/************************************************************************ * Tween.js ************************************************************************ * Copyright (c) 2021 Pedro Tonini Rosenberg Schneider. * * This file is part of Pandora. * * Pandora is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Pandora is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Pandora. If not, see . *************************************************************************/ /** * The {@code TweenData} class represents the data that a Tween GameObject needs to * interpolate a given property. * * ! All GameObjects need to be inside the tree to do anything (can be added as a child * ! of another GameObject on the tree or as a root). * * @author Pedro Schneider * * @class */ class TweenData { /** * Creates a TweenData Object with the specified parameters. * * @param {Object} target Object that has the property to be interpolated. * @param {String} property name of the property of target to be interpolated. * target[property] should be number, Vector2 or Color. * @param {PROPERTY_TYPE} propertyType type of the property to be interpolated. * @param {number, Vector2, Color} initVal initial value for the interpolation. * Should be the same type as target[property]. * @param {number, Vector2, Color} finalVal final value for the interpolation. * Should be the same type as target[property]. * @param {number} duration duration in seconds of the interpolation. * @param {TRANS_TYPE} transType transition type of the interpolation. * @param {EASE_TYPE} easeType easing type of the interpolation. * @param {number} delay delay in seconds for the interpolation to start. * * @constructor */ constructor(target, property, propertyType, initVal, finalVal, duration, transType, easeType, delay) { this.target = target; // Object that has the property to be interpolated. this.property = property; // Name of the property to be interpolated. this.propertyType = propertyType; // Type of the property to be interpolated. // Initializes new objects for final value and initial value depending on the type. switch (this.propertyType) { case PROPERTY_TYPE.COLOR: this.initVal = new Color(initVal.r, initVal.g, initVal.b, initVal.a); this.finalVal = new Color(finalVal.r, finalVal.g, finalVal.b, finalVal.a); break; case PROPERTY_TYPE.VECTOR2: this.initVal = new Vector2(initVal.x, initVal.y); this.finalVal = new Vector2(finalVal.x, finalVal.y); break; case PROPERTY_TYPE.NUMBER: this.initVal = initVal; this.finalVal = finalVal; break; } this.duration = duration; // Duration in seconds of the interpolation this.transType = transType; // Type of the transition. this.easeType = easeType; // Type of the easing. this.t = -delay; // Current time of the interpolation. this.playing = false; // Is the interpolation playing? this.done = false; // Is the interpolation done? this.p = []; // List of sub-properties to be interpolated depending on the type. switch (this.propertyType) { case PROPERTY_TYPE.COLOR: this.p.push("r"); this.p.push("g"); this.p.push("b"); break; case PROPERTY_TYPE.VECTOR2: this.p.push("x"); this.p.push("y"); break; case PROPERTY_TYPE.NUMBER: break; } this.trans = ""; // String for the transition type. switch (this.transType) { case TRANS_TYPE.LINEAR: this.trans = "Linear"; break; case TRANS_TYPE.QUAD: this.trans = "Quad"; break; case TRANS_TYPE.CUBIC: this.trans = "Cubic"; break; case TRANS_TYPE.QUART: this.trans = "Quart"; break; case TRANS_TYPE.QUINT: this.trans = "Quint"; break; case TRANS_TYPE.SINE: this.trans = "Sine"; break; case TRANS_TYPE.EXPONENTIAL: this.trans = "Expo"; break; case TRANS_TYPE.CIRCULAR: this.trans = "Circ"; break; case TRANS_TYPE.ELASTIC: this.trans = "Elastic"; break; case TRANS_TYPE.BACK: this.trans = "Back"; break; case TRANS_TYPE.BOUNCE: this.trans = "Bounce"; break; } this.ease = ""; // String for the easing type. if (this.transType == TRANS_TYPE.LINEAR) this.ease = "ease"; else { switch (this.easeType) { case EASE_TYPE.IN: this.ease = "easeIn"; break; case EASE_TYPE.OUT: this.ease = "easeOut"; break; case EASE_TYPE.IN_OUT: this.ease = "easeInOut"; break; } } } } /** * The {@code Tween} class represents a Tween GameObject that has functionality to * interpolate any property of another GameObject if the properties are of the type * number, Vector2 or Color. * * @author Pedro Schneider * * @class */ class Tween extends GameObject { /** * Creates an empty Tween GameObject. * * @param {String} name name of the Tween GameObject. * * @constructor */ constructor(name) { super(name); this.tweenData = []; this.doneTweens = 0; this.done = false; } /** * Add a new TweenData Object to this Tween with the necessary information to interpolate * the target's property. * * @param {Object} target Object that has the property to be interpolated. * @param {String} property name of the property of target to be interpolated. * target[property] should be number, Vector2 or Color. * @param {PROPERTY_TYPE} propertyType type of the property to be interpolated. * @param {number, Vector2, Color} initVal initial value for the interpolation. * Should be the same type as target[property]. * @param {number, Vector2, Color} finalVal final value for the interpolation. * Should be the same type as target[property]. * @param {number} duration duration in seconds of the interpolation. * @param {TRANS_TYPE} transType transition type of the interpolation. * Default is TRANS_TYPE.LINEAR. * @param {EASE_TYPE} easeType easing type of the interpolation. * Default is EASY_TYPE.IN_OUT. * @param {number} delay delay in seconds for the interpolation to start. * Default is 0. */ interpolateProperty(target, property, propertyType, initVal, finalVal, duration, transType = 1, easeType = 3, delay = 0) { this.done = false; // Are all TweenData on this Tween done? // Adding a new TweenData. this.tweenData.push(new TweenData(target, property, propertyType, initVal, finalVal, duration, transType, easeType, delay)); } /** * Given a TweenData, sets its interpolation's target's property to the appropriate value for * the current time of the interpolation. * * @param {TweenData} td reference to the TweenData Object. */ interpolate(td) { if (td.propertyType == PROPERTY_TYPE.NUMBER) td.target[td.property] = Easings[td.trans][td.ease](td.t, td.initVal, td.finalVal - td.initVal, td.duration); else { for (let i = 0; i < td.p.length; i++) td.target[td.property][td.p[i]] = Easings[td.trans][td.ease](td.t, td.initVal[td.p[i]], td.finalVal[td.p[i]] - td.initVal[td.p[i]], td.duration); } } /** * Starts interpolating all TweenData Objectcs currently added to this Tween. */ startAll() { for (let i = 0; i < this.tweenData.length; i++) this.tweenData[i].playing = true; } /** * Starts interpolating a specific TweenData Object based on its index. * * ! Since TwennData are not GameObjects, this is the only way to query * ! for them. The index refera to the order you added the TweenData to * ! this Tween, starting at 0. * * @param {number} idx index of the desired TweenData to start. */ startByIndex(idx) { if (idx < 0 && idx >= this.tweenData.length) return; this.tweenData[idx].playing = true; } /** * Stops interpolating all TweenData Objects currently added to this Tween. */ stopAll() { for (let i = 0; i < this.tweenData.length; i++) this.tweenData[i].playing = false; } /** * Stops interpolating a specific TweenData Object based on its index. * * ! Since TwennData are not GameObjects, this is the only way to query * ! for them. The index refera to the order you added the TweenData to * ! this Tween, starting at 0. * * @param {number} idx index of the desired TweenData to stop. */ stopByIndex(idx) { if (idx < 0 && idx >= this.tweenData.length) return; this.tweenData[idx].playing = false; } /** * Resumes interpolating all TweenData currently added to this Tween. */ resumeAll() { for (let i = 0; i < this.tweenData.length; i++) this.tweenData[i].playing = true; } /** * Resumes interpolating a specific TweenData Object based on its index. * * ! Since TwennData are not GameObjects, this is the only way to query * ! for them. The index refera to the order you added the TweenData to * ! this Tween, starting at 0. * * @param {number} idx index of the desired TweenData to resume. */ resumeByIndex(idx) { if (idx < 0 && idx >= this.tweenData.length) return; this.tweenData[idx].playing = true; } /** * Resets all TweenData currently added to this Tween. */ resetAll() { this.doneTweens = 0; this.done = false; for (let i = 0; i < this.tweenData.length; i++) { this.tweenData[i].t = 0; this.tweenData[i].done = false; } } /** * Resets a specific TweenData Object based on its index. * * ! Since TwennData are not GameObjects, this is the only way to query * ! for them. The index refera to the order you added the TweenData to * ! this Tween, starting at 0. * * @param {number} idx index of the desired TweenData to reset. */ resetByIndex(idx) { if (idx < 0 && idx >= this.tweenData.length) return; this.doneTweens--; this.done = false; this.tweenData[idx].t = 0; this.tweenData[idx].done = false; } /** * Removes all TweenData currently added to this Tween. */ removeAll() { while (this.tweenData.length > 0) this.tweenData.pop(); } /** * Removes a specific TweenData Object based on its index. * * ! Since TwennData are not GameObjects, this is the only way to query * ! for them. The index refera to the order you added the TweenData to * ! this Tween, starting at 0. * * @param {number} idx index of the desired TweenData to remove. */ removeByIndex(idx) { if (idx < 0 && idx >= this.tweenData.length) return; this.tweenData.splice(idx, 1); } /** * Sets the current time of all TweenData currently added to this Tween * to the specified time. * * @param {number} time time in seconds to seek all TweenData on this Tween. */ seekAll(time) { if (time < 0) return; for (let i = 0; i < this.tweenData.length; i++) this.tweenData[i].t = min(time, this.tweenData[i].duration); } /** * Sets the current time of a specific TweenData Object, based on its index, * to the specified time. * * ! Since TwennData are not GameObjects, this is the only way to query * ! for them. The index refera to the order you added the TweenData to * ! this Tween, starting at 0. * * @param {number} idx index of the TweenData to seek to the time. * @param {number} time time in seconds to seek the specified TweenData */ seekByIndex(idx, time) { if (idx < 0 && idx >= this.tweenData.length) return; this.tweenData[idx].t = min(time, this.tweenData[idx].duration); } /** * Called once every time all TweenData on this Tween are completed. * Emits the tweenDataAllCompleted signal. */ allDone() { this.emitSignal("tweenAllCompleted"); this.done = true; } /** * Adds default signals for the Tween GameObject and serves as a caller * to the _initSignals() callback. * * @signal tweenAllCompleted Emited once when all TweenData on this Tween * are done. * @signal tweenCompleted Emited once when one TweenData on this Tween * is done. Passes the completed TweenData as a * parameter. * @signal tweenStarted Emited once when one TweenData on this Tween * starts. Passes the started TweenData as a * parameter. * * @override */ initSignals() { this.addSignal("tweenAllCompleted"); this.addSignal("tweenCompleted"); this.addSignal("tweenStarted"); this._initSignals(); } /** * Updates all TweenData added to this Tween and recursively calls the _update(delta) * callback for this GameObject and all of it's children. * * @param {number} delta number of ellapsed seconds since the last frame. * * @override */ update(delta) { // Checks if all TweenData are done. if (!this.done && this.doneTweens == this.tweenData.length) this.allDone(); for (let i = 0; i < this.tweenData.length; i++) { // Ignores TweenData that aren't playing. if (!this.tweenData[i].playing) continue; // Interpolates TweenData that are out of the delay. if (this.tweenData[i].t >= 0) this.interpolate(this.tweenData[i]); // Checks if the TweenData just went out of the delay (just started). if (this.tweenData[i].t <= 0 && this.tweenData[i].t + delta >= 0) this.emitSignal("tweenStarted", this.tweenData[i]); // Updates TweenData's current time. this.tweenData[i].t = min(this.tweenData[i].t + delta, this.tweenData[i].duration); // Checks if the TweenData is done. if (!this.tweenData[i].done && this.tweenData[i].t == this.tweenData[i].duration) { this.emitSignal("tweenDone", this.tweenData[i]); this.tweenData[i].done = true; this.doneTweens += 1; } } this._update(delta); for (let i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) this.children[i].update(delta); } }