@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# save.php
+iFractions is developed to run mainly on the client side. However, it communicates with a database using MySQL to save the player information after each level. The file **save.php** manages the connection between the game and the database.
+# How to set up the database connection correctly
+In order for iFractions to successfully establish a connection to the database you must:
+1. set up a MySQL database.
+2. update /php/save.php
+3. update /js/globals.js
+## 1) Creating the MySQL database for iFractions
+You must have MySQL installed on the server.
+Considering the database name to be **db_ifractins** and the table to be **ifractions**, you can setup the MySQL database as follows:
+ CREATE DATABASE db_ifractions;
+ USE db_ifractions;
+ CREATE TABLE ifractions (
+ s_hostip varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
+ s_playername varchar(256) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
+ s_datetime varchar(20) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
+ s_lang varchar(6) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
+ s_game varchar(10) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
+ s_mode varchar(1) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
+ s_operator varchar(5) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
+ s_level int(5) NOT NULL,
+ s_mappos int(5) NOT NULL,
+ s_result varchar(6) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
+ s_time varchar(20) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
+ s_details varchar(120) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
+## 2) /php/save.php
+You have to set values for the following variables in **/php/save.php** to match the database's:
+ $servername = "localhost"; // INSERT MYSQL server name
+ $username = "put_username"; // INSERT MySQL user name
+ $password = "put_password"; // INSERT MySQL password
+ $dbname = "db_ifractions"; // INSERT database name (default=db_ifractions)
+ $tablename = "ifractions"; // INSERT table name (default=ifractions)
+## 3) /js/globals.js
+There is a global function **postScore() ** inside /js/globals.js. When the information is collected on the current game file, it is sent as a parameter to this function. Here is where all the information collecting is completed, the data is sent to /php/save.php and the connection to the database done.
+ const data = 's_ip='// INSERT the IP of the machine where the MySQL was set up
+ + '&s_name=' + //player's name
+ + '&s_lang=' + // selected language for the game
+ + // data received from the game as parameter to this function
+# Where do we use the database in the code?
+There is also a function **postScore()** in every game file:
+* /js/gameSquareOne.js
+* /js/gameSquareTwo.js
+* /js/gameCircleOne.js
+After each level is completed, information about the player's progress is sent do the database through the function **postScore()**. The data collected in the game is structured as a string that is going to be sent to the database (as can be seen below).
+ const data = '&s_game=' + // collect game shape
+ + '&s_mode=' + // collect level type
+ + '&s_oper=' + // collect sublevelType
+ + '&s_leve=' + // collect the selected difficulty for the game
+ + '&s_posi=' + // collect the players position on the map
+ + '&s_resu=' + // collect status for players answer (correct or incorrect)
+ + '&s_time=' + // collect time spent finishing the game
+ + '&s_deta=' + // collect extra details specific to current game
+The variable **data** is then sent as a parameter to the global function **postScore()** in **/js/globals.js**, that completes the string and sends the information to the database using /php/save.php.