 'center'});
+ errorEmptyName = game.add.text(this.game.world.centerX, this.game.world.centerY - 70, "", {font: '18px Arial', fill: '#330000', align: 'center'});
// "READY" button
var btn = game.add.graphics(this.game.world.centerX - 84, this.game.world.centerY + 70);
btn.lineStyle(1, 0x293d3d);
@@ -180,7 +143,7 @@ var nameState = {
btn.inputEnabled = true;
btn.input.useHandCursor = true;
- btn.events.onInputDown.add(this.func_checkEmptyName,{errorEmptyName: errorEmptyName});
+ btn.events.onInputDown.add(this.func_checkEmptyName);
btn.events.onInputOver.add(function(){ btn.alpha=0.4 });
btn.events.onInputOut.add(function(){ btn.alpha=0.5 });
@@ -201,10 +164,10 @@ var nameState = {
func_checkEmptyName: function() {
- nameState["func_savename"]();
- this.errorEmptyName.setText("");
+ nameState["func_savename"]();
+ errorEmptyName.setText("");
- this.errorEmptyName.setText(lang.empty_name);
+ errorEmptyName.setText(lang.empty_name);
@@ -213,16 +176,16 @@ var nameState = {
// saves the typed name on username variable
username = document.getElementById("name_id").value;
- if(debugMode) console.log("user is" + username);
+ if(debugMode) console.log("user is " + username);
document.getElementById("text-field-div").style.visibility = "hidden";
//clears the text field again
document.getElementById("name_id").value = "";
- if(audioStatus){
- beepSound.play();
- }
+ if(audioStatus){
+ beepSound.play();
+ }
@@ -232,86 +195,106 @@ var nameState = {
var buttonSettings = {
+ m_info_left: null,
+ m_back: null,
+ m_list: null,
+ m_help: null,
+ m_info_right: null,
+ m_audio: null,
+ m_world: null,
+ xEsq: null,
+ xDir: null,
func_addButtons: function(left, right, b0Esq, b1Esq, b2Esq, b0Dir, b1Dir, phase, helpBtn){
- var m_info_right, m_info_left;
- var m_world, m_menu, m_back, m_help, m_audio;
- var xEsq = 10;
- var xDir = (game.world.width - 50 - 10);
- if(left == 1){
- m_info_left = game.add.text(xEsq, 53, "", { font: "20px Arial", fill: "#330000", align: "center" });
+ this.xDir = defaultWidth - 50 - 10;
+ this.xEsq = 10;
+ if(left == true){
+ this.m_info_left = game.add.text(this.xEsq, 53, "", { font: "20px Arial", fill: "#330000", align: "center" });
- if(right == 1){
- m_info_right = game.add.text(xDir+50, 53, "", { font: "20px Arial", fill: "#330000", align: "right" });
- m_info_right.anchor.setTo(1,0.02);
+ if(right == true){
+ this.m_info_right = game.add.text(this.xDir+50, 53, "", { font: "20px Arial", fill: "#330000", align: "right" });
+ this.m_info_right.anchor.setTo(1,0.02);
- //left buttons
- if(b0Esq == 1){
+ // left buttons
+ if(b0Esq == true){
// Return to diffculty
- m_back = game.add.sprite(xEsq, 10, 'back');
- m_back.inputEnabled = true;
- m_back.input.useHandCursor = true;
- m_back.events.onInputDown.add(this.loadState, {state: phase, beep: beepSound});
- m_back.events.onInputOver.add(function(){ m_info_left.text = lang.menu_back});
- m_back.events.onInputOut.add(function(){ m_info_left.text = ""});
+ this.m_back = game.add.sprite(this.xEsq, 10, 'back');
+ this.m_back.inputEnabled = true;
+ this.m_back.input.useHandCursor = true;
+ this.m_back.events.onInputDown.add(this.loadState, {state: phase, beep: beepSound});
+ this.m_back.events.onInputOver.add(function(){ this.m_info_left.text = lang.menu_back},{m_info_left: this.m_info_left});
+ this.m_back.events.onInputOut.add(function(){ this.m_info_left.text = ""},{m_info_left: this.m_info_left});
- xEsq+=50;
+ this.xEsq+=50;
- if(b1Esq == 1){
+ if(b1Esq == true){
// Return to menu button
- m_list = game.add.sprite(xEsq, 10, 'list');
- m_list.inputEnabled = true;
- m_list.input.useHandCursor = true;
- m_list.events.onInputDown.add(this.loadState, {state: "menu", beep: beepSound});
- m_list.events.onInputOver.add(function(){ m_info_left.text = lang.menu_list});
- m_list.events.onInputOut.add(function(){ m_info_left.text = ""});
+ this.m_list = game.add.sprite(this.xEsq, 10, 'list');
+ this.m_list.inputEnabled = true;
+ this.m_list.input.useHandCursor = true;
+ this.m_list.events.onInputDown.add(this.loadState, {state: "menu", beep: beepSound});
+ this.m_list.events.onInputOver.add(function(){ this.m_info_left.text = lang.menu_list},{m_info_left: this.m_info_left});
+ this.m_list.events.onInputOut.add(function(){ this.m_info_left.text = ""},{m_info_left: this.m_info_left});
- xEsq+=50;
+ this.xEsq+=50;
- if(b2Esq == 1){
+ if(b2Esq == true){
// Help button
- m_help = game.add.sprite(xEsq, 10, 'help');
- m_help.inputEnabled = true;
- m_help.input.useHandCursor = true;
- m_help.events.onInputDown.add(helpBtn, {beep: beepSound});
- m_help.events.onInputOver.add(function(){ m_info_left.text = lang.menu_help});
- m_help.events.onInputOut.add(function(){ m_info_left.text = ""});
+ this.m_help = game.add.sprite(this.xEsq, 10, 'help');
+ this.m_help.inputEnabled = true;
+ this.m_help.input.useHandCursor = true;
+ this.m_help.events.onInputDown.add(helpBtn, {beep: beepSound});
+ this.m_help.events.onInputOver.add(function(){ this.m_info_left.text = lang.menu_help},{m_info_left: this.m_info_left});
+ this.m_help.events.onInputOut.add(function(){ this.m_info_left.text = ""},{m_info_left: this.m_info_left});
- xEsq+=50;
+ this.xEsq+=50;
- //rightButtons
- if(b0Dir == 1){
- m_audio = game.add.sprite(xDir, 10, 'audio');
- audioStatus ? m_audio.frame = 0 : m_audio.frame = 1;
- m_audio.inputEnabled = true;
- m_audio.input.useHandCursor = true;
- m_audio.events.onInputDown.add(function(){ if(audioStatus){ audioStatus=false; m_audio.frame = 1; }else{ audioStatus=true; m_audio.frame = 0; }});
- m_audio.events.onInputOver.add(function(){ m_info_right.text = lang.audio });
- m_audio.events.onInputOut.add(function(){ m_info_right.text = "" });
- xDir-=50;
+ // rightButtons
+ if(b0Dir == true){
+ this.m_audio = game.add.sprite(this.xDir, 10, 'audio');
+ audioStatus ? this.m_audio.frame = 0 : this.m_audio.frame = 1;
+ this.m_audio.inputEnabled = true;
+ this.m_audio.input.useHandCursor = true;
+ this.m_audio.events.onInputDown.add(function(){ if(audioStatus){ audioStatus=false; this.m_audio.frame = 1; }else{ audioStatus=true; this.m_audio.frame = 0; }},{m_audio: this.m_audio});
+ this.m_audio.events.onInputOver.add(function(){ this.m_info_right.text = lang.audio },{m_info_right: this.m_info_right});
+ this.m_audio.events.onInputOut.add(function(){ this.m_info_right.text = "" },{m_info_right: this.m_info_right});
+ this.xDir-=50;
- if(b1Dir == 1){
+ if(b1Dir == true){
// Return to language button
- m_world = game.add.sprite(xDir, 10, 'world');
- m_world.inputEnabled = true;
- m_world.input.useHandCursor = true;
- m_world.events.onInputDown.add(this.loadState, {state: "language", beep: beepSound});
- m_world.events.onInputOver.add(function(){ m_info_right.text = lang.menu_world });
- m_world.events.onInputOut.add(function(){ m_info_right.text = "" });
+ this.m_world = game.add.sprite(this.xDir, 10, 'world');
+ this.m_world.inputEnabled = true;
+ this.m_world.input.useHandCursor = true;
+ this.m_world.events.onInputDown.add(this.loadState, {state: "language", beep: beepSound});
+ this.m_world.events.onInputOver.add(function(){ this.m_info_right.text = lang.menu_world },{m_info_right : this.m_info_right});
+ this.m_world.events.onInputOut.add(function(){ this.m_info_right.text = "" },{m_info_right: this.m_info_right});
- xDir-=50;
+ this.xDir-=50;
+ changeRightButtonX: function(newWidth){
+ this.m_info_right.x = newWidth - 10;
+ this.m_audio.x = newWidth - 50 - 10;
+ console.log(this.m_audio.x+" "+newWidth);
+ this.m_world.x = newWidth - 50 - 50 - 10;
+ },
loadState: function(){