@@ -42,4 +42,19 @@ class Ellipse
this.rx = rx;
this.ry = ry;
+ /**
+ * Calculates if a point (x, y) lies iside the ellipse, assuming the
+ * ellipse is on the origin of the Cartesian plane.
+ *
+ * @param {number} x x-cooridnate of the point.
+ * @param {number} y y-coordinate of the point.
+ *
+ * @returns {boolean} true if the point lies within the bounds of the
+ * ellipse, false if not.
+ */
+ isIn(x, y)
+ {
+ return (x * x) * (this.ry * this.ry) + (y * y) * (this.rx * this.rx) <= (this.rx * this.rx) * (this.ry * this.ry);
+ }