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fix: error in game C1 when showFractions is false

lairaalmas 1 year ago
2 changed files with 44 additions and 39 deletions
  1. 40 35
  2. 4 4

+ 40 - 35

@@ -380,35 +380,36 @@ const circleOne = {
-        if (showFractions) {
-          for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-            const item = game.add.text(
-              curFractionItems[i].x,
-              curFractionItems[i].y,
-              curFractionItems[i].text,
-              font
-            );
-            item.lineHeight = 37;
-            curCircleInfo.fraction.labels.push(item);
-          }
-          if (curFractionItems[2]) {
-            const line = game.add.geom.line(
-              curFractionItems[2].x0,
-              curFractionItems[2].y0,
-              curFractionItems[2].x1,
-              curFractionItems[2].y1,
-              curFractionItems[2].lineWidth,
-              curFractionItems[2].color
-            );
-            line.anchor(0.5, 0);
-            curCircleInfo.fraction.labels.push(line);
-          } else {
-            curCircleInfo.fraction.labels.push(null);
-          }
-          curCircleInfo.fraction.nominator = curCircleInfo.direc;
-          curCircleInfo.fraction.denominator = curDivisor;
+        for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+          const item = game.add.text(
+            curFractionItems[i].x,
+            curFractionItems[i].y,
+            curFractionItems[i].text,
+            font
+          );
+          item.lineHeight = 37;
+          curCircleInfo.fraction.labels.push(item);
+        }
+        if (curFractionItems[2]) {
+          const line = game.add.geom.line(
+            curFractionItems[2].x0,
+            curFractionItems[2].y0,
+            curFractionItems[2].x1,
+            curFractionItems[2].y1,
+            curFractionItems[2].lineWidth,
+            curFractionItems[2].color
+          );
+          line.anchor(0.5, 0);
+          curCircleInfo.fraction.labels.push(line);
+        } else {
+          curCircleInfo.fraction.labels.push(null);
+        }
+        curCircleInfo.fraction.nominator = curCircleInfo.direc;
+        curCircleInfo.fraction.denominator = curDivisor;
+        if (!showFractions) {
+          curCircleInfo.fraction.labels.forEach((label) => {
+            if (label) label.alpha = 0;
+          });
         curCircle.rotate = 90;
@@ -976,9 +977,11 @@ const circleOne = {
         for (let i in self.circles.list) {
           const alpha = i <= cur.index ? 1 : 0.4;
           self.circles.list[i].alpha = alpha;
-          self.circles.list[i].info.fraction.labels.forEach((lbl) => {
-            if (lbl) lbl.alpha = alpha;
-          });
+          if (showFractions) {
+            self.circles.list[i].info.fraction.labels.forEach((lbl) => {
+              if (lbl) lbl.alpha = alpha;
+            });
+          }
@@ -991,9 +994,11 @@ const circleOne = {
         const alpha = 1;
         self.circles.list.forEach((circle) => {
           circle.alpha = alpha;
- => {
-            if (lbl) lbl.alpha = alpha;
-          });
+          if (showFractions) {
+   => {
+              if (lbl) lbl.alpha = alpha;
+            });
+          }

+ 4 - 4

@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-const isDebugMode = false;
+const isDebugMode = true;
 const debugState = {
   lang: { skip: true, lang: 'pt_BR' },
   name: { skip: true, name: 'Username' },
-  menu: { skip: true, id: 0, audioStatus: false },
+  menu: { skip: true, id: 1, audioStatus: false },
   customMenu: {
-    skip: true,
+    skip: false,
     getData: () => {
       return { mode: 'a', operation: 'plus', difficulty: 3, label: true };
-  map: { skip: true },
+  map: { skip: false },
   end: { skip: false, stop: false },
   moodle: {
     emulate: false,